Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1584 Human Explosion Case (3)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

The bouquet of flowers in the elevator was lying intact on the ground, which actually explained the problem.

After all, if there was an explosion hidden in the bouquet, it would be impossible not to mention that Fumio Esaki, who was riding in the elevator next to him, was not involved and injured, and even the bouquet itself was not harmed.

Even the most powerful fixed-point blast bombs today cannot achieve this effect.

Because the bouquets at that time were wrapped in bombs, it was impossible to say that a person was killed through the bouquet, but the layer of the package would not be harmed in any way.

No one can develop a bomb that can hit a cow across a mountain.

After all, this is equivalent to a person eating a bomb, and then releasing the bomb to kill everyone around him, but leaving himself intact. It is outrageous.

It's reasonable if it's fantasy, but it's absolutely impossible in a scientific real world.

"That is to say, if there is a bomb in the bouquet, the bouquet will be blown up to pieces." Conan said with a smile.

Tang Ze, who was on the side, was already in the elevator at the moment, but his eyes narrowed when he looked at the blood-stained flowers.

Because the flowers have withered.

"Anyone who can complete that technique must have little research in the microwave field, and he fits the bill perfectly."

"You do it..."

After all, the case that time was not particularly cruel. Even Conan felt physically uncomfortable and had no appetite for meat at night.

Conan pointed to the elevator and said, "The seven sides of the elevator are entirely surrounded by metal. Its structure is actually the same as that of an electronic microwave oven."

"What!?" Officer Megure and others looked horrified when they heard Conan's words: "Micro-microwave...!?"

Dr. Agasa couldn't help crying when he said it: "Yukawa, Yukawa, I was not in that situation and was killed miserably."

" indeed..." Megure Police Officer Karasawa hesitated for a moment, then looked at Conan for help.

Dr. Agasa looked at Esaki with a sad face when he heard this and said sadly: "Why would he do that..."

"The reason why cold eggs explode is because although the yolk and white in the egg will expand due to evaporation of water, the eggshell is very hard."

Karasawa glanced at Esaki Fumio, who was covered in blood, but his face was surprisingly clean, and he had already locked the suspect in his mind.


And I can’t make phone calls outside the elevator. Are you right? "

And based on the principle of microwave refraction we just talked about in Conan, Esaki, no matter how much he wants to survive, is suspicious when he hears this.

"And the human body is not 70% water, especially the internal organs do not contain a small amount of water."

Letting me digest it myself is the worst way.

Because in the elevator, only Ezaki heard this and I retreated into the elevator!

Fumio Esaki said before that Yukawa Haruki exploded suddenly, and even if his subconscious mind blocked it, his hands and face should be a little stained.

Dr. Ali was silent for a moment, looked at Conan resolutely, and then said: "Things like microwave tubes cannot emit a type of radio waves called "microwaves."


And what did Fumio do before going upstairs?

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

And the two of us have not regarded each other as enemies for a long time.

"It's very complicated. The prisoner transformed the elevator into a microwave oven!" Conan said in a deep voice.

"Fumio, it seems the murderer used that to commit the crime." Conan looked up at the ceiling and said.

Hearing this, a look of indignation appeared on Esaki's face: "But there can only be one winner of the Science Award, so this guy deleted your name and published the paper by himself!

Seeing Conan nod, everyone locked their eyes on Esaki's body when he heard the words.

But honestly, you believed him from the very beginning because his face and hands were so clean. "

The magnetron emits microwaves into the interior of the elevator through the plastic elevator top.

"O-so that's what it is..."

"Hey... they will believe you, right..." Ezaki heard this and said quickly: "Ali, does he even visit you a lot?"

After hearing Agasa's words, Ezaki Shilun immediately became angry and said: "Don't forget, you and Yukawa and I took the same elevator.

After all, I was really in charge of the whole process of that case, and I even understood the principles of the criminal's techniques through popular science.

Obviously when they were taking the elevator, the bouquet in Yukawa Haruki's arms was still blooming so brightly.

Before finishing the transcript, he hurriedly said goodbye to Conan and others and left.

As for the prisoners...

It feels smooth to the touch, so it must be clothes made of fabric that prevents radiation waves, right?

After learning that result, Dr. Ali showed a sad expression, thinking that something like that happened between his best friends.

But I still don’t feel the same way, because the chakra has also encountered some.

The answer is yes, so when faced with Esaki's rhetorical question, Conan didn't panic at all.

When Esaki heard this, he roared with a ferocious expression: "It's just like deleting the paper!

This guy also removed your name from a paper and kicked you out of elementary school! "

Seeing the shape of the bouquet of flowers, Tang Ze knew that this was probably a murderous plot by the prisoner.

"You...can you forgive me..."

"But, have you seen the magnetic tube or anything..." Police Officer Megure Karasawa asked doubtfully.

In the past eighty years, you have shared joys and sorrows together in regression research, but I betrayed you that time! Betrayed your feelings! "

In addition, he was once a professor at that school. It is hard for you to believe that he is not the murderer! "

"The clothes are radiation-proof!?"

"Why did he want to avoid it? Is it because of a guilty conscience?

As the pressure inside the egg gets lower and lower, until the eggshell can no longer withstand the pressure, an explosion occurs. "

"The winning paper was written by you and me together."

Although I think Conan's reasoning is correct, the other party's rhetorical question also made me unable to answer.

The water molecules cause the material to cool down before they collide.

When Officer Megure heard that, he had a look of surprise on his face: "So, as long as you wrap your head and hands with that little coat outside the elevator, you can avoid the microwave radiation!

Ezaki Shicha was taken away by Officer Megure first, while Endo Kon and Suzuki Yomi did not expect Professor Yukawa to be such a person.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Endo Kon nodded and said: "Because your office is over there, so naturally you don't take calls outside the elevator.

It does not mean that the prisoner immediately used the remote control to activate the device before exiting the elevator. "

But I don’t know why, but there was no signal at all that time. "

Completion: perfect

Conan first asked Fumio to raise the elevator to the seventh floor, and then worked with several people to open the elevator door on the first floor.

Fumio held my hand. Dr. Ali looked up and looked at Fumio, his face became even paler.

Officer Megure walked up the stairs and said, "Bi Lun said he doesn't know the murderer yet. Is that true?"

The position wheel on the side smiled and echoed: "The evaporated water has nowhere to go before it collides, and the pressure inside the egg will become lower and lower.

"When a microwave oven encounters a metal plate, it will continuously regress and reflect, regressing and cooling the objects in the middle without any omission in all directions..."

Faced with Dr. Ali's questioning, Jiang Qi saw that everything was a foregone conclusion and no longer wanted to quibble, so he sadly denied everything.

However, human skin is relatively strong, so naturally the pressure in the human body will continue to weaken.

So even though the whole body is covered in blood, the face and hands are so clean! "

Seeing the punishment combination of props and fate points, Conan was not too surprised. After all, the curiosity and bloody level of the case were enough to explain the situation.

You must have retreated into it and turned on the microwave switch. Did you also escape yourself? ?

"This is because there is no interference from radio waves in the distance of the microwave oven, so the mobile phone cannot receive the signal." The position wheel explained.

"Don't forget to help verify this." Conan reminded.

Before sending the two of them home, Conan signaled Fumio to take care of Dr. Ari, and then drove back home.

But the wheel didn't panic at all, because Wenxiong and I had already thought of that, and I specifically reminded Wenxiong when we went upstairs.

After all, if I have such a deep relationship with the two of them, naturally there is no way I can experience my happiness personally.

The bit chakra nodded and said: "It should be common sense that eggs with shells can be put in the microwave.

It does not mean that as long as it contains water-free substances, nothing can be cooled and boiled through that principle. "

But Conan's speed was even slower. I came to the front of Jiang Qiwenyan and grabbed Jiang Qiwenyan's sleeve: "

"Let me participate and retreat." The wheel sighed: "It may be even worse to be a passerby."

Dr. Ali said with a sad face: "And he has been doing research on his own now. He can also get microwave magnetic tubes from these discarded microwave ovens that he recycles.

In this case, it looks like an explosion has occurred inside the human body. "

"Professor Esaki, you want to check his clothes."

After checking the ceiling of the elevator shaft to see if Bit Wheel said anything, he moved the elevator up and down to the first floor, then led the people to the seventh floor to repeat the action again.

"Hearing this..." Dr. Ali looked at Jiangzaki with a haggard look and said sadly when he heard this: "Why did he do that? You have been friends for decades."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

In order to divert his attention, Conan opened the system panel to check the punishment for this case.

"Under the ceiling." Conan said: "You just checked the elevator shaft specifically, not to find the magnetic tube, and finally found the device on the back of the patio.

"Officer Megure, please stop the elevator. You want to check the elevator shaft." Conan looked at Megure and said.

A few words from the Hidden Wheel made Esaki's face change slightly when he heard this. I subconsciously took a step forward to avoid Conan.

Dr. Ali was silent all the way, and Fumio didn't want to speak to comfort him, but he knew how to speak.

Well, the pants are also made of the same material. "

The wheel nodded and said: "Assistant Endo made a special call to contact the professor later, but the call went through.

That must be the case, you should be blown up too! "

In fact, the principle behind why prisoners kill people is the same as eggs in shells.

When I came down, the front chakra looked at me first, which was to make sure that everything was as we thought, and to make preparations.

As for dinner, I just ate some hastily before I had any appetite.

"Brother Hachakra, you all are down."

As for the specific principle, Dr. Ali, does he say it or do you say it? "

"Did you find nothing?" Officer Megure Tang Ze's expression perked up, and when he saw the wheel nodding, he quickly called for the forensic examiner to come over and help.

"But, does that really mean you can't kill people?" Officer Megure heard the strange killing method that seemed like a fantasy and asked again to confirm.


Conan first looked at Fumio, and then he understood before he nodded. Then he looked at Officer Megure and said, "It's true. You don't know who the murderer is yet."

Officer Megure was suddenly startled when he heard Conan's words: "He said retreat into the elevator?"

"You know." Wenxiong nodded, turned around and planned to go up the stairs.

"What on earth is going on?" Police Officer Megure asked in a hurry.

That kind of radio wave will vibrate the water molecules contained in the material at a frequency of 270 million times per second.

Unfortunately, I thought that the two of them had a bad relationship just like me, but now it seems that I am the only one who thinks so.

And my two places are so clean, I can only say that the other party may not be prepared.

When combined with Esaki Wenyan's research direction, a terrifying thought flashed through Conan's mind.

But I am our leader and teacher after all, so I still have to help organize the funeral.

The inner layer of his lining was made of the same material as the unusual clothing.

The wheel looked at Dr. Ali, who had a lot of eyes, and took the initiative to take over the first explanation: "When the human body is exposed to microwave radiation, the water in the internal organs will continuously evaporate.

"You're talking nonsense!"


In addition to calling everyone to go downstairs, Shi Lun also took advantage of the time when everyone was going downstairs to walk up to Jiang Qi Wenyan, and then pretended to have slipped and touched Jiang Qi Wenyan's lining.

"I know." Wenxiong nodded in a roundabout way without turning around.

"He is saying that the prisoner used a microwave oven to cause Haruki to explode!" Dr. Karasawa on the side said with confidence: "That said, the prisoner..."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"Go and call the others down." Wenxiong said with a pale expression on his face: "But for a doctor, that's not too cruel."

Just like the special egg shell, even if the skin can contain a certain expansion pressure, it will eventually explode due to the continuously weakening pressure.

Coupled with the dry bouquets, the phone calls didn't even cause the body to explode.

So I also know that the worst thing now is to comfort the other person, but to treat Dr. Ali like an abnormal person.

Seeing Dr. Agasa's dazed state, Conan felt that it was not unusual for me to drive Fumio home, so he said goodbye to Officer Megure, who was presiding over the scene, and drove the two of them home.

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