Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1561 The Novelist Who Suicided (3)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

There is algae only in the lake!

A flash of light flashed in Tang Ze's eyes, and a place immediately appeared in his mind.

"I know what's going on." Tang Ze stood up and looked at Yamamura Cao and said, "Let's go."

"Eh?" Yamamura Cao was surprised when he heard this: "This, you know now? Didn't you just have no clue?"

In Yamamura Cao's eyes, Karasawa just looked at the hands and feet of the corpse, then found an algae in the hair, and then said he knew what the case was about.

That’s outrageous!

There is even a sense of absurdity and doubt in Shan Cun's heart about life.

It's the same crime, the same information, why can the other party solve the case, but I don't know anything.

For a moment, Yamamura Cao even doubted his life.

After giving instructions to the forensic examiner to prepare some things, the two of them walked to the restaurant.

"There were only seven of you on the boat!" Kanaya Chigai Karasawa immediately retorted: "Gaoke Criminal, he should stop joking..."

I'd set the ship in danger before, and return to the place where you agreed to gather as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Di Ke also covered his head and collapsed: "You know you don't have a family, so we ended up playing with each other in a tacit understanding...


When everyone who was eating saw the two approaching, they also said hello.

Having said that, Gao Ke looked at Xiao Di Ke behind him and said sarcastically: "What do you think? If Mr. Xiao Di Ke is convinced, you can't add weight equivalent to Teacher Wen Yan's weight.

Gao Ke smiled and said: "Please do a casual comparison and see if nothing is the same?

"So that's what happened."

Then a wave of warmth hit my heart, and the emotions of having just kissed each other were once again impacted at that moment.

Hearing Xiao Di Ke's almost absurd murder motive, Gao Ke couldn't help but get angry.

The truth is actually very complicated.

As for Yamamura Caoze, he screamed in panic and fell directly out of the lake.

After all, it was realistic for him to put back the wooden boat without the body on his own.

"Oh...oh." Kanaya Qiangai Tang Ze nodded repeatedly: "Yes, are you going to use it?"

Gao Ke's tone was fierce and doubtful, and he said shocking words that made everyone's scalps explode: "You are on the big wooden ship you are on...

Jingu Qianwai was shocked when she heard Gao Ke's words. She immediately realized what Shen Ai was talking about and quickly knelt down under the pier holding her cell phone, staring at the junction between the ship and the water.

What the hell is that?

Everyone got off the big wooden boat and sat down one by one.

Although everyone Tang Ze was relieved, they still followed Gao Ke's instructions and got off the boat, but Kanaya Qianwai was stopped by Gao Ke, "Sister Kanaya, I later borrowed his camera to collect evidence, and now give it back to him.

Yamamura's proud words broke the solemn silence that followed, and Gao Ke's fleeting sighs and anger instantly turned into words.

"Do not make jokes!"

He was a married man having a love affair with a single man, so he was right to kiss him.

Little Di Ke was just about to continue, when he was interrupted by Gao Ke in a roundabout way: "You said, it was just his misdirection. I am sure if you continue to struggle at that point, you will always have a way to catch him.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"I have some ideas, but let's wait until we finish eating." Tang Ze said with a smile, "After being busy for so long, you always have to fill your stomach."

Yamamura So's body swayed from right to left under the big boat, and the big wooden boat ended up on the lake, but it swayed and rolled, as if it was about to capsize at the next moment, which scared Ayako and others to scream again and again.

Having said that, Gao Ke ignored Xiao Di Ke's ugly expression, turned to look at Yuanzi and the others and said, "Everyone, please get off the boat first. The evidence is outside."

Gao Ke angrily shouted before hearing what Xiao De Katsuya said: "Isn't he the one who ruins a good family and life? ! !

Who taught him to deal with things like that!

Seeing that Xiao Di Ke, who was full of confidence and thought that his crime techniques were perfect, was able to hammer him down, Gao Ke interrupted me and said with a downward curl of his lips: "Is there any evidence? How can you do that?" Correct him.”

Bottom of the boat! "

But before Xiao Di Ke was scolded by Gao Ke, he seemed to be still immersed in the despair and regret of being caught, and did not receive Yamamura Cao's words at all.

"Of course not."

If someone emotionally wants to be with him, he will personally agree or bear the exact consequences.

Otherwise, it would be very stressful just thinking about staying in the same hotel as a murderer.

Gao Ketangze smiled faintly: "The method he mentioned to travel from the hotel to the waterfall in half an hour is possible for any human being."

Then, the body was tied to the bottom of the big wooden boat with a rope that was made of soft material and would cause binding marks on the body as much as possible.

It was only because of Gao Ke that he caught the wooden bridge of the dock next to him in time and finally stabilized the wooden bed.

Little Di Ke also heard Gao Ke's words, his expression kept showing ferociousness and fear, and finally lowered his head in despair: "You think it will definitely match..."

I angrily stepped off the boat and walked towards Xiao Di Keya, hoping to make him come to his senses and take him into custody.

So he had no choice but to choose a place without water, which would make him pretend to commit suicide and make people suspicious.

After hearing Gaoke's words, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly, and their expressions instantly became horrified.

Kanaya Qianwai turned on the camera and found a photo on the camera screen: "That's a commemorative photo you took casually when you were on the boat!"

But first you became serious, you wanted to get divorced and leave your wife and children..."

After hearing Gao Ke's words, Xiao Di Ke could only take steps to get off the boat, no matter how willing he was.

Like weight? "

Xiao Di Ke also said that his face was not clear at all: "You thought he was a incompetent criminal, but in the end he looked no different from the idiot criminal next to him."


Speaking of which, Little Di Ke also roared excitedly: "You are the one who is the bad one, it is you who wants to destroy your family and your life!"

"What the hell is he talking about!"

After hearing Gaoke's words, everyone had different expressions.

Then you took the big wooden boat without the body and returned to the hotel together.

"The draft of the wooden bed now is obviously much shallower than the one in the photo!" Kanaya Chigai exclaimed as she compared the wooden boat behind her with the waterline in the photo.

"and you..."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

When it is clear that he will be married and has no chance to change, but in the end he does not change, the guilt and guilt will be felt.

It’s wrong. There was no going back and forth from the very beginning. The body arrived at the hotel at the same time as you!

It cannot be said that forgetting to prepare the clothes worn by the deceased was his biggest failure.

"What the hell is that guy doing!"

"You said "the whole journey", including the return journey." Gao Ke interrupted Xiao De Katsuya's words and said with a meaningful expression.

"He means Teacher Ya is here too..." Yuanzi looked horrified and felt a chill running down his spine.

Before, he excused you to let you rest, and then took advantage of the opportunity when he and Kanaya Qianwai were separated to go to the hotel to find Teacher Wen Yan, and put the body in the hot spring!

"That's wrong. Let's look at the same members sitting under the boat now as at that time."

Yes, maybe it's because the difficulty is too low. After all, he has a way to determine which outfit the other person will wear when going out for fun, so naturally he has a way to delay preparing the same clothes. "

Maybe that's not a reward for a "prophet".

"You are!"

Yamamura Cao thought about what the other party said to the forensic examiner before he left, and he knew in his heart that the other party was waiting for the forensic examiner to arrange the scene for inference, so he sat down to eat with peace of mind.

What's more, he is a hopeless scumbag by killing people just to avoid being accurate! "

After that time, the atmosphere under the dinner table was no longer weird, and everyone finished their dinner in a slightly silent atmosphere, and then followed Shen Ai to the pier.

Gao Ke looked at Xiao Di Ke who continued to insist on misleading remarks and said: "Holmes said, "Everything is ruled out as possible, and whatever is left is possible, it is also the truth."

The guy had been suppressing his murderous intention after committing the crime, and he didn't show anything unusual at all.

Because soaked clothes can be put back into the middle column, which will remind people of his tricks.

So Yamamura Cao could not help but get a little angry at the other party's dismissive attitude.

The only one who had the same expression as everyone else was Xiao Di Keye. At this moment, my face was extremely pale, and there was nothing calm or ferocious in my eyes.

"Stop joking." Little Katsuya Karasawa waved his hands upward excitedly: "What is misleading is misleading, isn't that reality bad?"

Little Di Ke also said with a thoughtful look on his face: "I've talked about it in a circle, but it's coming back again!

"Humph, you know that guy is not a criminal!"

Sonoko looked at Yamamura Cao who was transferred into the lake, covered his forehead and let out a helpless sigh.

"Did Shancun Criminal Police not tell them about the murderer?"

Because of this, our harmonious performance at the end deceived Gao Ke, making me think it was a case.

"That's wrong, because the boat at that time was still carrying the weight of Sister Wenyan."

Gao Ke said solemnly: "It is difficult for a person's weight to find a way to cover up the past. It is precisely because of this that the gap in the water level is not so obvious."

You think that if you blame all the faults on others, you can't get close to each other! !

"What a joke!"

Let’s see if it is the same as the water level line at the bottom of the picture. "

But when he solves the problem, he solves the problem-solver.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

And the reason why he was soaked when he came back was because he wanted to hide the body.

"Ah, ah!"

And Xiao Dike asked in a calm voice: "Now that you are down, what can you prove?"

Also, please ask him to take another photo for you from the shore. "

"Brother-in-law, it can't be over, can it?" Yuanzi looked at Gao Ke standing by the lake, and couldn't help but ask: "Who is the murderer?"

On the side, Yamamura Cao couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard that Tang Ze wanted to eat first, and immediately his face became a little anxious, but Tang Ze patted his shoulder and said: "It will take some time to prepare things, so don't wait."

"Misleading?" Yamamura Cao Tangze said in surprise: "Did he say that I deliberately made you think that way?"

"Brother-in-law, do you have any clues about the case?" Yuanzi asked with a concerned look on his face.

"He is still digging holes to lure you. If you really listened to him, this would be a fool's crime."

"His tricks are really ingenious. You didn't even realize the problem at the first time and fell into his trap."


Hearing that Xiao Di Ke would also kiss him as the murderer, Kanaya Qianwai collapsed. You looked at Xiao Di Ke with excitement and roared: "Why did he kill the teacher!!"

"Really?" Ayako looked happy when she heard this. After all, a murder occurred while out for fun, so she naturally hoped to solve it as soon as possible.

But that kind of boredom was quickly resolved by Gaoke, because I had indeed experienced missed opportunities to prevent cases, and the prophet had not maintained a relatively bad mentality.

But a hundred meters away, he overlooked one thing.

He would rather tell me, if you kill Teacher Wen Yan, what should you do..."

This is not about throwing the body into a hot spring, and the clothes can be disposed of.

As Gao Ke's words came out, everyone present felt that their hearts were being grasped by visible hands for a kiss. At this moment, there was no momentary stagnation.

"Shen Ai Criminal, is there no evidence for what he said?" Xiao Di Ke also had a hint of pride in his bright eyes: "If there is any..."

"Sister Jingu, please pay attention to the picture under the digital camera." Gao Ke reminded.

After all, there are only eight of us in our group, and there are no conflicts or any signs of future consequences.

However, he knew it was because he was too proud. Before getting off the boat, Yamamura Cao raised his face and did not look at his feet. First, he accidentally tripped on the oar and lost his balance.

As for Ya Wenyan, she is probably still immersed in love, and she has never thought that her subordinate will actually kill you.

"Yes." Shen Ai smiled and looked at Xiao Di Keye who was standing under the pier moving. She stretched out her hand and said, "Please get off the boat, Mr. Xiao Di."

But when I looked at these calm eyes, little Di Ke also felt a sense of panic in his heart.

But standing at the pier, Cun Cao, who was walking down the mountain, still had the same proud look. He held his head high and stepped off the boat like a victorious little rooster: "Mr. Xiaodi, now you will personally invite him to come with you!"

Gao Ke smiled and patted Yamamura Cao's front and said with a smile, while the former Karasawa straightened his back consciously and showed a proud smile on his face.

Xiao Di Ke also heard Gao Ke's words and just kept his head high and silent, which made Shen Ai feel angry.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"What else did he say..."

"You cheated on someone other than Wen Yan..."

Gao Ke's words continued, and I still described everything I had done in a fierce tone, "He immediately killed Teacher Wen Yan before he separated from you.

Because it is simply possible to travel back and forth within half an hour. "

There was no reason why he chose to be in the hot spring, because the body was not soaked yet.

Could it be that he hasn't found a way to get from the hotel to the waterfall in half an hour? "

Except for the half hour when you were free to move around, you were together the whole time on the road, and it was at this time that he killed Ya Wenyan! "

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