Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,332 Substituting one thing for another


After hearing Karasawa's words, Officer Megure turned to look at Tsuji Eitsusaku and the other three to confirm, "Is that so?"

"Well, there is actually a mechanism on this bed."

Tsuji Eitsusaku bent over and searched on the bedside, then took out a device connected to a wire: "Just press this..."

When the button was pressed, Yui saw blood spurting out from the heart in the middle of the surgical blanket covering Anna's body, splashing Megure and Takagi in the face.

"Hey hey..."

Megure Thirteen wiped his face with a look of discomfort, while Tsujiei Tsusaku apologized in a panic: "Sorry, did I bump into you? I usually forget to spray on the other side.

But don’t worry, these are water-soluble pigments and can be washed off easily. "

"Then this bed is shaking and shaking. Is it because of the mechanism?" Takagi, whose face was spray-painted, asked while wiping his face with a handkerchief.

"'s said to be a mechanism, but it's actually just that the upper right leg of this bed and the diagonal lower left leg are slightly shorter than the other side."

Tsuji Eisaku explained: "In this case, as long as the person playing the patient sleeps on the bed and shakes his body a little, he can make a big noise."

As he spoke, Tsuji Eisaku shook his hand to demonstrate to everyone.

The movement of his hand was just a slight shake, and the whole bed made a loud sound.

"I see." Karasawa knelt down and opened the curtain to look down. "It is true that the opposite table leg is short."

"In that case, kicking your feet is considered a trap?" Officer Megure asked.

"No, then I can only do it myself!" Takaichi Habutani said as he took off the surgical blanket on top.

"Wait!" Takagi saw Takaichi Habutani's movements and wanted to stop him in a hurry, but the other party had already taken off the surgical blanket.

"As you can see from the inside, it's just a mechanism that spurts blood." Takaichi Hazodani showed it while holding a blanket.

"Is this the only mechanism?" Tang Ze stood up from the operating table and asked meaningfully.

"Yes." Takaichi Haegaya nodded and said firmly: "There is only this mechanism."

"Please don't touch anything here, okay?"

Although Takagi on the side understood the intention of the two people's explanation, he still gave a helpless warning to the two people for tampering with the items at the crime scene.

"By the way! I remember these feet with red nail polish."

Yuanzi looked at the corpse exposed by the surgical blanket, and looked at Xiaolan for confirmation: "I remember when her feet were kicking on it, have we seen it from here?"

"Well, I saw it too." Xiaolan nodded and agreed, "I remember that the cover on it slid open and I saw red nail polish on my right foot."

"So that's it." Mumu muttered after hearing this: "It seems that the deceased really took poison in front of you Sonoko."

"Speaking of which, there shouldn't be anyone else around her when the incident happened, right?" Takagi asked, "Especially next to the pillow."

"No." Ayako replied after hearing this: "Although the room was dark at the time, there were probably only a few of us."

"If someone had poisoned her at that time, we would have seen it." Xiaolan agreed.

"Just in case, I would like to ask where you were when Ms. Anna was struggling in pain?" Karasawa looked at the three of them and asked.

"I was sneaking up on them at that time." Although he was a little stunned, Takaichi Habutani still answered honestly: "I have this prop on my chest that exposes my internal organs."

"The two of us have been leading the way."

Tsuji Eijun said: "It's just that Haegaya and I planned to pretend to be separated in the middle, and then find an opportunity to wear props together to scare them in the operating room..."

"Of course, after we separated, Tsujiei and I acted independently." Takaichi Habutani said, "In other words, there is no way for us to testify about the scary part between us."

"Where's the village head lady?" Tang Ze looked at the crying

The village head Mu, whose makeup had faded, asked.

"I-I'm staying in the X-ray room next door..."

The village head Mu sobbed and said, "I have been waiting for the guests to come, but they haven't gone anywhere."

"Is that so?" Looking at the other party's embarrassed cat face, Takagi felt a little embarrassed and didn't know whether he should remind him.

"Well, it's just that I felt uneasy when I heard someone screaming but didn't see anyone coming." The village leader Mu nodded and replied honestly.

"Uneasy?" Mu Mu was surprised when he heard this: "Why are you uneasy?"

"Because after passing this operating room, you have to pass through the X-ray room where I am before you can get out."

The village leader Mu choked up and said, "Then I heard what they said and knew that something happened to Ancai. When I came in and took a look, I realized that Ancai... Ancai..."

"Hey, Mu, look, your face has changed." Takaichi Haegaya couldn't help but remind him.

"Your tears have stained your makeup." Tsuji Eisaku reminded.

"Because Ancai died suddenly!" Village leader Mu said excitedly: "How can you be so calm!"

"How could we be indifferent?" Hoshigaya Takashi retorted upon hearing this.

"Our mood now is the same as when Hashiguchi committed suicide..." Tsuji Eisaku said in a low tone.

"Suicide?" Takagi said in surprise after hearing Tsuji Eitsusaku's words.

"Mr. Criminal, you should also know." Takaichi Habutani explained: "It was a case where a fourth-year student at Mihua University committed suicide by taking poison in the apartment where he lived a month ago."

"Ah, I have an impression of this."

Takagi suddenly said after hearing this: "I remember it was the case where his classmates who happened to go to his home to look for him found his body that day, right?"

"Those classmates are the three of us and Anuna." Takaichi Habutani said sadly: "That guy from Hashiguchi put a lot of effort into making a graduation film..."

"At that time, he didn't even come to school for a whole week." Tsujiei Tsusaku said.

"We were a little worried about him, so we made an appointment to go check on him after school that day."

The village head wiped his face with a wet wipe and agreed: "But after we rang the doorbell, no one came to open the door.

We were still wondering if he was asleep or not at home, so we planned to come over to see him next time.

But after we were about to leave, An Cai suddenly said "she had a bad premonition" and wanted us to go find the administrator together and open the door to see what was going on in the house.

Thinking of waiting just in case, we went to the apartment manager.

But when I opened the door and entered the house..."

"You just found Mr. Hashiguchi who committed suicide by taking poison, right?" Takagi looked at the village leader Mu who was choked and speechless, and took the initiative to say the next words.

"Well... we also found Hashiguchi's suicide note in his room at that time." Tsuji Eitsusaku nodded and said: "He wrote down the reasons for his suicide in his own handwriting...

The suicide note said that he always felt that he was not feeling well recently, so he went to see a doctor. After an examination, he was diagnosed with cancer.

And because he was in the advanced stage, he only had half a year left to live.

I'll leave the rest to you. I'll take a step first to see the world after death..."

"It wasn't until we asked Mr. Criminal... that we found out that he died when all of us were attending classes at the university..." Yui saw An Na crying with tears in her eyes.

"Since that time, Anuna has changed a lot." Takaichi Habutani looked at Tsuji Eisakusaku.

"Well, suddenly he said that he would go all out to complete the graduation film and dedicate it to Hashiguchi, and then he worked very hard to decorate this haunted house of the dead." Tsuji Eitsusaku nodded.

"It's not abnormal to work so hard for a deceased friend, right?" Tang Ze asked rhetorically.

"But she is acting very strange!"

After hearing Karasawa's words, Hoshigaya Takaichi

She clenched her fists and explained excitedly: "Ancai even went to the hospital for emergency gastric lavage because she overdosed on sleeping pills!

But when we asked her why she did this, she said it was to feel the boundary between life and death, as a reference for a more realistic representation of death! "

"And sometimes she even doesn't speak for a whole day, but the result is that she always has nails in her mouth..." Tsuji Eisaku pointed to his mouth.

Hearing this, Takagi was shocked by the other party's behavior: "Nail, nail?"

After hearing Tsujiei Tsusaku's words, the village head Mutsuru suddenly reacted: "Is it possible that Anna has been holding the capsule containing poison in her mouth?"

"That's it! It's just like a nail!" Hearing the sudden thought of the village leader Mu, Takaichi Habutani also showed a look of sudden realization.

"If you accidentally bite the capsule in your mouth..." Tsuji Eisaku said suddenly.

"So, this time, before she experienced the moment of the border between life and death, the capsule accidentally leaked, causing her to really die..." Officer Megure heard this.

"If you put it that way, this is indeed a suicide case..." Takagi judged.

"Not necessarily."

Like a bystander, Tang Ze saw everyone's expressions and words. After hearing Takagi's words, he walked straight to the deceased and pointed at her face and said:

"Look carefully at her mouth. Although she has wounds on both sides of her cheeks, are there real scratches above the makeup on the right side?

Not only that, the blood stains even solidified.

This showed that someone must have grabbed her mouth forcefully, and when she tried to break away from the other person's hand, she was scratched by her own nails. "

"What did you say!?"

Officer Memaku was shocked when he heard Karasawa's words, and Takagi, who was wearing white gloves, immediately checked the other party's nails: "Police department! You see there is blood and skin between her nails!"


After hearing Takagi's words, everyone present could not help but be shocked. They did not expect that there would be such a reversal.

"If that's the case, then the prisoner forcefully stuffed the capsule containing the poison into her mouth, and then kept covering her mouth and nose before she swallowed the poison..."

Officer Megure touched his chin and muttered: "But if this is the case, then it stands to reason that Miss Anana should have died when Xiaolan and the others came over."

"He is indeed dead."

At this moment, Karasawa suddenly spoke: "When I entered the room and watched Miss Anana trembling, I smelled the taste of almonds in her mouth.

At that time, I had already realized that Miss Ancai had passed away. "

"what do you mean!?"

Hearing this, Takaichi Hazogani said angrily: "In other words, you already knew that Anai was dead, but you still looked at us like fools!?"

"If you say that, it's true."

Tang Zedan said calmly: "But I noticed the scratches on Ms. Ancai's face and realized that someone among the three of you killed Ms. Ancai in the dark, so I chose not to say anything.

And it is precisely because of this that I can find the real culprit from your subsequent performance! "

"What!?" After hearing Karasawa's words, Officer Megure quickly asked: "Brother Karasawa, are you saying you already know who the prisoner is?"

"Yes." Tangze nodded and said, "Through my previous observations, I finally identified the prisoner."

Having said this, Karasawa pointed his finger at Tsuji Eitsusaku and said, "You must be the culprit, Mr. Tsuji Eitsusaku!"

Following Karasawa's words, everyone looked at Tsujiei Tsusaku who was standing there in surprise.

"Stop joking!" Tsujiei Tsusaku looked at the eyes coming from Betting, looked at Karasawa sternly and yelled: "You say I am a criminal, then bring out the evidence!"

"Yes, and didn't you also watch it?" Takaichi Habutani also defended his friend: "Ana was still kicking her feet at that time.

! "

"Look, I saw it..."

Sonoko looked at the excited Takaichi Hagetani and hesitated: "But this may be a trap set up by the prisoner. After all, my brother-in-law really won't make casual conclusions."

"What's going on?" Village Chief Mu said with excitement, "Please tell me clearly, otherwise we won't accept it!"

It can be seen that the weak girl in front of her has been forced to collapse by the continuous news, and her attitude has even become fierce.

"Did you make the bed yourself?"

Tang Ze smiled and said: "When I squatted down to check the table legs, I took a look and found that the frame and the grid-like bed board were full of gaps.

As long as you can hide under the bed, you can do anything. "

At this point, Karasawa looked at Conan and said, "Go underneath and demonstrate."


Conan nodded clearly, and then stretched out his hands through the squares of the bed. On the bed where the body had just been moved out, the green sheets and the bottom white sheet were constantly twisting.

"But if it shakes too much and accidentally exposes the hand holding the foot, wouldn't it be embarrassing?" Memaku said, stroking his chin.

"This is just a performance of raising both hands. The speed is not particularly fast, and the sheets are shaking differently. It is to let everyone intuitively understand the prisoner's technique."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Actually, what we saw was different from this shaking struggle.

The thing that is moving with hands is even moving the white sheet underneath, but we see only the top blue surgical sheet moving.

I believe other people have the same impression. "

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