Detectives of Detective World

Chapter eight hundred and thirtieth reward and planning (four thousand)

【The Lie Detector Deceived】

Branch Completion: Perfect

[Congratulations to the host for getting the voice change (2 years)]

Evaluation: Although a lie detector can detect whether a human is lying, a machine is just a machine after all, and it is impossible to test whether a human is lying 100%, because a creature like a human always has a way to deceive a machine without any intelligence. machine.

This case is also a reminder to you not to pin the search on a machine.

After reading the system's rewards, Tang Ze was in a good mood. As for the last reminder of the evaluation, he didn't put it in the present at all. He naturally understood this truth, otherwise he wouldn't have decided that this thing was just an auxiliary item from the beginning.

However, the reward this time is not bad. The two-year voice change of the Phantom Thief profession, plus the six years of his voice change in the past two years, has reached C-level six years, which can be regarded as breaking through a small stage.

Tang Ze didn't hesitate much, and still chose a male voice to study.

Anyway, he didn't plan to disguise himself as a woman, he just learned the male voice practice.

As for the job of imitating a female voice when making a phone call, it's better to leave it to Conan first.

And it is still very useful to specialize in male voices, at least now Tang Ze wants to change a male voice, it is very easy.

That is to say, if he changes his face, he can instantly match a different voice. This means that if Tang Ze encounters a situation where he needs to escape, then he can completely cooperate with Yi Rong to quickly escape from the pursuit.

Although, as a criminal, he is usually the one chasing him, the more life-saving ability he has, the better.

And not only can it be used to escape, it can also be used when stalking people, but it is more troublesome to change clothes and disguise.

Of course, if you want to imitate the other party's voice immediately after hearing the other party's voice, then Tang Ze still can't do it now.

But specialization is not without benefits. Many skills in the advanced stage are actually interlinked.

With the rise of the skill level, Tang Ze actually gradually became clear about the sounding principle of other voices.

In this case, Tang Ze can practice by himself,

Although the progress may be a bit slow, being able to improve skills independently is actually earning money.

Speaking of independent practice, I have to mention Tang Ze's recent achievements.

The first is the skill of [Throwing Hidden Weapon]. Because of the talent of "Smart Hands", his progress is still very fast. It has been directly improved for two years, from 10 years to 12 years.

The second is knowledge-based skills. Because of the "Kesouyan" matter, Tang Ze has actually been learning about this aspect of knowledge during this period of time.

As he said before, you can not, but you can't understand.

However, because of this, Tang Ze did not specialize in any one subject, but read a lot of subject knowledge "evenly".

Because these knowledge are still in the basic stage, Tang Ze's memory and comprehension are also very good, so his knowledge skills improve quickly and evenly.

The three fields of physics, biology and chemistry have been promoted for one year, among which physics has reached level D (5 years), chemistry (4 years), and biology (2 years)

As for the temporary use of mathematics in "Kesouyan", Tang Ze did not carry out relevant in-depth study at all.

After briefly admiring his panel, Tang Ze got up and prepared to go home.

As for tomorrow, he plans to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to have a look. After all, he has been dealing with affairs at "Kesouyan" recently, and he hasn't been there for several days.

In the follow-up, he still has to rely on the first search section to contact him in time so that he can intervene in the case. It is not something he can accept if this side is broken.

Driving all the way home, after getting off the car, Tang Ze found that the house was still dark, with no lights on at all.

He took out the key and opened the door to enter the house, but as expected, there was no one in the house.

This made Tang Ze feel a little confused and vigilant. Generally speaking, even if Ayako had to work overtime at night and did not come back, the other party would notify her in advance, but today he did not receive any news.

'You won't be involved in any case, will you? '

Thinking of this cheating world, Tang Ze quickly took out his mobile phone and called Ayako.

"Hello? Xianyi? Sorry, I didn't have time to call you."

After the phone rang three times, it was quickly connected, and Ayako's voice came, which made Tang Ze, who was a little suspicious, heaved a sigh of relief.

‘In short, it’s good that you didn’t get involved in the case. '

While thinking about it, Tang Ze asked with a smile, "What's the matter? What's so busy that you didn't even let me know if you were going home?"

"The bubble has really burst." On the other end of the phone, Ayako's noisy reports from men and women came from time to time, and Ayako's calm voice was filled with a hint of excitement: "Xianyi, what you said really happened!"

"Has this day finally come?"

Hearing Ayako's words, Tang Ze let out a long breath. There was not much excitement on his face, but a calmness without any waves.

This is the general trend. Even if the details are changed, it still cannot change the final result.

And he had already been mentally prepared, and he also had a psychological expectation for their harvest. Although there was excitement in his imagination, it was not obvious.

On the contrary, Ayako had been skeptical about Tang Ze's judgment before, so after learning that it really happened, she couldn't restrain herself and was a little excited.

This is of course, after all, it is a disaster for others, but for them who have been prepared for a long time, this is a complete carnival!

For the matter of being able to harvest the wool of the lighthouse country on the other side of the ocean, Tang Ze will not feel distressed or soft-hearted in the slightest. Seizing this opportunity to make a wave is the truth!

It is also foreseeable that Tang Ze's "money ability" will become stronger in the future.

Under the situation that this country will inevitably be affected, there are too many things that this huge amount of money can do, and these foundations are destined to become a booster for future development!

The two exchanged a few more words, and Tang Ze ended the call in time. After all, Ayako was still busy there, and there was no need for him to distract the other party when challenging this crucial moment.

As for Suzuki's house, Tang Ze is probably busy "cutting wool", so it's normal that there is no phone call.

Now it was Tang Ze's turn to have nothing to do. After thinking about it, he didn't plan to cook anymore. He simply found a business card of a pizza shop and asked the other party to send a pizza.

After ordering the takeaway, Tang Ze turned on the TV for a rare occasion. He wanted to see if there was any news about Youguang.

Sure enough, when he switched the TV channel to Rimai Radio, the news that was originally somewhat entertaining directly jumped to the screen.

"The following urgent news break..."

Looking at the female announcer who appeared after the screen jumped, Tang Ze couldn't help but frowned.

Nothing, because this person is not a passer-by, but a person he is very familiar with.

Rena Mizumu, a "red in black" CIA spy.

Some time ago, when I was interviewed, I accidentally met the other party once, but I didn't expect that in today's episode, the news would meet the other party again.

After seeing the other party, Tang Ze thought for a while and felt that it was necessary to arrange a first move, so that he would not be caught off guard when the main line suddenly happened one day and he knew it from Conan.

Compared to that situation, he still prefers to plan ahead and deal with the main line with a more adequate posture and preparation.

After all, a confrontation with a tricky guy like Qin Jiu is like walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces. Tang Ze can't help being careless.

His fingers kept hitting the sofa. Although Tang Ze was still staring ahead, his gaze had long been out of focus on the TV.

After some deduction, Tang Ze took out his mobile phone and called Conan.

"Hello, Criminal Tang Ze, what's the matter?" Conan's voice came soon after the call was connected.

"Is it convenient to talk?" Tang Ze didn't get to the point directly, but asked first.

"It's okay, Xiaolan is in the kitchen, uncle has gone out somewhere to fool around." Conan was startled when he heard this, and immediately replied seriously.

"That's good, now you turn on the TV, and then tune the channel to Rimai Radio Station." There were not too many pleasantries, and after hearing the other party say that the surroundings are safe, Tang Ze went straight to the topic.

"Eh? Nikmai Radio Station?"

Although Conan was a little puzzled, he turned on the TV according to Tang Ze's words, and switched the TV to the channel of Nikmai Radio.

At this moment, a beautiful female anchor is reporting the "big earthquake" that happened overseas.

"Did you call specifically to talk about this?"

Conan watched the news and said: "Although this is indeed something that can shake the whole world, there is no need to call here...

Or is this matter related to the organization we investigated. "

"No, I just want you to take a look at this female anchor named Rena Mizumu. Look carefully and remember her appearance and voice."

Conan was taken aback by Tang Ze's words. Although he didn't know why Tang Ze made such a request, he was still a shooter, and recorded the other party's appearance and voice according to Tang Ze's words.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this female anchor?"

Looking at Rena Minzumu who was broadcasting the news on the screen, Conan couldn't help asking.

"I suspect she has ties to black groups."


When Conan heard the news from Tang Ze on the phone, he was shocked instantly, and his heart tightened as if being held by a demon.

When he looked at the beautiful female anchor who was seriously broadcasting the news on the TV screen, he felt that the other party's smile was so full of malice.

Of course, Conan soon calmed down, and the previous illusion disappeared instantly, and Rena Mizumura on TV was still working on her job of reporting the news.

"Is the information accurate? Are you sure she is a member of the organization? How did you find out?"

After calming down, Conan first glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and then kept asking questions.

And the next moment, two words came from the phone:



Hearing Tang Ze's evidence, Conan fell into a brief silence, leaving only the breathing of the two of them continuously passing into each other's ears on the phone.

"Are you kidding me!"

After Conan heard this contrasting answer, he suddenly roared out in an explosive mood.

Originally, I was living a good life, but suddenly my "reliable teammate" called and said that I had found the news that I had been chasing suspected members of the black organization.

This is naturally a good thing, although it also means danger, but if you want to investigate black organizations in depth, you always have to take risks.

But then the other party actually seemed to be playing with himself, saying that the basis for suspicion was intuition! ?

Isn't this meow a prank! !

To be honest, if Xiaolan who was still cooking in the kitchen didn't ask after hearing his yell, Conan would have to howl a few more times to vent his frustration.

On the other hand, Tang Ze at home took the phone away as expected after explaining the reason.

After Conan finished yelling, Tang Ze took back the phone and said with a smile, "Calm down, didn't I say that I was just suspicious."

"But you are too unreliable." Conan on the side took a deep breath, calmed down and complained speechlessly.

"No, I met her once before." Tang Ze said, "During the interview, I had contact with her."

"Then, what did you find?" Conan on the side felt that Tang Ze must be committing the same bad taste again, so he asked angrily.

"It doesn't feel like an ordinary person." Tang Ze replied: "Although I can't say it, I have this feeling."

"Answer seriously." Conan was speechless when he heard Tang Ze's answer.

"It's serious." Tang Ze replied seriously: "Trained people will be different from ordinary people in temperament. Although it is not obvious, I do have this feeling."

"Trained?" Conan's expression froze when he heard that, "You mean she's not an ordinary person?"

"At least she's not a weak woman." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Then you said she is a member of the black organization..." Conan asked with a black line on his face, already having a premonition.

"That's just to impress you a little bit about it."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "After all, Detective Maori is also a resident guest of Rimai Radio Station, so I'm afraid the chances of encountering him are higher."

"In short, you just feel that there is something wrong with the other party, so let me help you pay attention."

Conan, who consciously figured out Tang Ze's intentions, only felt tired, and even more tired after hearing Tang Ze's confession.

"On the booth, what kind of experience is it to have a teammate who is reliable but always out of tune in daily life. "

But whether Conan believed it was his business, and Tang Ze did not tell lies. Although he said it in a "prank" way, he told Conan that it was not.

As for whether he believes it or not, that is his business.

Tang Ze really couldn't explain the source of the information.

After all, although Reina Mizumu is a member of the organization, she is also an undercover agent of the Red Fang.

You said that you know the identity of the other party, and you know the identity of the undercover agent, so why not tell Conan that you have a problem?

But if he didn't tell, Conan would check his own people, which is completely useless, and it also increases the risk of exposure.

Although Tang Ze can also prevaricate, but it will inevitably attract the other party's curiosity, he just set up an "alarm", there is no need to take such a risk to leave a loophole that cannot be self-consistent.

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