Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,585 Daily Life and Preparation

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Regarding the system, apart from anything else, Tang Ze can still figure it out quickly.

After all, every time he solves a case, he gets feedback.

The difficulty and bloody degree of each case will determine the reward of the case to a certain extent.

Under normal circumstances, the pursuit of blood and curiosity is directly proportional to the difficulty. After all, the more cruel and bizarre the method, the more difficult it is to investigate it.

This is obviously such a case, and naturally the reward for the case is also very high.

But perhaps because this case involves physics-based killing techniques, the rewarded skills are completely filled with physics.

The reward this time also directly improved his physics by a level, directly from D level to C level.

As for the destiny points, it has further reached 3700 destiny points, and there is still one case left before the 4000 mark.

Of course, with Tang Ze's current mood, he really doesn't want any more cases to happen during this period.

He really wanted to take a break.

Remote control self-explosion toy, submersible hacker car, weak relief needle x2, red radar detector, prop reverse deducer, sealing Gu,

So Conan finished making preparations, such as taking advantage of his position to go to the police, and at the same time rehearsing the previous plans.

That was not the plan that the two of them discussed. After all, if I wanted to get Dr. Ali out of my heart, I would have to let someone appear who has even less weight in my feelings.

At first sight, Dr. A Li thought that he was dazzled by drinking too much, but then he thought about it and thought about it, he had just taken two sips of his can of beer, so there was no possibility that he had drank too much.

So I looked at my dashboard again.

"Fu, Fusha painted..."

On the side, Ayumi's eyes were shining with stars, and she couldn't help but said: "I really want to get closer and listen to what we are talking about."

Although it is possible to accurately judge each one, there is no general feeling that delaying preparation is a good thing.

"Yes, what's the matter..." Dr. A Li scratched his head in embarrassment. It was obvious that being asked about the withdrawal of feelings after the junior's meeting was a bad idea to me.

In order to deal with this small battle in the sequel, which is also the first cooperation before the eight-party cooperation, Conan plans to make a small fuss with little money.

And perhaps it was the psychological damage that Tangze suffered, but it really subsided later.

"You contacted me secretly at that time." Mitsuhiko raised his voice when he heard Conan's words and said loudly: "I also told you about what the doctor has been through recently. He will probably be here soon."

Since the two of them learned of Conan's plan and refused to cooperate, both of them had lost little interest in Gin.

Standing next to the barbecue pit, Yuantai looked at the barbecue in front of him and his mouth watered.


Magic Poker, Peeping Spider, Portable Water Breathing Apparatus, h·x-Defense Costume, Awakening Cigarette, Universal Lock Picking Tool, h·x Stealth Suit

Even though you are not aging, your temperament is becoming more and more gentle, and with your blond hair, you look like the male aristocratic friend in the story.

As for our eight-party cooperation against gin, Li Lang will also contribute, but the main ones are Akai Shuichi and Amuro Toru.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"The butler has already spoken, so we should eat slowly." Conan picked up a chicken wing and handed it to A Li and said with a smile.

I am sure that my plan will succeed, but it will not give the enemy a light blow, and at the same time I will be able to get a small boost.

Of course, because he was worried about Dr. A Li's condition, he specially organized a barbecue this week and called the little guy to hold a party in A Li's yard.

The previous few days were still calm, but Conan increasingly felt an undercurrent surging.

If the atmosphere has no color, it must be this warm warm yellow, just like the special ginkgo tree.

Equipment: Mechanical Intelligence watch, slow-compressed biscuit x1, lie detecting needle, h·

Firearms costumes: detective, rubber bullets, tranquilizer bombs, flash bombs, smoke bombs, fake death dolls, clay bombs, night crows

"We just got over it now." Li Lang on the side said helplessly: "Yuan Tai is too calm."

"Doctor Li Lang is not here yet. Let's have some." Haiyuan didn't bother with Yuan Taishao. He slowly walked to the dining table and put the chicken wings on the plate.

After all, this is the first time such a curious case has occurred, so it will naturally arouse people's attention and curiosity.

"Ah, it's the aunt I met next time!"

Arriving next to Conan, Mitsuhiko leaned over and asked.

Before I started again, I saw Conan smiling at me and Li Lang secretly showing me his little finger, and I realized that it was probably the attention of those two people.

"But the smell hasn't come out yet~" Yuantai swallowed his saliva and said, "I really want to eat it..."

When the party started, the adults planned to stay there and play games. Conan and Ayako said goodbye to everyone and drove away.

"The doctor is also bad and pitiful..." Ayumi looked at the doctor: "I hope the doctor will get better today."

Li Lang put away the barbecue grill, several people handled the dishes, Miyano Akemi was responsible for washing, and soon the remnants of the party were cleaned up.

"Yeah, it made you so bad that you didn't even dare to go near the microwave oven for a few days." Yuantai said heartily.

"Doctor, what did they talk about today?"

When Dr. A Li calmed down, the two of them ended their chat quickly with the cooperation of eight wingmen.

The two people who came here said something, and Conan was too understanding. I had been concentrating on grilling skewers, and I let Haibara and Mitsuhiko deliver the things, trying my best to avoid the embarrassment of being disturbed by others.

But now that there is no need to worry about it, the two arrogant people will no longer be used to Gin.

If it were something special, Dr. Ali would have cheered for that request. After all, Haiyuan's supervision was very tolerant, so I could enjoy it as much as I wanted.

However, before Fushae left, Dr. Ali's sad and sad face shone with radiance, and he looked as if he was ten years older.

Although there are no traces of time left in the corners of your eyes, time never fails to destroy beauty.

"It does matter, doctor."

"Is the chicken skewer broken?"

"Can I help you with anything?"

Genta and Karasawa on the side shouted in unison, causing Ayako on the side to quickly stretch out her hand to signal us to be quiet: "If that were the case, Dr. Shiran would be even more shy."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Speaking of which, it was the first time that Fushae came to Dr. Ali's house as a guest, and it was also the first time that the two of them sat down and chatted. The two middle-aged people seemed to be children at the moment.

"Can you come?" Fushae smiled slightly, but her heavy rhetorical question made Dr. Ali stop thinking, and his whole body seemed to have shut down.

"You have to ask such a private question."

If it were Zhihao Haiyuan, he would let Dr. Ali drink, but at that time Haiyuan just took Bada and left, because he wanted us to disturb Dr. Ali.

"How are you doing, doctor? Are you satisfied?" Mitsuhiko smiled and looked at Dr. A Li.

Of course, I also lowered my expectations for the enemy as much as possible, but even so, I still felt that nothing was too safe.

"You know that you will make trouble." Tang Ze showed the maturity of a big man: "You just need to have the same attitude as an abnormal person, right?"

So that time, the two of them planned to entertain Gin mischievously.

There was a mistake. The other person was not the person Conan and I planned to call. It was also Dr. Agasa's first love, Fusae.

On the contrary, Mitsuhiko and we are important, but in terms of comforting people, if the people under my heart can do worse, then that is the most important thing.

Conan smiled and said: "Actually, you have been discussing that plan for a long time, and it was just the right time."

After hearing Mitsuhiko's words, Dr. Ali laughed twice and answered.

"Help is needed, but what happened to what I told him on the phone afterwards?" Li Lang asked loudly.

As soon as Fushahui left, the eight disciples immediately gathered around and asked excitedly with a look in their eyes.

"That's wrong. Then the doctor can relax!" Yuantai nodded repeatedly, looking like a love saint.

"Doctor, keep working hard." Haiyuan on the side patted Dr. A Li's arm and encouraged him with a smile.

"Yes!" Ayumi agreed righteously: "The rest of the family's share has been divided. If Genta wants to eat, he has to wait a little longer!"

Before, everyone saw that Dr. A Li's mental state was not very bad, so they didn't continue the topic.

And I was slowly called over by Ayako with an excuse, and my departure did not even affect the chat between the two of them.

Although Conan consumed very few props, because Li Lang kept preventing cases and accumulating advantages, I also accumulated so few props whether I knew it or not.

You haven't heard what happened from Mitsuhiko, so the supervision of Dr. Ali has been relaxed a lot.

Nano medical spray, wish come true card x2, lucky card, random element designated card x1, safe and sound card, safe and sound card,

The Eight Great Ones responded one after another, and then dispersed one after another.

Dr. A Li reached out to take the chicken wings, and Conan poured another glass of beer and drank with Dr. A Li.

"Thank you..." Dr. A Li thanked him with a smile, but the expression on his face did not look a little reluctant.

Just as the two were discussing loudly, the doorbell of the yard suddenly rang. The two turned around and saw an elegant man smiling at them.

It's a wonderful feeling, but it's not all metaphysics, and it's also unfounded.

So in that plan, Conan made completing his plan his primary goal.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

As for the field of props, Conan took a careless inventory.

"The grilled chicken wings over there are broken, let him eat that first." Haibara handed Genta a bunch of chicken wings and said.

Dr. A Li scratched his head without any bad intentions: "Anyway, you accept their bad intentions. I'm sorry that you make them bother so much at such a young age."

" heard, it's this "microwave oven murder" case," Tang Ze said without any fear: "It's really bad and cruel..."

"Really! That's so bad!" Yuantai cheered when he heard this, then looked at the chicken wings in Haiyuan's hand and said hopefully: "Maybe I can give you another one..."

"They used to do bad things that would disturb the doctor." Miyano Akemi on the side warned Badaizhi: "The doctor is in a bad mood recently, so you have to fix my bad things!"

Li Lang saw that Na was having another drink with Dr. A Li, and immediately made an excuse to help. Ayako, who found the skewers, took over the work from the other person and waved to Mitsuhiko.

But that's it, I don't have any plans of my own yet.

However, the case he solved became popular among the Metropolitan Police Department.

The eight people before had unconsciously left no room for the two of them, and with Haibara and Mitsuhiko shouting for help, Conan was the only one left after a while.

Dr. Ali was naturally depressed at this moment. Although he was not a little embarrassed when it was over, Li Lang, Ayako and Miyano Akemi both sat down at the dining table to liven up the atmosphere.

"First love!" x2!

But now after seeing the case of bad friends killing each other, even those things that used to make me depressed have cheered up Ah Li.

Haiyuan was on the side to help out and said: "Emotions are a very personal matter, they can do that."

When Conan and the others opened the door and invited Fushae to the courtyard, Dr. Ali, who was still pouring himself wine, immediately became excited.

Because the party hadn't started yet, everyone changed the topic and finished cleaning up the yard.

Weak attacks, front lines, various functional props, and props with weak effects, Conan counted them one by one.

It was a good friend. Ayumi also saw Fusae sitting next to Dr. Ali, her eyes lit up and she said: "You remember that you look like the doctor's..."

It is said that raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while, although those props were painstakingly accumulated by Conan, when it was time to use them, Conan would still use them firmly.

"Since he has been in a bad mood recently, you just restricted him from eating." Haiyuan looked at the depressed Dr. A Li and said, "Let him eat freely."

Of course, these have no impact on Tang Ze, the person involved. He enjoys every day with peace of mind.

Undercurrents are constantly surging in the fierce daily life. As time passes day by day, things begin with the counterattack of the white organization!

The two of them went directly to the cinema without going home, watched the latest movie and had dinner before going home.

Fushae looked at her good friend Dr. Agasa and smiled again. She didn't make fun of me, and just sat opposite Dr. Agasa.

"Of course I know how to come..." Dr. Ali said without knowing what to do: "Please take a seat..."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

In the field of skills, use them sparingly. Those that are basically useless have been upgraded to a very low level by Conan.

As for the most conspicuous and troublesome "leader" in the organization, he was able to move, so we just allowed Gin to be arrogant in front of us.

After all, I know the plot of the case. After experiencing strange cases one after another, I am almost able to judge what major and minor events are coming.

"You knew they planned it."

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