Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,323 Murder and Heartbreaking


There was a slight ejection sound, and Hades, who was filming, felt dizzy and even couldn't hold the camera in his hand.

When he looked behind him with difficulty, he only saw a slender Asian man wearing a peaked cap approaching him.

Behind him, several men in suits rushed out.

Hades, who had dealt with Scotland several times, knew that those who followed were criminal.

He struggled to detonate the bomb, but unfortunately, the effectiveness of the anesthetic made his body completely uncontrollable, and he eventually lost consciousness unwillingly.

Under the surprised and uncertain eyes of the audience, a group of Scotland Yard criminals took direct control of the situation and reassured the audience that they were just arresting the criminals, asking them to continue enjoying the game.

The changes in the audience even attracted the attention of Minerba who was playing in the game. She even missed this crucial ball and was successfully won by her opponent.

But Minerba didn't care at all at the moment. She just stared at the man in the audience who was pulled out by Scotland Yard.

Her abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of the audience on the court. The entire stadium became noisy for a while. Everyone started talking about the man who was being taken away by criminals.

Under the gaze of more and more people, the Asian man wearing a cap made a gesture to Mineba and immediately left with the criminals.

Seeing his gesture, a bright smile appeared on Minerba's face.

When she turned back and turned her attention to the arena again, her opponent felt the invisible aura emanating from him, and her heart trembled unconsciously.

As opponents of the same level, they can all feel the aura emanating from their opponents, or the terrifying concentration revealed in their eyes.

But she did straighten her hat and had the same excited look on her face.

For her, it is more meaningful to challenge a serious opponent than to keep letting him go.

With the referee's whistle, the game started again, and this time Minerba, who was relieved of all burdens and tasks, used all her strength to deal with the enemy.

This time the duel was different from the previous close matches. In addition to becoming more focused, Minerba was no longer bound by the task.

She accurately caught every flaw exposed by her opponent and scored consecutively.

Looking at the game below, although Karasawa wanted to support the players from his hometown, it was a pity that Minaba was the number one player in women's tennis and was even known as the "Queen of Green Space", so her chances of winning were really slim.

But he soon turned his attention to the arrested Hades. After taking him to the corridor, Scotland Yard criminals found a detonator modified from a mobile phone on his body and determined the identity of the other party.

After learning the good news, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the main culprit was caught in the bomb dismantling, and everything was obviously over.

Alva, who rushed over, looked at Hades who had fainted, and his brain still had a dreamy feeling of disbelief.

Because everything really went too smoothly, ever since Scotland Yard was reported to the police by many children holding crime warning letters, even though he was doing his best to investigate.

But he never expected that it would be so smooth and easy to defuse the bomb and even arrest the prisoner.

And all the turning points are because of that man.

"Thank you for your help." Alva extended his hand to express his thanks to Karasawa: "Without you, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to resolve this crisis so smoothly."

"You are welcome."

Tang Ze smiled and shook hands with the other person, patting the other person's shoulder with the other hand: "The criminal has been arrested and brought to justice, and you are still busy with the follow-up finishing work."

"Those are not problems." Alva said excitedly: "Wait for me to contact you tonight and invite you to drink. Be sure not to refuse!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Tangze agreed readily after hearing this, and Alva let go of Tangze's hand: "Then it's settled, I'll call you after I finish handling the matter here. .


After speaking, Alva waved his hand towards his men: "Take the prisoner away!"

The two criminals next to him heard the words and took the arms of the sleeping Hades, lifted him up and took him away.

Perhaps it was because the movements of the two of them were too large, or because Hades had become resistant to anesthesia due to constant plastic surgery, and Tang Ze's anesthesia injection did not last long, but the other party actually swayed here and gradually woke up.

"Let me go! What are you going to do!!"

When the gun rang out, he looked at the handcuffs on his hands and immediately realized that the situation was not good, so he immediately shouted: "What on earth are you going to do? Is this how I treat citizens!!"


Alva would sneer after hearing what Hades said: "If the citizens who planted bombs do not deserve to be treated like this, then can we at Scotland Yard just retire?

Stop pretending to be Hades. If we hadn't confirmed your identity, how could we have arrested you?

Now, I am still trying to use this excuse to escape. I am really laughing my head off. "


After hearing Alva's words, Hades was silent for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, so what if you caught me, it's too late!!

The bomb has been planted by me, and the bomb will not only be detonated by remote control, but also detonated regularly! !

Let me go now, or wait for the bomb to burst into life's fireworks at Wimbledon Stadium! ! "

Looking at Hades who was criticizing like crazy, everyone just stood there quietly watching each other's exaggerated and frightened performance.

And this weird scene made the laughter on the originally crazy Hades face gradually solidify.

It feels like making a pornographic joke and being asked seriously to explain what it means.

"If you are talking about the bomb hidden in the doll in Mrs. Gino's arms, we have already defused it."

Alva looked at Hades, whose eyes were dull after hearing the news, and sneered: "In other words, your complacent threat method has been cracked by us.

I think you'd better be determined and accept the punishment of the law honestly. "


After hearing Alpha's words, Hades immediately roared with a ferocious struggle on his face: "Impossible! How could you know there was a bomb there!! When was it!?"

"Friendly reminder, Mrs. Gino went to the bathroom."

Karasawa smiled and said: "There are Scotland Yard's best bomb disposal experts there, and the improvised bombs your accomplices made for you were easily defused."

"How is it possible..." Hades looked blank after hearing what Tang Ze said, and couldn't believe it at all.

"Who are you!?"

After coming back to his senses, Hades saw the sharp-eyed Asian in front of him and said with vicious eyes: "Did you do it!? How did you do it!?

Did someone betray me? ? "

"Betrayed you? It seems you have come into contact with some people we don't know about."

Tang Ze looked a little amused when he heard this, but in the end he smiled and shook his head: "Although you feel that you were betrayed, the truth is not as complicated as you think.

I just profiled your character and actions based on information about your previous criminal behavior and life experience. "

"It's that simple?"

Hades was stunned when he heard this, and after a moment he began to laugh nervously: "Do you think such a reason can humiliate me?"

But everyone just looked at him and smiled, but there was no trace of anger or anger on their faces. Instead, they looked like they were looking at a fool with sympathy.

Gradually, the expression on Hades's face became stiff again.

"Whether you believe it or not, it's true."

Tangze smiled and said, "Actually, I guessed that your target was the Glass family before I could decipher your password.

After all, who told you to be a bitch? When you sent Apollo a crime warning letter, you said, "There will be

People die before your eyes".

Ah, of course, just in case, I cracked your password later and determined that the time of the crime was today.

As for how you plan to commit the crime, combined with the fact that you blew up the hospital earlier, I can naturally guess that it is a hospital.

And then I found out that you lost a lot of money because of Minerba's French Open last year. Combined with the fact that her mother was not present at the loss, I knew that your target was Mrs. Gino.

And her habit of sitting in the ordinary audience seats every time makes it impossible for you to plant bombs in the relatives and friends seats in advance, so naturally targeted delivery is your choice.

So this also gives us the opportunity to defuse the bomb easily.

Speaking of which, I really want to thank you. If you really planted a bomb on a certain seat in the stadium, we would probably let you go even if we caught you.

This is the so-called "smartness leads to misunderstanding".

But I do welcome self-righteous fools like you. After all, it's much easier to deal with you than to deal with really smart criminals.

If I have to compare, it is the difference between "1+1=2" and calculus that can be seen clearly at a glance. "

As a sinister and vicious person, facing a pure evil person like Hades who is vicious and unrepentant, Tang Ze unceremoniously started the murderous and heart-breaking mode.

With his psychology and profiling, as well as his rich experience in using vicious words against criminals, every word he speaks can be said to hit the target's sore spot.

Isn't Hades a pleasure criminal? He thought he was so smart that no one could do anything to him, or even decipher the code he left behind.

Then Tangze reduced what he had done before to nothing, and then explained the other party's arrangement in a relaxed tone, and finally let him know that he was trapped in a cocoon.

This kind of words that belittle everything you are proud of is the most frustrating and powerless.

In just a moment, Hades's anger was ignited to the extreme.

If he hadn't been caught at this moment, he would have used violence to destroy the man in front of him because he was so angry because his words could not gain the upper hand.

But it is a pity that this is something he is destined to be unable to do, so he can only be helpless and furious.


Hades's sinister eyes were filled with fierceness: "You damn guy..."

"Don't you still want to take revenge on me?"

Seeing the fierce light in Hades's eyes, Tang Ze asked Youyou in reply, and he also saw the other party's pupils shrink slightly, which was obviously guessed by him.

Seeing this, Tang Ze felt confident in his heart. Regardless of the other party's reaction, he said softly: "But you can only think about revenge. After all, considering the crime you committed, you should cherish it." Let’s spend some time in prison!”


Hades seemed to be poked at the most fearful place by Karasawa. He struggled violently and tried to rush towards Karasawa, but unfortunately, under the restraint of the two tough men, he was just a kid kicking his legs and did not get any closer to Karasawa.

Hades's eyes were red, and he wanted to bite Tang Ze's flesh and blood: "I'm going to kill you, just wait for me, I'm going to blow your whole family up into the sky!!"

But it was a pity that in his eyes, the other party's attitude was nothing more than the barking of an incompetent dog. The angrier he became at this moment, the more it showed how deeply Tangze was hurting.

"Stop dreaming." Alva on the side looked at Hades's helpless and furious look, and his heart was filled with joy.

After all, it was because of this criminal's constant sabotage that they were in dire straits and were even scolded many times by their superiors.

If it weren't for professional ethics, he would even want to beat him up.

But seeing Tang Ze using words to kill people, making the other person half angry to death, but helpless, he just felt that this was more satisfying than beating the other person.

The most ruthless thing is to kill people and punish the heart, and Tang Ze has done this to the extreme.

Asking his men to leave with the roaring Hades, Alva once again reminded Tangze to wait for his contact in the evening, showing that

After seeing that he was not polite, the other party also said goodbye to Tang Ze.

However, at the exit where Alva and others left, two Asian men and women happened to pass by them and walked towards Karasawa.

After seeing their faces, Tang Ze smiled and waved to them: "Hey, long time no see~"

Tang Ze was not surprised to see the two of them. After all, he had known for a long time that the two of them had appeared in the country of Yu.

"Long time no see." Kudo Yusaku returned the greeting with a smile.

"I was still wondering who could decipher the code before Yusaku. It turns out it was you who came to the country of Yu."

Kudo Yukiko said, looking at Kudo Yusaku's expression that was not surprised at all by the other party's appearance, and said dissatisfied: "Yusaku, did you already know that Karasawa Criminal was coming to Japan?

So you have been slacking off since then and not paid much attention to this case? "

"That's right."

Kudo Yusaku raised his glasses: "After all, the code has not been cracked yet, but the target of the prisoner can be guessed from so little information. This kind of reasoning that goes straight to the essence and has a strong personal style really reminds me of Karasawa Criminal.

But what really convinced me was after knowing the layout of Scotland Yard.

The meticulous style of strategizing and taking everything into consideration is so obvious.

And now that I know that Tang Ze Criminal was involved in this case, I naturally don't need to worry too much about the outcome of this case.

After all, with Karasawa's criminal style, even if something unexpected happens, there will definitely be a backup plan to deal with it. "

"you flatter me."

Karasawa smiled modestly: "I didn't know Mr. Yusaku was here, otherwise I would just be a casual spectator."

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