Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and eleventh chapter strange suffocation death (four thousand)

In general, this trip to Tianwang Mountain made Tang Ze slightly disappointed.

He even felt like it was a park with slightly higher terrain.

But travel is like this. It is impossible to always have places that make you feel good, and some places that will shatter your expectations or are completely different from your imagination also exist for a long time.

But in fact, there is no need to be so lost. The important thing is who is the person who is watching the scenery with you.

Oh, you don't have girlfriends...

That’s okay, just lose when you should lose, it’s normal.

All in all, Tianwang Mountain is a good place to go around for leisure. If you really want to say that it is mountaineering, then it is better not to come here.

The two turned around and soon came to a place close to the top of the mountain.

It's a bit of a mountaineering feeling when you get here, the artificial traces are not so serious, and the steps are relatively old, but many of them are still not too big uphill.

Soon the two came to the top of the mountain, from which they could see the city below. They found a free place to lay a mat, and then took out snacks and drinks for camping.

Soon, after chatting for a while, the two took out their respective books from their backpacks and read them back to back.

Traveling, hurry up and go to more places. Although it is indeed more cost-effective for those who rarely travel, it actually loses some of the original fun of travel.

Spending time leisurely like this is also a kind of enjoyment of traveling.

Of course, this is because the two of them have enough time to have such confidence. If it is difficult to go out for a trip, it is indeed a disadvantage not to go to a few places.

The two returned to Kyoto after playing here until after three o'clock, and then went to "Gion" to hang out and explore the shops to see if there was anything they wanted to eat.

The entire "Gion" street buildings are in traditional Japanese style, and there is even a feeling of returning to ancient times when you are in it.

After finishing the dinner and taking pictures for Ayako, Tang Ze ended his trip early in two days and returned to the hotel.

After all, it’s a free fish trip, so don’t rush there at all, it’s enough to spend a day or two going to a place, there’s no need to hurry.

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is the goal of the two people on the second day. Inari God is the god of agriculture and commerce, and it can be said to be one of the most popular shrines in the Kyoto area.

To say that the most distinctive feature here is the various stone statues of foxes and hundreds of torii gates on the road leading to the top of the mountain.

On weekdays, not many people came to the shrine, so the two of them just strolled around the shrine slowly.

During this trip to Kyoto, neither of them thought about how many places to visit. This trip is more like relaxing the mind, allowing the whole person to relax and eliminate the negative emotions in life, so that people can better meet life .

Well, for Tang Ze, it might be a new case...

On the first night of returning to work in Tokyo, the "Reaper" seemed to dislike Tang Ze's laziness, so he directly reaped a life, making Tang Ze, who had just eaten half of his dinner, have to work overtime to rush to the scene of the crime.

Arriving at the scene of the crime, after Tang Ze parked the car, he took out his white gloves and put them on while letting the spectators disperse and walked inside.

The scene of the crime was under the bridge, and the body was lying on the ground, seemingly peacefully asleep.

Seeing Tang Ze's arrival, Takagi on the side immediately started to introduce the situation of the crime.

The reporter was a middle-aged woman who lived nearby and came to walk her dog after dinner.

Because her pet dog kept barking in this direction, she found the man lying on the ground under the leadership of the dog.

At first, she thought the office worker was drunk.

But when he stepped forward to call out, he found that the other party was completely silent, so he was so frightened that he quickly called the police.

As for the identity of the messenger, it has also been clarified through the driver's license.

Takegawa Toshio, 45 years old this year, is a very common office worker.

At this moment, Ma Chengshi, who was wearing a white coat, was squatting next to the corpse and inspecting the condition of the corpse.

"There is no obvious trauma, and there is no sign of poisoning on the outside. It is preliminarily inferred that it may be a sudden death while walking by the river."

After seeing Tang Ze, Asahi honestly spoke out his judgment, "Judging from the stiffness and spots on the corpse, the time of death should be more than two hours."

Tang Ze nodded when he heard the words, but he didn't have much hope for the possibility of an accident.

Although the corpse had no obvious trauma, and no trace of poisoning was observed, there are many cases of people dying of illness due to various reasons.

But in this world, the possibility of someone's death not being a homicide is too small, let alone being connected to himself...

Although it feels a bit self-defeating to say this, but when it comes to myself, in a sense, there is an ironclad proof of a murder case...

No way, no matter whether Tang Ze is willing to admit it or not, he is also a man "favored by the god of death"...

"It's half past eight, which means the body died at six or seven o'clock."

Tang Ze calculated the time, then looked at Ma Sheng and asked honestly: "Is there a possibility of killing him at present?"

"I can't see it for the time being, but it may be poisoned."

Aso took a look at Toshio Takegawa's body and said, "There's not much more to see on the surface. The specific details require an autopsy and blood investigation to determine the cause of death, but..."

"But what?"

Tang Ze looked at Ma Shengshi's hesitant expression and smiled, "If you have anything to say, just say it. Is there anything else we need to worry about in our relationship?"

"Then I'll be straight."

Aso turned Takegawa Toshio's body over, turning him from lying flat to side.

Then he reached out and took off the clothes on the back of Toshio Takegawa, revealing his back: "Different causes of death will also lead to different colored spots on the corpse, I think you should be aware of this, Criminal Tang Ze.

Look at the plaques on the corpse, now it is dark purple. "

Tang Ze looked at the back of the corpse, and found dark purple irregular-sized circular marks on the new skin, which looked like bruises.

"I remember that when I suffocate to death, I often see this color of corpse spots..." Although Tang Ze is not as solid as Ma Sheng in forensic science, he still understands some basic theoretical knowledge.

Moreover, he has seen corpses of various ways of death, so he has rich experience.

"That's right, but the exact cause of death still needs to be dissected."

Aso stood up firmly and said, "Take the corpse back to the anatomy room of "Kesouyan". I will check it carefully."

"I'll be with you." Tang Ze stood up, gestured to the side, and immediately two patrolmen in uniforms came over and carried the corpse onto the car dedicated to transporting corpses.

"Take my car."

Tang Ze took off his gloves and told Asahi the truth, then told Police Officer Mumu, and drove towards "Kesouyan".

Tang Ze was also very concerned about the dead body whose exact cause of death was unknown for the time being.

And because the scene was under a bridge hole, the environment was a little too dark, and he also needed a place with sufficient light to examine the corpse carefully.

As for using the super sense of smell, it is indeed possible, but the environment on site is too spacious.

And there should be many young people gathered here under the bridge hole, graffiti and spray painting are everywhere.

Not only that, there are a lot of vegetation and a lot of messy domestic garbage around, and the smell is too much, which can easily affect Tang Ze's judgment and make him spend more energy.

Therefore, it is best to pull back to "Kesouyan" for detailed testing.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the process of rushing, and soon everyone returned to "Kesouyan" and transported the corpse to a brand new autopsy room.

The previous research institute did not have these. They abolished some unnecessary departments and transformed them into forensic department workshops. Naturally, the equipment is also brand new.

In the autopsy room, Toshio Takegawa, a middle-aged man, was lying naked on the dissecting table. There was nothing unusual on everyone's faces, and the faces looking at the corpse were full of knowledge and seriousness.

Here, no one cares about those things, all they have to do is to find the real reason for the death of the deceased.

"Before you dissect it, check it out."

Asahi was already fully armed at the moment, standing in front of the corpse with a scalpel in his hand, looked at Tang Ze and said.

"Well, wait a moment." Tang Ze stood on the other side of the dissecting table, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Tang Ze couldn't help but frown as the unspeakable smell entered his nasal cavity. It wasn't the first time he used his sense of smell to inspect a corpse, but it still made him feel very uncomfortable.

But soon he suppressed this strangeness, and his brain began to work crazily, analyzing the various smells that entered the nasal cavity.

The breath of life was eliminated one by one, and soon he opened his eyes and locked his eyes on the two parts of the corpse.

Tang Ze first found the tool box where the tools were placed, and then took out a brand new unopened comb from it.

"This is a brand new and unopened comb. Everyone present please be a witness."

While talking, Tang Ze opened the packaging bag, and he combed the dead man's hair with a comb in his hand while wearing disposable gloves.

"The surface of the scalp is covered by hair, and it is difficult for our naked eyes to distinguish. If the smell is not different, I would have missed it."

Tang Ze combed the dead man's hair while explaining his actions.

Soon, he picked up his finger and shone a hair on you under the light.

"Did you find anything?" Seeing Tang Ze's actions, Aso Shi and the assistants around him looked inquiringly.

"It's women's hair."

Tang Ze said while pinching his hair and walked towards the forensic officer, who took out an evidence bag from the toolbox with winking eyes, and cooperated with Tang Ze to put the hair into it.

"We will carry out detailed tests later." Tang Ze smiled: "The equipment in charge of physical evidence testing is ready, and it's time to put it to work."

"This has reduced our workload a lot." The young forensic officer on the side smiled and echoed.

"This is also the purpose of the establishment of "Kesouyan"."

Tang Ze replied and then took out a pair of tweezers from the toolbox, and then lifted the fingernails of the deceased's right hand: "Come here, take a photo first, this is very important evidence."

Hearing the words, the young forensic officer approached quickly, then picked up the camera hanging around his neck and followed Tang Ze's words to take a few close-ups of the nail part of the right hand of the corpse.

Afterwards, Tang Ze picked up the tweezers and picked out some dander-like objects from between the nails, and put them into the evidence bag.

"The dissection can begin." Tang Ze handed over the two evidence bags to the forensic personnel beside him, and asked him to send them to the "Physical Evidence Inspection Section" for detailed examination.

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Aso began to work with a scalpel in hand, and Tang Ze quickly left the room and went outside to wait patiently for the result.

It's better to leave these professional matters to professional people. Even if Tang Ze knows some knowledge, he can't get involved in the actual operation at all.

After leaving the room, Tang Ze returned to the office to make a cup of coffee, and then waited patiently.

Tonight was destined to be a long night, at least until the body was examined and it was officially determined whether it was a homicide or a death of illness, it was impossible for them to return to rest.

With the passage of time, when a cup of coffee was almost empty, there was a knock on the door.

"Thank you, I made some coffee, how about a cup?"

Opening the door, Tang Ze got up and poured a cup of coffee after seeing Aso Shishi, and then sat on the sofa and handed it to Aso Shishi who was on the sofa opposite the coffee table: "How is the corpse?"

"There is no hemorrhage in the brain, nor is there any heart disease, and there is no obstruction in the respiratory tract." Ma Cheng took a sip of coffee and said with a sigh of relief: "No abnormalities were found."

"Where's the blood? Are there any signs of poisoning?" Tang Ze asked.

"Is there any? There was no toxic reaction in the blood test." Ma Cheng replied honestly.

"The cause of death is...?" Tang Ze frowned upon hearing this.

What the hell is this?

These common situations have been ruled out, so how did the other party die?

"The corpse showed signs of acidemia, and there was also a loss of amino acids."

Speaking of this, Asahi's eyes flickered, and there was a puzzled look in his eyes: "There is only one reason for this... suffocation..."

"Death by suffocation..."

Tang Ze frowned upon hearing Aso Shi's final conclusion.

He would not doubt the autopsy results of Ma Chengshi and the forensic assistants, but he was caught off guard by the results.

No vinegar, just a little caught off guard.

Even Aso honestly mentioned before that the manifestation of corpse spots may be suffocation, but that is only one of the possibilities.

But he really didn't expect to be suffocated to death.


The moment Tang Ze heard this conclusion, he directly confirmed the nature of this case.

It is definitely murder, there is no other possibility!

You must know that the open situation at the scene can make people suffocate to death?

Nonsense, it is impossible.

So there is only one outcome that Tang Ze can think of at the moment, that is, someone brought Takegawa Toshio here after killing him!

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