Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 828: One Leaf's Trick (4,000)

Naoki Shangjing felt very excited.

The active brain was running at a high speed, and the doubts that came to mind before were solved one by one.

At this moment, he seems to have returned to his student days. The joy and encouragement after solving a problem, and the clarity of his brain made him feel that he had stepped into the "omniscient" world.

Seeing Naoki Uesi's performance, Tang Ze nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing the first apprentice he brought out from the young and immature Xiao Mengxin to the criminal who is gradually able to take charge of his own side, Tang Ze felt very relieved.

It was about time for the other party to finish his internship, and he could only rely on himself to handle the case. Tang Ze felt more at ease with his promise now.

Of course, Naoki Jing naturally couldn't understand Tang Ze's mood. He was still immersed in the "clear understanding" of reasoning at the moment.

Regarding his state, Tang Ze understood very well. After all, he often entered this state, so he didn't mean to interrupt at all.

This kind of feeling is rare. Every time the state of "omniscience" will make people gain a lot of insights, it takes a long time to achieve the general state.

To put it simply, Naoki Uekai at this moment is like the "epiphany" in a martial arts novel. After the end, the level of reasoning will not be greatly improved, but it will definitely be improved compared to before.

With Tang Ze's cooperation and guidance, Naoki Uaijing finally got the answer deduced by Tang Ze.

"Shiroda Uno saw the murder of Odi Hirobumi, so that incident threatened the other party to promote him to a professor."

Uejing Naoki looked excited and said: "If this is the case, then everything can be explained."

"Not only that, in order to help Aodi Bowen get rid of the crime, he took the initiative to attract our attention and guide us in the direction of the search."

Tang Ze echoed: "I have to say that this is indeed a brilliant plan."

If the real prisoner is Odi Bowen, this can also explain why Dai Tianyuno did not know all the details of the murder when he was tested by a lie detector.

Because the fact is exactly as he said to Tang Ze before, he doesn't know anything.

have to say,

This is really a clever trick.

Who would have thought that the two people who were originally in such a situation would cooperate in a murder case?

If it weren't for Tang Ze to dig out the information that he seems to be sure that he can be promoted to "professor" from Daida Uno's behavior and words.

Then their search direction, I am afraid that they will always focus on Dai Tianyuno, and they will not suspect the other party's enemy Odi Hirofumi at all.

"Then what should we do now? To investigate the relationship between Professor Odi Hirobumi and Xiaolu Kosuke?"

Although Naoki Uesai still looked excited, he still remained calm: "But even if something can be found out, but the most important evidence is not there, it still cannot prove that our reasoning is correct."

"You don't have to worry about this, I already have an idea."

A playful look flashed in Tang Ze's eyes: "The most critical issue in the case where two people cooperate is "trust"..."

Seeing Tang Ze's hostile expression, Naoki Uesi could not help but shudder, and silently mourned for the next two people.

According to his understanding of Tang Ze's crime, the other party is planning to think of something good at this moment.

The two prisoners just waited for their mentality to explode.

While Naoki Uesi silently mourned for him, the black car drove away into the distance and finally disappeared at the corner of the street.



This is the newly established department of the Metropolitan Police Department. For the public, this department also has a little sci-fi color.

After all, the name is such a name, it is easy to think that there are many high-tech equipment in it.

And that's true, all science is here to solve the case.

However, the security checks here are also strict, and so far, not many outsiders have been able to intervene.

After all, as Kesouyan gradually entered the right track, many dangerous goods were also stored in the special storage space of the research room.

For example, some poisons, or paid guns and other murder weapons.

"Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to be the first group of outsiders to visit "Kesouyan"."

While undergoing the security check, Daida Uno looked at Tang Ze and laughed, "It's just that I didn't expect that you are also a member of "Kesouyan".

Calculated, we should be regarded as half colleagues, as scientific researchers. "

"No, my job is actually criminal. "It's just the taller one among the short ones", so I, a person who knows a little bit, was transferred to work in "Kesouyan"."

"Hehe, then I hope you, the criminal, can launch an internal investigation to find out why the polygraph of "Kesouyan" failed so "quickly"."

Dai Tian Yuno bit the word "fast" very hard, looked at Tang Ze with a sneer and said, "Speaking of which, I remember that the policy of "polygraph" spreading to the Metropolitan Police Department seems to have just started.

It's only been a few days, and the equipment has broken down. Do you think it's because someone was shoddy and took bribes. "

"As for these matters, we will naturally have someone to supervise them, so you don't have to worry about them." Faced with Daitian Yuno's yin and yang, Tang Ze ignored him.

After all, they were the ones who played the "trick" first. They had already tested the other party's lie detector, but now they insisted that the lie detector machine was malfunctioning and asked him to come back and test again.

Even Tang Ze said very "politely" on the phone that if an "arrest warrant" is needed, he can apply for an "arrest warrant" first, and then force him to take a test.

Under this kind of "enthusiasm" hospitality, it is easy to understand the other party's current reaction.

While listening to the other party's sarcastic words, Tang Ze smiled and perfunctory the other party.

The two came all the way to the room where the lie detector was placed.

Although Daida Uno said something harsh, he still took off his coat honestly when he got into the room and sat on the test chair.

Saito Hiroshi on the side began to press the detectors on the opponent's chest and fingers one by one.

The upfront is the "playing cards" precheck as always.

It's just that Daida Uno drew "8" this time, so the test seemed a bit long, and there was no change until the last moment.

"This time it depends on the accuracy. I did draw "8", and the lie detector also detected my lies."

After taking the question sheet and casually flipping through it, Daida Uno looked at Tang Ze who was standing aside and said.

"Of course, I guarantee that no matter what the result is, this will be the last time." Tang Ze smiled meaningfully and said, "Let's wait and see."

"That would be the best."

Dai Tian Yuno looked at Tang Ze's "bad intentions" smile, and snorted lightly: "Hurry up and get to the point, I don't have so much time to accompany you to mess around here."

"Saito-kun, please."

Tang Ze greeted, and the other party nodded and said, "Then write it down and start the test."

"Did you know Koji Kosuke is wearing black clothes?"

"have no idea."

"Did you know Koji Kosuke is wearing white clothes?"

"have no idea."

After Daida Uno chose to deny the first two questions, the polygraph did not fluctuate as usual.

But it seems that it is because what Tang Ze said before the start made Daitian Uno a little uneasy, so every time after answering a question, his eyes unconsciously turned to the side of the image display on the desktop .

Tang Ze could clearly see that every time there was no obvious change in the fluctuation, the other party would unconsciously breathe a sigh of relief.

Regarding this, Tang Ze still maintained a flat expression on the surface, but secretly laughed in his heart.

What he said before was intentional, in order to put pressure on the other party.

And why do you want to do this?

That is of course for the follow-up plan.

The inquiry continued, and Saito Hiroshi quickly asked the third question.

"Did you know Koji Kosuke is wearing yellow clothes?"

"have no idea."

When he answered for the third time, the descendant Tian Yuno answered that he didn't know as always, but the result was that the red line that had been flat before the lie detector suddenly increased by a few points.

The dazzling red instantly changed Daida Uno's face. He didn't know why the red line rose suddenly, but he began to panic in his heart.

But the panic in his heart made his mind even more confused. A lie detector is supposed to detect people based on their physiological reactions.

Now, he will be suspected!

But Daida Uno's panic did not change anything, Saito Hiroshi continued to the next question as usual.

He answered mechanically, thinking about the changes that happened before in his mind.

Soon all the colors of the first question were asked, and the second question followed.

"Next question, let's start asking."

Saito Hiroshi did not give Daida Uno any buffer space, and immediately asked the second question.

"Do you know that the prisoner strangled Xiaolu Xiangyou to death with his bare hands?"

"have no idea."

"Do you know that the prisoner strangled Koji Kosuke to death with a rope?"

"have no idea."

After the second question was answered, the pointer began to swing violently again, which made Dai Tianyuno, who was peeking from the side, dumbfounded.

On the other side, Saito Hiroshi also noticed this abnormal situation, looked at Daida Uno in surprise and said, "Another irregular record appeared."

"The yellow clothes and the murder weapon were ropes. When there were only these two problems, the needles swayed greatly."

Tang Ze came to Daida Uno and looked at him condescendingly: "This is news that has been blocked so far, and only those involved in the case will know.

In other words, apart from our police, only the criminals know about it! "

After speaking, Tang Ze grabbed Dai Tian Yuno's tie and asked sharply, "Say! Did you do it!!"

"Impossible! There is something wrong with this instrument!"

Dai Tian Yuno jumped up like a wild dog whose tail was stepped on, and struggled to dismantle the equipment on his body.

"It's impossible to have a problem. We have specially prepared a brand new lie detector."

Hiroshi Saito, who was on the side, sorted out the lie detector that was thrown on the table by the other party, and answered the questions of Daida Uno like a researcher recounting the experimental results.

And this kind of tone that seemed to be a final conclusion, just recording the observation results, made Dai Tianyuno panic instantly.

For a moment, he even had the feeling that he was doing an experiment.

What is different this time is that he is not the observer and recorder this time, but the experiment and the observed.

"It's you who lied, Mr. Daita."

Looking at Daida Uno, who was trembling all over and looking flustered, Tang Ze shouted in a deep voice, "Did you kill Xiaolu Kosuke!"

"No! I just saw it!!"

Under Tang Ze's constant questioning, Dai Tian Yuno blurted out and refuted loudly.

The next moment, the room fell into an eerie silence.

Daida Uno's eyes were wide open but not focused at all, obviously he also realized what he said.

"Tell me, what did you see." Tang Ze looked at Daitian Yuno's blank face and sneered, "Let's talk about what you did."


Facing Tang Ze's words, Daitian Uno just stared at the front in a daze, without any other reaction at all.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and the loud sound made Dai Tianyuno tremble, and it also showed how "unkind" the person who opened the door was.

Of course, this "bad intention" is aimed at Dai Tian Uno.

"Mr. Daida, you saw that Professor Odi Hirobumi was threatened by Koji Kosuke."

Police officer Megure took out a "Consent Form for Abortion Surgery" that had already been authenticated, "We have found out that Koji Kosuke had an abortion operation a month ago, and the signature on the consent form is the same as that of Hirofumi Otto. "

"Is there any need to hide it?"

Tang Ze patted Dai Tian Yuno on the shoulder and said, "You think you encouraged Ao Di Bowen to kill someone, and we didn't know about the fact that you were exonerated as a condition for him to agree to your promotion as a "professor"?

In fact, Professor Austrian Bowen has already recruited all of them. "

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Daida Yuno's face showed despair for a moment, but soon regret, fear and other emotions kept changing on his face.

All kinds of emotions were mixed together, which seemed to break Dai Tian Yuno's mind. At this moment, he looked at Tang Ze and suddenly laughed.

Tang Ze didn't get angry when he saw the smile on his face, but looked at him with the same smile.


Amidst the more and more praiseful laughter, Dai Tian Yuno seemed to be drained of all his strength suddenly, and stumbled back and fell on the table and chair behind him.

Tang Ze stepped forward, taking advantage of the side of the seat with both hands to examine Dai Tian Yuno, waiting for the other party to speak.


After a moment of silence, Daida Uno looked at Tang Ze and said, "Actually, it's a little different from the truth, Professor Odi wanted to kill Koji Kosuke.

I know, after all, he is that kind of person, despicable and shameless, he is not worthy of being a scientific researcher. "

Accompanied by Daida Uno's description, all the truth of the case slowly emerged in front of everyone.

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