Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1324 Kudo and his wife

"Okay, okay, you two are very powerful, so don't be humble to each other here."

Faced with Kudo Yusaku's compliments, Karasawa was humbled again and again. In the end, Kudo Yukiko couldn't bear the behavior of the two men being humble to each other but actually complimenting each other, so she interrupted them.

"By the way, why did you come back to Japan, Karasawa Criminal?" Yukiko Kudo looked at Karasawa curiously and asked, "Are you here to do something?"

"I was originally here for vacation, but Conan also came over later, so I delayed my return."

Hearing this, Tang Ze explained with a smile: "After all, he has taken the antidote. In order to prevent him from having any trouble, I will stay here to take charge of the situation."

"Eh!? Shin-chan has come to London too?"

Kudo Yukiko was shocked when she heard Karasawa's words: "Why didn't I see him in this case? This is not in line with his character!"

It's not surprising that Yukiko Kudo was so surprised, after all, she knew the baby she gave birth to very well.

With his son's temperament that he can't move when he encounters a case, how could he sit idly by and let Tang Ze handle it by himself when encountering such a big case?

But if Shinichi went to investigate the case, why is there no trace of him now?

After hearing Kudo Yukiko's surprised words, Karasawa suddenly realized that the other party seemed not to know the fact that Kudo Shinichi came to London.

However, his mind moved very quickly, and after only a moment, he took over the information in his mind and figured out the cause and effect.

Obviously, in the original plot, the reason why Kudo Yukiko knew that her son had also come to London was because he happened to meet him and Xiaolan when he was investigating the code decryption based on Kudo Yusaku's reasoning.

But now, because of Karasawa's intervention, Kudo Shinichi has never met Apollo and naturally has no way to participate in the case.

So Kudo Yukiko didn't meet her son, so naturally she didn't know that the other person was in London now.

On the other side, Kudo Yukiko looked at Karasawa who was suddenly stunned, and said in a panic: "Karasawa Criminal, is Shin-chan okay!?"

"No, no, he is fine now!"

Seeing Kudo Yukiko's nervous look, Karasawa quickly replied with a wry smile.

Just not participating in the case made Kudo Yukiko doubt whether something happened to her son. Obviously, from the other party's attitude, Kudo Shinichi's image of "reasoning idiot" in her mother's mind could be seen.

I'm afraid in her opinion, as long as her son can still get out of bed to breathe, he will never miss the case.

"What do you mean by this?" Yukiko Kudo was relieved after hearing Karasawa's words, and then asked curiously.

"Let me guess, it's not related to Xiaolan, right?" Kudo Yusaku, who was silent on the side, spoke up when he heard the words.

"As expected of Mr. Yusaku, you are indeed very sharp." Karasawa gave a thumbs up and praised.

"What? What does it have to do with Xiaolan!?"

Kudo Yukiko turned to look at the two of them, then turned to look dissatisfied at Kudo Yusaku with his hands on his hips and said, "You two, don't play riddles here, it will make me look stupid!"

"You forgot the reason why Karasawa Criminal said he stayed." Seeing his wife's dissatisfaction, Kudo Yusaku quickly changed the subject.

"Well... let me think about it, it's because Shin-chan has taken the antidote and Karasawa is worried?"

Kudo Yukiko was about to react when she said this, her eyes became sparkling: "You mean, the reason why Shin-chan took the antidote and turned back into an adult is because Ran-chan also came to London."

"That's right."

Karasawa smiled and said, "They seemed to have helped a wealthy lady in London find her beloved cat, so she invited them to travel to London."

"Then the reason why Shin-chan didn't notice this case is because he was completely absorbed in the date?"

Kudo Yukiko's eyes were filled with the burning fire of gossip: "Isn't that right?"


Look at each other's eyes sparkling with curiosity

Tangze, who was feeling the pressure, nodded quickly and said, "That's right, because we got some experimental data before, so the development of Haibara's antidote has made staged progress.

To put it simply, the effectiveness of the antidote is extended.

Of course, we don’t know exactly how long it will be extended, and we have to wait for Shinichi’s subsequent reaction.

However, more than 24 hours have passed since he arrived yesterday. In the past, he was almost going to change back, but now he seems to have no signs of changing back. "

"So Shin-chan took advantage of this opportunity to transform back into his own body and go on a date with his girlfriend?"

Kudo Yukiko's face was full of annoyance when she said this: "Ah!! Why didn't you let me know the news earlier? What a pity!!"

"Hey, Yukiko, you don't want to take a peek, do you?" Kudo Yusaku on the side said speechlessly: "Isn't this bad?"

"What's the matter? That's my son!"

Kudo Yukiko said dissatisfied: "I will secretly follow behind and take a look, and I will never disturb them!

That was the first date between your son and his future daughter-in-law. Aren't you curious, Yusaku? "

"Just leave the children's affairs to themselves and don't get too involved." Kudo Yusaku couldn't help but say.

"I won't!"

Kudo Yukiko made a face to her husband like a little girl, then approached Karasawa and said, "You should know where Shin-chan and the others went, right? Tell me~"

"We should go to the Royal Garden now." Tangze couldn't help but take a step back to distance himself. After all, the oppressive power of the gossip carried by the other party at the moment was really quite powerful.

As for those two small mouths, it can be regarded as an "elopement".

After all, that boy Kudo Shinichi kidnapped his little cotton-padded jacket yesterday in front of his father. After Xiaolan went back in the evening, she was severely tortured.

Xiaolan naturally didn't want to say anything. After all, how could she tell her father about the two's kiss?

He only said that the two of them went to visit Big Ben, and asked his father not to meddle in his own business. After all, he was not a child anymore, he just went out with Shinichi.

And hearing his little cotton-padded jacket talking like this, Maori Xiaowulan was naturally very angry, and decided to strictly guard tomorrow and not let that bastard kid get even one step closer!

But it was a pity that the wine at the rich woman's dinner was so delicious. The various expensive drinks and the compliments from the people around him made him feel happy.

When I woke up the next day, I only found a bottle of water beside the bed and a note asking him not to worry about going out with Shinichi.

This made Mouri Kogoro furious, but unfortunately his little cotton-padded jacket had disappeared long ago, and he would not be able to find it even if he tried to look for it.

As for making phone calls, it's not like he hasn't made them before, but the little cotton-padded jacket was followed by the resources, and the phone only reported that he was safe but not his location, so there was nothing he could do about it.

But he had already made up his mind to teach that boy Kudo a lesson tonight.

And once his daughter left, he seemed a little lonely.

Originally, Conan was with him, but he said that his mother was also in London, going to see her parents and would not be back for two days.

All of a sudden, he was alone in this unfamiliar place.

But fortunately, his performance at last night's dinner satisfied the lady who invited them to London, and she invited him to the banquet again at noon today.

Thinking of the fine wine at the banquet, Mouri Kogoro's heart wandered away again, and he didn't bother at all about the authenticity of Conan's words.

As for Xiaolan, the same is true. If it were in the past, he would still investigate whether Conan is Kudo Shinichi.

But now that the other person is by her side and has been with her for two days, Xiaolan feels as if she is in a dream, unable to think about anything else.

There was no doubt anymore. After all, Kudou Shinichi was standing completely in front of him at this moment. How could the other party be looking at that child.

So the other party

When I said that I was very busy, I was really busy, and I did not become a child like I thought.

After all, it has been two days, which is far longer than the time we met before.

Feeling the warmth from her palms, Xiaolan sometimes feels that she is really too thought-provoking.

He actually thought about Kudo Shinichi turning into a child or something.

Xiaolan couldn't help but laugh when she thought of this.

"What are you laughing at?" Kudo Shinichi was holding Xiaolan's hand and walking forward when he suddenly noticed that Xiaolan was smiling and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's nothing." Xiaolan came back to her senses and shook her head: "I just suddenly thought of something funny and felt that my previous thoughts seemed a bit silly."

"What's that?" Kudo Shinichi asked curiously.

"Secret." Xiaolan raised the corners of her mouth, and her eyes turned into crescent moons when she smiled.

"Eh? Tell me." Kudo Shinichi became even more curious after hearing Xiaolan's words.

"No." Xiaolan refused righteously: "This is a girl's secret!"

"Okay." After hearing what Xiaolan said, Kudo Shinichi had no choice but to give up and continue questioning.

"Let's go quickly. Is the entrance just ahead?" Xiaolan looked at Kudo Shinichi and quickly changed the subject.

"Yes, this should be it." Kudo Shinichi looked at the beautiful garden in front of him and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go in."


"It turns out to be Green Park!"

Kudo Yukiko suddenly said after hearing this: "Honey, let's set off now!"

"Hey, hey, didn't you just say that you wanted to treat Karasawa to dinner to thank you for taking care of Shinichi?" Kudo Yusaku said helplessly after hearing her words.

"Hey, I can invite you for dinner later, but it's a show...ah, no..."

Kudo Yukiko didn't feel any embarrassment after her slip of the tongue. Instead, she chuckled and said, "But I don't know when my son wants to see you again.

Although it is cute to have the heart of a child, but as a mother, do you also want to meet your grown-up son? "

"Ha...there's really nothing I can do about you..."

Looking at his wife's high-sounding excuse, Kudo Yusaku sighed helplessly, then looked at Karasawa embarrassedly and said, "Sorry, it seems I can only treat you to dinner next time."

"It's okay, it's not too late, and I have an appointment tonight."

Tang Ze waved his hand indifferently: "You haven't seen your son for a long time, right? It's time for a family reunion."

"Hey, are we a family?"

Kudo Yukiko keenly heard the meaning of Karasawa's words: "Don't worry, I will definitely cherish this opportunity for a family of four to have a dinner together.

Speaking of which, this was probably the first time Xiaolan saw us after changing the relationship.

I don’t know what the expression is, I’m really looking forward to it~”

Looking at Kudo Yukiko with a happy face, Karasawa and Kudo Yusaku sighed at the same time, and they mourned for the young couple in their hearts.

Obviously, with such a young mother who is like a friend, although the family atmosphere is very relaxed and open, when it comes to emotional matters, she will be teased by the other party for being too much like a friend.

Obviously, for two young couples who have just changed their identities and are even dating for the first time, having such a mother is simply a terrifying monster.

Because the other person's existence will make you feel that social death is everywhere, and even every sentence the other person says about the relationship between the two has an aura of ridicule.

It feels like I have to eat a whole meal, and it makes my scalp numb just thinking about it.

Of course, this numb scalp refers to the young couple who are about to face this situation.

For a fun-loving person like Kudo Yukiko, this might be the perfect opportunity to tease the two of them.

Tang Ze, who is also a fun-loving person, actually wanted to be a part of the crowd, but unfortunately it was obviously a family dinner this time, and it was obviously inappropriate for him to be present as an outsider.

So even though he really wanted to go to the front line to eat melon, he finally held back.

After all, this is the first time Xiaolan has met her mother-in-law since the two of them started dating. In this case, it would be better if no outsiders are present.

"Yukiko, don't go too far."

When Kudo Yusaku heard his wife's malicious smile, he couldn't help but sigh and warned in advance: "If you scare people away in advance, I won't care if your son comes to settle accounts with you."

"I know, I know!" Kudo Yukiko heard her husband's instructions, waved her hands and said with a smile, "I know what's going on, so don't worry.

Come on, let's go to Green Park now, and then we'll pretend we met the two of them by chance, do you hear me?

When the time comes, use the acting skills I taught you, and don’t let Shin-chan see the flaws! "

"I know." Faced with his wife's urging, Kudo Yusaku helplessly looked at Karasawa and smiled apologetically: "Then let's take our leave now. Make sure to let us entertain you next time you find time."

"Okay." Tang Ze smiled and nodded: "See you next time."

"Then let's go and treat you to a big dinner next time!"

After seeing the two of them saying hello, Kudo Yukiko said goodbye to Karasawa again with great enthusiasm, and then pulled Kudo Yusaku away towards the exit.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Karasawa silently mourned for Kudou Shinichi and the others for two seconds before he returned his attention.

He found a remote corner and opened the system panel with a thought.

The next moment, the reward settlement data kept flashing in front of your eyes.

With anticipation, Tangze looked at the settlement panel.

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