Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 806 A series of murders (four thousand)

Early the next morning, after Tang Ze woke up from the bed, he spent more time in a daze than usual.

As for Ayako, she was still asleep, and she was usually able to move her mind, but she didn't notice it today, which shows how much she drank yesterday.

That's right, I accidentally drank too much yesterday. After Aso Shishi and the two said that they would be invited to be witnesses in the "marriage session", Tang Ze and Ayako were so happy that they lost their self-control and drank a lot more .

But those two people are obviously more uncomfortable than Tang Ze and the other two, I'm afraid they may not wake up this morning.

A few female bodyguards called by Ayako resisted going home last night, which shows how much the two drank.

After spending a while on the bed, Tang Ze got out of bed and went to wash up.

The cold water splashed on his face, soothed the only drowsiness he had. Tang Ze thought about it and went to the kitchen to make a pot of porridge first, and then started to make breakfast.

Although under normal circumstances only sick people drink porridge in Neon, there are no taboos or strict rules. I accidentally drank a little too much yesterday, so I would feel better if I drank some porridge this morning.

For breakfast, Tang Ze didn't want to make any complicated things. Throw the slices of bread into the toaster, then cut a piece of ham and add a poached egg. A simple sandwich is done.

If there is no case today, he doesn't plan to go out. Although he drank alcohol yesterday, the driver of the car drove back yesterday, so there is no need to go to Xingpinghe to drive again.

Although today is not a holiday, it doesn't matter. His current occupation is the consultant of "Kesouyan". Now he is the highest position in the institute, and no one cares about him even if he doesn't go to work.

Even if the future "director" and "deputy director" are selected, Tang Ze will still be a prominent figure in the institute.

During this period of time, the development momentum of "Kesouyan" is very good, and the bosses are also actively negotiating the position that is still vacant.

Needless to say, middle-level positions, because most of them are technical positions, so many of them are held by technical personnel.

How to say this is because "Kesouyan" is more inclined to research institutes, and many positions require people with professional skills.

First of all, the director of "Kesouyan". According to the information leaked by Sihuayuan, the preliminary agreement is to keep it as it is.

After all, when other research institutes were still bargaining to become a "partner" to earn money, the other party had already fully accepted the request of the Metropolitan Police Department and directly chose to embrace their thighs to become a subordinate institution.

Naturally, the Metropolitan Police Department also wants to "reciprocate".

Although he hugged his thigh, if he hadn't negotiated the exchange of interests with the big guy who was the matchmaker, it would not have been so smooth.

So it's normal to have such a result.

Of course, although the director is a scientific researcher, he is only a technical official, and he is mainly in charge of the technical staff of "Kesouyan" and some future research projects in the institute.

As for the deputy director, after the unanimous research above, the police chief will be part-time.

This situation is quite normal, after all, anyone with a discerning eye can see the role played by "Kesouyan" in the Metropolitan Police Department after its smooth development.

Naturally, this right cannot be divided.

Being concurrently held by the police chief also prevents the people below from thinking about it.

Of course, there is more than one deputy director, and there is also a police supervisor, who is the one who really does the work.

But Tang Ze didn't know who it was. There were only 20 people in the police department, but it was too much to compete for the position of deputy director.

Tang Ze couldn't be sure until the end.

Of course, those are the affairs of the bosses and have nothing to do with Tang Ze. No matter who comes, it is impossible to target him.

In addition, the accounting class has been established. This is the first department to be established in the institute.

This is also normal, after all, this is a manpower transferred from the accounting department of the Metropolitan Police Department. The existing manpower is formed quickly and is normal.

By the way, the accounting department of the Metropolitan Police Department is also a serious criminal. They also have criminal certificates, but they do accounting work.

Of course, unlike the accounting department of general companies, they don't just work in the accounting department.

Some talents who are sensitive to numbers or outstanding in the economic field will be absorbed into the second search department.

The so-called No. 2 Search Division is responsible for investigating intelligent crimes, such as fraud, abuse of power by public officials, or election fraud.

Over the years, with the popularity of the Internet, some Internet frauds have also followed.

Although it is not as serious as homicide, the responsibility of the second department is also very heavy. The cases they are responsible for are small and small, but the big ones are also big.

This big, not only refers to the amount involved, but also refers to the impact.

There are likely to be many people involved in this kind of influence, and even a lot of people will go bankrupt.

When it comes to money, criminals with accounting majors are also more likely to find loopholes such as false accounts.

The rapid establishment and operation of the Accounting Department has actually accelerated the establishment of "Kesouyan", after all, it is inseparable from money.

Whether it is the purchase of office equipment or the application of some scientific research equipment, the process is much more convenient with people from the accounting department.

While thinking about Zong Zong about "Kesouyan", Tang Ze planned the next step.

He's like this, he's used to taking one step and seeing the other, and he doesn't know what to do if he doesn't plan ahead.

Even if the plan is unexpected, at least the regulations are here.

After breakfast, Tang Ze cleaned the dishes, returned to the bedroom and glanced at Ayako who was still sleeping, Tang Ze quietly closed the door and went to the study.

It's been a long time since I've calmed down to read a book, and today can be regarded as "stealing half a day's leisure".

After finding this reasoning, Tang Ze looked at it with relish. The joy of reading is to be quiet and immersive with one person.

About a third of the way through the book, the sound of footsteps outside the door made Tang Ze turn his thoughts from the book back to reality.

"Are you awake?" With the door opening, she looked at Ayako Tangze who was still yawning and smiled: "Go wash up, I made porridge for breakfast, do you think there is anything else you want to eat?"

"No need, just drink some porridge." Ayako rubbed her eyes: "I accidentally drank a little too much yesterday, and I don't have much appetite in the morning, so I can't eat much."

"Okay, then you go wash up, I'll serve you porridge." Tang Ze turned the book inside out and walked towards the kitchen.

When Ayako sat at the dining table, Tang Ze was about to ask Ayako what his plans were, when his cell phone on the coffee table rang suddenly.

Turning his head to look at the coffee table, Tang Ze had a bad premonition in his heart.

No, didn't you just solve a case yesterday?

Come again today?

It can't be that I stopped the case yesterday, "Reaper" was a little dissatisfied, so he worked "overtime" again...

Stepping to the coffee table, Tang Ze kept complaining in his heart when he saw the word "Gao Mu" on the caller ID.

However, he kept complaining in his heart, but Tang Ze didn't stop, and directly connected the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ze could not help but sigh.

"A case happened?" Ayako, who was drinking porridge, knew the content of the call when she saw Tang Ze's frown.

"Ah, that's right." Tang Ze nodded helplessly: "I just solved a case yesterday, but I didn't expect to come here again today."

"There is no other way to do this." Ayako comforted: "Go, solve it as soon as possible and end it sooner."

"Well, then you can rest at home." Tang Ze got up and went back to the house to change clothes: "I will be back early."

"Then I'll prepare your lunch?" Ayako smiled and said, "What do you want to eat?"

"Let's make curry rice. I don't know what's going on now. If you come back late, you can eat first." Tang Ze said while changing his clothes.

"You can text me when the time comes."

Watching Tang Ze walk out of the bedroom, Ayako stood up and straightened Tang Ze's collar: "Be careful on the road."

"Don't worry." Tang Ze picked up the car key, opened the door and walked out: "I'm leaving."

After bidding farewell to Ayako, Tang Ze opened the car door and drove towards the crime scene.

Although two cases occurred in two consecutive days, which made Tang Ze a little speechless, but he was used to it.

When I first arrived here, I complained that the button frequency here was too high, and I have even gotten used to it now.

Even if the case is resolved this time, I'm afraid he can only get three hundred fate points at most.

However, this harvest is still possible. The 500 fate points given to solve the case yesterday have brought his savings to 1,500 fate points.

If you count today's 300 points, it would be 1,800 points.

As long as you solve one more case, you can draw a prize!

However, Tang Ze is still hesitating whether to draw a lottery or not. After all, getting too many things now consumes a lot.

For some necessary consumables, you still need to reserve some deposits for timely replenishment.

Driving all the way to the scene of the crime with the siren on, the staff of the forensic department are collecting physical evidence in the meeting room at this moment.

"Officer Megure, I'm late." Seeing Officer Megure listening to Takagi's report, Tang Ze stepped forward to say hello.

"Brother Tang Ze, you're here." Officer Mu Mu smiled and said, "It's okay, we just arrived, and we're learning about the situation now, just so Brother Tang Ze can also listen."

"What's the situation at the scene?" Tang Ze said while looking at the messy conference room.

"The deceased was poisoned to death." Police Officer Mu Mu said in a deep voice, "But the only one that was poisoned was the cup of coffee that was knocked to the ground.

The other three cups of coffee we have examined and found no poisonous ingredients in them. "

"Huh? That means the prisoner just poisoned the deceased's coffee?"

Tang Ze raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Who were there at the time of the incident?"

"Because at the time of the incident, talks were being held here, so there were not too many people there."

Takagi took out the criminal book while talking: "I have written down their basic situation."

"Those two are also the parties involved, right?" Tang Ze pointed to the two figures, one big and one small, who were inspecting the corpse, and said in a firm tone.

"I'm here today at the invitation of Ms. Ryoko Inoue."

Mori Kogoro walked over after seeing Tang Ze, and said with some air, "She wants to communicate with the three editors who are in charge of "Detective Intermission".

To put it simply, I refer to my "famous detective" Mori Kogoro's many experience in handling cases, and adapt it into a film and drama. "

Tang Ze was a little speechless looking at Kogoro Mori who seemed a little satisfied.

The other party's expression seemed to convey the meaning of "You see, the other party invited me, but not you. I am stronger than you".

"Is this "Famous Detective Intermission" famous?" Although Kogoro Mori intended to pierce his heart, in fact it was not deliberate.

Because he really doesn't know this TV series.

As I said before, he basically doesn't watch TV very much, especially as his skills are getting more and more, he often uses them to practice skills.

In the occasional leisure time, I'm not dating Ayako, or watching reasoning, and I haven't paid much attention to film and television dramas at all.

And since the reason for inviting Mori Kogoro this time is because of this detective drama "The Detective Intermission", and the people involved are also related to this detective drama, then he naturally needs to understand the general situation of this drama.

" haven't heard of the film and television drama "The Intermission of a Famous Detective"!?"

After hearing Tang Ze's words, Mori Kogoro looked stunned, as if his fist had hit the cotton.

But soon, he looked suspiciously at Kogoro Mori and said, "You're not jealous that I received an invitation from the TV station, so you said that on purpose, right?"

"No, where are you thinking?" Tang Ze said speechlessly, "I really don't know."

‘Although I do have the intention to pierce your heart, that’s all. ’ Tang Ze secretly added in his heart.

"Conan, tell him how powerful the show "The Intermission of a Detective" is!" Mouri Kogoro said angrily when he heard the words.

"This drama started five years ago."

Although he knew that Mori Kogoro was competing with Tang Ze, Conan also knew that he had to "smooth his hair" at this time.

He smiled and began to popularize science with Tang Ze: "I have been following this drama, although not every episode is wonderful, but every few episodes there will be a very exciting episode!

For example, "The Chamber of Secrets No. 52", "Supporting Characters Club"...The structures of these cases are very complete, but the techniques are also very exciting.

What's even more rare is that these methods are upholding the upright style. It will appear in front of you in a dignified manner, but it exceeds your common sense, making you unaware of this method.

Although not every episode is wonderful, but in the detective drama, this drama can be said to be among the best! "

As soon as he talked about something related to "reasoning", Conan became energetic. It can be seen that Conan really likes the drama "The Interval between Detectives".

"When you say that, I am also interested. I will take a look when I go back when I have time."

Tang Ze's words are not polite. Although he is not as crazy as Conan, he also likes excellent reasoning works.

And if this picky "reasoning idiot" can even praise it, the plot must be very good.

After all, he is also a "famous detective". From the other party's point of view, the technique is too bad to be inferior to Fayan.

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