Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1331: Fake ghost turns into real corpse

In the dark haunted house, two college students led everyone forward.

After learning about Karasawa's profession, Tsujiei Tsusaku became a lot more enthusiastic.

"Thank you for your compliment, but we still want to ask about the realism of the props." Tsuji Eitsusaku said with a smile, "I wonder if you can give me some advice when we go out later?"

"After all, this is our hard work, so we naturally hope to keep improving." Takaichi Hazodani agreed with a smile.

"Then let me take a closer look at the props after we get out."

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this and said, "I will give you some suggestions when the time comes. Because of my work, I have also seen a lot of corpses."

"Then it's up to you."

Tsuji Eisaku was overjoyed when he heard this: "Although I didn't wait for the Mori detective, it would be the same if I could refer to the opinion of a working criminal."

"But it's a pity that I can't let Hashiguchi see this work..." Takaichi Hagetani walked in front and said with a sudden regret.

"Yes, whether it's this haunted house or the horror movie we shot for our graduation project, it was Hashiguchi's inspiration." Tsuji Eisaku said regretfully.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Tangze suddenly became alert, because many cases in this world started with the death of someone.

"I would like to ask, has the Hashiguchi you mentioned stopped studying?" Karasawa asked proactively, "Has he graduated?"

"No, he committed suicide." Tsuji Eisaku turned to look at Karasawa and replied, "He committed suicide by taking poison."

"And just a month ago." Takaichi Haegaya, who was walking at the front, also turned around and added.

This news immediately aroused everyone's surprise. Even the three girls looked at the obscure faces of the two people who turned around and backed away in fear.

"Is there any reason?" Tang Ze looked at the two of them with sharp eyes.

"He has a terminal illness and only has half a year to live." Takaichi Habutani explained: "The doctor also proved this."

"Because he couldn't bear such a cruel reality, he chose to end his life."

Tsuji Eisaku sighed: "And he left a suicide note before committing suicide.

Not only that, the people who found his body were the two of us, An Cai and the four of us.

To be honest, we have been suffering from constant nightmares for a while. "

Having said this, Tsuji Eisaku turned around, looked up into nothingness, and said with a somewhat hollow look in his eyes: "It seems that after that, Anna began to have an extremely enthusiastic attitude towards horror movie production.

He also said that he would dedicate the film he produced to Hashiguchi, who has passed away...

Right, Feng Gu? "

But Fenggu Guishi did not answer his words. When he looked behind him, he found that Fenggu Guishi had disappeared.

"Strange, where did that kid go?" Tsuji Eisaku looked around in confusion: "He was here just now. I'll go look for him. You can go out in this direction."

As he spoke, Tsujiei Tsusaku ran to the side corner and disappeared regardless of everyone's reaction.

Seeing this, Tangze quickly moved forward and wanted to catch up, but Yuanzi grabbed him: "Brother-in-law, don't leave!"

Conan, who was on the side, saw that Tangze was trapped, so he rushed to catch up, only to find that the other party had disappeared into the darkness.

"Why are they like this? They are all gone!" Ayako quickly came to Karasawa with some fear.

"I'm afraid he did it deliberately." Conan said calmly: "In order to scare us in a coordinated way."

"I'm afraid so." Karasawa recalled that before entering, the two boys showed a mischievous smile and said: "I'm afraid they will become zombies when we meet again."

But it has to be said that the other party's attempt to abscond was very successful.

The corner chosen first was so difficult to see, and Takaichi Habutani was blocked by Tsuji Eisaku. At that time, his and Conan's attention was attracted by the suicide story told by the other party.

wait until

When he mentioned the other party, Haegaya Takaichi had already run around the corner under his cover.

And he took advantage of the situation and said that he would find the other party and forcefully ran away.

Even though Karasawa immediately wanted to chase him, he was already a step too late when he was held back by the frightened Sonoko. By the time Conan realized Karasawa's intentions and pursued him, it was already too late.

Not familiar with the environment, plus there were three girls, Ayako, who needed to be taken care of, so naturally there was no way to catch up with them.

The reason why Tangze wanted to catch up with them was because of some bad premonitions.

When he first entered the venue, he used his super-smell sense to do a preliminary screening in order to be on guard against murders.

However, there was no unusual smell after the inspection. He originally wanted to relax, but he heard two young college students talking about their friend who committed suicide a month ago.

At that time, this gave Tang Ze a bad feeling.

In the past, he would definitely watch these two people to death, and then find a way to keep an eye on the other two girls to prevent one of them from committing a crime.

But who would have thought that these two male college students would actually get out of his sight while talking about their deceased friends.

Now that none of the four people who might have committed a murder were in his sight, Tang Ze's bad premonition became even stronger.

But looking at the scared Ayako and three others, Karasawa could only stabilize the three of them first.

Fortunately, his and Conan's reasoning worked. The three girls immediately calmed down when they heard that the two college students had deliberately escaped.

"Really, you actually use this kind of trick to scare people."

Yuanzi put her hands on her hips and said harshly: "Now that I know it, their tricks are unlikely to be effective!"

"What should we do now?" Ayako looked at Karasawa hesitantly and asked, "Do you want to listen to them and move forward?"


Tang Ze, who wanted to find the four college students, nodded and said: "There are only two roads here. Returning the same way may lead to a faster exit than continuing forward.

Don't worry, I'm still here. Don't be afraid if you follow me. "

After hearing Tang Ze's words, the three girls gradually calmed down and nodded in agreement with Tang Ze's decision.

So Karasawa took the front line, and Conan moved back to protect the three girls in the middle. The group of people walked forward along the path Tsuji Eisaku had taken.

The dark corridor made them walk very slowly, but soon they found a room with a red sign saying "Under Surgery".

Tangze stepped forward, opened the door, and found that the room looked like an operation was being performed.

"It's amazing..." Yuanzi, who was looking around, couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

"Yes, it's like a real operation." Xiaolan said with emotion.

"The one who plays the patient seems to be Ms. Anana just now." Conan said, "As for the doctor who plays the surgery, they are all dummies."

"The exit is right behind the operating table." Ayako whispered, "But I'm afraid you have to go through the operating table to get there..."

On the other side, looking at the corpse on the operating table, Tang Ze already realized that something was wrong.

A smell of almond lingered in his nose, causing him to immediately stop his sense of smell.

At the same time, there was a shadow in his heart, because once this common cyanide poison appeared, there would be no need to rescue that person.

As the most common poison used by prisoners in the world of Ke Xue, this poison seals the throat upon seeing blood. Once this occurs, the victim will be targeted and killed without exception.

Ta da da da...

Just as Tangze's thoughts were flickering, the operating bed suddenly began to tremble.

The violent shaking scared Ayako and the other two people and hid behind Tangze in a hurry. However, the body lying on the hospital bed was shaking more and more violently, and even its feet were exposed.

Then, under the horrified gaze of Sonoko and others, a large amount of blood spurted out from the exposed heart in the center of Anai's chest.

Tang Ze watched this scene coldly without any reaction. He knew what was happening next.

The prisoner is probably about to appear.

And then it's time for the prisoner to clear his suspicions or wrap up the crime. All he has to do is carefully observe everyone's every move and find the prisoner!

Perhaps this treatment is a bit cold-blooded, but when the person has passed away, all he can do is find the murderer to comfort the deceased's spirit in heaven.

"Hey, hey, don't be so scared, ladies."

Just when the three girls were panicking, Takaichi Haegaya walked out with his mouth full of blood. When he exposed the bloody internal organs on his chest, the three girls screamed again.

"Don't be afraid, these are all fake..." Tsujiei Tsusaku slowly walked out of the darkness, but after seeing clearly the needles and scalpels inserted into the opponent's head, the screams became louder again.

"It's really a lie." Tsuji Eisaku took off his hood with both hands and said with a smile, "You are afraid of going too far."


When the three girls saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and their previous tension suddenly relaxed.

"But Anuna is a little weird, isn't it?" Takaichi Habutani looked at Yumi Anuna lying on the operating table and said a little strangely.

"Yes, according to the previous design, after the blood spurt, she should have sat up, opened her eyes and laughed." Tsuji Eitsusaku agreed.

"Hey, Anana, don't be lazy!" Takaichi Habutani pulled the respirator off her mouth: "Didn't you tell them to let them see your horrible death?"

But seeing that Anana still didn't move at all, Tsujiei Tsusaku became a little panicked: "Hey... is she not breathing?"

"What's wrong? What happened?" The village leader Mu from another room heard their voices and rushed over, and Conan even went directly to the operating table.

"It tastes like almonds on the lips..." Conan immediately noticed this when he came closer. He subconsciously looked at Tang Ze who was motionless behind him, looked at him, and instantly understood what he meant.

Obviously, the other party should have discovered the problem not long after entering the house, but it was impossible to save the person at that time, so Tang Ze did not choose to speak out, but waited for the situation to develop.

This is to wait and see what happens, to observe everyone's reaction and find the culprit.

In an instant, Conan understood Karasawa's intention.

"Anuna! Answer me, Anuna!!"

"Come on, I'll take Anana to the hospital!" Tsujiei Takashi squeezed Hoshigaya Takaichi away and picked up Yumi Anuna.

This move stunned Conan who had just turned around, and then he shouted with a serious face: "Don't touch her yet!"

"Eh?" Looking at Conan's serious expression, the two college students were stunned.

"The taste of almonds in her mouth is the smell of cyanide. I'm afraid she has been poisoned to death." After Tangze saw everyone's actions, he stood up and explained for Tangze after seeing this scene.

"Does it taste like almond?"

After hearing what Karasawa said, Takaichi Habutani wanted to go over and smell it, but the next moment, Karasawa scratched his head and pushed him away: "Don't smell it randomly. The smell of almonds means that the poison in her body has been fused with acid such as stomach acid. The smell of cyanide gas was produced.

If you accidentally inhale too much, it can be fatal! "

"Looking at Ms. Anuna's condition now, maybe Ms. Anuna committed suicide..." Sonoko couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the face of Yumi Anunaxiang.

"Don't talk nonsense if there is no basis." Karasawa interrupted Sonoko and immediately said: "In short, it is better to call the police and wait for the police to deal with it. Please put Miss Anna down."

"Oh...oh..." Tsuji Eitsusaku was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then carefully placed Yumi Anana's body back on the operating table.

After receiving the alarm call from Karasawa, Officer Megure quickly arrived at the crime scene with his manpower and took control of the haunted house.


In the completely bright haunted house, after hearing the whole story, Officer Memu looked at Xiaolan and others and said, "Are you saying she committed suicide by drinking poison?

? "

"Probably..." Xiaolan hesitated.

"What about the identity of the deceased?" Officer Megure asked.

"A fourth-year student in the Art Department of the Faculty of Letters at Miwa University, Yuki Anna..."

Speaking of this, Takagi looked at the two of them for confirmation: "It's her, right?"

"Yes." Tsujiei Tsusaku and Habutani Takashi nodded, confirming this point.


Officer Megure on the side heard Officer Takagi's words and raised doubts, while Takagi quickly explained: "It's like this, because she has scary makeup on her face, so the student ID card on her backpack is a bit different. big."

"So where is your evidence that she committed suicide?" Officer Megure asked, looking at Karasawa and the others.

Compared to these strangers, he still believed the testimony of these acquaintances more.

"Because her expression suddenly became very painful."

Hearing this, Yuanzi quickly explained: "At that time, we were planning to go out according to the instruction board on the wall.

But suddenly her body began to tremble and spasm, the entire operating table was shaking, and even her feet were kicking and struggling.

Then a lot of blood spurted out from the chest! "

"Blood?" Officer Megure looked at Officer Takagi and asked, "Isn't the cause of death poisoning?"

"That's probably just a mechanism."

Hearing this, Tang Ze explained: "I have done a preliminary autopsy and found that the deceased had the smell of almonds in his mouth, and there was something suspected of being a capsule caught between the teeth.

Therefore, the deceased can basically be determined to have died of poisoning. "

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