Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1454: Train (outside the car)

The steam train roared towards the point.

For passengers on the train, the "Suzuki" is their little world before getting off.

But for those who have not boarded the bus, this is just a small group of people taking a mobile vehicle, and their time will not change in any way.

Outside the train, after leaving the station, Belmod immediately drove his motorcycle towards the residence of Dr. Agasa.

As someone who has known Haiyuan's identity for a long time, it is natural to know the other party's traces.

And since there is indeed no trace of Haiyuan on Conan's side, the possibility of the other party hiding at home is high.

But after passing three traffic lights, Belmod looked at the car still following him in the rearview mirror without concealing its figure, and his heart sank.

Although the road she took from the station was indeed the main road, it was normal for people to take the same route.

But this car is different from those around it.

Generally speaking, on such a spacious road, the surrounding cars are very fast. It is normal for everyone to pass each other for various reasons.

Even tracking will do this, overtaking the tracking target before reaching the next intersection, and then waiting until it is about to reach the intersection before slowing down to see the target's itinerary.

If you choose this method, although you will still be discovered more times, at least you will not be discovered just after passing three traffic lights.

The first three traffic lights are the least likely to be suspected. After all, everyone starts from the station. It is normal to have a common road. You just need to hang far away.

In the mid-term, use the method of overtaking and slowing down at the intersection to continue to avoid being discovered.

But the reason why she discovered the clue so quickly was because the other party never surpassed her once and just hung behind her.

She speeds up without hesitation when the other person speeds up, and slows down unscrupulously when she slows down. It can be said that she is following the car in a clear way.

If she could no longer find out that the other party was following her under this situation, she would have been caught by a criminal in a certain country and sent to jail. It would not be her turn to be free until now.

But finding out that the other party couldn't solve the problem, especially since the other party showed up unscrupulously, was obviously to inform her.

This swaggering way of showing off one's presence made Belmode wary of falling into the opponent's trap.

It's not like she didn't think about getting rid of the other person, but the driver behind her was very skilled. Even though she was driving a motorcycle, she still couldn't use the terrain to get rid of the other person on this wide road.

Unable to figure out the enemy's purpose, Belmode didn't dare to stop at all and could only keep accelerating.

In this way, the two of them were chasing each other and speeding on the highway. The terrifying speed even caused the surrounding drivers to curse secretly, and they kept slowing down to avoid these two racing madmen.

After all, they are also afraid that a car accident will affect them.

But for Belmod and Kizaru who were chasing each other, this speed was completely beyond their control.

During the pursuit, Belmod's route also deviated further and further, and the original route towards the city was diverted further and further towards the main road.

There is nothing that can be done about it. The faster you go, the more instinct you will tend towards wide roads, and the closer you are to the city, the more vehicles there are. Even if Belmode is driving a motorcycle, he would not dare to rush into the traffic flow under such a pursuit. middle.

But if she slowed down, she might be overtaken by the enemy behind her before she even entered the traffic flow to avoid pursuit.

So she was forced to choose the broad path, and it was also forced by circumstances.

However, when she gradually deviated from her original route, Belmode discovered that the car behind her was actively honking its horn and slowing down its pursuit.

And soon Belmode realized from the whistle sounds in different bands that the other party was transmitting information in Morse code.

The message conveyed by the other party is [conversation].

After deciphering the message sent by the other party, Belmod also understood that the other party probably had no intention of attacking her.

The purpose of proactively revealing the traces before was to remind them, and the subsequent pursuit was not only to show their strength, but also to deviate from their original target route.

And when her route to Yoneka Town completely deviated, the other party deliberately slowed down and stopped pursuing urgently, and then conveyed the message.

Obviously, this was a show of goodwill. If he wanted to catch her, he would definitely pursue her and not use this method.

Thinking back to the reason why Ye Qingzhi let her go before, and the meeting in the garage not long ago, the other party did not kill her in both opportunities.

Although they are not the same person now, as people in the same camp, the attitude shown by the other party is still showing goodwill.

Thinking of this, Belmod couldn't help but frown secretly.

They are enemies, and she naturally doesn't want to be dragged into this gentle atmosphere by the other party if possible.

But the situation is stronger than the people. To be honest, whether you fight them in person or the organization suffers several losses, it can reflect the strength of these people.

She was not sure of escaping unscathed, especially when the other party showed up in such a swaggering manner that there was no guarantee that there would be no other party's companions around.

Once a fight breaks out and the opponent's backhand appears, judging from her past experiences in the fight, she will definitely not be able to escape. Then she will have no choice but to let the mermaid be her prey.

Therefore, instead of ending up in such an embarrassing situation, it is better to take the initiative to gain the initiative.

'I'm really getting deeper and deeper...'

Finally sighing, Belmod also began to gradually slow down.

Soon the speed of the two of them slowed down, and she took the initiative to approach the driver's window at level with the car.

"Hey~Long time no see~lady~"

The car window slowly lowered, and before the face was revealed, the familiar frivolous words were already heard.

"Kizaru, what are you doing with me!?"

Watching the window lower, Bermod instantly took out a gun from his waist with his left hand and pointed it at the man in the car window. His eyes were full of coldness: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you with one shot when you lower the window?"

"Of course I'm afraid~ but I know you won't~"

Kizaru smiled frivolously: "And you don't have the ability to kill me~ Because you are also worried about the consequences after killing me, right~"

Hearing Kizaru's words, Belmode got the information he wanted. Knowing that the other party might have a back-up plan, he put away the gun with an expressionless face: "You didn't come to me just to talk nonsense, right?"

"Then let's talk about business~"

Kizaru smiled and said: "Then let's find a place where no one will disturb us and have a good conversation alone~lady~"

"I'll lead the way." After hearing Kizaru's words, Belmode said a word with a cold face, then accelerated straight past the car window, leaving no room for him to speak.

"I won't give you any chance to refute~"

After Kizaru shouted without getting a response, he sat upright again, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to follow.

Faced with Belmod's "tyrannical" behavior, Tang Ze smiled nonchalantly and was even happy to see it.

Because he was a completely empty city tactic, with no back-up or companions at all, and he was the only one following her.

This is something that can't be helped. Because they are short of manpower, they don't have any extra combat power as a backup.

However, Karasawa's battle array was very well prepared in the early stage, so when he saw Belmod taking the initiative to slow down, he knew that this "empty city strategy" was safe.

In other words, when Tangze saw that Belmod was not running away but actively slowing down to be level with his window, he knew that Belmod had been manipulated by him.

After all, Belmod's attitude proved that the other party was very afraid of his companions hiding around him.

That's why Tang Ze was so calm when she drew her gun.

After all, his previous actions were too calm, and as a "prey" who fell into a trap, he had no time to consider whether this was just pretentious.

As for a sneak attack, with Karasawa's reflexes and posture skills, she would never be given that chance.

Moreover, the other party is completely arrogant, and the more at that time, the more calm and calm he has to be, so that he can use his calmness to make the other party feel afraid.

After raising the window, looking at Belmode leading the way, Tangze accelerated and followed.

The two of them were still moving very fast, but there was no tense atmosphere like before.

No, maybe it's more like the calm before a volcano is brewing to explode. All it takes is an opportunity and a change for the accumulated terrifying energy to explode.

But it is also possible that because this opportunity did not come, in the end, a clever balance was maintained, and the state of savings was maintained, waiting for a more violent explosion one day.

But before that, Karasawa could still accomplish what he wanted to achieve at the crater.

Belmode led the way and did not choose to go too far. She stayed away from the main road and turned towards a path that gradually led to the forest.

Seeing the path chosen by the other party, Tangze understood the other party's plan.

Naturally, they chose a small road to avoid the crowd and prevent anyone from disturbing their conversation, or even interrupting them when the subsequent conversation collapsed.

In addition, the nearby woods can also shield the reinforcements in the distance, which is very important to Belmode.

After all, it is not a good experience to have your life threatened by unknown enemies or even snipers, so you naturally have to guard against it.

In addition, such a motorcycle in the woods can escape flexibly, but the car naturally has no choice. This is a fallback path that Belmod has chosen for himself.

After all, she also has to prepare for the failure of negotiations. In such a situation, she naturally chooses a location that is beneficial to her.

Tangze turned a blind eye to this and did not stop him. He followed the opponent directly into it, and finally stopped at the edge of a straight road.

"Now that you've appeared, it proves that what the child said before was meant for me, right?"

Looking at Kizaru getting off the car, Belmode leaned on the motorcycle and said coldly.

"It's been seen. If that's the case, I'll tell you frankly."

Tangze smiled when he heard this, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put one in his mouth, and immediately threw one to Bermod: "Yes, all the information you know is false, so you fell into this trap from the beginning. In our trap.”

Taking the cigarette that traced a beautiful trajectory in the air, Belmode said with an ugly expression: "Including that video?"

"Including that video."

Tang Ze lit the cigarette with a smile and slowly exhaled the smoke: "Although I don't know from which channel you saw the video, but since the Trojan was triggered, it means that you are most likely to have fallen into the trap."

"This was not an opportunity from the beginning, but a trap designed by you." Belmode said with an ugly face: "Aren't you afraid that Gin won't follow your plan at all and will blow you up with a whole car?"

"Of course we are worried, but we have also made complete preparations just in case."

Kizaru looked at Belmode and said with a playful smile: "Inspecting the carriages is one thing, but on the other hand, of course, the eyeliners are deployed at each station~

It is estimated that the FBI and others have arrived at Nagoya Station at this time.

I'm really looking forward to it. Do you think Gin can escape this pursuit? "

"Are they all traps? No wonder you bothered to lure me out alone."

Belmode sighed: "But the chess game is already dead, and this conspiracy forced me to risk leaving the station."

When she learned from the three little ones that Miyano Shiho was not on the train but was ill at home, the chess game had been checked.

If she did not leave the station, then the entire operation would fail. Naturally, Belmode was not willing to accept this choice, so she chose to get off the bus and kill Miyano Shiho.

Of course, she didn't think that this was false information deliberately spread by Conan, but Conan disguised it too well.

And with Bourbon and others on the train, it was almost inevitable that Belmode would make such a choice.

After all, Bourbon was still there after she left on the train. Without her, the original plan could still go ahead, but if she didn't leave, there was half a risk of the plan failing.

So when faced with a choice, Belmode naturally chose "I want them all" and divided his troops.

And the moment she chose to divide her forces and leave the station, she fell into their carefully laid spider web.

After all, once Gin or even his companions on the train are attacked, there will naturally be a review afterwards.

Once it is discovered that she is not here, there must be a reasonable explanation.

In other words, they were not just trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain and let him leave, but they were also trying to drag her into trouble!

"What a plan."

Belmode realized the other party's plan as his thoughts were flowing. He held the cigarette and felt cold in his heart: "You have really worked hard to get me into trouble. You must have done more than this."


Karasawa smiled and said, "If Miss Belmode chooses to cooperate with us, then everything will go smoothly as it should."

"Oh? Then how are you going to explain to me that I didn't get on the bus as planned, but suddenly chose to get off before starting?

Belmod's expression flickered and he remained calm, testing the enemy's plan.

"Don't worry, there will be a way."

Hearing this, Karasawa didn't care about the other party's probing, and revealed their plan with a meaningful smile: "After all, there is a "Belmode" in the car now who is performing a mission with your companions~"

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