Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,455: Train (Conspiracy)

Faced with Belmode's temptation, Tangze didn't care at all, or it could be said that his plan was a conspiracy.

Not only was he not worried about Belmode knowing, but he was worried that she wouldn't understand everything he had arranged.

When Belmode heard Kizaru say that "she" was on the train at the moment, his pupils shrank violently involuntarily.

At this moment, Belmode felt as if he had been hunting geese all day long but got pecked in the eye by geese.

In the past, she had disguised herself as someone else to disturb the trust between enemies, but this time Belmode never thought that she would experience this feeling one day.

And once you taste it, it’s a surefire winner.

"Ah, you actually chose to pretend to be me. This is really unexpected."

Belmode was shocked, but on the surface he lit the cigarette in his hand and said with a mocking sneer, "Then in this case, wouldn't the matter of me escaping and leaving be fulfilled?

But I don’t believe you would be so kind to help me. Tell me, what have you done with my identity? "

"On this point, please take a look for yourself."

After hearing what Belmode said, Karasawa opened his phone and clicked on the only chat window in the chat software, then threw the phone to Belmode.

After taking the mobile phone thrown by the other party, Belmod saw the video sent in the chat window and reached out to click on it.

The footage of the video is fixed and looks like a bathroom on a train.

Not long after, the door was opened, and then a man with scars on his face walked in.

He faced the mirror on the sink and ripped off the mask from his face, finally revealing the face of a blond foreign woman.

And the face of this woman was also very familiar to her. It was the face of FBI Judy.

"What a plan. What a vicious plan."

After watching this short video, Belmode showed a sullen look on his face: "It seems that you have convinced me."

"No, no, we sincerely invite Miss Bellmode to cooperate with us."

Karasawa's tone was still Kizaru's strange introduction: "We still gave us a choice, didn't we~"

"What a choice."

Belmode looked at the video in his hand and sneered: "You recorded such a secretly filmed video just to make me deeply suspicious."

Tang Ze smiled and said nothing about this. After all, how could he not know the effect of the plan he had laid.

It can be said that the moment Belmode left the plan alone and did not board the train, she actually had no choice.

Because Kudo Yukiko pretended to be her and replaced her in the car to carry out the original plan.

This certainly helped her by hiding her whereabouts and making it look like she was still in the car.

But this benefit comes at a price. The other party also arranged hidden cameras on the train in advance for filming, and filmed Yukiko disguised as Judy in the bathroom.

That's right, at that time, Yukiko, in addition to also disguising herself as Scar Akai,

And she deliberately tore off the first layer of the mask in the bathroom, revealing the original face of FBI Agent Judy.

In this case, if a peeping tom was used to secretly film and accidentally capture a big scene and spread the video for similar reasons, the black organization would immediately realize that the Belmode who was around them at the time was fake.

Then the reason for the failure of the organization plan can all be attributed to Belmode.

In this case, she not only had to explain why she did not execute the plan on the Suzuki, but also where she went when the plan was executed.

But this is something that Belmod must never say, because she wants to hide the secret of Kudo Shinichi becoming Conan.

In addition, she also had to explain why her original life-and-death enemy wanted to help her, and the target chosen by the other party was also a "killer".

Because even life-and-death enemies are willing to hold back their hatred and help, it will undoubtedly make others more suspicious of her betrayal.

It can be said that once this video is exposed, regardless of whether the source is true or not, it will directly push her into a desperate situation.

Even if she has a special relationship with "that adult", what awaits her may not be a good ending.

Faced with this difficult situation, Belmod's expression kept changing, and he fell into a difficult decision.

"How about I help you analyze the pros and cons?"

Looking at the ever-changing Bermod, Kizaru spoke in a sinister tone: "In this way, you might have a more intuitive understanding of the current situation~"

"Hmph!" Belmode snorted, but did not refuse outright.

In other words, she knew that she was in a passive situation and had no room to refuse.

"Then I will help you analyze it carefully~"

Kizaru sat casually on the front of the car, flicking the ashes with his right hand holding the cigarette: "First of all, I chose to refuse to cooperate.

If you refuse, you can still struggle in the organization, but you will also leave your destiny in the hands of "that adult", and you will have no control over everything that follows.

But the advantage is that if you take the initiative to confess, you can still regain the trust of "that adult" in the future.

But in addition to your own risks, it may also cause "that adult" to ask you to explain why you did it later.

In order to verify, Gin will definitely be asked to investigate, so it's useless for you to lie.

Then the possibility of Gin's teammates discovering that Haibara Ai is Miyano Shiho is very high, and using the other party's methods, after discovering Haibara's identity, they will obliterate her along with the network around her.

And Conan and Xiaolan are both on this "deadly web". This kind of ending is obviously not what you want to see. "


Hearing this, Belmode said with a cold expression: "Of course I don't want to see this ending, but I don't believe you will let Gin kill them two!

They are important to me, but they are equally important to you! "

"Well, don't get excited, I'm just analyzing the situation objectively."

Tangze took a puff of cigarette, put down his hands and said, "If this happens, we will naturally protect them.

But it is obvious that before the organization is solved, their lives will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Perhaps from now on, they will live a life of anonymity and may be discovered and hunted down at any time?

Is this what you want to see? "

Speaking of this, Tangze reminded in a gloomy tone: "And for a group of "undead" who only want revenge, there is nothing they can't give up, including their own lives."

Belmod felt a chill in his heart when he heard this, knowing that this was a hint and warning from the other party.

If a group of people can sacrifice their own lives for revenge, how can they care about the lives of others?

This was a subtle message to her that although they valued Conan and the two of them, they were not unable to give them up.

Of course, Tang Ze appeared to be cold-blooded and ruthless on the surface, but actually he felt a little strange in his heart after saying these words.

After all, the candidates he uses to threaten the opponent are also his teammates.

How can I put it this way? This feeling of threatening the enemy with your own teammates is like saying that you are doing this for the good of your wife after you betrayed the bitter master, and the bitter master can only choose and be forced to accept it.

Belmod looked at the frivolous man in front of her with a pale face, but she had to admit in her heart that she was resisting such an ending.

Suppressing the weird feeling in his heart, Tang Ze continued to speak: "Besides this, you have to consider something else.

Once the secret that aptx4869 may cause people to rejuvenate is exposed, it is very likely that Conan's identity will be found.

Even if Conan has been silenced due to Miyano Shiho's involvement by then, if this news is also found out, it will also have very serious consequences for you. "

Looking at Bermod's sullen face, Tang Ze smiled frivolously: "Madam, you understand, right~"

Belmod's heart grew cold, and the murderous intent in her eyes became increasingly intense. However, the current situation and the other party's vicious plan forced her to suppress this murderous intent.

Because even if she kills the other party, it will have no effect and will not change her current situation. Another person can achieve the same result if she executes the plan.

It can be said that Kizaru told her very clearly that if she could ruthlessly abandon Conan and Xiaolan, she would indeed be able to escape unscathed.

If it weren't for Conan, she wouldn't have to hide her actions at all, she could just tell this important information directly. In this way, she will naturally break the situation. But she couldn't tell this information, so naturally she could only break her teeth and swallow it.

But this premise is that Conan's identity is not discovered.

If discovered, a series of cover-up behaviors she had done may be traced by Gin.

The biggest flaw should be that when Gin wanted to kill Mouri Kogoro, he stopped him.

For this reason alone, Gin could kill her for having a relationship with Conan, which would put her in trouble again.

It can be said that even if she chooses to abandon the two of them cruelly, there is no way to guarantee that she will escape unscathed.

And when this possibility was mentioned by the frivolous man in front of her, Belmode knew that the chance of her escaping unscathed was zero.

Because the other party will definitely find a way to pass on the information and use it to kill people.

And for Belmode, those two people were her weaknesses, and they were the ones she was absolutely unwilling to give up.

So on the surface, she was given a choice, but in reality, she was told the "be ending" that this path would eventually lead to.

"It seems that the beautiful lady doesn't want to choose this ending~" Tang Ze smiled and said: "Then why not listen to another option."


Belmod stared at Kizaru with a cold tone and said: "I know the remaining options without you having to tell me, which is to choose to cooperate with you, and then cooperate with you to complete this scene.

In this way, the impostor on the train will always be me, and everything will be fine.

But once I choose to accept this kindness, choosing to be "Scarred Akai" on the train now is just me pretending to be on the train and defaulting to the option of always being on the train.

Then this video will become a fatal grip in your hands.

And if I don’t want to die after this, I will have no choice but to be at your mercy like a puppet.

This must be your purpose too, what a good plan. "

This is the third time Belmode has said this. This is not a compliment from the other party, but the extreme anger in the other party's heart for falling into this fate.

But it's no wonder, after all, this poisonous plan seemed to give her a choice, but in fact it gave her a dead end and a path of chronic suicide.

The dead end is of course the situations mentioned before, and the path to chronic suicide is not much better.

It can be said that as long as she agreed to cooperate with them, she would become a traitor and never look back.

And if someone takes advantage of you, you may fall into a quagmire step by step and be unable to turn back in the future.

But the good thing is that everything remains as usual, nothing happens on the surface, but secretly he has to act as a second-in-command.

This is undoubtedly a dilemma, and Belmode cannot make a choice for a while.

And looking at the struggle in Bermod's charming eyes, Tangze knew not to push the other party too hard.

He needs to "let go" appropriately so that Belmod's inner balance tilts towards their side.

"I think this evidence will become the basis and bridge for cooperation between the two parties. After all, with a lady like you, I really don't feel comfortable cooperating without insurance."

Karasawa still maintained Kizaru's tone and said: "And you think of us too badly~

Cooperating with us actually won’t bring you too many changes. "

"Ha..." After hearing this, Belmod woke up from the dilemma of choice, looked at the frivolous man in front of him cold-bloodedly and sneered: "Don't lie to others with such nonsense.

You and I both know that once I choose to work with you, there will be no room for regret.

And you will continue to use me to spy on intelligence within the organization.

This outcome is hardly business as usual. "

"No, no, we would not force a lady like this."

Tang Ze stretched out his index finger and shook it: "And you're not that loyal to the organization, are you~

You see, Conan has always been an enemy of the organization, but you don't turn a blind eye completely. You even keep the secret that aptx4869 has a certain chance of causing people to rejuvenate for the sake of Conan's safety.

In fact, this can be considered damaging to the interests of the organization, right?

Not only that, in order not to implicate Conan, even Haiyuan's existence was chosen to be concealed. "

"So you know about the existence of Miyano Shiho."

After hearing what the man in front of him said, Belmode's expression changed and he said, "It seems that the connection between you and Conan is closer than imagined."

"Of course."

Kizaru smiled and said: "Because after we discovered something unusual about Haiyuan, we did not choose to test it secretly, but directly showed our sincerity.

Conan only told us about Miyano Shiho after he knew that we had rescued Miyano Akemi.

However, the two sisters had some differences, and in the end Miyano Shiho chose to stay with Conan. "

Said Kizaru threw away the cigarette in his hand and stamped it out casually: "Getting back to the topic, whether you admit it or not, everything you did is actually a kind of betrayal.

There is a saying that goes, "Loyalty is either absolute or absolutely disloyal." You are already a traitor in the eyes of the organization.

And what we want you to do is not difficult, we just need you to provide some information at certain critical times.

And based on the relationship between us and Conan, helping us is helping Conan.

In addition, I also guarantee that you have the right to refuse cooperation between us. That video will not be used as a threat, but as the basis for our sincere cooperation. "

After hearing Kizaru's words, Belmod's expression kept changing, and the conversation fell into silence for a while.

When Karasawa saw this, he did not urge him, and quietly waited for Belmod's decision.

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