Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,448 The second transaction with the Phantom Thief

Kuroba Kaito broke his defense.

After listening to Tang Ze's words, he really broke his guard.

Because what Tang Ze said later was really a bit irritating.

"I don't want you to steal anything. All I want you to do is pretend to be someone, say a few lines and run away."

What really made Kuroba Kaito break his defense was Karasawa's words: "Of course, there is definitely a bit of danger, but with your skills as an escape expert, there is definitely no problem."

"My specialty is not escaping, but stealing anything with ease!"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but retort: ​​"I am a Phantom Thief, theft is my professional skill, what the hell is an escape expert!"

"But it's not bad for you to escape, otherwise you would have been caught long ago, wouldn't you?"

Tangze spread his hands and said, "In my opinion, this is even more important than an apology."

"I'm not just a guy who can only run away when being chased by criminals. Theft is my core skill."

Kuroba Kaito rolled his eyes when he heard this: "I think you are insulting my profession. As for the last departure, it is for the magician to calmly exit after the performance. Don't make me look like I am in such a mess."

Obviously, being called an "escape expert" by Karasawa made Kuroba Kaito very unhappy and felt that his profession had been insulted.

He was obviously an elusive monster thief who was like a no-man's land when he entered mountains of swords and seas of fire. However, he was told by the other party that he was a slippery thief who could only run away with his tail between his legs.

The style is completely different! !

But after hearing Kuroba Kaito's words, Karasawa said hehe, if he hadn't seen various embarrassing endings in which the other party disappeared and exited, he might still believe it.

As for now, he said that it would be good if you could escape, and don't talk about being too strong. It's just a slap in the face and pretending to be fat.

But now, after all, he was asking for help from the other party, and he was still waiting for Kuroba Kaito to help him with the work, so Karasawa did not say anything in the end.

"Don't get into trouble in weird places."

Looking at Kuroba Kaito acting strangely and seriously, Karasawa could only regard it as the strange competitiveness of adolescent boys.

He rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "I know no matter what kind of protection mechanism you have, I can't stop you, but I don't need you to help me steal things.

So I have to ask you to use your escape skills. "

"What should we do specifically?" Kuroba Kaito was still cautious when he heard this. He did not agree casually, but asked what he needed to do.

After hearing this, Karasawa briefly talked about the situation, as well as what Kuroba Kaito needed to do and the information he might encounter.

"Are you kidding me!?"

Kuroba Kaito's face turned green after hearing Karasawa's words: "Everyone carries a gun, and they don't even rule out bombs?

Are you preparing for war?

Are you sure I am a thief, will I still survive if I encounter those guys? "

"If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't be able to spend a condition to let you complete it."

Tang Ze spread his hands and said: "You don't think that the three conditions I mentioned are like the first time, and they just ask you to pretend to be me and go to work for me, and it can be easily solved, right?

If that's the case, why do you ask me to help you deal with your enemies?

According to my intelligence, they are no less difficult than the enemies I have to deal with.

If you want me to contribute when the time comes, you have to take some risks when trading now. "

"I got it!"

Hearing this, Kuroba Kaito scratched his head and said angrily: "I'll just do it, but there's one thing I want to explain.

It's okay to show up, but I have to decide whether to talk to them or not based on the situation. "

"It's natural."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "If you sense danger, you can choose to leave at any time.

But you don’t have to worry too much. Some friends hidden in the dark will also help you complete the plan I mentioned before as much as possible. "

"Detective, you really found me a dangerous job."

Kuroba Kaito smiled bitterly when he heard this, then looked at Karasawa and said seriously: "Tell me honestly, what is the success rate of your plan?"

"Taking into account various variables, I can only guarantee a success rate of 60% at most." Tangze said after careful consideration.

"Such a layout only has a 60% success rate!?"

After Kuroba Kaito heard Karasawa's words, he looked like he had seen a ghost, "How dangerous is this!?"

"It's not a question of danger, but a question of whether the plan can be executed smoothly and finally completed."

Tangze rolled his eyes when he heard this and said: "Because I don't know how the enemy will act, and considering that the more people there are, the more variables there will be, so naturally I am not sure that I can successfully complete the plan.

In short, just do your best and do the best you can. It doesn't matter if you can't.

In addition, I will try my best to provide you with convenience. "

Having said this, Karasawa handed a file bag behind him: "This is the basic layout of the Suzuki and the location of the emergency exits on the train. I think it should be helpful to your actions.

In addition, if you need to arrange the mechanism in the car in advance, you can also tell me and I can arrange for you to enter it in advance. "

"That's quite true."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Kuroba Kaito's eyes couldn't help but light up: "If I can enter the layout in advance, then I will be more confident in escaping."

After all, as a magician, he has no problem even if he is confident that he can perform away from home, but if he can prepare in advance to turn the away game into a home game, that would be the best thing.

"Besides, don't accept the appointment with Uncle Jiroji." Tang Ze saw through his little thoughts at a glance: "There is no room for mistakes in this matter. Don't think about killing two birds with one stone and still go to your side."

"That's not possible..."

Before Kuroba Kaito finished speaking, Karasawa interrupted him: "This is a deal, you can't refuse it.

I know your concern is that you are afraid of missing the appointment, right?

Don't worry about this, we're probably going to make a big fuss this time. You won't be able to steal the gems because of the explosion, so the exhibition will be cancelled. "

"Okay, okay." Kuroba Kaito said helplessly after hearing this: "Then I won't steal the gems. I'll find a chance to confirm it next time."

"You don't have to work so hard. Even if you don't have a chance this time, the old man will challenge you next time."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "You can take action then, or if you want to confirm now, I can take you to visit now."

"Forget it, wouldn't that be boring." Hearing this, Kuroba Kaito waved his hand and rejected Karasawa's proposal.

"Then let's just say, this time I will focus on my actions." Tangze said.

"Okay, originally I wanted to use it as a warm-up exercise."

Kuroba Kaito shrugged helplessly and said, "In that case, then I'll do as you say."

"But you are still thinking about things on your side, which proves that your attitude is not correct and you don't take it seriously enough."

Karasawa looked at Kaitou Kidd who had a relaxed look on his face and said with a faint expression: "But I remind you that you'd better be serious, otherwise you will die, because this time our enemies are a group of wanderers. A madman who works in the dark.

If you are not careful, you may be killed. I advise you to be careful.

After all, I don't want to take your body back. "

Hearing the coldness in Karasawa's tone, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but shudder.

"You scare me like this and it makes me very stressed." Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "It makes me want to quit."

"Quiting is impossible, otherwise I will arrest you immediately."

Hearing this, Tang Ze chuckled and said, "I say this to correct your attitude and for the sake of your life. You can thank me, but you can't back down."

"Hey, hey, do you want to hear how outrageous what you said is?"

Kuroba Kaito said with drooping eyes: "What you said doesn't sound like a criminal, but the boss of a certain gang."

After thinking for a while, Kuroba Kaito added: "The boss is still threatening people."

"Who makes you not want to complete the deal properly?" Tang Ze was not annoyed when he heard this, but looked at Kuroba Kaito with a smile: "As long as you don't quit, I'm still easy to talk to.

But if you want to quit, I won't force you. But~

Speaking of this, Tang Ze's tone was full of malicious ridicule: "Douzi, you don't want your childhood sweetheart to know your identity, right?"

"What a fight!! Can you please call me by my name!"

Kuroba Kaito felt a chill when he heard this title: "Also, I just complained and had no intention of quitting. Don't you start threatening me again without saying a few words."

"As long as you don't tell me about your withdrawal, I won't threaten you." Tang Ze smiled when he heard this: "Integrity is the main priority in transactions, which is also good for everyone."

"Anyway, I just pretend to be this girl on the mysterious train and cooperate with your plan, right?"

Seeing Karasawa nodding, Kuroba Kaito touched his chin and continued: "In the end, I need to be "killed" by my own people as much as possible and fake death to escape."

"Although I say that, considering the complexity of the situation, friendly forces may not appear in front of you in the end."

Tang Ze nodded and warned: "At this time, it's up to you to find a way to fake death and escape.

Of course, we will try our best to stop the enemy and try to ensure that friendly forces are confronting you. "

"Okay~" Kuroba Kaito smiled and said: "You said it was so serious that it made me nervous, but now it seems that your plan is quite safe."

"The key is that I can't fully grasp the enemy's movements. I'm afraid I'll trick you to death." Seeing Kuroba Kaito's optimism, Karasawa poured cold water on him and couldn't help but warn him again: "Be sure to pay attention to safety."

To be honest, the plan he arranged for Kuroba Kaito did use part of the original plot, but he was really unsure whether it could be completed smoothly.

This time it was different from the past where he took advantage of the information and then caught the black organization off guard.

But this time, he deliberately laid the bait and waited for the enemy to come.

In this case, if the enemy knows there is a trick but still goes there resolutely, it means that the opponent is ready to fight to the death.

They must have done some testing in the early stage. This was to discover each other's traces. This was also the best time for him to complete his plan.

And once both sides begin to be exposed, the black organization will step forward to bite the enemy at all costs, and a life-and-death fight is inevitable.

This is the reason why the black organization came to this "Hongmen Banquet", because they have been being slaughtered by enemies lurking in the dark, but have no chance to fight back.

So this time, even though they knew it was a trap, they were ready to seize the opportunity to counterattack when the enemy showed up.

This is obviously not in line with Karasawa's plan. Falling into the enemy's rhythm means falling into battle.

Whether there will be casualties or not is completely determined by force, and it will naturally be beyond his control.

Therefore, Kuroba Kaito is the top priority of the plan. He takes great risks, so Karasawa is worried about his opponent's safety.

But in my heart, I didn't know what I was doing, and I was worried because I was worried, but this mission really required Kuroba Kaito.

Because only he can flexibly deal with complex crisis situations, and with the escape device prepared in advance, there is no problem in ensuring his own life safety.

Even if Karasawa is replaced by the opponent, there is no guarantee that he will perform better than him.

"I understand, and thank you for worrying about me."

When Kuroba Kaito heard Karasawa's concern, a hint of an unruly smile appeared on his lips: "But don't underestimate me, I am the world-famous Kaito Thief Kidd, and even the most dangerous situations are not difficult for me!"

"Seeing that you are so confident, I feel relieved." Tang Ze smiled: "Then let's go, go back and take a good look at the layout of the entire train. If you need to arrange it, contact me."

"The location is in the last carriage, right?" Kuroba Kaito nodded and looked at Tang Ze before getting off the car: "You don't mind if I arrange more traps, do you?"

"Of course, but the layout should be concealed so as not to be discovered." Tang Ze smiled.


Kuroba Kaito made a gesture and said with a smile: "I will go back today to take a look at the structure of the train and think about how to arrange it. I will be able to arrange it tomorrow or the night after tomorrow, but how will I enter then? Will you come with me?"

"Just go by yourself. When you get there, call me and I'll open the door for you." Tangze waved his hand and said, "I have Suzuki permission, so I can open the door for you remotely."

"Wow~ I forgot that the "Suzuki" is also your family's property. This saves me a lot of trouble."

Kuroba Kaito rolled his eyes when he said this, and said with a smile: "If you don't mind, can you give me permission?"

"Yes, but you have to give me a reason, otherwise I will give it to you on the day of the plan." Seeing Kuroba Kaito's ulterior motives, Karasawa felt that it was a bit unreliable, and immediately asked.


Kuroba Kaito was a little reluctant when he heard this, but he still said coyly: "That guy Aoko also wants to come and experience it, but since it is so dangerous on the day of departure, I naturally don't want her to ride on that day, so I just thought..."

"Oh~ I understand."

Seeing Kuroba Kaito's twisted expression, Karasawa's expression suddenly became constricted.

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