Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 805: Nice Reward (4,000)

After Kataoka Renhua was rescued, she was not sent to Karasawa and others by the criminals of the "Korbansho", but ran back to the theater to act with Tamanosuke Ito.

That's right, "Tale of the Bamboo Tori" at the theater is about to begin, and Kataoka Renka, who is "Kaguya Hime", cannot be absent.

After the opponent was rescued, his first reaction was not to worry about his own injury, nor was he disturbed by being frightened, but worried about delaying the playing time of the performance.

Although Ito Tamanosuke was also very worried about the other party's situation, under Kataoka Renka's urging, Ito Tamanosuke took the other party back to the theater.

Knowing this situation, Tang Ze and others were also speechless for a while.

After going through this kind of thing, I went to act as soon as I was rescued. I don't know if the young people nowadays are really big, or they have gone mad for acting.

But on the other hand, people can still act with such energy when they are fine. Obviously, this kidnapping did not cause psychological harm to Kataoka Renhua.

But in any case, it is still necessary to report to the parents. After all, Kataoka Hanshiro is also the father of the other party.

"Hmph, nonsense, this unfilial daughter!"

After receiving a call from Tang Ze, Hanshiro Kataoka heard that his daughter went to act right after being rescued, and he couldn't help being furious: "And that guy Oguan, thanks to my trust in him, he dared to kidnap my daughter , this bastard, I must make him look good!!"

"Of course, he will be sanctioned by the law. Mr. Kataoka should care more about his daughter." Tang Ze frowned when he heard the other party's angry words.

It's not that Tang Ze can't understand the other party's mood. After all, his most trusted subordinate actually kidnapped his daughter. It's normal for the other party to lose his composure under the double anger of "betrayal" and "daughter's safety".

But even if what the other party said was likely to be angry, at least it shouldn't be said in front of criminals like them.

"Sorry... I was a little too excited at the moment." Hanshiro Kataoka also calmed down from his anger when he heard Tang Ze's words of warning and reminder.

After all, he is also the current chairman of the Kataoka Enterprise Group, and he still has the quality and self-cultivation he needs to be able to build such a large company single-handedly.

Before, it was only because of the betrayal of his daughter and subordinates that he was dazzled by anger for a while, but now he calmed down quickly under the reminder of Tang Ze's words.

"It's okay, it's justifiable to encounter such a thing."

Tang Ze heard the other party's slightly apologetic words, and knew that the other party really listened to it. He thought for a while and said, "Mr. Kataoka should go to the theater quickly, but the show should have already started, I hope you don't mess around."

"Don't worry, I won't do that kind of thing in public." Kataoka Hanshiro reassured after hearing the meaning of Tang Ze's words.

"In addition, from the perspective of an outsider involved in this case, I have something to tell Mr. Kataoka."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Although it seems silly to you that Miss Lianhua went to the theater to perform after being rescued, but in my opinion, isn't this a manifestation of true love?

At least, she didn't make a decision to rebel against you, but she rebelled against your decision for her own dreamland.

I think you need to sit down and communicate with your father and daughter. "

On the other end of the phone, Kataoka Hanshiro fell into a long silence after hearing Tang Ze's words.

"I will…"

Finally, Kataoka Hanshiro spoke slowly, "Thank you, Criminal Karasawa."

"You don't think it's good for me to meddle in my own business." Tang Ze said with a chuckle upon hearing this.

"How could it be?" Kataoka Hanshiro said seriously: "Thank you for your suggestion. If there is anything that needs help in the future, I will try my best."

"Let's help each other." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"I forgot about it." Hanshiro Kataoka smiled and bid farewell to Tang Ze.

When Tang Ze and others went out to follow the car, he also learned about his situation through the criminal who stayed at his house, so naturally he also knew about Tang Ze's situation.


What he said is also true, after all, the other party did save his daughter, and he will definitely remember this kindness in his heart.

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Tang Ze added Hanshiro Kataoka's phone number to the address book.

He didn't expect that the last conversation would have such a harvest, at least the other party's last tone was sincere.

Inadvertently, the network of contacts has expanded a bit.

Hmm, Network +1 again

After finishing the finishing work, Tang Ze and police officer Megure escorted Soichi Okinawa back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Taking advantage of the journey back to the Metropolitan Police Department under escort, Tang Ze also opened the system panel and counted the rewards for this case.

【True and fake kidnapping】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 500 fate points]

Evaluation: Although there is not much room for change in this case, your participation still leads the case to a better ending.

Somehow, you have gained a little favor from fate.

Seeing this, Tang Ze couldn't help raising his brows. He didn't expect such an extra gain.

In addition to the decent reward of 500 Fate Points, he was actually favored by Fate.

Even if it was a small amount, it was the first time that he won the favor of fate without preventing the murder.

This was the first time, Tang Ze didn't know if it was the reason why he reached 500 destiny points.

But no matter what, this wave of rewards is still very good.

Even though Tang Ze didn't participate in the ending this time, under Conan's actions, the final ending must not be much different from the current ending.

But Tang Ze's participation was not without effect, he made the case develop to a better place as a whole.

For example, the hostages were rescued in advance, allowing Renka Kataoka and Tamanosuke Ito to return to the theater calmly and finish the show.

For example, Tang Ze's preaching made Kataoka Hanshiro, a somewhat stubborn father, see a woman performing on stage, and his inner concept changed.

The occurrence of all these good things is the reason why Tang Ze can get higher rewards.

On this point, the system is recognized.

In addition, Conan is also very powerful in this case. The actions of the two people this time can be said to be completely complementary, and it can be said that they have helped Tang Ze a lot.

This is why Tang Ze doesn't mind Conan's participation in the case every time.

While his participation is likely to reduce the reward to some extent, Conan leading the team to the other side can still play a big role in some cases that require separate actions.

After returning to the Metropolitan Police Department with Daguan Zongyi, Tang Ze took Takagi and began to take notes for the other party.

This is also the reason why Tang Ze came back on purpose. After all, he was the person involved when Daguan Zongyi was arrested, and he completed the whole process, so it is not appropriate for others to come.

Not only to make notes for Daguan Zongyi, but even the report of this case had to be written by himself.

There is no way, this time it is mainly relying on his "super sense of smell" to solve the case. It would be really confusing to ask other people to write the report. Unlike the previous cases, everyone participated, Tang Ze can still throw the blame .

After finishing the recording, Tang Ze checked that it was time to get off work.

Postponing the writing of the report until tomorrow, Tang Ze took the elevator down to the underground parking lot and drove to pick up Ayako.

Today, he invited Aso Shi and Shimabukuro Junhui to go to Xingping's for dinner together, which is to celebrate Aso Shi's progress towards his ideal.

We'll be leaving now, so of course we're going to pick up Ayako.

She and Junhui Shimabukuro are also very familiar with each other, so they naturally went to eat together.

And if the three of them went to eat together, Tang Ze felt that he might be forced to eat dog food.

Well, that's right, these two people have confirmed their relationship now, which is different from before.

Although before, Tang Ze felt that the relationship between the two had a great relationship, but it was only a trend, and the relationship between the two was not definite.

Today's meal, in addition to celebrating Ma Chengshi's entry into "Kesouyan", actually has another meaning.

Two people who were in an ambiguous period finally confirmed their relationship!

Well, both of the two apartments that the two lived in before have moved out of one, and now the two of them are living together enthusiastically and starting to live together.

So this time it can be regarded as a celebration between friends after the two are together.

Both of these two came to live in Tokyo from their hometown island alone. Although they met many people and made many friends at work or school, the relationship between those people is still not as good as that of Tang Ze and the other two. .

Although they don't have much contact with each other on a daily basis and spend very little time together, Tang Ze and Tang Ze are witnesses to their new lives, and the meaning is completely different.

"I thought it was possible for the two of you to be together before, but I didn't expect it to become a reality now."

Tang Ze looked at the sitting in front of the two of them with a bit of embarrassment, and even felt unreal.

But rationality told him that the reality was like this, and the two of them were really together.

Because of my own appearance, because of my own intervention, a man who should have been buried in the sea of ​​fire with a deep vengeance, and a sad woman who should have been thrown into prison, are sitting happily in front of him at this moment.

"Okay, so it turns out that you were uneasy and kind when you first arranged it!"

Junhui Shimabukuro pretended to be annoyed and said, "Tell me, did you arrange for us to get to know each other just because you wanted to find a girlfriend for Chengshi?"

"Huh? Did you find out?" Tang Ze was also happy to cooperate with Junhui Shimabukuro: "At that time, I thought it was too pitiful for my good brother to be alone.

It happened that I met you later, so I simply introduced you two to add some color to Chengshi's life. "

"But the result is also very gratifying." Ayako covered her mouth and snickered, "I was very optimistic about you two at the time, and I am also very happy that it has come true!"

"Thank you both for your trouble."

Hearing Ayako's words, Aso really wanted to complain, but looked at Junhui Shimabukuro beside him and finally showed a doting smile: "Let such a good girl come to my side."

"Hey~ It's so disgusting!" Tang Ze looked at Aso pretending to be numb, rubbed his hands on his forearm a few times, and said teasingly: "I didn't see it. would do something like that."

"I don't believe you can't." Aso smiled helplessly, then looked at Ayako and joked with a smile: "Maybe you are more exaggerated than me, or let Ayako remind you?"

Regarding this, Tang Ze quickly looked at the smiling Ayako, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Don't really want to say it? Then my external persona is about to collapse?

please do not!

Under Tang Ze's slightly nervous gaze, Ayako smiled and said, "Guess~"

"Cut, it's boring." Shimabukuro Junhui who was on the side laughed and joked, "Sister Ayako is still on Tang Ze's side."

"Then I'm still on your side. Look at how you two are like "husband and wife" and you have the nerve to talk about us."

Tang Ze rolled his eyes as he spoke, but his words caused the thin-skinned Junhui Shimabukuro to stutter for a while, and the three of them could not help but smile.

The four of them were laughing and chatting, and the atmosphere was relaxed. In addition, the luxurious dishes made by Xinghei and Erina added a lot of color to this gathering.

Halfway through the meal, the four of them had already drank a lot of wine.

Tang Ze was usually tense when he was out drinking, but this time it was rare for him to completely relax, and he became drunk faster than usual when he was happy.

However, as far as physical fitness is concerned, it's not that drunk, it's just a little drunk.

But it can be seen that Aso and Junhui Shimabukuro are a little drunk, but after all, today is a happy day for them, which is normal.

But after getting drunk, Asahi actually changed his original quiet temperament, and became much more talkative.

Junhui Shimabukuro is similar, the two of them talked about the engagement ceremony of Tang Ze and the other before, and then got married for some reason.

"If we get married, I hope Xianichi, you and Ayako can be our witnesses."

Junhui Shimabukuro didn't know if he drank too much, and he was not as shy as before: "We discussed it before, and I think you two are the most suitable witnesses for us."

"Yes, I also think it would be more meaningful for you to witness."

Aso smiled and held Shimabukuro Junhui's hand with a fondness on his face: "Perhaps, at that time, this is also the time for us to bid farewell to the past and welcome a new life."

"We are very happy." Tang Ze and Ayako looked at each other upon hearing this, and immediately said in unison.

In Neon, marriage is not a little red book in Tang Ze’s hometown, but something called “marriage”.

On this piece of paper, in addition to the fact that the married man and woman need to sign their own names in the "marriage session", two witnesses need to sign their names and affix their personal seals.

After that, just send the "marriage class" to the district office to submit the marriage registration form.

Although there is no requirement for the column of witnesses, relatives and friends are fine, but generally newcomers will choose someone who is meaningful to the two to witness.

That's why Tang Ze and Ayako answered their invitation so seriously.

Because this is equally meaningful to both of them.

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