Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 878 Sato Miwako A is up!

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the detective in the world of famous detectives!

Liutian Zhuoer was finally out of danger, and Tang Ze and others also contacted Officer Mumu and asked him to send someone to take over the garrison work after explaining the situation.

After all, the other party is now a suspect suspected of kidnapping, and at the same time, the police officer Mumu has to wait for a search warrant so that he can easily control the other party.

Although after this, it is destined to be difficult for Jiang Ben and Shi, but those are just between them, and the work of Tang Ze and others has been completed by now.

After all, it's not easy for outsiders like them to interfere in such personal matters as feelings.

But they can go back now. After all, Kogoro Mouri, Chiba and the others are still in the restaurant.

Taking Xiaolan and others back to the western restaurant, Chiba and Mouri Kogoro had already drunk enough, but luckily they were able to walk, but they didn't need to move the "corpse".

Tang Ze and other sober people discussed it, and decided to send the two drunks back separately.

Tang Ze took Ayako to send the three of Kogoro Mouri, and because Takagi didn't drink alcohol in the party, the two of them drove Chiba home by bus.

"Let's say that first." After the discussion, Tang Ze first threw Chiba into the back seat of the car, and then helped Xiaolan send Mouri Kogoro into the car to say goodbye to Takagi.

"Well, be careful on the road." Takagi saw that Sato and others were all in the car, and planned to get in.

"Wait a minute." Tang Ze took Takagi's and walked away, and then whispered something to him.

"I know..." Takagi scratched his head after hearing Tang Ze's words: "After all, I'm a man..."

"It's good to have a mind."

Tang Ze patted Tang Ze's arm and said with a smile: "There is no way that couples don't quarrel, but as long as they can reconcile, the relationship will be deeper. Take good chances and turn bad things into good things."

"I know." Takagi nodded and waved to Tang Ze, then turned and got into the car.

Tang Ze watched the white official car start to leave, and also turned around and walked towards the Maori office.

Of course, taking advantage of the short time he got in the car, he also clicked on the system panel to take a look at the harvest this time.

【A kidnapping case full of humanity】

[Congratulations to the host for getting 400 Fate Points]

Evaluation: In this anticlimactic kidnapping case,

There is no real winner.

Just three simple pieces of information, and even the reward is only 100 Fate Points more than the usual base salary.

Seeing this, Tang Ze didn't have too many surprises. Although the case seemed to be over quickly because of his involvement, it was only a matter of ending the case ahead of schedule.

After all, this is a kidnapping case, and the kidnapped person is still a child, which accounts for the rare "safety rules" in Ke Xue's law.

Looking at Conan's more than 1,000 episodes of super-long plot, as long as there is a kidnapping case involving Conan, Mouri Kogoro and others, unless the hostages are particularly unlucky, it is a normal thing to be rescued.

And when the hostage is a child, this law goes up to 100%, without exception.

From the perspective of Tang Ze's previous life, after all, Conan is also a work of all ages, and it is impossible to make such a cruel case.

And in this world, this is also the only time when the death halo of Conan, Kogoro Mouri and others will be "anti-milk" and become a "protective halo".

In any kidnapping case taken over by the "Death Gods", the survival rate is terrifyingly high.

Therefore, after Tang Ze knew that this was a kidnapping case, he was the one who was least worried about the safety of the hostages.

But in contrast, he also gave up the possibility of preventing the case from getting rich rewards.

Sure enough, although he did a good job this time, ending the case ahead of schedule and preventing Liutian from cutting his wrists and committing suicide, there was still no major breakthrough in the ending.

But it's not bad. This time, the 400 Fate Points plus the 100 points in the balance make Tang Ze's deposit a little richer.

After Tang Ze checked the reward, he left it behind.

Compared with the expected reward results that are not much different, he is more curious about the development of the plot in the other car.

Of course, because he was going to send the three of Kogoro Moori home, and this kind of thing was only limited to when the two were alone, he was destined to not be able to "eat melons" on the spot.

But the only thing he can confirm is that the car must be full of pink~

Only this, he can guarantee.



As expected by Karizawa, among the police cars driving under the night, Takagi mustered the courage to apologize to Sato Mikazu while driving.

"What, you haven't done anything to apologize." Sato Miwako put her chin on her left hand, and looked at the scene outside the window and replied indifferently.

"But, aren't you angry?" Takagi smirked, he wasn't so stupid that he couldn't tell whether the other party was angry or not.

"Really? Do I look like I'm angry?"

Although Sato Miwako is asking rhetorically, the attitude of "I'm angry" in her tone has permeated the entire carriage.

"That... if, if it's because of the friendship thing..."

Takagi was halfway through when he was interrupted by Sato Mikazu, "I don't need to say about that, after all, Criminal Tang Ze has explained it to you.

It was Chiba who forced you to come over to make up the number, you can't refuse, right? "


Takagi showed an embarrassed and polite smile, but he didn't know how to respond.

"But I think you're still a little bit looking forward to it. I want to see what kind of girls will participate in the association."

Sato Miwako's words made Takagi look bitter, "So you are still angry about the friendship..."

"It's not that I'm mad at you alone, it's just that I'm a little depressed about the way the two of us are doing."

Sato Miwako sighed and said, "Especially after reading the "correct answer" of the criminal Tang Ze, I feel this way even more.

I'm actually at fault, after all, like you, I didn't tell you about my coming to the association. "

"It's not my fault!"

Takagi interrupted Sato Mikako's words and said seriously: "I have seen Tang Ze's criminal actions, but I'm still afraid that you will be angry, and Gu Qianqian didn't tell you..."

"I think I can hide it from the past. I'm afraid that I will misunderstand, so I didn't say it, right?"

Sato Miwako laughed at herself: "I thought that too at the time, but who knows, it actually happened.

Two people who are dating, without prior contact, were invited to each other but met at the same sorority party, just like the winning rate of the lottery. "

"Ah... that's what I said..." Takagi smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, I didn't even win a lottery ticket once..."

Hearing Takagi's words, Sato Mikako glanced at Takagi a little dissatisfied, but then she looked at Takagi shyly and summoned the courage to ask back: "So... I'm not a lottery winner?"

"Ah!! No!!"

Hearing Mikazu Sato's words, Takagi was shy in panic, but he blurted out without hesitation: "You are the grand prize!! Yes, the grand prize!!"

Facing the sudden act of coquettishness from his sweetheart, Takagi can be said to be in a panic for a while, and now the car is swaying from side to side. Fortunately, it is still late at night, and there are not many vehicles on the road, otherwise there must be a car accident.

After you were in a hurry, Takagi finally stabilized the car, but after this episode, Sato Miwako seemed to have lost her tough side and still showed her soft side.

"Do you really think so!"

Facing Mikako Sato's questioning, Takagi nodded seriously and said, "I swear to the cherry blossom crest of the police badge, it is absolutely true!

And I also assure you that something like this will never happen again, and I will not hide anything from you! "

"Then are you willing to confirm... have you won the lottery?"

The eyes full of autumn waves kept trembling like water lines, and Sato Miwako closed her eyes unconsciously.

"I am glad to..."

The next moment the soft lips touched together, and the two emotional people released their love with the most personal actions.



The harsh whistle suddenly came from the front, and the two separated in a panic. Takagi looked at the vehicle in front of him and hurriedly turned the steering wheel to avoid a car accident.

"Also...let's drive well..."

Sato Miwako entangled her hands together, her voice as low as the chirping of mosquitoes.


Takagi, who was on the side, stared hard at the front and did not dare to look back. Thinking of the scene just now, his face became hot.

Although they are silent, the pink inside the car seems to be more intense...

"I'll tell you, I didn't even dare to say anything at that time!"

In the only two people's office, Qianye told Tang Ze about what he saw last night: "Otherwise, that good thing will definitely be yellow..."


The door was suddenly pushed open violently, and Takagi outside the door looked at Chiba with shame and anger: "You guy, you actually pretended to be asleep!?"

"Eh? Takagi?"

When secretly eating melons with his companions, he was caught by the master, and Chiba was also flustered: "No, no, I just saw some dimly... After all, I'm drunk... Haha... Hahaha...."

"I think you are just pretending to be asleep!"

Looking at Chiba who was guilty of a guilty conscience, the shy and angry old man finally "exploded" in the face of this kind of thing. He didn't listen to Takagi's explanation at all and rushed forward.

Seeing this, Chiba on the side didn't dare to stay, so he hugged his head and fled, and when he saw Sato Miwako who pushed the door in, his fat body burst out with a terrifying speed.

I saw Chiba going around the table, avoiding Takagi's arrest at an angle that was completely incompatible with her own flexibility, and the general rushed towards the gate.

At this time, Sato Mikazu had already entered the office, and before she could react, she saw Chiba rushing over, said hello in a panic, and ran out of the door without any loss of speed.

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy?"

Mikazu Sato stopped Takagi who was behind and said strangely, "Why are you chasing Chiba when you come here early in the morning?"

"Yesterday, yesterday..." Takagi said in a difficult tone: "That fellow Chiba...isn't drunk..."

Although Takagi's words were very obscure, but because the memories of last night were too deep, Sato Miwako understood in an instant, understood the situation and understood why Takagi ran after Chiba with an angry face.

In the next instant, a burst of red started from Sato Miwako's neck and dyed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and immediately flushed his cheeks and rushed to his brain.

The silent explosion seemed to explode on Sato Miwako's head, realizing that "love love~" Sato Miwako's brain suddenly exploded because of her shyness when she realized that the two of them were in front of Chiba.

You thought it was a secret date, but it was actually live.

This wave is a public execution.

The more I thought about Sato Miwako's brain, the more stuck it became, and later it became Doudouyan and froze in place.

However, under Takagi's shout, Sato Miwako quickly woke up from the chaos.

"Then how did you know..." After sobering up, as a criminal's professional habit, Mikazu Sato immediately seized the center of the question and asked repeatedly.

"Because when I entered the door, I heard Chiba..." Takagi gritted his teeth when he said this, and the last words were almost squeezed out of his throat: "I was talking to Criminal Tang Ze... about yesterday... thing..."

"Chiba... Chiba!!"

Sato Mikako couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she thought that the embarrassing scene was actually seen by Chiba Quan from behind.

Well, women are always thin-skinned, and yesterday she said she took the initiative to attack...

Thinking of this Mikazu Sato felt shy for a while, and then in order to resolve this shyness, this feeling turned into embarrassment and flooded her brain.

The next moment, the two "victims" began to search the corridors for Chiba's whereabouts.

However, the "behind the scenes" on the side saw something bad. After the two left the office, they quickly left the office and prepared to run back to the office of "Kesouyan".

Recently, he planned not to search Yikai's office, after all, he didn't want to get a set of tricks by Mikazu Sato's "throat lock Dafa".

Well, Chiba didn't run away in the end. When Tang Ze sneaked to the elevator, he saw Chiba in the distance who asked him for help with a face of pain.

It's a pity that Tang Ze could only cast a "I can't help" expression, and then waved goodbye to Chiba in tears.

Looking at the look of despair on Chiba's chubby face, Tang Ze couldn't help but laugh for some reason.

And Chiba, who watched Tang Ze escape quietly, was also full of despair.

Obviously you told him in advance last night to let him ride in the car of the two of them.

You were obviously the one who told me to pretend to be asleep and not make any noise, so as to create a good environment for the two of them.

Obviously you said that you remember to repeat the "melon" you ate that night the next day.

but why!

Why did you eat the "melon", but it was you who died! !

Chiba, who was mixed doubles by the "Mandarin Duck Double Heroes" behind him, looked at the apologetic Tang Ze with grief and anger on his face, but because his neck was locked by Sato Mikazu, he couldn't speak at all.

In the end, he could only watch the other party calmly get on the elevator and leave, but he had to face the two Takagi who ran away because of shame and anger.

In the end, when Chiba was able to speak, she couldn't help shouting "Tang Ze got me wrong" to show her grief and anger in her heart.

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