Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 879 The inevitable encounter in travel

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The snow will always stop, and the sun will always shine on the sky.

In this world of Ke Xue, the cold of winter passed quickly, let alone where Tang Ze and others were at the moment, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was hot in summer.

After all, this is Kanagawa Prefecture, the Shonan coast.

As a part of Tokyo Metropolitan Area, which is one of the three major metropolitan areas in Japan, the Shonan Coast is subordinate to the Kanto region if it is divided from the Neon area.

Because the county is affected by the warm Pacific current, the climate is warm and there is almost no frost;

Coupled with the rich tourism resources, it has become the destination of Tang Ze and the two of them for this vacation.

Recently, Ayako's busy work has come to an end, so she ended her busy life and returned to her original leisurely routine.

Well, to put it simply, the boss is only responsible for the planning and signing of the general direction, and the specific work is left to the subordinate workers.

Although the "leave card" was not used, Tang Ze was "broken and broken" this time, and completely gave up "treatment".

The main reason is that the recent "Death God" seems to be crazy. The cases are crazy, and people are harvested crazy. Coupled with the main line some time ago, Tang Ze can be said to be haggard.

Tang Ze simply gave up the line of defense in his heart and chose to lie flat.

Simply put, it's Lao Tzu's strike, no matter what!

Although Tang Ze has been worrying about the case, there are too many cases in the world, and it is impossible for him to manage them all.

Not to mention, when Tang Ze "gives up on himself", he really lives in peace.

After so many days of traveling, it was really safe and no cases happened.

The two first went to Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, a national park composed of special areas in four different administrative regions of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi and Shizuoka.

After appreciating Mount Fuji from a distance, I went to Hakone Lake Ashino to play, and finally stopped in the Hakone area.

And the reason why I choose to stay here,

That's because the most famous hot spring here is even known as the "hometown of hot springs".

As the master of the hot springs in Hokkaido, Karizawa naturally wants to experience hot springs with different feelings.

Eating hot spring eggs and soaking in hot springs, Tang Ze rarely returned to the leisurely days as before.

This kind of day when you let your brain free and don't have to worry about murders is really too comfortable. Tang Zhe's tense heartstrings at that moment also turned into laziness in the hot spring, and even the sharpness in his eyes merged a lot.

Because it was too comfortable, the two spent three days in the five-star hot spring hotel alone to get out of the "comfort zone" and start the follow-up travel plan.

Anyway, the next stop for the two was to come to Chinatown in Yokohama. For Ayako, this was an experience of the customs of Tang Ze’s hometown, but for Tang Ze, it was kind.

With a fluent flower language, Tang Ze can be said to be like a duck to water here, and he has also tasted authentic cauliflower from all over the world, which is quite enjoyable.

However, compared to Tang Ze, Ayako was not used to some foods, especially those dishes that were so spicy that the other party didn't dare to eat them after just one bite.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, Mapo Tofu, the favorite food of Neon people.

Mapo tofu from Panda Province is a must-have. Thickened and tofu are perfectly blended, with minced beef and a bowl of rice.

The taste is absolutely amazing~

Ayako, who didn't dare to eat spicy food at first, couldn't control her hands when she came across this authentic Mapo tofu.

Although her hot little face was flushed, she still refused to give up. Fortunately, Tang Ze bought yogurt and the like in advance, otherwise she would suffer.

As we walked and played, the weather was getting warmer and warmer. The two simply went directly to the Shonan coast and planned to play by the sea for a few days.

Although there are only two people in Tang Ze, as long as you like marine sports on the Shonan coast, you can always find friends to play with.

After all, this is a big beach known for its marine sports.

Rowing, paddling, kayaking...

There are countless marine projects of various types, and the audience is dazzled. In this warm atmosphere, the two also actively joined them.

Of course, for sports like kayaking or rowing that require too much physical strength or too much skill, the two of them just tasted it. 's favorite.

After all, you only need a pair of "water shoes", and then you can pull people to run with the help of traction equipment and a water ski tugboat.

Of course, in terms of tricks or skills, two beginners can't play so much, but enjoying the fun of speed is enough.

Of course, it's beautiful, but in fact there are still some requirements. After all, you have to ensure your own balance so that you won't "capture" in order to enjoy the fun of this speed.

If it was said that the hot springs used to make people "recharge their energy", then on this enthusiastic coast, they vented their energy and used madness to vent the dissatisfaction that was usually accumulated.

Of course, two days later, the two people with a peaceful temperament gave up playing crazy and started to play traditional beach volleyball on the beach.

As for the afternoon, I rented a bucket and a small rake no more than 15 cm, and started digging clams on the beach.

The sun was shining brightly today, and it was just in time for the holiday, so there were an unusually large number of people who came to dig clams.

However, this is a good thing for Tang Ze and the two of them. After all, this kind of thing will have atmosphere when there are many people.

Under the clear sky, everyone was wearing short-sleeved shorts and holding a bucket in one hand and a small rake in the other hand to search for clams on the beach. From time to time, the excited cries of children could be heard, which made people feel a little more cheerful.

Of course, there are also those who "do not work properly". Tang Ze, who had dug a lot of clams and planned to rest, looked up and saw a few children in the distance who were fighting against the castle on the beach.

how many kids...

Tang Ze narrowed his eyes, covered his eyes with his hands and looked into the distance, the next moment his lazy eyes sharpened immediately.

"What's wrong?"

Ayako, who was on the side, put the clams dug in her hand into Tang Ze's bucket, and looked curiously in the direction Tang Ze was looking at: "What happened over there?"

"No, I just saw a few acquaintances."

Tang Ze's tone was a bit complicated when he spoke, "It's Conan and the others."

"Ah, those children are also here to play?" Ayako smiled happily when she heard the words: "I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here."

"Yeah... what a coincidence..."

Tang Ze laughed on the surface, but behind his back he gritted his teeth secretly, "I've come here, but I still can't escape this group of "death gods", what kind of "death gods" are forcing me to work! ! ’

However, the complaints returned to the complaints, Tang Ze's body was still very honest and walked towards the little ones with Ayako.


When the two walked up to San Xiaozhi, let see San Xiaozhi raise the shovel in his hand and cheer loudly.

"How's it going, Doctor~" Ayumi happily looked at Dr. A Li: "You're doing a great job!"

"It's really good~ It's a very delicate sand castle~"

Along with a burst of applause, a familiar female voice suddenly came from behind the three little ones.


San Xiao only heard the sudden encouragement, turned his head in a daze, and saw two familiar people.

"Sister Ayako! Tang Ze criminal!!"

Ayumi was pleasantly surprised when she saw the two smiling and beckoning to them: "Why are you here too!!"

"Are you two here for a date?" Yuan Tai greeted happily after seeing the two.

"It must be a date!"

Mitsuhiko echoed Yuantai's words: "Look, Tang Ze criminal is still carrying a bucket for clams!! He must have come to dig clams together!"

"It's such a coincidence, I didn't expect to see you two here." Dr. Li greeted with a smile.

"Yeah, we originally planned to ask you to come and play here."

Conan came over with a small rake and a small bucket: "In the end, you said it, but I didn't expect to meet you here again."

"It's quite a coincidence."

Haibara and Sakurada Naomi, who were on the side, came over one after the other and smiled: "But isn't it good, the two people who were originally invited but didn't come, but accidentally met at their destination, this is really fate. "

'No, no, it's just a bad relationship, okay...'

After Tang Ze heard Hui Yuan's words, he slandered, "I don't have the fate..."

At this moment, Tang Ze is still lazy on vacation. Although he still looks like a vacation on the surface, his mentality has entered the vigilance of work.

Of course, how to do it specifically, he still needs a few small ones to provide him with more information.

This beach is an open-air public place. People around can say that the sea is gone. There is no special prompt. Similar to Tang Ze, he can't find the target person.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to use the "beacon", that is, the "three little animals".

Generally speaking, it is only when they are children that they will provoke all kinds of people. As for Conan and Haiyuan, because of the mature thinking of adults, it is not easy to contact others.

However, Tang Ze was very happy to see Haiyuan and his sister going out together. After all, in his impression, in order to avoid trouble, Akemi Miyano chose not to go out.

At first, Hui Yuan was unwilling to go out because her sister was at home, but then San Xiaozhi often invited her, and with her sister's promotion, Hui Yuan, San Xiaozhi and Conan went out together more often.

However, Akemi Miyano still kept the situation of going out less. Although Tang Ze and Haibara also persuaded each other, the other party still seldom went out.

It was a surprise to go out this time. For Haiyuan, there may not be a better gift than this.

After the people they met greeted each other, San Xiao started to show off the stacked castle again. After getting the praises from Dr. Akasa and Miyano Akemi, he was even more proud.

"Hey, don't forget what we're here for."

Conan on the side looked helpless: "We are here to catch clams. If you want sand castles, you can just pile them on the beach. Why did you pay to come here?"


"To be honest, we are really tired of digging..."

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's words attracted Yuantai's approval, he said with a drooping face: "And no matter how much you dig, you can only dig a pile of sand, how can you be interested in continuing to dig!"


Conan looked puzzled when he heard the words, but Haiyuan smiled and said: "This is not very good, why do you have to force them to find clams, and there doesn't seem to be much in this area."


After Conan looked at the ground, he retorted, "I don't think so."

As he said that, he showed the bucket in his hand to everyone, and he looked into the bucket and found that there were a lot of clams in Conan's bucket.

"Wow! Conan, you dug a lot of clams!" Ayumi exclaimed.

"Indeed, it looks like there are about twenty or thirty." Mitsuhiko looked at the estimate.

"I'm asking you, shouldn't you buy these clams from a nearby fish shop?"

And Yuantai looked at Conan suspiciously after reading the clams in the bucket: "There are actually quite a few people who can do this kind of thing."

"Idiot, how could I do such a thing." Conan shook the rake in his hand angrily: "There is a trick to this, do you know it, the trick!"

"Eh? It turns out that there is a trick?" Bu Mei heard the words and asked, "Can you teach me?"

"Of course, look good."

Conan looked around and explained, and then he found a spot that could be hit by the waves and gently poked twice with a rake, "Just loosen the sand, and when the waves hit, the clams that are lighter than the sand will appear. It will come up!"

As Conan's words fell, a few clams appeared where the waves had hit before.

"It's amazing, Conan!!" Yuan Tai exclaimed: "Where did you learn this from!"

"It's like magic." Bumei exclaimed.

"So, you can only find clams where the waves can hit?" Huiyuan asked back.

"No, there is actually an easier way."

Tang Ze pointed to the small hole under his feet with a smile and said, "Have you seen such a small hole, this is a kind of small hole called a clam eye formed when the clam sticks out the suction pipe.

In addition, the clams are often clustered together. If you see several such small holes on the sand surface, you can gently dig down 10-15 cm and you will be able to harvest a lot. "

While talking, Tang Ze squatted down and gently raked the small rake in his hand twice, then took out the dug out clams and spread them in his palms, drawing cheers from three little ones.

"That's it."

Conan squeezed his hat and smiled: "You can use these two methods in combination, and you will soon be able to harvest a lot~"

"Then we can't be too late, let's dig quickly!!"

Mitsuhiko's proposal was approved by Ayumi and the two of them, and soon the excited three little ones gathered up their energy and began to search for clams on the beach.

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