Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,562 The Novelist Who Suicided (End)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After Yamamura Cao fell into the lake, Tang Ze felt relieved after seeing Yamamura Cao master the water.

After that, he let everyone on the boat go ashore first, while he stood on the boat and pulled Yamamura Cao up from the water.


After Yamamura came up, he touched his face in embarrassment and thanked Tang Ze.

"You're too careless." Tang Ze shook his head helplessly and said, "You'd better go to the hotel to take a shower and change clothes."

"I know." Yamamura Cao glared hatefully at Otaka Katsuya, who was still in a daze after landing on the shore, and then urged the men next to him: "What are you waiting for? Take them away quickly!"

Seeing the angry and embarrassed look of the chief, the two criminals held back their laughter and quickly took Da Gaoke away.

Because he was soaked all over, Yamamura Cao could only go to the hot spring to take a bath by himself.

And because he had no clothes, he could only ask his men to take Da Gaoke away first. He would stay here for one night and wait for the hotel to dry his clothes.

As for Tang Ze and the others, they didn't go to Guan Shancun Cao. Although the case was solved, the three of them were not in much mood to have fun at night, so they went back to their rooms to rest.

Early on the seventh day, the eight Hattori people got up and went out to have breakfast before washing up. They saw that Yamamura Cao was not sitting outside yet.

On the contrary, Hinge seemed to have learned the news without any delay, so the reaction was not that small.

Hattori hopes that there will be less intense moments, but some people take the initiative to find difficult cases to seek justice because there are no cases to discuss.

"Who made me so hungover the day after tomorrow that I still haven't gotten up yet?" After saying that, Dalan's face became angry: "You're talking about me!"

However, although the harvest was quite fruitful, Gan Hui became unhappy.


Liju Hotel.

The punishment I received that time was also a skill that had nothing to do with the case. After the upgrade, my ship driving skills were directly upgraded to 9 years.

"That's so bad!" Sonoko cheered and threw the pillow under the bed, then jumped out of bed and looked at Hattori with a smile: "Sorry, brother-in-law."

Somehow he was favored by fate!

"Hehe... I don't mean it in a bad way..."

"No, no, no, they should stop bickering." Hattori reluctantly stopped the two of them, and immediately finished eating breakfast.

That case had no similar techniques to the "Elevator Hidden Corpse Case". Although the case was complicated, it made people think deeply and gave them a creepy feeling.

"That's so bad!" Yuanzi cheered after hearing this.

Talk all night.

The angles in the two photos are the same, the backgrounds are the same, and the hot springs are still the same.

"Why is he here?"

"Could it be that there are several transparent tables placed in the hot spring?"

As he spoke, Conan Heiji took out another photo from his pocket, and that photo seemed much smaller.

But the bad thing was that it was the murderer's first time to commit a crime. He relied on some clues that the other party accidentally left behind to see through the prisoner's conspiracy and successfully arrested him.

Thinking of that, Gan Hui called the editor with whom he had been in contact for a long time and made an appointment to meet with him tomorrow morning to discuss book publishing.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Putting aside the ever-changing timeline, there is really nothing wrong with delaying the winter for a few days.

"Yes, if you put something outside the water, it must have come out!" Da Lan quickly agreed after hearing this: "If the water is behind it, you can do anything."

As for Hattori, he smiled, took his pillow and went to rest in the room next to him.

At that moment, a woman with long hair and a beard suddenly came over and explained: "This photo was taken using traditional negatives that are difficult to process.

"Dad, it's really my loss that I'm here." Da Lan smiled and looked at Gao Ke: "Right, Gao Ke!"

And perhaps because the case in that branch was less difficult, or weirder, that time was the same as the cases that Gan would encounter later, and 300 fate points were given.

Seeing the punishment in that case, Hattori knew that the case was also a side case.

We eat barbecue in the summer and hot pot in the winter. Recently, Hattori had hot pot and soup, which was a great pleasure. Plus, there was no case, and it was very relaxing.

"Huh?" Ayako was stunned for a moment after hearing her sister's words.

By the time winter officially begins, some places such as Hokkaido have not even seen snow yet. People are talking about it being an early winter this year and are not surprised by the weather.

Gan Huiheiji smiled mysteriously when he heard this and said, "As for animals that don't have scythes under their bodies, the only thing that doesn't appear is the monster Kama Itachi who rides on a whirlwind and disemboweles people in an instant."


The scene seems to be in a hot spring at night, with air-conditioning steaming under the water.

It was the wrong punishment.

"Of course."

Ayako guessed: "The hot spring outside is the same as the White Bone Hot Spring. The water quality is not transparent, but milky white."

There is only one year left to be promoted to level B.

Finally, Hattori took a pen and paper and wrote down the case before polishing it, and then he felt relieved.

"This will make his sister sleep with him." Hattori knew what was going on as soon as he heard this, and said with a smile: "You take a pillow and sleep outside his house."

Hattori smiled and said: "You originally said that you went back to live before we came out to play, but it was bad that you all went back to live last week to see him. If he is afraid, just sleep with his sister."

As soon as he heard Gaoke's knowing words, Conan Heiji thought of his own "white history" recording, so his face looked less natural.

"But if it's a sickle, shouldn't its claws be sickle-shaped?"

What's the harm in having a hot day? When a person walks in, his exposed skin feels prickly when the wind blows. Even with Hattori's current physique, he doesn't care about the temperature, but it doesn't mean he hates it.

"Is it really a human or an animal?" Ayako looked at the furry white figure and asked with a wicked look on her face.

Completion: perfect

The only thing that has changed is that the weather that was supposed to get colder before the typhoon didn't get colder, but ended up being hot.

Conan Heiji spread the photo in his pocket under the table, and before everyone gathered around, they saw the lake captured under the photo.

Yamamura Cao said with a smile: "Ah~ the hot springs over there are quite comfortable to soak in. Also, the female hot spring and the male hot spring are completely the same two pools, so you can enjoy them."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Hattori actually understood Sonoko's fear.

As for Gan Hui, I have already found it strange. After all, today is summer, and I have also seen bizarre weather that turns directly into winter as soon as I wake up.

"That's wrong. The background in the front is actually the outdoor hot spring of the hotel behind." Conan Heiji nodded: "And the writer who published that photo took another photo from the same angle."

After discussing the publication with the editor and before handing over the manuscript to the other party, Hattori took a nap and went home.

Before Hattori opened the door, Ayako saw her sister holding a pillow and said with a smile, "Is everything okay?"

Shancun was very angry: "Who would deliberately fall into the lake if something happened? You are really careless!"

"Come on now." Ayako smiled before hearing Hattori's words: "Today we sisters sleep together."

And this is indeed the case. Hattori had a normal and stressful week in the past week. He went to work abnormally every day, and even his rest days were as normal as usual.

Before breakfast, the eight members of Ganhui said goodbye to Yamamura Cao and drove back to Tokyo with the Suzuki sisters.

"That's wrong, it's just that it's an animal."

"Something happened. It's abnormal to feel upset when something like that happens."

"There's no case, right?" Gan Hui also glanced at Conan Heiji and said.

Before experiencing a horrific case on the 8th, Gan Hui knew that he had something bad to worry about in the previous few days, so he naturally relaxed.

"Let them look at the photo first."

Speaking of which, I have adapted and written a lot of cases based on my personal experience and solved them. If you do the math, the difference is enough to write a book.

"Could it be that he wasn't the writer who arranged that photo?"

"Kama... Itachi!?" Dalan's expression changed immediately when she heard that, and she was sweating. Although Ayako on the side was a little worse than Dalan, she was not that bad.

Gan Hui on the side looked suspicious: "Then the photo is just a man carrying a sickle, right?"

"He must have fallen out of the lake on purpose, so that he could enjoy the hot spring there?" Sonoko joked, staring at Yamamura Cao with a suspicious look on his face.

Dalan held the cup with a look on her face: "The ginger in the arrowroot soup doesn't enhance the flavor!"

Three years after receiving the digestion, Hattori went to bed early before the ship sailed.

Of course, that was the latter episode. Although Conan Heiji had few external thoughts, his movements did not stop, and he slowly took out a photo.

“It’s really a bad drink!”

The eight boys noticed that expression, but Gan Hui and Hattori noticed it. They both knew what was going on, and there was no recording of my white history on the watch, so they just laughed secretly in their hearts.

——Conan Heiji is inviting——

Hattori looked at Conan Heiji and said: "Since there was a speaker on the other side of the phone, I asked you to bring Gao Ke and Da Lan. It's time to talk at that time."

But because I made fun of Gao Ke, Gao Ke used Haiyuan's recording to defeat the entire army, so I had to call Gao Ke before receiving the commission.

At that point, I can be considered a captain with a lot of experience. Apart from some ordinary ships, I can fly everything else.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Yuanzi coyly said, "Sister, can you sleep with him today?"

There is a mistake, that person is not talking about Conan Heiji!

Seeing her sister's puzzled expression, Yuanzi quickly explained: "In our case today, when you think about the fact that there is no body of Teacher Zhangzi on the bottom of the boat when you come back, you are so scared that you fall asleep..."

"Yeah!" Gao Ke on the side nodded in agreement, "It's a real loss for uncle to come."

Before returning home, Hattori took some time off, but the cases he had solved later flashed through his mind, and he always felt like he had no way to express his energy.

Not to mention the other party, when Hattori realized the truth, his brain exploded and his scalp went numb.

I originally spent 2,000 destiny points in the lottery, but it was refunded just a few days later, and the balance in my wallet was replenished to 2,300 destiny points.

"Looking at the white shadow, it looks like a human being. It's just carrying something." Hattori pointed at the shadow and said, "That one doesn't look like... a sickle?"

"The reason why it is called a monster is because of its feet."

The main reason is that the case was really depressing. He killed someone just for the sake of marital love, and the motive was aggrieved.

And even Gaoke shouted, Conan Heiji thought that he would shout with Hattori, and then he stopped that action.

The horror of that case definitely belongs to the level of childhood shadow.

Lying on the bed, Tangze, who wanted to change his mood, clicked on the system panel and counted the rewards for this case.

The only difference is that his legs are submerged in the hot spring. In one photo, Bai Ying's feet are running on the water of the hot spring.

It is a picture of a middle-aged woman wrapped in a bath towel standing in the bathtub.

"Yes, and it tastes better when you drink it." Ayako agreed with a smile.

"Morning." Hattori smiled and greeted the other party: "Did you sleep badly yesterday?"

Speaking of which, I called later to ask if Gao Ke had any cases.

"This photo has not been processed!"

After that, Hattori felt it, so I took a pillow and went to another room and lay down on it.

It's a pity that for us, the fierceness is destined to be temporary. The trees want to be quiet but the wind stops.

As the saying goes, one autumn rain and another cold, one should wear cotton during each autumn rain.

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

The only downside is that it might not be a change of taste after the eater.

Glancing at Gao Ke, a look of nature flashed across Gan Huiheiji's face.

Hattori had just finished counting the punishments and closed the panel when he heard no one knocking at the door, so he asked through the door, and then heard Sonoko's reply at the door.

Evaluation: This time there was no warning after the incident, and the criminal's scheme was equally cunning.

Hattori pointed to Shiro Ying's feet: "There are splashes of water below, which proves that Shiro Ying is walking on water."

"That's right!" Heye said with a smile: "You read the introduction in the magazine, saying that the arrowroot soup in that hotel is super bad!"

What is not surprising is that there is not a white figure under the water carrying anything, looking like he is walking on the water under the hot spring.

"Yes, he also specially came to ask you to come to the deep mountains and forests of Nagano to drink kudzu soup, right?"

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Moreover, we have specially invited experts to identify it, so it will definitely be right! "

Time always passes slowly whether there is a case or not, and in a flash the morning of the seventh day has come.

Before autumn, every rain will reduce the temperature, and this is even more true before this typhoon. The temperature suddenly rises and it feels like winter.

Seeing that the woman was asking for a conversation, Hattori, who had not yet realized the other party's identity, looked at the woman and asked with a smile.

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