Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters aftermath (four thousand)

It can be said that in order for Conan to contact him in time when the main storyline is triggered so as not to miss the opportunity, Tang Ze also broke his heart.

However, his goal has indeed been achieved. After this "farce", even if Conan is used to "walking alone" and not calling his teammates, he will still contact Tang Ze when he and Rena Mizumura have an intersection.

This is also the purpose of Tang Ze's play. There is no way that Conan is also a famous detective. He is confident that he can solve most difficult cases. If it is just an ordinary case, he will not contact Tang Ze at all.

And it just so happened that when they had a relationship with Shui Wurenai, it was really an ordinary case. No matter how you think about it, Conan has no reason to ask Tang Ze for help.

Naturally, Tang Ze didn't want to lose the opportunity, so he had no choice but to make a bad move.

After the phone call, the "alarm" was set. After Tang Ze hung up the phone, he waited for pizza to arrive, and began to nestle on the sofa and watch TV by himself.

The program he was watching was "The Detective Intermission". Although the latest season was postponed indefinitely due to the previous case, what Tang Ze watched was the videotape he borrowed from Conan.

I have to say that this reasoning drama is quite good-looking, especially the scripts written by Moffo Koda, as Conan said, the technique is very exciting.

To be honest, some of these techniques are so whimsical that Tang Ze couldn't even expect them, and many of them are just right under your nose.

This made Tang Ze feel like watching Conan anime in his previous life.

It's just that the more this happened, the more regretful Tang Ze felt.

If he hadn't committed that kind of crime, with the talent of the other party, there would definitely be many excellent reasoning works in the future.

But unfortunately, people always have to pay the price for their mistakes.

And this price is based on your ruining the future as a weight.

Eating pizza, drinking coke and watching mystery dramas, Tang Ze's nightlife is also very enjoyable, but it's a pity that Ayako is not here, otherwise it would be even better.

But after all, the matter is of great importance, so it is impossible to be so capricious, and this is really "time is money", and now there is a lot of money in the account every minute and every second.

That's the price. I guess Tang Ze will live alone tonight.

Because of time difference,

Even if Ayako finished her work, it would be midnight, so she stayed directly in the office.

Although I don't use it often, Ayako still has a rest room, so I don't have to worry about resting.

Before going to bed, Tang Ze had a short phone call with Ayako, and Tang Ze fell asleep early.

Going to bed early is of course for getting up early, Ayako stayed up late yesterday and worked overtime, Tang Ze naturally had to do the logistics properly.

And there must be a lot of things to do in the follow-up, and the recent work will definitely be very busy, so Tang Ze naturally has to cook some delicious food to reward him.

Considering that Ayako might sleep for a long time, Tang Ze basically followed the scale of a luxurious lunch.

Of course, considering the reason for his appetite after waking up, all Tang Ze cooks are traditional Japanese ingredients, after all, the taste is lighter.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the cooking process, but his father-in-law and mother-in-law called during the cooking process, and they appreciated Tang Ze's eyes for a while.

Although I listened to Tang Ze's opinion at the beginning, it was mainly based on safety, and I didn't expect that it would really turn into the situation Tang Ze said.

But now that the fact has really happened, people have to marvel at the viciousness of Tang Ze's eyes.

And after learning that Tang Ze was preparing breakfast for Ayako, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were even more satisfied with Tang Ze.

But while he was satisfied, he was also a little regretful that he was not a little tougher and let Tang Ze marry into Suzuki's house.

So it's too late to say anything now, this crisis is a crisis for others, but it is indeed an opportunity for Tang Ze and the others!

An opportunity to quickly expand to the strength of an established chaebol! !

Of course, when chatting with his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Tang Ze didn't stop his movements.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ze began to put all the dishes into the insulated box, and then went to the company with the lunch box.

Driving all the way, everything seems to be the same as yesterday.

Although such a huge thing happened last night, for today's people, life still has to be lived.

It's just that on the public display screen, the hostess is full of worryingly broadcast news, indicating that something bad is brewing.

The whole city seems to be more anxious and impatient because of this.

But in the face of this big event that cannot be seen or touched, most people can only passively wait for the follow-up impact to come, and only a small number of outstanding people can take the initiative to find a way out.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Tang Ze. His and their positions in this upheaval are fundamentally different.

When he arrived at the company, Ayako had already fallen asleep as expected. Tang Ze didn't bother the other party but handed the lunch to Ayako's secretary. After reading the general news from the other party, he left the company.

Although he had expected it a long time ago, even Tang Ze couldn't help his heart beat faster after hearing the string of numbers.

And if this money is invested in various fields during the future depression period, the future impact will not only be described by pure money.

Of course, in this Ke Xue world, Tang Ze is still very clear about what is most important. To him, the so-called money is just an extra "money ability" to make things more convenient for him in the future.

If you really think that if you have money, you can live comfortably in this "science world" for the rest of your life, that's too much for granted.

After leaving the company, Tang Ze drove to the Metropolitan Police Department. He also said earlier that he was busy with "science research and research" recently, so he didn't search the first department much. Today is also the time to check it out.

Walking along the familiar street all the way to the underground parking lot, Tang Ze parked the car and took the elevator to the floor where the first investigation department was located.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that as soon as he got out of the elevator door, he saw Naoki Uaijing walking towards the elevator with Daitian Uno on his shoulders.

"Ah, senior, good morning!"

Seeing Tang Ze stepping out of the elevator, Naoki Uai, who escorted Daida Uno, was the first to greet Tang Ze.

"Morning, you are busy first." Seeing the other party's combination, Tang Ze knew what Naoki Uejing's job was going to be, and after saying hello, he signaled the other party to be busy first.

Naoki Uesi pushed Daida Uno, but after the two sides staggered, Daida Uno suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing, let's go." Looking at Daida Uno's movements, Naoki Ueijing urged with a frown.

"Don't be so anxious, how about talking about criminal Tang Ze?" Dai Tian Yuno completely ignored Naoki Uesi's scolding, and just stood there quietly.

"What's there to talk about?"

Tang Ze turned around and looked at Daitian Uno. At this moment, he had long since lost his panic-stricken appearance. It seemed that after a period of calm, his face returned to the previous frivolous expression.

This also made Tang Ze realize that the other party seemed to have a serious scholar side in his nature, but also an arrogant and frivolous guy in his daily life.

But this is normal, after all, he is an "associate professor" at such a young age, and if it wasn't for Austria Bowen's obstruction, he might have been an "professor" two years ago, which shows that the other party still has real materials.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such a person is a genius, and since he is a genius, it is not surprising that he will have such an arrogant attitude.

Because he looks down on the "mortals" around him.

This is most obvious when the other party is brought back to the interrogation room by Police Officer Mu Mu for the first time.

At that time, although he was in a disadvantaged situation, his mentality was easy to handle, like a clown playing tricks on passers-by.

Of course, once such a guy faces failure, his mentality will explode. This point has already been seen after Tang Ze set up a scam to "defraud" him by telling him the truth.

But at this moment, the other party seems to have calmed down, and his mentality has also recovered.

"Why is there nothing to talk about?"

Dai Tianyuno smiled and said: "I have to say, your trap design is really good, the lie detector is broken or something, it's all lies.

I have to say, you played a good show for me, I was really completely deceived by you.

But this can't be helped, who told you that you actually completely recounted my actions by reasoning alone, making me really think that Aodi Bowen has already recruited. "

"I didn't expect you to see it?" Tang Ze was a little surprised, he didn't expect the other party to understand it so quickly.

"If I was just speculating before, then I have confirmed it now." Dai Tian Yuno said with a light smile on his face again, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Regarding Daida Uno's cleverness, Tang Ze didn't have any complaints. The other party was just defeated by his subordinates, and taking a small advantage would not change the overall situation.

"Using lies to fight lies, I just let you experience the same method."

Tang Ze chuckled lightly and said, "You deceived us with a lie detector, and we will use the same method to deal with you. It's fair, isn't it?"

"There is no need to continue discussing this, can I ask you a question?"

Dai Tian Yuno didn't wait for Tang Ze to agree, so he just asked himself: "You asked me to take the polygraph test again because you doubted me?

But why? I can't figure out why you doubt me? "

Tang Ze raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and Dai Tian Yuno seemed to see his surprise, smiled and said: "You have to lose if you lose, don't you?"

"You are too high-profile, and you are too contemptuous of us."

Tang Ze said in a flat tone: "You don't really think that after seeing the results of the machine, you will believe it unconditionally?

If you really think so, then I can only say that you have looked down upon us, and your doubts about you have never been lowered from the very beginning.

And you said it in the parking lot, there is no style to drive a domestic car all the time.

So at that moment, I was thinking about the reason why you want to improve the "style".

But when I questioned you, you were very flustered and finally left in a hurry with a vague sound. "

"It's luck, I heard that phone call by chance." Dai Tianyuno said with a sense of disappointment and resentment.


Hearing Daida Uno's words, Tang Ze laughed and said, "You don't really think it was a coincidence, do you?

"For us criminals, the word "accidental" in the search is not something that can be said casually.

That is the result of our continuous investigation and investigation, trying our best to involve various uncertain factors to the end.

If it's just this level, it should be called inevitable.

In other words, it is inevitable that you will be arrested by me. "

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Daida Uno couldn't help but raise his brows, and he suddenly burst out laughing when he saw Tang Ze.

"Criminal Tang Ze really has power and doesn't forgive anyone." Daitian Yuno shook his head and laughed, "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye?

I finally know why there are such rumors in the detention center.

For some reason, Daida Uno smiled happily after getting the answer, and this time he walked straight to the elevator in front of him without waiting for Naoki Uei to urge him.

Seeing this, Umi Naoki said "goodbye" to Tang Ze, and then hurriedly followed.

When Tang Ze came to the office, he found that everyone was in the office today.

After seeing Tang Ze, Takagi, Miwako Sato and others came forward to say hello.

"Did something happen today? Why is everyone here?"

Although the looks of the crowd didn't seem like some serious case had happened, Tang Ze still asked curiously, what if there were some activities that he didn't know about.

"Not at all, today is really rare peace."

Police officer Mu Mu waved his hands and said, "Perhaps everyone was attracted by the big news, and started to worry too much about the crime."

"Then I'd say it's more like the calm before the storm."

Shiratori on the side said: "The financial crisis over there is bound to affect us. If life gets worse and worse in the future, more people will take risks."

"This damn world." Police officer Megure did not refute Shiratori's words, but pressed his hat and cursed in a low voice.

Apparently, Police Officer Megure also knew what Shiratori said was true. Once a person cannot survive or is driven to a desperate situation, he will always find a way to take risks.

As a person who came through the era of financial crisis, Police Officer Megure is very clear about the state of Neon back then.

It has only been calm for two years, and the crime rate has dropped a bit, but now there is another wave of blows before it calms down.

Although this is not the center of the eye of the storm, it is bound to affect the already battered economy.

At that time, there will definitely be more unemployed and bankrupt people. Even if only a small part of them dare to take risks, it will be a very large number.

For a while, there was silence in the office. Obviously, under the general situation, everyone seemed to feel the insignificance of being ordinary people.

In the end, it was Tang Ze who broke the slightly depressing atmosphere and proposed to treat everyone to dinner at noon on the grounds that he hadn't been here for a long time, which restored the office to its original bustle.

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