Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 829 Fighting Lies with Lies (4000)

That night, Daida Uno stayed in the laboratory for a long time because of work.

By the time he was ready to go home, the corridor was already dark.

And at this time, suddenly there was an angry shout of "Don't go too far" from a room in front of him.

People are curious, especially at times like this, so he came quietly to the front of the room and peeked at the situation in the room through the open door.

And soon, he recognized his assistant Xiaolu Xiangyou and his deadly enemy Odi Bowen in the room.

From the next conversation between the two, Dai Tian Yuno knew the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that his assistant Xiaolu Xiangyou had gotten together with Odi Bowen at some point and was pregnant.

And Odi Bowen had a family, so it was impossible for him to have this child, so he asked Xiaolu Xiangyou to kill the child.

Like most combinations of young women with middle-aged men, Xiaolu Xiangyou and Austrian Bowen are naturally for profit.

After beating the child, she naturally wanted to ask for a large amount of compensation.

But facing Xiaolu Xiangyou's request for a huge sum of 50 million yuan, Aodi Bowen directly chose to refuse, and bluntly said that this is impossible.

But Xiaolu Xiangyou was not someone to be easily provoked. She directly asked Ao Di Bowen on the spot that she would not engage in sexual harassment in the workplace again, and said that this was the news that the media would like to see.

This is clearly a threat. Once Aodi Bowen refuses to give her money or satisfy her, she will make herself a victim and let Aodi Bowen die without a place to die.

Daida Uno, who was peeping through the crack of the door, clearly saw the murderous face of Aodi Bowen at that time.

Odi Bowen, who was threatened by Koji Kosuke, even turned around and picked up the heavy object from the table at that time, and was about to smash Koji Kosuke whose back was facing him.

It was only because Xiaolu Xiangyou turned around suddenly at that moment, so Odi Bowen put down the murder weapon in his hand in a panic, which allowed her to escape.

Although Oji Bowen didn't turn around at that time, Koji Kosuke only looked at his back to see if he noticed his malice, but Daitian Uno, who was outside the door, saw it clearly.

The sneak attack failed, and Austrian Bowen ended the conversation on the grounds that he needed to consider.

Faced with this situation, Daida Uno did not stop Koji Kosuke who was leaving and warned the other party to pay attention to safety. Instead, he stopped Odi Hirobumi who went out later.

At that moment, he was like a devil, whispering sinfully.

Although at the beginning when he heard his proposal, Odi Bowen was vigilant and completely denied it.

But Daida Uno wrapped his tie clip in a handkerchief and handed it to the other party, and told the other party the trick.

This trick is very simple. After Odi Bowen killed Koji Kosuke, he threw the tie clip belonging to Daida Uno around the scene of the crime, so that the eyes of the criminals would naturally turn to Daida Uno.

And he will take advantage of this time to create a perfect alibi in advance, so it's just a little more trouble, but nothing will happen in the end.

In fact, Daida Uno knew very well that Odi Hirobumi wanted to kill Koji Kosuke, a trouble that might ruin his future and ruin his reputation.

Therefore, his proposal was like that evil hand on the verge of hell. It just gave him a little push from behind to help him think of such a trick, and the other party was completely moved.

After all, as he said to Aodi Bowen, who would believe that the two would cooperate in such a situation?

Of course, although this trick moved Aodi Bowen's heart, he also had a lot of worries.

Who else can know if this is true, "the wolves are driven away, and the tigers come again".

Only after Daida Uno asked himself to be rated as a professor this year, Aodi Bowen felt relieved.

If the other party doesn't have any conditions, then he still has something to consider, but this request is tantamount to actively handing over the handle to him.

In the future, if Uno Daida really wants to threaten him with murder, he can also bite out Uno Daida's accomplice crimes, and the police can arrest him together as long as they investigate.

In other words, when the transaction is established, even if the two are tied to the same boat, have common interests, and have a common handle, they are an accomplice.

Although Odi Bowen was still hesitating, Dai Tianyuno asked him how to keep his status and reputation.

In the end, Odi Bowen, who couldn't answer, took the handkerchief wrapped with the tie clip with trembling hands.

As for the future, it will be police officer Mumu and the others who come to the door.

I have to say that Daida Uno is really smart, and he is also very good at exploiting loopholes.

After seeing the popularization of lie detectors in the news, he figured out a way to deal with or even use it in reverse at the beginning of the trick.

He deliberately didn't ask Aodi Bowen about the method of killing and the details of the killing, in order to deal with the lie detector.

Before leaving the interrogation room, he even deliberately provoked Takagi, and used words to induce them to strengthen the polygraph detection on themselves.

And Uno Daita, who knew nothing at all, naturally chose "don't know" calmly in the face of all the problems.

And he, who didn't know it at all, passed the lie detector test very easily.

But to say that the only mistake he made was that he thought that by doing so, he would be able to successfully remove his suspicions.

But it's a pity, as Tang Ze said to him before.

In a sense, the work of criminals is very similar to that of their scientific researchers. They are constantly investigating and investigating for one purpose until they find the truth or the result.

As for the temporary failure in the process, everyone has long been used to it. It is absolutely impossible to expect them to give up after one or two defeats.

"Take advantage of the lie detector."

Officer Mu Mu said in a deep voice: "However, this method can only be coordinated by two people, and if the problem is more extensive and detailed, it will be useless."

"I will suggest that someone improve the scope of questions in the future." Tang Ze nodded and said.

"There is a problem with the selection of universities. The guy who only plays with women is actually a professor?"

Dai Tian Yuno said to himself, with a sneer on his face: "And a hard-working researcher like me is just an associate professor, and I have to be suppressed by the other party. Don't you find it strange?"

"Who knows..."

Takagi walked up to Daida Uno and said indifferently: "If you have anything to say, come back to the film and television hall with us and talk."

When Daida Uno was taken away, Uie Naoki came over and asked humbly with some curiosity: "Senior, how do you know that Daida Uno didn't see the process of Odi Hirobumi's murder, but participated in it and even encouraged the other party?" Woolen cloth."

This is what Naoki Uei is most curious about. After they investigated Odhi Hirofumi and Koji Kosuke, they did find out that Koji Kosuke killed the child.

And with the help of Saito Hiroshi's handwriting identification, it was confirmed that the pseudonym on the operation notice was Odi Hirobumi's handwriting, thus guessing the ins and outs of the case.

After that, there was such a "scam".

That's right, in fact all this was just a scam, and Austrian Bowen didn't admit his crime at all.

From the time the other party came to "Kesouyan", everything was a scam and acting.

Including the appearance of Police Officer Megure later, it was also arranged by Tang Ze and the others in advance.

The same is true for the reaction of the polygraph tester. The reason why the two correct questions fluctuated greatly was that Hiroshi Saito secretly controlled the pointer of the polygraph tester under the table.

Because the current polygraph is very simple, this "small mechanism" Hiroshi Saito was easy to make.

This also made Tang Ze see the opponent's ability.

However, what Uai Naoki couldn't figure out was that.

Why did Tang Ze know that Daida Uno didn't simply witness the scene where Odi Hirofumi killed Koji Kosuke, but participated in it and even thought up the trick.

These two have completely different meanings. One is to instigate and guide Austrian Bowen to kill people, while the other is to take advantage of the trend to intervene for profit.

And this point is actually very important, not only in the follow-up trial, but also related to the success of the game they set up.

If Tang Ze hadn't said this accurately, once Dai Tian Yuno saw through the lie and realized that it was likely to "defraud" him, all previous efforts would have been wasted.

Uejing Naoki was aware of the gap, so he wanted to understand Tang Ze's thoughts urgently, and understand what clues or details he deduced this point.

"No, I don't know either."

But who knows, facing his question, Tang Ze just smiled and shook his head: "I'm not a god, how could I know this, I just said it casually."

"Eh?" Hearing Tang Ze's words, Uejing Naoki couldn't help but said in amazement: "Just casually?"

"Well, it's not without any basis. The main reason is that this trick seems too sophisticated, and it's entirely based on him."

Tang Ze smiled and explained: "If it was a trick designed by Odi Bowen himself, how could he include the deadly enemy as the core link in the murder method.

Only if he came up with this trick, could there be such a perfect plan.

In other words, the mastermind is very likely to be him. "

"Then what if he really just saw it by accident?"

Although Naoki Uesi felt a bit like arguing, he still couldn't help asking: "If he really witnessed the scene of Otto Hirobumi's murder, and then his mind turned and thought of that trick..."

Although it was really a bit like finding fault, Tang Ze was not only not angry but rather relieved.

This is a common problem of people like them. They have to get to the bottom of things when they encounter problems, and even anticipate various factors and situations as if they want to find fault.

"The end will be the same."

Facing Naoki Uesi's inquisitive questioning, Tang Ze patted Naoki Uesi on the shoulder and said meaningfully: "You don't think that these two enemies will really stick to each other to the end, do you?

If two people trust each other and are even willing to sacrifice for each other, then the game we set up has no chance of being successful.

But since the two parties have no foundation of trust and no intention of sacrificing for each other, it would be more realistic to betray each other, right? "

"Then, did senior Tang Ze say that on purpose?" Uejing Naoki said in astonishment.

"Do you want to say that this is a false accusation?" Tang Ze smiled and said, "This is just a well-founded guess.

After all, as you said, it might be a trick he came up with after witnessing the scene of the crime, but it might also be what I said, isn't it?

I just picked a situation with more serious consequences and informed the other party. If what I said was not true, he could naturally refute me. "

"It was completely plotted by you, Tang Ze, those two people." Naoki Uesai said with emotion, "Am I still lacking in experience?"

"No, it's about the understanding of human nature." Tang Ze said seriously, "In our profession, we come into contact with various affairs and people every day.

Many of those things are not pleasant. Even if you can see the existence of "goodness", most of them are tragedies.

So you have to understand human nature, and learn to find weaknesses to overcome them in the confrontation with "evil", but don't take advantage of them, or you will become one of them. "

"Understood." Hearing Tang Ze's instructions, Naoki Uaijing looked serious, nodded seriously, and said, "I will keep the teachings of the seniors in mind."

"Okay, let's go." Tang Ze patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This time I performed well, and I might be able to graduate soon."

"Hey... how come, it's still far behind senior." Naoki Uejing smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words: "Then I'll go first."

"Well, if there is a case, contact me in time." Tang Ze exhorted, and then waved his hand to bid farewell to the younger generation.

"You've worked hard too." After everyone else had left, Tang Ze smiled and said to Hiroshi Saito who had just tidied up.

"No, that's what it should be." Hiroshi Saito smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I've always been doing logistical forensic work, and this is the first time I've participated in a case and fought wits with criminals."

"Haha, how do you feel then?" Tang Ze smiled as he closed the door.

"It's really tiring." Hiroshi Saito's intellectual face showed a lazy look: "This feeling is too brain-intensive, and it's not suitable for me.

I still like things that can produce results with my hands. "

"I kind of understand why you are so good." Tang Ze smiled: "A dedicated person always looks at the goal and moves forward bravely."

"It's better to say that people who have nothing will always grab what they have and move forward."

Saito Hiroshi took out a pack of cigarettes from his white coat and handed it to Tang Ze, who then smiled and waved his hand to refuse.

Seeing this, Hiroshi Saito didn't care, he picked up one and put it on his mouth: "That's it, contact me if you need anything, and go back first."

"Well, be careful on the road."

Tang Ze watched the other party leave. After returning to the office to get a warm windbreaker, he didn't rush to leave, but sat on the sofa and clicked on the system panel.

Soon a familiar projection appeared in front of his eyes, and pieces of information emerged in the retina.

The case is over, and it's time to count the rewards.

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