Detectives of Detective World

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters windfall (four thousand)

Because it was lunch and they had to go to work in the afternoon, Tang Ze didn't invite them to a place too far away for dinner, but just found a nearby izakaya with good reviews for a meal.

Although there is no wine, the meal must be enough.

After lunch, originally Tang Ze planned to go back to search class 1 as usual in the afternoon, but who would have thought that he would receive an unexpected call.

The other party invited him for an afternoon interview on the phone. After thinking about it, he agreed and drove to the coffee spot agreed upon by both parties.

When he came to a coffee hut with a more classical style, Tang Ze parked the car in the parking space behind the door, opened the door and walked in.

The sound of the piano came to my ears when I pushed the door open, and soon the waiter came up after saying "Welcome".

"Private Room 101."

Tang Ze reported the room number, and then went to the private room under the leadership of the service staff.

When Tang Ze entered the room, he found a man and a woman drinking coffee.

The man was wearing a white coat as always, while the woman's red hair was as striking as ever.

That's right, these two are Rintaro Okabe and Kurisu Makise.

And the phone invitation he received was from Makise Kurisu.

Although Makise Kurisu didn't say the specific purpose at that time, Tang Ze still decided to come to meet her.

Not to mention that the two of them are excellent scientific researchers, but in the previous "fake painting case" of cheating.

Tang Ze came to the door to ask someone to investigate and help paint, and the other party mobilized contacts without saying a word, and even took Tang Ze to find the other party in person, which was enough for Tang Ze to appreciate.

"Long time no see, both of you." After taking his seat, Tang Ze simply ordered a cup and picked it up. After the waiter left the room, he greeted the two of them with a smile.

"My friend~ I have an important task to entrust to you at this moment!!"

As soon as Tang Ze's words of greeting fell, Okabe Rintaro immediately got up and put his hands on the table, his face was full of caution, it seemed that there was really some big task that Tang Ze couldn't handle.

"Huh? What's the matter? Are you in any trouble?"

Hearing Okabe Rintaro's words,

Tang Ze's expression also gradually became serious. Could it be a sign of some case that these two people came to find him?

This is not impossible, after all, these two should be regarded as their own network of relationships, and have nothing to do with Conan.

Then they came to find themselves, did they take the initiative to act as the "trigger of the case"?

Is it possible for him to prevent the case from happening in advance?

For a while, Tang Ze was even looking forward to what rewards he would get if he could stop the sideline.

"No no, you misunderstood."

Makise Kurisu, who was on the side, suppressed her boyfriend who became the "Phoenix Court's Fierce Man", and apologized: "This is a completely private matter, and we have not been involved in any trouble.

Sorry, this guy is sick again, just ignore him. "

"It's okay, it's okay, let's talk business."

Of course Tang Ze didn't care, and Rintaro Okabe would only "get sick" in front of trusted acquaintances. Although the two sides didn't have much interaction or even met each other much, it was obvious that Rintaro Okabe still regarded Tang Ze as a person who could trusted person.

And he knows the character of the other party, so naturally he doesn't mind, it's better to say that he is quite happy.

"Then let's get straight to the point."

Makise Kurisu took a sip of coffee and said, "We want to ask if you "Kesouyan" is still recruiting people. If so, do you think we can do it?"

"Huh?" Tang Ze was startled when he heard Makise Kurisu's words, "Why do you two think about going to "Kesouyan"? That's not a place for research."

"No way, the research laboratory is in crisis." Makise Kurisu said with a wry smile: "The consortium that originally provided us with research funds behind the scenes, because it was too greedy there, suddenly stumbled. Return of funds…"

Tang Ze understood immediately after hearing the words. Many research institutes are backed by consortiums, and if the funder has suffered a big fall overseas, the first to be affected is the research institutes that depend on it for survival.

"But even so, I wouldn't abandon the two of you." Tang Ze said in surprise.

Although these two have lost the main line, their research capabilities have been strengthened. Will this kind of talent research institute be cut off?

"No, the main reason is that the research project is too expensive, and the funds have been cut off by the higher authorities."

Makise Kurisu said calmly, "I heard that although the "Kesouyan" is mainly to deal with crimes, it will also launch its own research and development projects in order to make profits and operate independently."

"That's right! What we are researching is the world's top technology, and now we have changed our direction." Okabe Rintaro said aggressively: "This is an insult to us!!"

"To put it simply, we originally studied high-end technology, and now the higher-ups want us to study and improve some of the original products in order to make profits."

Makise Kurisu quickly explained the meaning of Okabe Rintaro's words, and immediately said: "But the reason why the two of us chose the previous laboratory is because under the same conditions, they promised us the right to choose what we want. Direction of the research.

And now that they can no longer meet the requirements, we can also choose to jump out of the contract. "

"That's why you found me." Tang Ze suddenly understood the purpose of Makise Kurisu's meeting with him this time.

In fact, this is quite understandable, Makise Kurisu and Okabe Rintaro are the top group of people.

This kind of people has their own arrogance in their own research field, and they can be humble and make concessions in other places, but they are absolutely arrogant in their own research field.

As for Daida Uno?

Anyone who can become an associate professor is not a genius, but the other party at the same level is just average. On the contrary, this kind of person is more likely to be arrogant.

Therefore, Tang Ze also understood the decision of the two of them to quit without hesitation at this moment.

After all, instead of wasting time there, they would rather abandon their current stable jobs and start all over again.

As for what the research institute thinks, I probably forgot that this clause was attached to the treaty.

After all, according to Makise Kurisu, the guy sent from the head office was very arrogant, forcing researchers to change their research direction because they had contracts.

After clarifying the purpose of the two, Tang Ze's mind began to flow.

Entering "Kesouyan" is definitely an easy thing based on the resumes of the two, after all, they are indeed "thirsty for talents" now.

However, the other party actually came to me, and I'm afraid they also wanted to get an accurate message from me, to see if it was as announced to the outside world, and "Kesouyan" would also carry out research and development work after it was up and running.

After all, it is a place like "Kesouyan" that is affiliated with a state agency. Although there is such a strategic plan in advance, who knows if this is a gimmick to attract talents.

Moreover, now that the economy has been impacted, whether this strategy of burning money in the early stage will be implemented is still a matter of debate.

Sure enough, in the subsequent conversation, Makise Kurisu asked based on this question.

But even if Tang Ze is already a consultant, and now he can be regarded as the head of "Kesouyan", he can't guarantee this, after all, it is not a matter of his own decision.

Even if he has won a large amount of funding before, he has no confidence. Those are for the construction of "Kesouyan", and it may not be enough to really invest in research.

He wouldn't take the risk of betting on whether they could develop a technology that could absorb money before the funds were spent.

So when Tang Ze explained the situation to the two of them, Makise Kurisu and the two were also a little disappointed, but they also expressed their understanding.

Although they didn't get the result they wanted, the purpose of inquiring about the situation was to find another way if they couldn't go this way.

"Thank you, please come here." After taking a sip of coffee, Makise Kurisu let out a long sigh, and then planned to end this conversation. They still need to continue looking for a suitable next home. .

"No, no, it was only in an official capacity just now, aren't you going to ask me as a friend?"

Seeing that Makise Kurisu was about to end the topic, Tang Ze asked with a smile.


Makise Kurisu looked at Tang Ze with some doubts, but immediately seemed to think that the man in front of her was not only a "famous criminal", but also a rising star in the financial world.

"You mean..." Makise Kurisu's expression changed, but then she was a little worried: "But is the impact this time okay?"

If it was just a purely cooperative relationship, Makise Kurisu would naturally not care about this, but if it was a kind help from a friend, the two of them would also have to consider what consequences their research would bring to each other.

"You don't have to worry about that." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Before the so-called "extreme things must be reversed", I felt that there was a problem there, so I took the initiative to shrink and expand.

This time, not only did I not suffer a loss, but because of the reason I always paid attention to it, I made a small profit instead. "

"A small fortune..."

Makise Kurisu was stunned for a moment, unable to imagine how much money the other party said "a small profit", but based on her understanding of the forces behind Tang Ze, I am afraid that this is just the other party's modest words.

And this was indeed enough to shock her. You must know that other consortiums were seriously damaged, and she actually saw someone who benefited from it today.

Sure enough, people are different from each other...

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

After recovering, Makise Kurisu pondered for a moment and said: "Because our previous research was bound by a contract, it is impossible to take it away.

If you want to hire us, you have to start from scratch. I wonder if you have any research direction? "

"Which field of research do you prefer?" Tang Ze smiled and said, "Intelligent AI, new energy, nanotechnology, etc., you have to give me a general direction."

"Hmph, my friend, you underestimate us too!"

Rintaro Okabe, you drank a big sip of coffee with the momentum of drinking, and then proudly said: "We are all-round geniuses, and our goal is to promote the progress of the entire human race!!"

"To put it simply, it is the research and development of various high-tech equipment."

Makise Kurisu on the side explained succinctly: "Because the research equipment involves various directions, the two of us research a lot of directions, so they complement each other.

Of course, a piece of top-notch equipment requires too much technology, and we still need helpers. "

'Is this the strength of the apex boss...'

Listening to the other party's serious but very "Versailles" words, Tang Ze couldn't help sighing inwardly.

The other party is like him in the "reasoning world" and Conan and others, they are all outstanding in their respective fields.

I used to "Versailles" to others, but I didn't expect that one day I could feel "Versailles" from others.

But Tang Ze felt at ease when the other party said that, he was really afraid that the other party's goal was to follow some black technology like a time machine.

Although there is no main line, it does not mean that dreams and goals will change together. If the goal of the two is this thing, Tang Ze really has to consider whether to invest in the two...

Of course, he didn't know that their dream was really a "time machine".

It's just that after the main line was gone, the two became more "realistic". They just regarded this goal as a distant goal for life, and never mentioned it to outsiders.

The reason why the research direction is high-tech equipment is also to accumulate technology and experience for the "time machine" from time to time.

Of course, Tang Ze didn't know that the two of them would have such a "down-to-earth" plan. Now, after hearing the other party say that the research and development direction is high-tech, he has other thoughts.

For a long time, the props he obtained from the system were all high-tech products, and he also thought about whether he could analyze and research them in reverse and mass-produce them.

Even if you can only get some degraded ones, it will be very useful. If it is used in people's livelihood, it will definitely be a monopoly-level technology.

The only thing to worry about is whether the system will allow it.

After all, when you stop the case by yourself, you will be punished if you can't get the logic of the incident back.

And what he wants to do now has a greater impact than an individual. After all, these technologies can affect the development of the entire society and even the world.

This idea is not something I had before, but an idea that came up when I was planning to buy the [Lie Exploration Needle] some time ago.

After all, these black-tech consumables are too painful to use, and such an idea naturally came into my mind at that time.

But at that time, this idea just passed by in a flash, and I didn't think about it deeply at all.

But after meeting Rintaro Okabe today, Tang Ze's previous thoughts could not help but surfaced in his mind.

And when he tentatively inquired about the system, he didn't expect a prompt to pop up on the system panel for the next lesson.

[Detected the idea that the host generates analysis system props...]

[It is detected that the host already has the talents and financial resources for substantial research...]

[Permission to develop technology reverse research and development...]

[Hint: The host can obtain special permissions by completing branch cases. 】

Looking at the reminders that kept popping up in front of him, even Tang Ze's brain was a little bit down for a while.

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