Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,449 The arrival of Kudo and his wife


Seeing Karasawa's funny expression wanting to be beaten, Kuroba Kaito said with some embarrassment, "Can you help or not!?"

"It's just a small matter for me to say hello to you. No authority is required at all."

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this: "I can only come up here for a visit if I give you permission, and you have to be on guard against security, so it's not suitable for a date.

There will be a trial run in three days. You can get on the bus and experience it. This is not much better than just coming up and taking a look. "

"Really?" Kuroba Kaito was delighted when he heard this, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, just think of it as a small reward for your help this time." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Okay, just leave if you have nothing to do. I have to go to the airport to pick you up later."

"Okay, then goodbye." Kuroba Kaito closed the car door, holding the file bag and waving goodbye to Karasawa.

‘Youth is so wonderful. ’

Thinking of Kuroba Kaito's squirming expression and behavior of asking for permission, Karasawa smiled slightly: 'In that case, let me help you, just as extra reward for putting yourself in danger this time. ’

Not to mention that a few days later, the accompanying conductor suddenly presented small cakes and flowers, which suddenly turned the atmosphere between the two into an awkward and ambiguous situation.

At this moment, after Tangze made the phone call and arranged everything, he set off towards the airport.

When we arrived at the airport, it was already dark.

Tangze looked at the time, then found a hamburger restaurant nearby and started eating.

There are only a few days left before the departure time of the "Suzuki". Ever since he spread the news last night, nothing can stop.

Naturally, he was also pressed for time.

During the day, he first went to Suzuki's house to find out what happened on the "Suzuki" train, and then borrowed a ruby ​​​​from Mr. Suzuki Jirokichi, so that Kaitou Kidd could confirm that the gem was not the one he wanted and give up the theft.

He now has to go to the airport to pick up Kudo and his wife.

There was no way around it. This time the plan involved a lot but the available manpower was insufficient. In order to lay out the plan, Karasawa had no choice but to bring both Kudo and his wife from Merikan to help.

Not to mention Kudo Yukiko, who is also proficient in disguise and acting, and can definitely play a big role in the early stage of lurking and testing each other.

But if a chaotic war breaks out later, Yukiko Kudo's strength will naturally not be able to help.

But if you add Kudo Yusaku, there won't be any problem.

After all, Kudo Yusaku is smart and his judgment of the situation is better than Kudo Yukiko's.

With him here, he would probably be able to detect the danger and take his wife out of it when it first arrives.

If you prepare enough trump cards for him, the opponent will surely be able to find a way to break the game.

And although Kudo Yusaku also has no strength value, it is in terms of close combat.

When it comes to shooting, Karasawa still trusts Kudo Yusaku.

After all, the son who was taught shooting skills in Hawaii is so good, it makes no sense that his father, who teaches people, would have average shooting skills.

When the time comes, Tangze will equip him with a pistol. With the opponent's marksmanship, he will probably be able to protect himself.

To put it simply, Karasawa arranged for Kudo Yusaku to get on the bus in order to act as the brains and commander.

So both of them are important parts of his plan and indispensable!

After eating, Karasawa waited for about 40 minutes before receiving a call from Kudo and his wife.

The three of them met at the entrance of the airport. After a brief greeting, they got in the car and couldn't help but talk about business.

Because it was inconvenient to talk on the phone, Tangze was basically talking about the layout plan along the way, and the two of them listened most of the time.

"In other words, even when necessary, I have to disguise myself as Sharon?"

After hearing the plan, Kudo Yukiko's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she looked a little eager to try: "It sounds very interesting~

I wonder what kind of expression Shalang, a person who has always disguised himself as someone else, would show if he knew that he was also being impersonated by someone else? "

"Don't be too happy. You also know that Belmode will definitely not perform the mission in her original appearance, so the person you want to disguise is the person she disguises."

Kudo Yusaku heard this and said, "Can you confirm who Belmod will be disguised by then?"

"Of course it's possible. My collaborators will tell me this information when the time comes." Tang Ze smiled.

Although Karasawa also knew that in the original plot, Belmode chose to disguise himself as Shuichi Scarred Akai.

But there are too many variables now, and he is still more inclined to obtain information from Toru Amuro.

"Mr. Yusaku, do you think there is any room for improvement in my plan?"

After talking about the plan, Karasawa looked at Kudo Yusaku through the rearview mirror for advice.

In fact, this was one of the reasons why he considered calling Kudo Yusaku to come over and help.

After all, Kudo Yusaku can be vaguely regarded as a person with "Ke Xue's mental ceiling". He told the whole plan not only because the other party was trustworthy, but also because he wanted the other party to help him refer to it to see if there were any omissions.

He does have confidence in his plan, but as the old saying goes, "three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang", it is sometimes important to listen to the opinions of others.

“It’s very polished and I don’t see the need to improve.”

Kudo Yusaku shook his head and said: "You have left enough room for everyone to respond, and at the same time, you have considered various situations and made sufficient preparations.

Before the enemy takes action, I have no better arrangements.

We have done everything we need to do, and the only thing left is to see how the opponent plays the game. "

"This is actually what I'm worried about. After all, after fighting with that guy Gin for so long, I know his character."

Tang Ze sighed: "He is cold-blooded, cruel and unscrupulous in doing things, and he is ruthless enough. If there is anyone who is most likely to break the situation, it is him.

And that step is something I never want to see, so I can't stop worrying. "

His layout can be said to be very rigorous, but it does not mean that there is no way to break the situation, and that is to "use strength to defeat cleverness".

This word looks very domineering, but in fact if it is really used by Gin in the subsequent duel, it will be a complete disaster.

Because if Gin wants to break the situation, the way is very simple, that is to go on a killing spree and kill all the suspects directly.

Of course, doing this is also very risky, because as long as Gin dares to do this, the Metropolitan Police Department will dare to send anti-terrorism special forces to directly surround the train and destroy them.

But that guy Gin is the guy who dares to fly a helicopter to shoot down Tokyo Tower, so it's not surprising that he will do anything.

At least Karasawa could think of several methods, such as blowing up the entire train directly, or blocking the train's external communications, and then going on a killing spree.

If they do this, or even just show such intentions, then they will have no choice but to fight for the safety of train passengers and themselves.

This is the emergency situation that Tangze is worried about.

"We can't even grasp the actions of our opponents. We can only induce them to take the step we planned."

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku said with relief: "And I also think that the possibility of Gin directly choosing to take this move is very small. Don't forget that there are still people lurking in the organization.

They wouldn't sit back and let Gin choose this plan. "

"Yes, although Sha Lang has great murderous intentions towards Ai Jiang, he still attaches great importance to Xin Jiang and Xiao Lan."

Kudo Yukiko also smiled and echoed: "Don't worry, if Gin really does such a thing, Sarang will stop her.

It even seems to me that you are too unfounded. "

"Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region."

Kudo Yusaku looked at his wife and smiled: "As a planner, Karasawa Criminal must naturally consider various situations, so that he can control the situation in his own hands.

After all, this is a very important link. If it fails, it will have an impact on the overall situation. "

"But both Darling and Tang Zejun are very powerful, right?"

Kudo Yukiko said with a matter-of-fact expression: "If both of you feel that even a perfectly good layout can be destroyed, it means that we have committed a crime other than war and that the enemy is too cruel and cold-blooded.

As good people with a bottom line, we are no better than enemies who have no bottom line. You should not be ashamed!

And haven’t you also considered the worst possibilities and made countermeasures?

Now that you’ve thought it through, don’t put too much pressure on it and just do it boldly!

And I also believe that things will not come to the worst! "

After hearing Kudo Yukiko's words, Tang Ze was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed and said: "It seems that I am really under too much pressure, and I am actually worrying about gains and losses.

You are right, I have done everything I need to do. It is impossible to hold all developments in my hands. I am too arrogant. "

However, it is not unreasonable for Tang Ze to have such a mentality. After all, in the past, he used the convenience of the plot to intervene unreasonably and directly attack the enemy without any moral ethics, leaving the opponent confused.

With his mind and heart, he can naturally grasp everything in his hands and ensure that there will be no accidents.

But this sneak attack has turned into a head-on confrontation. The enemy is already prepared. If Tangze still wants to plan a secret, the difficulty will naturally increase greatly.

It was precisely because of the different circumstances that Tang Ze's mentality did not change.

However, after being comforted by Kudo Yukiko, Karasawa calmed down, and the anxiety in his heart was quietly eliminated.

After using the time in the car to come up with a plan, Karasawa dropped the Kudo couple down on the street near the Kudo family's residence.

After all, they would have to meet Akai Shuichi later. The other party didn't know Karasawa's true identity yet, so naturally they couldn't let him see the Kudo couple who came to participate in the same plan and were sent home by Karasawa, who was apparently unrelated to them.

In that case, it would be too easy to lose the vest, and Tangze would naturally not make such a low-level mistake.

Not to mention the meeting between Akai Shuichi and the Kudo couple, after a whole day of non-stop arrangements, Tang Ze was finally able to take a breather at night.

The reason why the plan was arranged so closely was mainly because the departure time of the "Suzuki" was approaching. Karasawa could complete the plan earlier, and others could also take action earlier to prepare.

The price of this was that after a full night's rest, Tang Ze still felt unenergetic when he went to work the next morning.

However, since the cases and the like were almost laid out, Tangze decisively used his skills as a fishing expert and started the fishing-to-recover mode.

Of course, this is just a temporary break, there are still many things to do in the future.

After resting for half a day, Tangze started to get busy again.

He first obtained the list of most passengers on the "Suzuki" train, and then used the Metropolitan Police Department's channels to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the key targets.

After doing all this, Karasawa invited the Kudo family to have dinner at a private restaurant.

This family refers to a family of three including Conan. After all, he did not tell Conan in advance when he implemented this plan, so naturally he had to tell him now.

"You actually laid out such a big plan!?"

After learning of Karasawa's plan, Conan looked shocked and furious: "Why didn't you tell me in advance!?"

"Because you are going to the mysterious train, and there are not many things required of you, so naturally there is no need to inform you from the beginning." Tang Ze smiled.

"I did not mean that!"

Conan heard this and said angrily: "What I'm saying is, why don't you discuss it with me before taking action!"

"I hesitated about this plan, but after I investigated Tohru Amuro's identity, I felt that this would be a perfect opportunity."

Karasawa said and looked at Conan: "Toru Amuro is also a keen person. Although he is an ally, the conflict between him and Shuichi Akai also determines that his position will be partially in conflict with ours.

Even without affecting the interests of his mission, he will cause us trouble out of revenge.

And doing so is also beneficial to him. After all, he has such a strong hostility towards Akai Shuichi, which can naturally dispel the enemy's suspicion, which is beneficial to his own identity.

But when he does this, he will become an obstacle to us at some point, and even "double" at certain critical moments to contain our powerful teammates.

In addition, he is still investigating Akai Shuichi, and his influence can affect the whole body. We cannot let him test his actions or even disrupt our rhythm.

In addition, the black organization must be planning revenge after suffering previous losses. Under such circumstances, I thought a lot and finally decided to seize the opportunity to take the initiative.

And now that it has become a foregone conclusion, Mr. Akai and Mr. Yusaku have also agreed to my plan, and in addition, you will not play a big role in my operational arrangements..."

After saying this, Tang Ze shrugged: "So naturally there is no need to ask for your opinion.

Because this plan has been unanimously approved by us. "

"Co-writing my plan this time is not important, so just don't ask for my opinion, right?"

After hearing Tang Ze's reasons, Conan looked at him with drooping eyes. The suffocated mmp didn't know where to start.

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