Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and twelfth chapter physical evidence of homicide (four thousand)

Although it was confirmed that it was homicide, Tang Ze didn't feel so relaxed at the moment.

Because this case is very difficult.

As for the reason, it was naturally based on the cause of Toshio Takegawa's death.

After the body of Toshio Takegawa was dissected, there were no signs of compression of the chest or neck, blockage of the mouth, nose or airway leading to suffocation.

That is to say, Takegawa Toshio did not die by strangling, choking, and drowning, which are conventional methods of killing.

And after excluding these situations, there is only one possibility.

He suffocated to death from simple lack of oxygen.

No symptoms, in fact, is also a manifestation.

This time, there were no wounds on the surface of the corpse, and there was no abnormality in the body. The corpse showed signs of acidemia and loss of amino acids, which confirmed that Toshio Takegawa died of suffocation.

And this is exactly in line with the human body's suffocation death due to lack of oxygen.

But in a place like the crime scene, how could hypoxia lead to death.

As for the speculation of suffocating oneself to death, it is simply a joke. All fools know that it is impossible for people to suffocate themselves to death, and the desire to survive will definitely overcome everything in the end.

Using unknown methods to create a hypoxic situation to kill people is the most troublesome thing.

You don't know exactly what method the prisoner used to kill him. Even if you have someone you suspect after investigation, there is nothing you can do about it.

Even if you think his motive for killing is astonishing, but as soon as the other party questions "how did I kill him", you will be speechless and unable to refute at all.

In the end, it's a matter of confidence.

Therefore, the method of killing must be clarified, which is the basis of all reasoning.

If the method of killing cannot be confirmed, all subsequent reasoning will be as fragile as a castle in the air.

With no cause of death confirmed, the case fell into a disadvantageous position from the outset.

After Tang Ze conveyed the news to Police Officer Mu Mu, he went straight to get off work.

There is no way, it is already late at night, and there is no way to continue the investigation by investigating Toshio Takegawa's interpersonal relationship. He can only wait until tomorrow to see if there is any progress.

But Tang Ze had a hunch that this case might be more troublesome than imagined.

After sending the body and some items on the clothes to the "Physical Evidence Inspection Section" for detailed analysis tomorrow, Tang Ze left "Kesouyan".

After returning home to rest for the night, early the next morning, Tang Ze took Uei Naoki and Takagi to the club where the deceased Toshio Takegawa belonged.

After showing their criminal certificates, the three of Tang Ze came to the reception room led by the front desk staff.

Tang Ze winked at the two, and Takagi and Naoki Umi left the room straight away.

After a short wait, a man in a suit entered the meeting.

"I'm the head of the General Affairs Section, and my surname is Kujo Hiroshi."

The man bowed slightly to Tang Ze, and after the two returned their salutes, the other sat down and looked at Tang Ze: "I already knew about Minister Zhuchuan, I was really shocked, I didn't expect..."

"I'm here this time, and I also want to ask about Minister Zhuchuan." Tang Ze said.

"That... Excuse me, may I ask if this is a murder case?" Kujo Hiroshi hesitated for a moment and asked.

"No, at the moment, we are not sure yet." Although Tang Ze has already confirmed in his heart that the high probability is a murder case, what should be concealed must still be concealed.

"Is that so..." Kujo Hiroshi nodded without saying anything.

"May I ask what kind of person is Minister Zhuchuan?" Seeing that the other party finished asking the question, Tang Ze immediately started to get to the point.


Kujo Hiroshi looked at the ground subconsciously, then pondered for a moment and said: "He is very capable at work, and he also takes good care of his subordinates. Everyone admires him."

"The information we investigated before we came here showed that Minister Zhuchuan was dispatched by a bank that has contacts with your club. Is this true?" Tang Zeying confirmed the authenticity of this information.

"That's right, that's true." Kujo Hiroshi nodded.

"Then won't his existence embarrass you?" Tang Ze gave Kujo Hiroshi a meaningful look, "After all, he was sent by Party A."

"No, how come, nothing..." Kujo Hiroshi still prevaricates Tang Ze with his words, but his guilty expression has unconsciously betrayed his inner thoughts.

Tang Ze wasn't too surprised by this. The top management of these big companies is different from the bottom staff. When they encounter problems, they want to hide and maintain stability, and they don't want to get into any trouble.

This is also normal. After all, such things as dead people are not very honorable. Naturally, if it spreads out, it will affect the company.

Of course, Tang Ze was just asking a routine question. Seeing that the other party was unwilling to say more, Tang Ze bid farewell to the other party without asking for thanks.

When he got downstairs, Tang Ze waited for a while, and then guessed that Takagi and Naoki Uesi walked out of the elevator.

Now that he knows that the top executives of these companies are always urinating in order to protect their interests, how could Tang Ze not make preparations.

After taking them into the company at the front desk, Tang Ze asked Takagi and Uekai Naoki to interrogate the employees inside the company when Kujo Hiroshi was not here.

The upper level will hide and say polite words against their will for their own benefit, but the ordinary employees at the lower level don't have so many scruples.

Good is good, bad is bad, and they will speak the truth more objectively.

Sure enough, Takagi and Umi Naoki asked the company for completely opposite comments from Kujo Hiroshi.

According to the members, Toshio Takegawa's reputation is extremely bad.

Relying on the fact that he is the representative of Party A sent by the bank, his attitude is very arrogant.

Not only arbitrarily instructing male members to help him with private work, but also sexually harassing contact behaviors when communicating with female members.

Some employees couldn't stand it and had a conflict with him, so he backhandedly forced the other party to resign.

"What's the name of the employee who clashed with the deceased?" After listening to the reports from the two, Tang Ze asked, "Can you find him?"

"The name is Kazuo Matayoshi, and I have already asked for the address of the other party's home." Takagi looked at the notebook and said.

"Find the other party to inquire. Takagi, take Shangjing with you. I'm going back to Kesouyan."

Tang Ze looked at the time: "There should be results for some physical evidence left yesterday. I want to go back and have a look. Let's split up."

"I see." Takagi nodded, and then drove away with Umi Naoki.

As for Tang Ze, after hearing the two left, he also started the car and returned to "Kesouyan".

With the advancement of the times and technology, some methods may be unimaginable, and ordinary people may not have been exposed to related fields at all.

And "Kesouyan" is the place to solve these phenomena, just like the old saying "Use magic to defeat magic", Tang Ze will definitely rely on "Kesouyan" a lot in the future.

When Tang Ze returned to "Kesouyan", he went directly to the "Physical Evidence Inspection Division".

By the way, the "Department of Physical Evidence Examination" did not set up a special department, nor did it have a director, because it is more of a laboratory than a department.

Specialize in the analysis of some physical evidence that needs to be detected in laboratory cases.

As for what it is, there are too many, all kinds of weird things.

For example, this time, according to Tang Ze's account before leaving last night, the items that need to be tested are quite messy.

The fibers, grease, and cosmetic substances that fell on the clothes were analyzed, as well as the hair that Tang Ze found last night, as well as the skin tissue attached to the nails of the deceased.

These are all evidences that Tang Ze discovered with his super-smell on the body of the deceased and need to be analyzed.

Although I don't know if it's useful, at least these things appeared on the body of the deceased.

Tang Ze didn't know if it was useful, but he needed to figure out why these things appeared on the dead.

"Everything that walks must have traces", Tang Ze is restoring what the deceased did during his lifetime.

However, perhaps because Tang Ze asked to analyze too many items yesterday, and because there were fewer people and hands in the laboratory, Tang Ze still had to wait for a while before he could get the analysis results of all the physical evidence.

Of course, the two physical evidences that Tang Ze personally found yesterday already had inspection results.

The first is the hair found on the head of the deceased. According to the detection of the instrument, it was determined to be the hair of a type A woman. It was dyed with natural ingredients for about a month.

Other than that, this woman has serious self-rolls.

Don't you think it's incredible?

Even the fact that the other party has an autobiographical paper can be clearly understood.

But in fact, under the analysis of the instrument, this is nothing at all. You can clearly see images that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

This is the power of science. If you understand it, you will actually find that these things are very simple with the help of instruments.

And these can better assist the search.

For example, the female hair found in the hair of the deceased, knowing so many characteristics, still worry about not being able to lock the owner of the hair?

After reading these analyses, Tang Zeyou looked at the results of the analysis of the suspected prisoner's skin tissue between the nails of the deceased.

After comparison, it was found that the blood type of the owner of this skin tissue was AB.

After sending these two edited text messages to Takagi, Tang Ze patiently waited for the analysis results of other physical evidence.

Not long after, the composition of the fibrous tissue attached to the clothes of the deceased was also analyzed.

According to the staff of the "Material Inspection Section", this fiber is often used on blankets and carpets for cars, and it is a very common material.

In addition, the oil stains on the clothes were determined to be automobile oil after analysis.

After seeing these two test results, Tang Ze confirmed one thing.

The corpse is likely to have been moved!

Although this did not appear on the corpse spots of the previous corpse, it did not prove anything.

If the prisoner immediately moved the corpse and discarded it at the scene of the crime after killing Takegawa Toshio, it is normal that the corpse spots would not change.

After getting these analysis results, Tang Ze immediately contacted Police Officer Mumu to formally investigate the case.

That's right, because the cause of death of the corpse was too vague, the case was not characterized at all last night.

Although the investigation was based on homicide in the early stage, if the situation cannot be found, it may be regarded as an accident or death due to illness.

But now, after analyzing the attachments on the deceased, there is a possibility that the body was transported, which has the basis for filing a case.

But to be honest, for Tang Ze, this didn't make any real progress.

He had already determined that it was a murder case, but he still hadn't found out what special method the prisoner used to suffocate Takegawa Toshio to death.

With the information, Tang Ze went to the Metropolitan Police Department, where Tang Ze, Takagi and others needed to summarize the investigation results this morning and inform the investigators in charge of the case.

Naturally, Tang Ze didn't need to say much. Takagi followed up with Naoki Jing very quickly. After receiving Tang Ze's text message, he quickly found out the owner of the blood type A hair.

This hair belonged to the lover Takegawa Toshio had met with on the day of his death, but within the time of death, the other party had a perfect alibi.

"The employee who had a conflict with Toshio Takegawa was named Shinsuke Dote, and we did not find him."

Uejing Naoki opened his mouth and explained: "The other party said that he went back to his hometown today, and made an appointment for us to meet tomorrow."

"Well, continue to investigate."

After listening to everyone's report, Police Officer Megure nodded and said, "In addition, the specific cause of Toshio Takegawa's death should be investigated quickly, otherwise it will be bad for us after a long time."

This is of course, after all, if even the method of killing is not sure, the case may be treated as an accident again after a long time.

This is a very real problem. Even if there is evidence that the body has been moved, it can be proved that this may be a homicide, but it is not ironclad evidence after all.

If there is no progress for a long time, it is impossible for them to waste energy on this, and the higher authorities will not allow them to waste manpower and material resources on a case that has no progress.

So it can only be fast!

It is their top priority to make new progress as soon as possible, whether it is finding evidence of homicide or finding out the method of killing to confirm the possibility of homicide.

After the meeting, everyone's information has been integrated.

Although the Dote Susuke who seems to be the most motivated has not been investigated yet, but the other party also promised to meet tomorrow.

Of course, this does not mean that nothing will happen this afternoon. Tang Ze thought about it and finally called Ma Shengshi, asking him to go with him to the club where Toshio Takegawa was.

Tang Ze also had his own considerations for calling Asakusa Shishi instead of Takagi or Uei Naoki.

If Tang Ze took Takagi and other criminals there, it might cause Kujo Hiroshi to have unnecessary associations, fearing that the murder would endanger the company's interests and thus create a defensive mentality.

In this case, they will definitely put pressure on the lower levels to keep the employees silent.

But if he took the forensic doctor Asakusa with him, it showed that he just wanted to find out what might have caused Takegawa Toshio's accidental death, and it would be easier to achieve the purpose of questioning.

Of course, some necessary language skills are still required~

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