Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1444: Distress


After purchasing the ingredients, the three of them returned to the campsite.

"Tangze Criminal, you are driving too fast."

After Sera Masumi parked the car, he followed Tang Ze with the things he bought and couldn't help but said: "It's so difficult for me to drive a motorcycle on such a small road. It's very dangerous for you to drive like this."

"That's because you don't have good skills."

Tangze smiled and said: "My driving skills can still achieve good results even if I participate in a professional racing driver competition. This small road is normal for me."

Hearing Tang Ze's pretentious words, Shiliang Zhenchun laughed and said: "That's it..."

Believe it or not, she really didn't know how to respond to Tangze's words.

Karasawa stopped Sera Masumi's words, said no more, and walked quickly towards the campsite.

There was no case behind the store before, but after meeting Masumi Sera, Karasawa knew that he might have been with the wrong person this time.

But there is no way. If Tangze is asked to choose again, without knowing the plot, he will most likely choose Conan.

Because according to the general pattern, Conan will first encounter the suspect in the case and then detect some clues, so naturally Conan has a greater chance of encountering the suspect.

The few little ones there are "auxiliary lines". They may have done something and happened to be the key to solving the case.

And Karasawa came here to stop the case. If he was unable to do anything else, he would naturally choose to follow Conan.

But since it is a bet, there will be times when it fails. This is because of Karasawa's bad luck. Following Conan, he met Sera Masumi, and he barely had anything to do with the main plot.

But this was of no use to Karasawa. After all, he already knew enough about Sera Masaki and the people behind him.

If he doesn't know the other party, even if the other party comes to visit him on his own initiative, the contact will be mutual. While the other party is testing, he can also test the other party to learn the information.

But now that he knew everything about her, he naturally disliked her temptations.

Not to mention, he is still thinking about the camp. If Conan doesn't encounter a case, then Haiyuan and the others may encounter a case.

If he hadn't been worried about Sera Masumi and Conan on the way back from the store, he would have turned on his phone and used the Mechanical Spider to check the situation.

That's right, even though it was a choice between two bets on whether he would encounter a case, Tang Ze did not give up on the other end.

Especially in an open-air situation like a camping ground, Karasawa also had to consider the situation when a few puppies on the other side were in trouble.

So although he followed Conan to the store, he also secretly placed the mechanical spider on Haiyuan's collar as a backup method.

As for now, although there is time to take it out and take a look, they are only two steps away from the campsite. If you have the time, you might as well go directly to the campsite to take a look and ask about the situation.

"Dr. Ali, we are back." Tang Ze watched the two people busy at the campground walking over and putting their things down, and then asked: "Where are Haibara and the others?"

"They went to the forest to collect firewood." Miyano Akemi frowned slightly when she heard this: "But speaking of which, they have been gone for a long time. Why haven't they come back yet?"

"You're not going deeper into the forest, are you?"

After Karasawa heard Miyano Akemi's words, he showed a worried attitude: "The forests around here are relatively primitive, and insects, snakes, birds and beasts are still a bit dangerous. I'll go check it out."

"Call and ask first?" Conan heard this and took out his cell phone, only to find that it said it was out of battery.

"If your phone is out of battery, you might as well use mine, right? The one I bought is the same model as yours~"

Sera Masumi took out a blue touch-screen phone and smiled: "You want to call that kid named Haibara, right?"

Hearing Sera's words, Conan felt as if the other party's abacus was about to hit him in the face. He smiled and refused: "No, Sister Sakurada and Dr. Agasa also have Haibara's number."

"I just called, but there was no way to get through." Miyano Akemi looked at the phone and said.

"It seems that the reception of radio signals around here is not very good." Dr. A Li came over to take a look and judged.

"Anyway, let's look around first." Sera Masumi on the side heard the words and said: "As long as we go to the surrounding places where we can collect firewood, we should be able to see them."

"Yes." Karasawa nodded and said, "Conan, you and Sera choose a direction, and Dr. Agasa and I choose a direction to look for."


After hearing Karasawa's arrangement, Sera Masumi, who had wanted to have more contact with Conan, immediately agreed.

And Conan also knew that Sera Masumi would definitely be worried about danger if he acted alone as a child, so he agreed.

Everyone dispersed and walked towards the surrounding area. When no one was around, Tang Ze took out his cell phone and turned on the Spider's camera.

To be honest, when he saw that the little ones were not at the campsite, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

After all, if this trend develops, Huiyuan and the others must have encountered a case.

But here is different from the city. If you encounter a case in the city, as long as it is not in a remote place like a construction site, your life will basically be protected in broad daylight.

After all, when the child shouts, the people around him will definitely come up to see the situation, and naturally they will be safe.

But this is a camping ground, surrounded by grass and forests, and there are not many people in sight. No matter how loud you shout, it will have no other use than to attract the prisoners.

Therefore, Tang Ze felt that if Haiyuan and the others really encountered the prisoner, they would probably be in crisis by now.

So he had to confirm the situation as soon as possible. If the situation was really bad, he would go to them quickly!

The video on the mobile phone was opened, and soon a dark picture was transmitted, which made Tang Ze frown.

After all, it looked like they were collecting firewood in a dark room rather than in the open air, which proved that they must have encountered some sudden change.

He controlled the mechanical spider to jump to the surrounding walls and took in the scene in the room.

Seeing that the expressions of the four people on the screen were relatively stable, and their movements were not restricted, Tang Ze was temporarily relieved.

"Xiao Ai, is there still no way to contact Tang Ze Criminal by phone?"

In the video, Ayumi's worried voice came from the mobile phone.

"There seems to be no signal in the area around here."

Haiyuan took a look at his cell phone, and then used the flashlight on his watch to shine around: "Compared to this, it seems that someone got here before us.

Judging from the style of the backpack, it seems to be a man and a woman. "

"Mitsuhiko, how are you doing there?" Genta asked, looking at Mitsuhiko who was looking around with his watch as a flashlight.

"It seems that the only exit we had when we first entered...ah!!"

Before Mitsuhiko finished speaking, he fell directly to the ground: "Why is it so sticky..."

The cry of pain aroused Genta's worry. When he picked up his watch and shined it at Mitsuhiko, the scene in the house also fell into everyone's eyes.

I saw a large bloodstain where Mitsuhiko fell, and in the middle of the bloodstain was a blood-stained axe.

After seeing the murder weapon in front of him clearly, Mitsuhiko screamed and stepped back on his hands and knees.

Yuantai looked at the blood-stained ax in front of him and stammered: "Could it be that... that woman just now was..."

"I'm afraid it's true." Haiyuan said with an ugly face: "And nine times out of ten, he will come back...the murderer who spread blood all over the crime scene..."

Looking at the scene on the phone screen, Tangze, who was already running, sped up a few minutes.

When I heard the conversation between Haiyuan and Ayumi saying that they couldn't contact me, I knew that they must have encountered a case, so I immediately ran towards their location.

As for how to find their location in the forest, Tang Ze is not too worried. After all, the spider can accurately provide him with the location, and he only needs to follow the guidance and run.

However, after seeing the murder scene where they found the murderer and hearing Haiyuan's words, he became even more worried. He immediately stopped looking at his phone and accelerated his speed, running in the direction where they were.

After all, judging from their brief conversation, maybe they will encounter the murderer next moment, and he will naturally have to rush over to avoid danger for the little ones.

Fortunately, he was not far from the red dot. He galloped along according to the direction and soon arrived at the red dot.

When Karasawa arrived in front of the wooden house, he saw the man who had locked the wooden house setting fire to the wooden house. It seemed that he planned to burn all the four Haiyuan people hiding in the house to death.

Looking at the flames that were gradually rising, Tang Ze felt a wave of evil anger rising in his heart.

With a flick of his feet, Tang Ze used his legs to rush straight towards the man.

After all, they were in a forest, surrounded by green grass, and Tangze didn't try to hide it.

As soon as he sprinted forward, the man, who was grinning ferociously as he watched the fire intensify, was startled when he heard the movement behind him.

When he watched Tang Ze rushing towards him, the man's face turned into panic that was visible to the naked eye.

When faced with a child being discovered, he can still be a bit tougher, but when faced with a menacing young man, the man in front of him is a little at a loss.

Before he could react and prepare to resist, Tang Ze raised his arm and struck the man in front of him with a "Thunder Plow Hot Knife".

The terrifying force stuck in his neck, and the huge impact seemed to make the man feel a sense of suffocation and a huge sense of weightlessness.

And it only took a moment, followed by pain that spread throughout the entire back.

The sudden severe pain made him cry out in pain, his vision went dark, and his whole body was limp and powerless.

After Tangze defeated the enemy with one move, he did not hit the target again, but shouted to the little ones who were panicking because the smoke spread into the room: "You guys, are you okay!?"

"Is it Karasawa Criminal?"

"Great, saved!!"

Hearing Tang Ze's shouts from outside the door, the few ants who were originally as anxious as ants on a hot pot were so excited that they almost cried.

After all, in their current situation, if they couldn't get out, they would be choked to death by the smoke if they weren't burned to death.

At such a critical moment, Tang Ze appeared like a magic weapon descending from heaven, how could they not be excited.

"You guys stay away from the door, I'm going to break it down."

After shouting towards the door, Tang Ze kicked the murderer in the face as he struggled to get up. Tang Ze took two steps back and kicked the wooden house hard.

Boom! !

The wooden door made a loud sound when it was kicked, and the iron chain made a dull sound under the impact of the force, but the wooden door did not move at all.

"Wait a minute, let's remove the door valve!" Haiyuan and others shouted hurriedly from inside the house, and soon the wooden door was opened a gap, but it was locked by a large iron chain outside the door.

Tang Ze glanced at the fallen prisoner while waiting, but saw the dazed prisoner next to him struggling to get up again with a size 43 footprint on his face.

This is also the reason why Tangze doesn't open the lock. With his skills, although opening such a lock is a piece of cake, it can't be done any faster.

To put it simply, his skills are sufficient, no matter how difficult the lock is, it doesn't matter, but if he wants to open the lock in seconds like Kaitou Kidd, his skills must be at least B level.

This is just like the technology of disguise. Making the disguise mask look and feel is one aspect, but making the disguise as fast as changing one's face is another aspect of technology.

Tangze's lock-picking skills are obviously not up to this level, and he needs to concentrate to pick the lock.

And don't forget that there is a murderer next to him who is still struggling to get up. Tang Ze doesn't want to be a fool who is killed in reverse.

If you have that kind of skill, wouldn't it be a good idea to kick the ball twice violently to score a goal?

Seeing the prisoner struggling to get up quickly, Tang Ze naturally couldn't let him get up, so he went up and touched his nose again.

This direct kick caused the opponent's nose to bleed, and he fell to the ground again.

Tangze kicked the prisoner down, then sprinted again and used his strength to kick him twice in a row.

This was because Haiyuan and the others had taken down the palm-sized door valve inside, so they kicked the door open after only using it twice.

It's not that the door was broken by the kick, it was just that the joint holding the iron chain was broken.

After all, the keyhole structure in a place like the cabin in the forest is simple and made of wood. It is of good quality if it can withstand Karasawa's feet.

When the wooden door was broken open, Haiyuan and several others ran out of the wooden door, covering their mouths and coughing.

"Ahem...I'm saved..." Yuantai gasped after running out.

"Yeah, I almost thought I would be burned to death..." Mitsuhiko said with lingering fear.

"Woooo...Karasawa Criminal..." Ayumi even cried out after getting out of trouble: "I almost thought I was going to die..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Haiyuan hugged Ayumi, patted her and comforted her: "We are safe."

On the side, Tangze looked at the flames that were just about to start in the corner of the wooden house, and felt that there was still a need to save him, so he took off the prisoner's coat and began to beat the flames, hoping to extinguish them.

As for why not use your own?

Please, he didn't set the fire, why should I use his clothes?

His clothes are very expensive, okay!

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