Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,443 Departure for the Horses

The car was still driving towards Gunma County, but the originally lively chat inside the car fell into a brief silence because of Haibara's words.

Of course, everyone's reactions varied.

For example, Conan was excited, while Miyano Akemi had no objection, and Dr. Agasa was a little shocked, wondering why Haibara would do such a thing.

"Are you kidding me?"

Dr. Ali looked at Haibara in the rearview mirror in surprise and said strangely: "Didn't you always say that if you give the antidote to a guy like this who only thinks about love, he will be able to take the antidote within a month? .”

"He might have been like this before, but I believe that after so much, he also knows that the antidote is not something he can take casually."

Haiyuan said calmly: "And it's just this one, it's a test for him. If he still can't bear it, I won't give it to him in the future.

But to be honest, this decision was just convinced by Tang Ze, and I also think what Tang Ze said makes sense.

If he really can't change back, then he can't change back.

If you think about it carefully, rejuvenation is something that many people dream of. The most that Shinichi-kun can do is lose a girlfriend. Others might not even blink at the price.

At worst, when Conan turns 18, he can be the uncle of Xiaolan’s child~"

"When I heard Tangze Criminal say this, I was somewhat looking forward to this scene."

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Haiyuan's face, and she gave the antidote in her hand to Conan: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you take it, come to me to get the second pill when the time comes.

I'm actually looking forward to the scene where you will be the flower girl at Xiaolan's wedding. Your expression will be very beautiful then. "

"It won't turn into a scene like this!"

Hearing Haibara's words, Conan shuddered subconsciously as the scene described by Karasawa appeared in his mind. Looking at Haibara's dark smile, he said angrily: "I'm really just keeping this just in case."

"It's okay, it's okay, I suddenly felt that the scene described by Tang Ze's crime was quite interesting." Haiyuan smiled narrowly: "Suddenly, I don't care so much about the outcome that you can't go back after taking too many half-finished antidotes.

It's not a matter of life or death anyway, your loss is just a girlfriend. "

"Please, you should still care about coming back!"

When Conan heard Haiyuan's words, he couldn't help but complain, and then said seriously: "I know what you mean, and I will definitely not take this antidote casually because of feelings.

Unless I encounter danger, or a situation that can only be solved by transforming back into Kudo Shinichi, I will not use this antidote in other situations. "

Obviously, they may also know that Tang Ze and Haiyuan said this on purpose to prevent him from taking the antidote casually.

But this was a conspiracy. Even though Conan knew the intention of the two people saying these words, he couldn't help but feel lingering fear when he thought of the scenes they described.

He absolutely couldn't accept that kind of scene, so even though he knew it was a persuasive trick by the two of them, Conan really accepted it completely.

"I believe you know what's going on now, so just put the antidote away."

Haibara glanced at the serious-looking Conan in the rearview mirror and smiled: "But remember to keep it properly and don't lose it."

"I will buy a key chain that can hold things when I get back and put the medicine in it." Conan nodded and carefully put the antidote away.

After this episode, everyone started chatting casually again.

Karasawa, on the other hand, drove while responding to the various problems of the three little ones, and soon arrived at the camping ground in Gunma County.

After arriving at an open area, Tang Ze and the other two parked the car and asked everyone to carry the materials out of the car, and then began to set up the campsite.

However, after the tent was set up and the ingredients for cooking began to be prepared, Dr. Ali suddenly discovered that he had forgotten to pack the lunch box.

Because Conan volunteered to go to a nearby store with Dr. Agasa to buy things, Karasawa, who was afraid that Conan would encounter a case on the way, took over for Dr. Agasa, and the two of them walked towards the nearby store.

"The lunch box is over here. Shouldn't it be said that it is a store next to the campground?" Tangze took the lunch box and smiled: "The things are quite complete."

“There are also people selling small bags of uncooked rice here.”

Conan took a small bag of rice and said, "Let's buy another bag of rice and go back. When that guy Yuanta saw the rice we brought, he complained that it was definitely not enough."

"Who wants to eat so much rice when camping?" Karasawa rolled his eyes helplessly upon hearing this, "Just eat some curry and rice as the staple food. Otherwise, you can totally eat barbecue."

"Barbecue meat, are you prepared for this?" Conan said with a smile: "Recalling Tang Ze's previous skills, I can't wait."

"Eh? I didn't expect that the famous Tang Ze Criminal actually has barbecue skills?"

At this moment, a familiar female voice suddenly came from the discussion: "I really want to try it too."

Hearing this familiar voice, Conan turned his head in surprise and found Sera Masumi in a gray sweatshirt standing in front of the can cabinet.

"Shishishi... Seriang... Sister, why are you here?" Conan stuttered and looked at the other party, obviously shocked by her appearance.

"It's just a coincidence. I plan to go to Gunma Prefecture to see hydrangeas."

Sera Masaki said with a smile: "I suddenly felt a little hungry halfway through. Who knew I would see you as soon as I entered the door."

Speaking of this, Sera Masumi leaned close to Conan and said with a smile: "I think it must be fate that makes us meet here."

Hearing Sera's words, Conan had a speechless look on his face, apparently not feeling what she said at all.

As for Tangze, he didn't believe a word of Sera's words. After all, he knew exactly what this girl had planned.

Even though Tangze couldn't remember what happened at the campsite, he was certain that the girl must have accidentally met them after getting the news.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Sera Masumi called Xiaolan before, and then she learned that Conan and the others went camping in Gunma County.

Not only that, because Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro were having breakfast at the Polo Cafe, so even Toru Amuro knew the news.

However, Toru Amuro didn't show up because of work and continued to talk to Mori and his daughter. Masumi Sera immediately drove her motorcycle to Gunma Prefecture after getting the news, and that's how they met now.

"Let's buy things first." After watching the two of them chatting, Karasawa asked Conan to choose items, while Sera Masumi also selected various foods and put them in the shopping basket.

"Sister Sera, you really bought a lot of things." Conan said in surprise as he looked at the pile of bread, drinks and the like that Sera Masumi bought when checking out.

"This is my meal for today's lunch, evening and tomorrow morning." Masumi Sera took out the food from the basket and said with a smile: "Because you definitely didn't prepare my portion, right?"

‘You really plan to camp with us! ’

Conan and Karasawa looked at each other helplessly after hearing that Sera Masumi naturally wanted to join them camping without asking for their consent.

But he also knew in his heart that Sera Mazen was here for them, and his talk of coming to see the hydrangeas was just an excuse.

However, there is no way to refuse this situation now, and the two can only acquiesce that the other party joins this situation.

After the three of them paid the bill, they drove towards the campsite.


"Yantai, we have gathered enough firewood. Let's go back and set up the tent quickly, right?"

In the forest, Ayumi looked at Genta who was still busy collecting firewood and said nervously.

"There is a warning sign here saying "Snake is infested"!" Mitsuhiko said worriedly as he looked at the sign with a green snake in front of him.

"Is there a snake?" Yuantai was a little worried after hearing this, so he turned and walked in the direction of Haiyuan and others.

But after walking two steps, Yuantai suddenly seemed to hear something. He listened carefully and then put down the firewood in his arms: "Everyone, come with me quickly. I seem to hear someone digging a hole over there!"

"Dig a hole?" Bumi asked in surprise.

"Could he be digging for treasure?" Mitsuhiko on the side was thinking about the possibility and hurriedly put down the firewood in his arms.

Genta on the side became even more excited when he heard Mitsuhiko's words, and ran forward in a hurry, while Ayumi and Mitsuhiko followed closely behind.

"I'm talking about you!" Haiyuan saw the three little ones walking excitedly towards the dangerous area where snakes were infested, and immediately wanted to stop them.

But the three little ones were in high spirits and ran away in a moment. In desperation, Haiyuan had no choice but to follow them.

However, when the little ones hurried to the place where the sound of digging a hole was heard, the sight in front of them made their pupils widen unconsciously and they stood stunned for an instant.

Because the dug pit in front of him had nothing to do with the treasure. The pit was not filled with treasure, but instead lay a female corpse covered in blood.

Next to the big pit, the little black man was filling in the soil with a shovel to bury the body.

When the eyes of the two sides collided in mid-air, both sides were stunned.

Even though they were beaten to death, they didn't expect that they would come across a murderer burying a corpse while on a camping outing.

The little black man in front of him did not expect that he had specifically chosen a deep area where snakes were infested.

This was a place he had carefully chosen. Logically speaking, no one should come to the forest here, but just when he was burying the body, someone discovered the burial site.

The two parties in the same scene, because they met each other, had the same psychological collapse in their hearts at the same moment.

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time and meeting the wrong people.

Mitsuhiko looked at the potholes on the ground in horror: "That woman..."

"Being buried..." Yuantai looked at the man tremblingly, his heart full of fear.

"Everyone, run!!"

Just when both parties were in a daze because they met each other, as the only adult among the four children, Haiyuan was the first to come to his senses.

She grabbed Ayumi's hand, shouted and turned around to run downhill behind her. After hearing the reminder, the two boys Genta and Mitsuhiko also turned around and ran away amidst Ayumi's screams.

"Being seen... being seen..."

"Been seen!!!"

When the little black man saw the four little ones, such a thought occupied his mind.

When they screamed in panic and prepared to run away, the little black man holding a shovel subconsciously chased after them with a shovel in hand.

There was only one thought in his mind at this moment.

You can't let these four brats escape. If you let them escape, your murderous crimes will be exposed!

They must not be allowed to tell their stories alive!

Seeing the four children running away screaming, the little black man was even more afraid that their screams would attract the attention of the surrounding campers, so he walked a little faster.

However, the little black ones were not vegetarians, because Huiyuan reacted in time and warned them early, and they all ran away. The little black people reacted and quickly caught up.

Even though they were panicking, it was not the first time they encountered danger. In addition, a few little ones escaped first, so even if the little black man was an adult, he was lagging behind and could not catch up for a while.

Haibara took out her mobile phone while running with a few babies, trying to call Karasawa for help, but because the signal at the campground in Gunma County was so bad, her call couldn't be broadcast at all. go out.

Cursing secretly, Haiyuan knew that their lead was only temporary. It was very difficult for children like them to avoid the pursuit of an adult.

Moreover, as a girl, Ayumi was already exhausted after a period of sprinting and running.

"Haiyuan, there is a mountain hut there!"

"Let's go there!"

After hearing Mitsuhiko's words, Haiyuan decisively led a few little ones and ran towards the cabin in the forest.

In the current situation, no matter how bad the situation is, this wooden house is still a hiding place. Although the prisoners will definitely search the wooden house when they see it during the pursuit, they also have a door to defend themselves against each other after entering it.

First escape inside and lock the door, and then use the things inside to find a way to block the door. In addition, the four of them still have a high chance of resisting the prisoner.

"Damn it, the phone still has no signal!" Taking out his phone again, Haiyuan looked at the phone that couldn't make a call, and couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"What to do now..." Mitsuhiko said a little scared.

"We're not going to die here..." Yuantai said with a pale face.

"I don't want it!!" Ayumi was choking and about to cry, "Why do we have to encounter this kind of thing..."

"Don't give up, don't forget that Tang Ze Criminal will be back soon!"

Huiyuan looked at the three little ones who were distracted, and encouraged him: "If he finds out that we haven't come back for so long, he will definitely come to us!

What we have to do now is to hold on as long as possible until Tangze Criminal comes to rescue us! "

After hearing Huiyuan's words, the expressions of the three little ones also cheered up a little, hoping in their hearts that Tang Ze's divine soldiers would save them from danger.

But outside the wooden house that they couldn't see, the little black man had a sinister smile on his face.

In fact, he had already seen the traces of the escaped children escaping towards the wooden house just now, but it was quite difficult for him to catch them all by himself.

So he watched the children escape into the wooden house.

This is not to let them go, but that he has a better way to catch them all.

Thinking of this, the little black man's eyes were full of madness.

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