Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,298 Text messages on the train

After saying the cruel words, Hattori Heiji fell into a downtime because of his powerful imaginary deduction ability. It was not until a hand kept shaking in front of him that he gradually recovered from his downtime brain.

"Come back to your senses. Looking at your dazed look, you can't be shy, right?"

Karasawa shook his right hand and teased in front of Hattori Heiji: "Why did you just think of the scene of your confession?

Are you feeling nervous all of a sudden, feeling like the words are coming to your lips but you can’t say them out? "

"It's, it's not..."

Hattori Heiji's face turned red when he was told the central issue, but he still refused to admit it.

After all, men always have to be tough on this kind of thing, and no one would admit that they would be shy about this kind of thing.

But only the parties involved know the truth.

"Okay, okay, you can do some mental construction for yourself." Tang Ze smiled and patted the other person on the back, leading him to turn around and return to the station: "You have to have enough courage when the time comes, in case you stutter. You are speechless, but don’t blame me for laughing at you.”

"Impossible!" Hattori Heiji denied without hesitation: "Just wait for my good news!"

Although he was panicking in his heart, Hattori Heiji still refused to give in.

"That's fine, I'm waiting for your good news."

Hearing this, Tang Ze smiled and said: "Okay, let's go back quickly. It's taken a lot of time to talk here, so don't keep the two of them waiting."

Hattori Heiji nodded when he heard this, and accelerated his pace back to the station with Karasawa.

"Heiji, why are you so slow!" Seeing the two of them walking back to the station, Kazuha waved to them and couldn't help complaining: "The train is almost here."

"It's not here yet." Hattori Heiji saw Kazuha and couldn't help but think of Karasawa's words in his mind, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

But he still forced himself to calm down and replied indifferently: "And I'm not here."

"Hmph, I'll make you cry if I can't catch up." He Ye made a face to express his dissatisfaction.

"Okay, you guys just wait here for the bus. Ayako and I will go back first." Seeing the two bickering, Tang Ze couldn't help but smile and say goodbye to them.

"Thank you, Sister Ayako, for sending us here." Kazuye said and bowed slightly to the two of them: "As well as this case and the past few days in Tokyo, I owe you both for taking care of me."

"You don't have to be so polite." Ayako smiled and said, "I'm very happy that you played with me these past few days."

"Welcome to come again next time." Karasawa waved goodbye to the two of them, and finally gave Hattori Heiji a look: "I hope I can receive good news next time I come."

Hattori Heiji didn't say much about this, but the train not far away gradually approached. After the two waved goodbye, they boarded the train and returned home.

"Let's go, let's go back too."

After watching the two of them get into the car, Karasawa left the station with Ayako in his arms and drove back home.

At this time, the season has come to the end of spring, and it is a warm spring this year, so it is still not too cold even at night.

After the two returned home and washed up, they cuddled together and watched TV.

But within ten minutes, the two of them were no longer thinking about the TV.

As the saying goes, a little separation is better than a new marriage. The two of them had not seen each other for several days, and they were even more affectionate.

Not even bothering to turn off the TV, the two returned to the room.

After finishing a set of yoga, the two of them lay on the bed to rest, panting slightly.

"Are you busy at the company lately?"

After bringing Ayako a glass of water, Karasawa asked.

"It's not too busy. The layouts you mentioned are already on track."

Speaking of this, Ayako smiled and said: "Now I just need to control the general direction, and leave the follow-up matters to my subordinates."

"Well, in that case, we might as well take a break.

A holiday, right? "

As the weather gets warmer, Tangze gradually starts to think about traveling: "The current weather will be gone in a week or two, and spring will be gone in a week or two. Then it will be a good time to go out and play."

"Okay, is there another place you want to go?"

Ayako heard that Karasawa wanted to go out for fun, and immediately responded with a smile: "I can leave at any time, when will you have time?"

"Next week, I'll go to Kyoto first then. As for where you want to go, it's up to you to decide. I don't care."

Karasawa thought for a while, but still wanted to supervise Hattori Heiji's confession, and wait until the dust settled before setting off.

"Huh?" Ayako was puzzled when she heard Karasawa's words: "Why are you going to Kyoto?"

"That's right." Karasawa smiled mysteriously and told Ayako that he had called Hattori Heiji out alone.


It is said that women are gossips, and this is also the case for the eldest lady Ayako. When Karasawa said that the deadline for Hattori Heiji is one week later, his eyes couldn't help but light up: "Then next Saturday or Sunday, it will be Hattori-kun. Time to take the initiative?

This is good news. If Jean and Ye knew about it, he would definitely be very happy. "

"Don't report the news in advance. This is a rare experience in life. It would be unsatisfactory if you knew it in advance." Karasawa quickly warned after hearing what Ayako said.

After all, Ayako had been tipping off Kazuye the last time he was at Sanno Temple, and he was really afraid that the other party wouldn't be able to hold back and tell her.

"Don't worry, I won't do such unreasonable things." Ayako rolled her eyes at Karasawa and said.

"That's good." Tangze nodded: "But have you thought about where we will go after we go to Kyoto to watch the show?

I still have enough vacation time, you can consider somewhere further away. "

"If you have enough vacation, I would like to visit the country of Yu."

Ayako thought for a moment and said, "I have a childhood friend there, who is also the daughter of a good friend of my father's. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Then go ahead."

When Karasawa heard that Ayako wanted to go hang out with her best friend, he immediately agreed and said with a smile: "It just so happens that you have to introduce me."

Since they are best friends who have known each other since childhood, it is natural for them to introduce themselves as their boyfriends. I guess Ayako also has such a purpose in going to the country this time.

"That's what I was thinking."

Ayako smiled when she heard this and said: "Then we have decided? First go to Kyoto to see the situation of Heye and the others, and then set off for the country of Yu?"

"Okay, I will arrange the things at hand this week, and then we will leave for Kyoto on Saturday."

Karasawa thought of something when he said this. He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Hattori Heiji and said with a smile: "Just tell Hattori so that he can have a legitimate reason to ask Kazuha to Kyoto."

"But since we are here, the two of them must not be able to let go, right?" Ayako frowned slightly and worried when she heard this.

"Don't worry, we can just find a reason to separate when the time comes."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "For example, to visit friends or something, it would be nice to just leave the two of them alone."

"But in this case, wouldn't it mean that we won't be able to see the "good show"?"

Ayako said this with a little disappointment and confusion on her face: "If that's all, then there seems to be no need for us to go to Kyoto, right?"

"Who said you can't see it if you're not there?" Tang Ze said with a smile: "I have my own way, so don't worry."

"It seems you already have a plan?" Ayako couldn't help but smile after hearing Karasawa's words: "If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"Just wait and watch the live broadcast." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Well, then I'll leave it all to you."

Ayako smiled and nodded, then she was about to stand up and said, "The TV outside is still on, I'll turn it off."

"I'll go." Karasawa stopped Ayako's movements, got up and went to the living room to turn off the TV and outside lights.

Returning to the bedroom, Karasawa turned off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness.

The two of them had consumed a lot of energy due to the previous exercise, and soon fell into sleep.

But compared to Karasawa and the two who fell asleep early, Hattori and Heiji were still waiting for the train to arrive at the end of their journey on the train heading towards Osaka.

There were not many train passengers on Monday night, and there were only a dozen or so passengers in the two-person carriage.

There were no passengers around Hattori Heiji and Kazuha, which undoubtedly gave them a relatively private space.

But compared to sharing the experiences of the two days in Tokyo with Ye Jin, Hattori Heiji on the side just held his chin and listened, echoing from time to time before expressing his own opinions.

Although everything was no different from the way the two got along before, when facing Kazuya's bright eyes, Hattori Heiji seemed to feel guilty and did not dare to look at Kazuye.

In the past, he didn't feel anything, but after Tang Ze said those words, he felt a little guilty when he was with He Ye, and when he looked into each other's eyes, he felt even more guilty.

He also suppressed this guilty conscience and pretended that everything was normal and maintained his composure on the surface.

But in fact, he had been so panicked for a long time that he even avoided the other person's eyes in the later stage and did not make eye contact with him.

However, He Ye didn't notice anything strange about the other party. After all, people rarely made eye contact with each other when communicating.

The reason why Hattori Heiji felt this way was, on the one hand, because of his own guilty conscience, and on the other hand, because he was aware of the inadvertent intimate actions between the two of them.

Because we were childhood sweethearts, those feelings of intimacy were something we were accustomed to.

But after Tangze pushed him to confess, these intimate feelings were amplified due to his own nervousness and uneasiness.

This also led to Hattori Heiji's current embarrassing situation. Just staying in a not completely private space with Kazuha, he felt that every move of the other party was extremely lethal.


On the side, Kazuha was still sharing his experiences with Hattori Heiji with great interest. Suddenly, Hattori Heiji's cell phone text message ring suddenly rang.

"Wait a minute, let me read a text message."

With the help of this text message, Hattori Heiji got rid of his previous restless state of mind and quickly took out his cell phone in his pocket to calm down his nervous mood.

"Who sent it?" Kazuha curiously leaned over to Hattori Heiji's shoulder and looked at his cell phone.

When he smelled the fragrance so close to him, Hattori Heiji's face suddenly turned red. Fortunately, he was already darker, and the lights in the train were a bit warm, so he was not noticed by Kazuha.

"too close!"

Hattori Heiji pushed Kazuha's face away and distanced himself from the other person: "And this is a text message someone else sent me. Please don't peek into other people's privacy at will, okay?"

"Is there anything? Could it be that Heiji you have some dirty secrets?" Heye said unconvinced.

"It won't work without it." Hattori Heiji pushed the other person away with one hand and opened his phone to read the content with the other hand.

However, when he saw the word "Karasawa" displayed on the screen, he immediately distanced himself from He Ye, and at the same time turned to face He Ye, preventing her from seeing the content of the text message.

But Hattori Heiji was so excited that he overlooked one point. Sometimes the bigger your reaction is, the more people will become suspicious.

In this case, it is enough to quietly tilt the phone so that the other party cannot see the content of the text message.

It's a pity that Hattori Heiji reacted too much when facing Karasawa. He was afraid that the other party would send something about confession in the text message, so his stress reaction was a little bigger.

Be cold after this

By the time Jing gained the upper hand, it was already too late.

"Your reaction is very suspicious!" Kazuye saw Hattori Heiji's reaction after seeing the text message, and his inner alarm rang with suspicion: "Who sent it?"

"It's Karaze Criminal!"

Hattori Heiji saw the suspicious expression on Kazuha's face and angrily showed the name of the sender on the text message on his mobile phone.

"Since it's Tang Ze Criminal, why did you react like that before?" But after seeing the note in the letter's column as "Tang Ze Criminal", He Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he became more confused.

"That's because we have something to talk about before." Hattori Heiji said: "It's a private matter, and it cannot be leaked."

"About the case?" He Ye Wenyan said with some understanding.

After all, some cases have a bad impact, and some cases are too cruel and not suitable for girls to watch, so when she heard Hattori Heiji say this, she immediately understood.

"Well..." Hattori Heiji didn't dare to really say that, so he was perfunctory and clicked on the text message on his phone to check the specific content.

But soon he relaxed and handed the phone to He Yedao: "I originally thought that there was some important case when we sent text messages just after we separated.

The result...forget it, you can see for yourself. "

After pretending to be generous, he sent the phone to Kazuye. After the other party took the phone and read the content of the text message, he couldn't help but laugh: "Heiji, you really think too much, isn't it a persecution delusion?"

"I want you to take care of it." Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes angrily, but his heart speeded up unconsciously.

Although in Kazuye's opinion, it was just an ordinary text message inviting them to Kyoto.

But in the eyes of Hattori Heiji, who knew what Karasawa meant, that was undoubtedly the other party's urging and opportunity.

ps: I felt a little uncomfortable in my chest yesterday. After lying down for a long time, it seemed to be better. Everyone should pay more attention to their health.

. : Transcoding has been serious recently, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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