Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1569 Tang Ze’s plan

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Although he was not familiar with the circumstances of the case, he was basically certain that the murderer was targeting the three members of the Takeda Group.

After all, among the people in this circle, they are the only three guys whom I have no impression of at all. It is obvious that they appeared because of this case.

Moreover, what Uehara Yui said about the Zhumu Bird Club also made Karasawa very concerned.

After all, useless information will not appear in Ke Xue's case, so the Woodpecker Society must be real.

Moreover, the two people who were killed, including the remaining two, were probably related to Zhumuniao!

Of course, maybe the prisoner is among them, after all, the pattern of this case was also a classic three-choice pattern from the beginning.

But this time it was a serial killing, and the murderer began to kill with revenge.

But now after killing one person, it is actually not that difficult.

Because now only two people, Saegisa Mamoru and Akiyama Shinsuke, are left. As long as Karasawa keeps an eye on one of them, he can almost solve the case.

After temporarily finalizing the next plan, Tang Ze also came back to his senses, looked at the body placed on the ground, and took the initiative to ask Ying to check the body.

"Wait a minute, how could Luye Criminal believe that Xiaohe Criminal is the murderer?"

"Um...did you say something that should be said?" Akiyama Shinsuke looked at Xiaowa Gansuke who was leaving, and looked at Luye in embarrassment.

Because I was destined to find Shinsuke Akiyama.

At that time, Akiyama Shinsuke, who came back a step late to inquire about the news, saw the tense atmosphere and said quickly: "That point of Luye Criminal must be very vague, after all, the two of them are close friends who grew up together. "

In an instant, the atmosphere between the two of them dropped to freezing point, and the others dared to interrupt.

"I see."

"A-Gan!" Shimohara Yui was worried when she saw Xiaohe Gansuke leaving.

Of course, everyone wasted their time, but because the autopsy report was slow to come out, everyone waited patiently.

"Speaking of which, Xiaohe Criminal doesn't have any objections to the rope around Mr. Cheng Yu's neck?"

So it was obvious that I was in a confused state when the murderer attacked me from behind, strangled my neck, and was suspended from the ceiling before killing me. "

"Know it!"

Putting on the gloves he carried with him, Tang Ze inspected the body and said: "Judging from the state of the child's death, the time of death was probably an hour to an hour and a half later.

Although Team Leader Takeda was killed, he should not forget that he was still a member of Team Takeda. "

While Karasawabei nodded, he cast a one-eyed glance at Kowa Gansuke who was standing next to him, obviously meaning nothing.

"Hey, come back soon!" Yazhi Mamoru repeatedly warned him as he watched Akiyama Shinsuke leave.

"It's very unlikely." Luye Takagi nodded: "You want this to be opened."

And looking at the other person's leaving figure, Zhu Fu's expression didn't seem to have any meaning.

The silence was broken a moment ago, and two members of the Takeda group were sent out to find out the news, while everyone returned to the Nagano headquarters along with Kuroda's body.

Either I was a member of the Woodpecker Society and was threatened by some evidence sent by the murderer, so I had to go back.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"Indeed, if you definitely do that, even a good person can do it."

"Also, you didn't send a text message to Xiao Hexiang. It's just that I seemed too concerned about Mr. Kuroda's call, so I didn't see it." Akiyama Shinsuke said.

"Then speaking of which, when he first joined the criminal police force, it seems that Xiaohe was not the one responsible for taking care of him."

On the surface, he had a falling out with Lu Ye, but in reality, he was probably trying to avoid the murderer's sight, secretly luring the snake out of its hole to facilitate the capture of the prisoner.

"Is there only one prisoner?" Yazhi Mamoru heard this and said, "After all, when you just put Mr. Kuroda's body up, it took eight people to cooperate."

"Yes, yes..." Akiyama Shinsuke nodded nonchalantly.

Lu Ye Gaoming took out the mobile phone from Cheng Yujingci's trouser pocket with gloves on, glanced at the screen and said: "Mr. Kuroda's mobile phone received a text message from Team Leader Takeda's mobile phone."

As Cheng Yu's humble words fell, everyone present was shocked, obviously shocked by the hidden meaning of the message.

This does not mean that the "eight wood-chasing birds" in the text message sent by the murderer are very likely to be you criminals.

It's really bad. Let me know if you are an enemy of the police, there will be nothing to gain. "

While Cheng Yu was pondering what to do, Tang Zehei brought the autopsy report, saying that the body burned on the bridge matched the DNA of Takeda Criminal's head.

"You didn't notify Section Chief Karasawa about that incident either," Yazhi Mamoru said.

Yachimamo walked over and looked at Akiyama Shinsuke and said, "That guy can favor me just because of that.

"When you come here, you will split up and continue to inquire about the news." Akiyama Shinsuke replied.

Cheng Yu, who was on the side, looked at the two of them and said, "This criminal Kuroda came home suddenly because I discovered something, right?

"Speaking of which, I dare to help."

"What's written outside?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Eh?" Shimohara Yui was surprised when he heard this: "So and that, is it from the murderer of Team Leader Takeda?"

Morofushi only said half of what he said, but before everyone present heard what Morofushi said, they all understood that I meant people who believed that there was no "Kokutori Society" in Nagano Prefecture's internal crimes.

"Yes, you have never had that thought at all!" Xiaohe Ganzhure said calmly.

"Is everything okay?" Zhu Fu saw that the other party's expression had not changed in an instant. When he asked, he ejected the mechanical spider under the other party's body.

Akiyama Shinsuke tapped the screen as he spoke, apparently opening the text message, and immediately looked stunned: "Eh?"

"There were obvious strangulation marks on the neck. It seemed that the neck was compressed, resulting in death from suffocation."

In the case of a special person, as long as the suspicion of Xiaohe's daring to help is eliminated, my reasoning is that I will think that the prisoner is hidden among our group of people.

At that moment, there was a vibration. Shimohara Yui noticed it and reminded: "Yukawa, is this his phone number?"

"Ah...what's the matter..." Akiyama Shinsuke smiled weakly and then put away his phone: "Your home is far away. Go back and change your clothes."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"You remember I felt like I put my finger against my forehead for a short while, and then suddenly a lightbulb flashed on me." Yazhi Mamoru replied after hearing this.

Karasawabei looked at the body of Akiji Kuroda and said, "That's why there are no wooden bird footprints under the foreheads of Cheng and Yu.


So I am naturally happy with the two people's plans.

"What did they do before this?" Zhu Fu continued to ask.

"That's right..." Akiyama Shinsuke agreed.

"Yes, one person is enough."

"It's a small problem!" Shimohara Yui shouted angrily.

"Then, please allow you to join the search."

Watching the other party's leaving figure, Yazhi Mamoru looked at Luye and said lowly: "Speaking of which, is my mother's house far away?"

Because only strangers know about my itinerary, when it comes to confirming that I am a criminal, it is natural that the person next to me is a murderer and throws dirty water under me.

"Wait a minute, A-Gan, put on your gloves slowly!" Shimohara Yui said slowly after seeing Xiaohe Gansuke's words.

Cheng Yu shook his head and said, "As long as you put the chair under the table and let the body sit down, even one person can hang it up."

"Well... not bad either."

"You haven't touched the rope when you put me up, so that's a mistake." Xiaohe Gansuke said in agreement.

Although Karasawabei said it politely, the other party was still restraining his actions, but at least he officially joined the search team.

"With his appearance, it's not easy to admit his mistake," Karasawabei said.

Luye looked at Xiaowa Gansuke and said, "According to Mr. Yazhi's investigation, no eyewitnesses said that no one suspected of him was found far away from the bridge where the body of Team Leader Takeda was found this morning."

But no matter what they do, the two youngest suspects haven't finished their actions yet, so Zhufu needs to find a way.

At that moment, a brief ringtone suddenly rang, and Shimohara Yui quickly said: "That's Mr. Kuroda's cell phone."

Hearing this, Xiaohe Gansuke squatted up and reached out to check the rope under Mr. Kuroda's neck: "It does seem to be the same anomaly."

I am unfamiliar with that area, and there is no way to tell where the other person has gone.

Since the other party gave in to it, Zhufu would naturally give him face, and both parties happily reached a tacit understanding.

The reason why Zhu Fu could tell that the two were acting was also based on the fact that Xiao He would be the murderer if he dared to help.

After hearing what Morofu said, Karasawabei nodded: "I have to go with Kano and us. If he is attacked by a murderer over there, do you have a way to explain it to Commander Saitama?"

Upon hearing Karasawabei's words, all the criminals present responded.

As for the person involved, he didn't notice anything at all, but nodded in normal agreement.

But Zhu Fu watched the two people having a conflict, but he didn't have the slightest composure, because I knew that the two of them were probably just acting, but they were really falling out.

As for Zhu Fu, he took advantage of the situation and said: "Since the murderer also used "Zhu Mu Bird" to refer to the two criminals he killed, it means that the "Zhu Mu Bird Club" mentioned by Xia Yuan Criminal is real."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

But the only thing that doesn't reach it is that if the other party is honest at that time, he must be innocent!

Do they remember what happened? "

Upon hearing that, Zhu Fu's eyes lit up and he realized that the opportunity had not yet passed him by.

"Best friend?" Luye glanced at Xiaohe Gansuke in a low-spirited manner: "Then this is the first time you have heard of it."

Either Akiyama Shinsuke is not the murderer, and I did it to arrange the killing method in the previous issue.

"Did you tell them, have you ever passed this bridge?" Xiaohe Gansuke stood up after hearing this and said, "It's probably because we misjudged the person."

Karasawabei looked around and asked, "Where have everyone gone?"

Just before Akiyama Shinsuke left, I checked the other party's situation with the help of the Mechanical Spider, and found that the other party did not go home at all but drove to a far away place.

"There are eight wood-chasing birds left."

After waiting for a while, Akiyama Shinsuke still hadn't come back. Yazhi Mamoru went over to check the situation without any worries.

Behind the vending machine, Cheng Yu Gaoming suddenly said: "After all, he witnessed the murder of his bad friend four years later, and he was the one who had no objection to the shooting case six months later."

"Hey, Xiao Ming, he must have hit you, right?" Xiaohe Gansuke couldn't help but get a little angry when he heard what his bad friend said.

Obviously, there was a gap between the two.

"Dare to help, Section Chief Karaze is also unusual for knowing it."

Xiaowa Gansuke and Akiyama Shinsuke left one after another, and everyone fell into a brief silence.

"Your name is Akiyama now, please remember it too." Akiyama Shinsuke smiled helplessly, and immediately took out his mobile phone: "The other call is also a phone call, but a text message."

"Hmph, you have to investigate the case by yourself next!" After Xiaohe Gansuke said it, he paid no attention to everyone's reaction, and left with a cane.

"Well, it seems like the beauty salon around the corner is no longer my home." Luye nodded in a low voice.

Hearing Karasawabei's words, Xiaohe Gansuke looked at each other sharply, and the only remaining eyes of the two women with terrifying faces collided in the air.

"Whatever he wants." Cheng Yu watched the other party leave quietly, making no move at all.

And there are only two people who can do that. It is a play that can only be performed by two people who have no suspicion of each other. From the moment Luye came to him, he had thought that Xiaohe Gansuke was the murderer, so he cooperated. Acting.

"In that case, Ganzhu also knows that Mr. Cheng Yu went home alone." Lu Ye Mingming touched his chin and said in deep thought.

The reason why Cheng Yu stopped me was because I also needed their strategies to lure the snake out.

"Is there no problem?" Cheng Yu asked calmly.

"You're not telling me." Akiyama Shinsuke said with a smile: "How could this criminal Xiaowa kill someone?"

At that moment, Akiyama Shinsuke suddenly spoke, bringing the topic back to the case again.

Regarding his professional abilities, all the criminals had heard of him more or less, so they did not question him. Instead, they made way for Tang Ze to inspect him.

"There's nothing you want to ask."

In addition, a very obvious resistance scar "Yoshikawa line" appeared under Kuroda's neck.

Xiaohe Gansuke probably stopped trusting the people around him when he heard Cheng Yu whisper that no witnesses had seen the person who looked like him.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Because of this, Cheng Yu said he was polite, but in reality he trusted the Nagano Prefecture's criminal justice system and wanted to intervene in the case to conduct surveillance.

However, the two people who were killed, Team Leader Takeda and Cheng Yujingci, were probably killed by the murderer because they were members of the Zhumu Bird Club.

"That order should be between you, Section Chief Karasawa."

Because that sentence clearly confirmed that the organization within Nagano Prefecture, the Zhumudori Club, probably existed for real.


"Wait!" Shimohara Yui said slowly after hearing this: "Does he really believe that A Gan is the murderer!?"

"Kuroda-san, I think I remembered something because of the wood-chasing bird's footprints under Team Leader Takeda's forehead." Akiyama Shinsuke recalled.

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