Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1568 Investigation

Naturally, Karasawa would not refuse Kurodabei's request.

After all, it was obvious that a case was going on, and he would naturally get involved.

"Thank you Tangze Criminal for your cooperation."

Kuroda Biewei nodded and said: "As a colleague, if Karasawa Criminal Investigation discovers anything, please contact Yamato and the others and do not act without authorization.

After all, this is Nagano Prefecture, and it would be my dereliction of duty if I let you get hurt. "

Although Kurodabei's words were polite, the meaning behind them was also obvious.

Cooperation is possible, but you must be accompanied by criminals from Nagano Prefecture and do not investigate the case without authorization.

After all, a cross-regional investigation would have caused dissatisfaction among local criminals, not to mention that this case may also involve the "Wood Chaser Society", a dark organization within the police.

It would be fine if it was self-examination, but if the criminal investigation from Tokyo really revealed the truth, it would be a slap in the face.

At that time, the entire Nagano Police Department will cause a huge shock.

"Indeed, you didn't have anything to do today, so you didn't go."

Before the call was connected, Fu Feng spoke in a low voice.

Fu Fengjingci was seen hanging from the ceiling. It was obvious that Shihua was dead.

"Speaking of which, did he see anything?" Fu Feng asked in a low voice, "For example, suspicious smoke or people."

"Did something happen?" Yui Shimohara asked, looking at Yazhi Mamoru's menacing appearance.

"There are not more than a dozen missed calls on your cell phone, and they are all from me, Mr. Lu Ye."

"It's unusual to feel strange." Kowa Gansuke came over and joked: "After all, I look like the little devil of a certain organization."

"The deceased was hanged. Anyway, let's put the body up first."

Fu Feng asked Tang Ze to look at Ba Zhi Mamoru and others and relayed the question of Xiao He's daring to help.

But it happened that Tang Ze was also a police officer. This position and the other party's reputation meant that he could not force the other party to obey his orders, so the other party said this to Tang Ze.

And it was that case that made me think.

"As Mr. Kuroda said, I noticed something, so I went home first." Akiyama Shinsuke Fu Feng replied.

"Yes, there may not be a few in my memory." Shimohara Yufu Gaoming said: "According to what I said, although I haven't regained consciousness yet, I still don't have some fragmented memories."

"Isn't it that the families of the prisoners in those two cases hold grudges?" Luye asked.

As for Karasawa and the others, they came to the headquarters of the Nagano Prefectural Police. Before finishing the transcript, Kanano couldn't help but ask because he was too concerned about Fu Fengbei's affairs.

"You remember that this bridge is the route he usually passes when doing foot rehabilitation." Fu Feng said quietly.

"Originally you thought so too, but the parents of the woman who robbed the bank committed suicide because they were remorseful for their son's crime, and they had no brothers."

"Gun, shot the suspect..." After hearing Conan's humble words, Ayako's expression was full of horror, and she was obviously shocked by that behavior.

Yui Shimohara said: "Do you still remember that when you were very young, Agan would always play with me until the sun goes down, and your relationship was so bad that you were jealous."

"Hey, where is he?"

Therefore, Zhu Fu could only hold his troops for the time being. When Conan Gao Ming and others started to take action, my degree of freedom would be much smaller.

And beside me, stood Xiaohe Ganzhu.

After all, that area is my territory, and Fu Fengbei just warned me that Fu Feng was really bad enough to interfere without permission, which would inevitably lead to criminal prosecution or even expulsion from the local county police.

The sky was getting darker and darker along the way, and there was no thunder. It seemed like it was going to rain.

As soon as these words came out, Fu Feng was shocked, and Wen Yanbingwei's one eye was filled with warmth: "Don't forget that today is the day when the random shooting case occurred, and it is also the death anniversary of this guy's best friend. He should I understand what you mean."

"What, what is he talking about, Agan..." Yui Shimohara said anxiously when he saw that scene.

"I am Bishamonten, the god of war who destroys wood-chasing birds."

"Anyway, wait until you meet me in person." Fu Fengbei heard the other party's excuse and said, "Where is Xiao Kazuto?"

"Let's get back to business." Seeing that the two were about to bicker again, Zhu Fu quickly spoke to bring the topic back on track, "Didn't you two find anything?"

The most concerning of them should be the two cases where the team leader shot the suspect yesterday. "

"Ah, yes!" Xia Yuan Yu Fu Gaoming said quickly: "You guys should put Mr. Fu Feng up first."

Xiaohe Gansuke said that without any evasion, but at that time my cell phone rang, "Sorry, you don't have anything to deal with. I will contact you when their case has not been withdrawn!"

The topic started at that point, and Conan Gaoming and Shimohara Yui investigated the files together, trying to find some clues.

In the seventh year, half a year later, a gangster who was willing to take hostages in a bank was eventually shot through the head by Takeda's father with a pistol and died. "

And the original white hair turned gray due to the pressure caused by the mind, completely alienating the two of them. "

"Is Mr. Kuroda outside the Metropolitan Police Department?" Kowa Gansuke's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly anxious.

"This person will keep a copy of the search data on the cases he handles at home." Yazhi Mamoru agreed.

Kowa Gansuke said: "Every woman who took a gun and suddenly opened fire in the street before taking anesthetics, Team Leader Takeda killed her directly.

Having said that, Shimohara Yui looked at Luye under the seat and teased: "What's wrong, Mr. Fu Feng, is he curious about the section chief's affairs?"

"Ah?" Xiao He dared to help Fu Feng and said with a surprised look on his face, obviously understanding why he was asked that question.

"Dare-chan..." Shimohara Yui looked at Xiao and Gansuke who was leaving and shouted, but the other party waved his hand and turned to leave.

But as a member of the bureau, Zhufu felt it. After all, I saw him for the first time today, so naturally I had no feelings at all. To me, he was just like the victims Shihua met.

"Those two cases were directly submitted for prosecution based on the death of the suspect." Fu Feng said in a low voice.

As for Zhu Fu, although I had no intention of taking action, it was a bad idea to interfere when the two of them retreated from the post-investigation work.

Watching Fu Fengbei leave, Zhufu stood up and looked at Conan and said in a low voice: "You heard their conversation just now, so you can go with them."

"Dingling bell~"

Conan Omu nodded with a solemn expression: "You know."

"Eh!?" Shimohara Yufu Gaoming looked shocked: "But dare... yes, Xiaohe Criminal asked me if I passed by this place early in the morning."

"Do you dare to help?"

"I'm afraid Shihua did this accidentally."

While driving, Fu Feng placed the sensor patch of his newly acquired prop [Kamaitachi] under his temple.

"Breaking promise to two people?" Da Lan asked doubtfully: "Does it mean the big and small changes inside and outside?"

Xiao He dared to help: "You called back and I picked up, so you thought something might have happened. Now you are preparing to rush to my house. They should come here slowly!"

"It seems that he has gone home." Conan asked quietly before answering Xiaohe Gansuke's questions: "Mr. Kuroda, what happened to me?"

"Yes, actually the woman who shot randomly down the street nine years later was childhood sweethearts with Xiao He Xingjing."

Obviously, the news that a colleague around him was killed was not shocking to everyone.

Zhufu followed Conan Mingming's car in the car, and the group of people arrived at Kuroda Jingji's home very slowly.

"The only one who is disgusted is a grandmother who is over forty years old." Xiaohe dared to help: "This mother-in-law obviously has no ability to commit such a case."

Conan said in a low voice: "And the women who shot randomly four years later also died of illness."

But there was still a chance to wait until they got out. Fu Feng and others were drinking at the beverage machine in the office when they saw Yazhi Mamoru rushing into the office of Conan and Mo Ming.

"Don't worry, I'm not familiar with Nagano Prefecture, so naturally I have to go with my friends." Karasawa said with a polite smile.

Zhu Fu on the side looked at the people who were relieved before the misunderstanding was resolved, and reminded them.

"Yes, I heard that the head of the First Investigation Section seems to have experienced major accidents." Shimohara Yui explained.

Regarding the case that Xiaohe Gansuke and others were not involved in, but I had no impression of it at all, Zhufu was a little helpless, but he had already accepted that fact.

However, since there were casualties in this random shooting case in the street, I dare to say that shooting me was a last resort. "

Conan looked down and Tang Ze nodded: "It's because of Zhu Fu's crime that his companions can only stay in the car."

"Yashida and we got the news before we visited Sehwa." Wen Yanbei said: "No witnesses said that this morning Sehwa found a woman suspected of being Kowa at the scene of the crime."

Fu Feng, a group of people, rushed out of the office one after another, but Wen Yanbingwei stopped Conan Daoming: "I wanted Xiaohe to get out of his sight before."

"That's why I said this after going to the shrine, even if I die, I will go there."

"Ah, that!" Yui Shimohara said in panic and shyness: "Please keep it a secret!"

After hearing Yui Shimohara's words, Kowa Kansuke also realized that what he said combined with the scene behind his eyes had been misunderstood, and he quickly explained.

"Where's this guy Xiaohe!" Bazhi Shouhao said politely: "Where did this bastard go?"

Everyone was relieved before hearing Xiaowa Gansuke's words, but soon fell into silence due to the death of Akiko Kuroda.

Shimohara Yui came to the Kuroda family's mansion and opened the door. The small door opened. You looked at it for seven weeks and then found that there was no pair of shoes in the entrance: "Those are Agan's shoes..."

"That also explains why he was sent here at this age." Zhufu nodded and said: "Especially, people from the police department will be sent to work in other places when they are older."

Shimohara Yui said: "And my left eye is also a prosthetic eye. It is said that the nurse who helped me remove the bandage was stunned when he saw this hideous wound.

"I guess I'm outside, so you should retreat." Zhu Fu suggested.

"The burns under my face..." Ayako hesitated.

Luye noticed that Xiaohe Gansuke's words were ordinary and asked.

They are all human beings. As soon as Kuroda Heihe heard the meaning of Karasawa's words, he understood that the other party did not mean to cause trouble. He nodded and turned around to leave.

"No." Conan nodded and said, "You just used the computer in the data room to review the cases handled by Team Leader Takeda.

"Let's go together."

"That's what you said! Xiaowa Gansuke took out his mobile phone and showed it to everyone: "That's the text message Mr. Kuroda sent you! "

"By the way, Xiaohe Criminal just called the deceased's grandmother "grandmother". Do I know this grandmother?"

"Bad!" Dalan smiled silently.

In that depressing environment, everyone came to Kuroda Jingji's home.

Following Xiaohe Ganshu's words, everyone opened the door and saw the scene inside the house.

"The first case was four years later."

Conan Mingming repeated the contents of the phone call, and before hearing this, Bingwei proposed to go find Fu Fengjingci together.

"He's so annoyed when he keeps hurting you!" Xiaohe Gansuke said angrily.

The main reason is that our subsequent conversation gave Tang Zhe no bad premonition. I believe that Akito Kuroda, who acted alone, may be in a world of trouble.

"Eh!? He said that I stayed in the hospital for 10 years because of coma!?" Hearing Yui Shimohara's words, Fu Feng was surprised: "Is it in the criminal hospital?"

Before a group of people filed in, Yazhi Mamoru hurriedly walked and shouted.

"Can you tell me more specifically?" Zhu Fu remained calm. After all, if he was that kind of evil person, he would probably be killed like that.

Although those words were meant as a joke, they had no other meaning in the ears of Lu Ye, the "don't mean it" person.

As soon as Fu Fengbei's question came up, Conan Mingming's phone rang, and the caller was none other than Xiaohe Gansuke.

Seeing this, everyone quickly slowed down their pace, and soon heard the voice of Xiaohe Ganshu.

As he approached the bedroom, he saw the figure of Xiaohe Gansuke.

Zhufu looked stunned. Although I knew Xiaohe was willing to help, I had forgotten very few details, so Shimohara Yui's words were also the first time for me.

Considering that there is no possibility of encountering a murderer or various emergencies, Zhu Fu feels that not having certain remote means is the wrong way to deal with it.

"What's wrong?" Wen Yanbingwei asked after seeing Fu Feng Gaoming hang up the phone.

"There is a problem." Zhu Fu nodded.

"Is the door locked?"

"It's wrong, and it's in front of me." Conan's humble words shocked everyone present, and the other party explained: "At this time, Dare lives outside the Zhutian group, so he is also a member of the scene. .

"It's true that his honor is completely inferior to that of the section chief." However, Conan Mingming heard Xiao He's words and teased his bad friend again.

"It turns out he's jealous." Dalan Fu Feng repeated with a smile.

Kowa Gansuke and others cooperated, finished untying the rope and put Akiji Kuroda under the chandelier, and immediately the atmosphere fell into silence again.

But whether you have an impression or not means you have an opinion. After all, I don’t have another perspective to reason about the overall situation of the case.

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