Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,325 Generous Rewards

【The Apocalypse of Sherlock Holmes】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for getting the wish come true card]

Comment: In this case, because of your early leadership and changes, two lovers who had not seen each other for a long time had a brief time together. This is a blessing.

And under your own planning and arrangement, you easily resolved the murderous plot set up by the already crazy criminal, and set up a trap to easily arrest him, perfectly resolving the crisis of backstabbing.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

Tangze was stunned for a moment when he saw the reward for this case, because he really didn't expect that the reward this time was actually another item from the destiny side.

And it’s the “Wishful Things Come True Card” that he considers to be the bottom of the box.

He still had some idea of ​​how difficult it was to get this thing. In addition to the sins Hades had committed before, the main storyline this time was that the bomb was also stopped before it exploded in the original plot.

Under this situation, he felt that he could only get an "excellent" rating at most, which might be due to the blessing of the main plot buff.

But he didn't expect that the rewards from the main line would be so good this time, completely beyond his expectations.

But after he checked the system's evaluation, he somewhat understood why this time he was given a reward that far exceeded his expectations.

Obviously, the description in the first paragraph has already explained why the reward has been increased.

Because of his early changes, he has already made a qualitative change by now, so the young couple can have this date.

This can be regarded as a benign disturbance of the fate line. Tang Ze estimates that this system that likes to knock CP will naturally add this to the rewards.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to get the perfect level reward.

And when he got a [Wishful Things Come True Card] again, his mind became more active.

In fact, when he first got this prop, he had already thought about its various uses.

But since I only have one in my hand, I dare not use it to see the effect.

But if you don't have an intuitive understanding of this prop, then when you use it at the critical moment, you can only gamble on luck.

The consumable props on the destiny side are not very good in this regard. Although the functions are described very well, you can't see or touch them. If you don't use them in practice, you won't have any confidence.

But if you use it, there is no guarantee that it will be available at the critical moment later.

But this time the reward was that Dozey gave him a pillow and a "trial outfit", and he had even thought about where he would use this prop.

Of course, the specific time to use it depends on when he encounters the case he planned.

But overall, Tangze is very satisfied with this harvest.

After just waiting for a few hours in the Sherlock Holmes Hall, he started to talk a lot and told what he knew with reasonable reasoning, and then through Scotland Yard's arrangements, he easily caught the prisoner.

As for the rate of return, it is unprecedentedly generous.

After counting the rewards, Karasawa came to the seats of Mrs. Gino and Ares.

Seeing Tang Ze approaching, Ares quickly gave way to Tang Ze, and in order to avoid disturbing other spectators, Tang Ze squeezed past.

"How is the situation?" Ares said excitedly after seeing Tang Ze: "I just noticed that you took someone away from the other side..."

Because the prisoner was opposite them, even though the distance was relatively far, there was a commotion after all, so Ares still saw the previous scene.

But even if he saw it, after seeing Tang Ze, he couldn't help but confirm it immediately. After all, he really couldn't feel at ease without confirmation.

"Don't worry, Hades has been caught." Tang Ze said with a smile: "The bomb has been defused and the prisoner has been caught. You are completely safe and don't have to worry about the prisoner's revenge."


That's great. Ares breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"I'll leave everything to you, Mr. Karasawa, so don't worry." Mrs. Gino said with a smile.

"I just don't feel relieved if I don't hear the answer." Ares scratched his head in embarrassment after hearing this and said, "After all, it is related to our safety."

"Haha, it seems that you have always thought that we are a family."

After hearing what Ares said, Mrs. Gino smiled and said: "Originally, I thought it was impossible for you to become my son-in-law, but now it seems there is still some hope.

After all, it is our Glass family that Hades wants to take revenge on, but you have included your own safety in it. This shows that you still like Minerba in your heart, right? "

"Ah, sorry...I..."

Ares was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer, but Tang Ze suddenly held his arms around his neck: "If you like it, just go for it boldly. Although I don't know what worries you have, you see that your mother-in-law likes you very much. Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

If you feel guilty or have any regrets, then in the days to come, just treat Miss Minerba well and honor your mother-in-law.

"0" is the beginning of everything. If you don't start from there, nothing will happen.

So you have to bravely take the step from "0" to "1"! "

"Start from "0"..."

Ares muttered to himself after hearing Karasawa's words.

"I think it's very good."

Mrs. Gino encouraged her again: "Put aside all those grudges and worries you had before. Since you like my daughter, giving her happiness is the best reward."

"I understand, thank you Mrs. Gino."

After hearing his mother-in-law's support again, Ares finally made up his mind, looked at Mrs. Gino and answered seriously.

At this, Mrs. Gino nodded slightly and smiled, obviously very pleased with his determination.

Everyone wanted to say something more, but there was a crowd-like celebration from the audience seats in all directions.

The three people who were talking subconsciously looked at the court and found that Mineba had raised the racket in her hand high to celebrate the victory.

What follows is the referee's decision.

"It's over, let's go over and meet Apollo." Ares looked at the celebrating Minerba, with a smile on his face.

Tangze looked at the losing side and sighed slightly. Sure enough, the Queen of Greenland was not easy to deal with. After removing the burden of Hades as a criminal, she played at her full strength and did not even bother to continue the game until the seventh round.

It was only in the fifth round that she had already won. She was worthy of being the "Queen of Green Space".

When everyone saw Minerba go to the VIP table to receive Apollo, they called Apollo and asked them to meet in the lounge.

As soon as the three of them entered the house, the two siblings couldn't wait to ask about the results.

"The person has been successfully caught." Tang Ze said with a smile, "You can rest assured now."


Apollo ran up to Tang Ze with an excited tone: "You are really amazing, just like Sherlock Holmes in the novel!"

"Thank you so much." Minerba also kept thanking her: "Without you, I really don't know what I would have done."

"Maybe this is fate."

Mrs. Gino, who is a Sherlock Holmes fan, said with a smile: "Apollo met the real Sherlock Holmes when he was seeking help in the Sherlock Holmes Pavilion."

"Madam, you're very grateful." Tang Ze smiled and said politely.

"No, you are the Sherlock Holmes in my heart." Apollo said with certainty.

"The Sherlock Holmes in us," Mrs. Gino agreed with a smile.

"Don't praise me like that, it's too exaggerated." Tang Ze waved his hands repeatedly.

"I wonder if Tangze Criminal is free tonight?"

Minerba looked at Karasawa and asked, "I want to treat you to a meal to thank you. Of course, your help to us will not be repaid with every meal, but at least let me express my gratitude now."

"Today you are already the third wave of people who have invited me to dinner."

Tang Ze smiled apologetically: "Alva Criminal insisted on inviting me to dinner before he left, without giving me any room to refuse. How about we make an appointment tomorrow?"

"Okay, then it's settled." Minerba nodded.

"Then when we meet, I'll leave first." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"I'll give it to you..."

Before Minerba could finish her words, Mrs. Gino beside her immediately said, "Apollo and I will go. Ares, don't you have something to tell Minerba?"

"Ah!?" Ares was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, but he immediately reacted and said quickly: "Yes, yes..."

"Then let's go first." Tangze gave Ares a cheering look with a smile, then pushed Mrs. Gino's wheelchair and left with Apollo who was in a daze.

After leaving the door, Apollo looked at his mother and couldn't help but ask: "Ares..."

"Let them handle the adults' matters themselves." Tangze smiled and touched Apollo's head: "All you have to do is wait for the result."

"I hope it's good news." Mrs. Gino paused and then said again: "No, it will definitely be good news."


Apollo's eyes flickered, as if he had guessed something, and nodded vigorously: "It must be good news!"

Tang Ze also nodded in agreement. After all, in the original work, two people who liked each other solved the knot, so there was no reason why it wouldn't work this time.

After bidding farewell to the Gervase family, Karasawa left the court and drove his own car.

Because it was estimated that it would take a long time for Alva to handle the case, Karasawa went directly to a coffee shop that he had visited a few days ago and felt good.

I was drinking coffee and looking at the magazines I bought casually, and waited quietly for half an hour when I unexpectedly received a call from Alva.

This speed was beyond Tang Ze's expectation. He estimated that the other party just brought Hades back to Scotland Yard and hurriedly explained the follow-up, and then came to attend the appointment without stopping.

Although it is only a small detail, it can also be seen that Alva attaches great importance to him.

This made him very comfortable. After all, respect was mutual, although he did intend to make good friends with the criminal, whose status was comparable to that of a "London police officer", and to open up connections in London.

But he is not willing to lick his face and make friends with others.

But now it seems that the other party still attaches great importance to his new friend, so naturally everyone is happy.

After paying the bill, Karasawa drove towards the restaurant Alva told him.

On the way to Karasawa's appointment, Kudo and his wife also came to Green Park.

Although it is a big place, there are still very few Asian faces, so after Kudo Yukiko asked all the way, the two quickly found Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan who were playing here.

"Wait, don't go out yet!" Seeing that Kudo Yusaku wanted to say hello after seeing his son, Kudo Yukiko quickly stopped him: "Let's take a look first before talking~"

"How could you spy on your son's date like this?" Kudo Yusaku said helplessly.

"Hey, you underestimate me too, don't you?"

Kudo Yukiko smiled evilly and took out a small camera from her bag in the house: "Not only do I want to peek, but I also want to take photos for them~"

"Isn't this more excessive?" Kudo Yusaku said speechlessly.

"Hehe, I just helped them take some memorable photos." Kudo Yukiko smiled like a fox who stole a chicken: "Don't worry, I will help them send beautiful ones, very artistic ones."

"That's not what I'm talking about..." Kudo Yusaku helplessly raised his forehead, but it was obvious that Kudo Yukiko was the one

Pretending not to understand even though you understand.

And in the face of his wife's willfulness, what can Kudo Yusaku do?

Of course it's to accommodate her.

Anyway, it was my son who was being photographed, so I could only sacrifice my son's happiness to make my wife happy.

Helplessly, I followed Yukiko Kudo and took pictures. Although most of them were the background and profile of the two people, the young couple’s inadvertent expression of affection and eye contact still made Yukiko Kudo excited as a photographer.

"That's almost it. If you continue taking pictures, there's a risk of being discovered by Shinichi."

Seeing his excited wife who wanted to continue, Kudo Yusaku quickly stopped her: "We were on a forest trail just now, so it's okay for you to take photos secretly, but once you get out here, there's no cover.

Even for me, it would be impossible for me to avoid being discovered by Shin-chan in this environment. "

A certain writer said on the surface that his wife's behavior was not very good, but in actual actions he was still very honest and provided her with follow-up and guidance services.

"Okay, let's go the other way and go around in front of them."

Kudo Yukiko nodded without knowing what was going on, and pulled Kudo Yusaku in the opposite direction: "I tell you, you will have to act more like one when the time comes."

"I know." Kudo Yusaku glanced helplessly in the direction of his son, feeling that his wife was completely out of her mind.

His tracking skills are not good, but he is still very strong in anti-tracking, and his son can follow him.

With that kid's keen insight, Kudo Shinichi might have become suspicious of their tracking at this moment, which is why he asked Yukiko to stop filming.

But the prerequisite for dispelling the other party's suspicion is that they will not appear in front of their son. Otherwise, they will be noticed by the other party in an instant. They were the people who were following him before.

Looking at his excited wife, Kudo Yusaku sighed slightly in his heart, but in the end he was wise and did not express this reasoning.

Otherwise, you will be blamed again.

This may be a common worry among famous detectives.


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