Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 880 3 little ones have chosen the victim

On the hot beach, a few small ones completely ignored the scorching sun and began to frantically dig clams.

Ayumi acts as the "eye" to find the clam hole, while Genta is in charge of digging with a rake, and Mitsuhiko is in charge of transporting it with a bucket.

The three little ones cooperated perfectly, and soon they covered the bottom of the bucket with clams.

"It's really a bumper harvest, Yuan Taijun~" Mitsuhiko said happily while holding the bucket and looking at the clams in the bucket.

Yuan Tai put the dug clams into the bucket, raised the rake and said dissatisfied: "If only there were a bigger rake, wouldn't the amount dug up be enough to sell!"

Yuan Tai fantasized that the saliva had been saved, and Bumei couldn't help but think of it when she heard the words: "Maybe we can open a seafood store!"

"You can definitely make a lot of money like this!" Mitsuhiko fantasized about the mansion and agreed: "This idea is very good, very good!!"

"This can't be done, because everyone must observe that the width of the rake is within 15 centimeters." Dr. Li heard the three little children's words and laughed: "And each person can't dig more than two kilograms. "

Dr. A Li's words instantly hit the three little ones, and after Yuan Tai heard this, he was still full of dissatisfaction, "But ah, will everyone really abide by this kind of rule?"

"Actually, the most important thing is that everyone must have the heart to abide by the rules."

Ayako said with a smile: "This is also to protect the clam species from extinction due to temporary overfishing."

"That's right, Yuan Tai, think about it, if the number of eels you like has decreased due to overfishing, and you can no longer eat them, isn't it bad?"

"That's not good, that kind of thing must never happen!"

Dr. A Li gave the foodie Yuanta the most obvious example, and when he thought that his future eel rice would have no eels, Yuantai immediately and firmly agreed with Dr. A Li's statement.

"now it's right."

Miyano Akemi pointed to the people around and signaled San Xiaozhi to look: "Look carefully, aren't everyone in a hurry to dig a lot of clams?

Because everyone is enjoying the process of digging clams, enjoying the process of finding clams, and this is the original purpose of this activity~”

"So it is!"

San Xiaozhi looked at the scene where he was digging clams happily, and seemed to understand Miyano Akimi's words, and nodded in agreement.

"However, it seems that there are people who are not very happy."

Yuan Tai saw not far away, a big brother of the same size as him was sighing, and could not help but remind Mitsuhiko and the two: "Look over there."

"It must be like that if you can't find clams!"

Mitsuhiko thought of their previous experience of building a sand castle because they couldn't find clams. Seeing the other party's frowning expression, he subconsciously brought in the experience of himself and others before.

"Do you think we should go over and teach him how to find it?"

The kind-hearted Ayumi made a suggestion, which was quickly approved by Yuanta and the two of them. After they finished speaking, they ran straight towards each other.

"Hey! Did you know there are so-called clam eyes?" Mitsuhiko asked with a smile.

"Ah..." The fat man was a little confused, and then responded again, "What's wrong?"

"As long as you find the clam eye and dig under that hole, you can find a lot of clams." Ayumi waved her arms.

"Ah... I've actually dug up quite a few clams."

Tsuguo Ushio seemed to realize the purpose of the three hours, smiled and picked up the bucket and said, "Look, this is my harvest."

"Then why are you sighing?" Mitsuhiko asked the man strangely after seeing the clams stacked in the bucket.

"Why? Why?" Yuan Tai asked repeatedly, eager to know the answer.

"Ah...because...because there is something..." Ushigome Tsuguo said vaguely.

"Well, adults will always have all kinds of troubles,

Some things are inconvenient to ask. "

Tang Ze, who was on the side, was always on guard after meeting Conan and his group. When he saw San Xiaozhi accosted a strange man, he hurriedly followed.

After hearing the questioning of the three little ones, Tang Ze, who came up at the right time, stopped the other party in time.

After San Xiao only agreed, Tang Ze smiled apologetically at the other party and said, "I'm really sorry, children are just more curious."

"'s alright, they are also kind." Tsuruo Ushigami smiled and waved his hand.

After that, Tang Ze made a self-introduction and got the other party's name.

And just as Tang Ze was trying to figure out how to proceed with the next step of the investigation, a male voice came from a distance: "Hey~ we're back!"

"Bought back lunch!"

Two women and a man wearing the same orange sweater as Ugome Tsuguo ran over, and the girl in the red hat shook the bag towards Ugome Tsuguo.

"We also bought snacks~" The girl in the white hat also shook the bag in her hand and smiled.

"Ah? Who are these?"

After seeing Tang Ze and the three little ones, the tall and thin boy with a red turban looked at his friend and said, "Are you acquainted?"

"No, I just met them." Tsuguo Ushio explained with a smile.

"My surname is Tang Ze, I see a few of them wearing the same clothes. Are they from the university club?"

Because the age of the few people who looked at them was not too old, they still had the childishness of students, and they were also wearing uniforms of the same color and style, so Tang Ze took the initiative to initiate the topic.

After all, he has already found the trio of upcoming cases based on the "Case Navigator", so naturally he can't let them go easily.

what? What? There are clearly 4 people in front of you, why do you say it's a group of three?

It's not that simple, because it's "Classic 3 Pick 1", one of these four people is destined to be cool, and it may be the next moment depending on the time.

Judging from Tang Ze's many years of "Ke Xue" experience, if among these four people, who is most likely to be the "sacrifice" for the groundbreaking case, then the possibility of Ushio Ushio is more likely than the others.

First of all, he was the one who played first, and secondly, the opponent's finger was injured.

That's right, Tang Ze could see that the other party put his finger in his mouth, and with his super sense of smell, he naturally determined that the other party's finger was injured, maybe he accidentally cut his finger while digging for clams.

Although in normal times, this wound can be described as a rare and common thing, but in the case of an impending case, the wound on the opponent's hand is likely to become an important clue.

Moreover, the other party looked unhappy. At first glance, he had something on his mind, and there was a high probability that it was related to the case. This was another reason for Tang Ze to pay attention to the other party.

So he took the initiative to open up the topic, opened the social mode, and the other party in the province said goodbye to him directly.

In that case, it would be more difficult for him to stop the case. After all, he wouldn't be able to follow him with a licking face, which would be regarded as a weirdo by the other party.

And Conan is also there, he can't do such a weird behavior.

Therefore, in order to avoid the situation of "one death, three suspects" when we meet again next time, Tang Ze has to chat with the other party firstly, which will facilitate the next step to understand the situation.

Fortunately, Tang Ze observed it well. After hearing Tang Ze's words, the girl in the red hat smiled and said, "I see? We are indeed from the same university club."

After that, because Tang Zebao came to the house, the three of them introduced themselves out of courtesy.

The long-haired girl in the white hat is Takuzu Kutsu, the girl in the red hat is called Yashima Mitsue, and the boy with the Hawaiian-style red turban is called Takashi Miase.

"But what are you doing?" Bumei looked at the four of them curiously and said, "You are wearing the same clothes."

"It's a hobby club~" Takashi Sanse teased San Xiaozhi with a smile when he heard the words.

"So, what kind of hobby is it?" Mitsuhiko was speechless when he heard the words.

"Are you going to form some kind of funny group?" Yuan Tai said speechlessly with his dead fish eyes drooping.

Genta's words caused the four of them to smile slightly, but Ushio Ushio smiled and turned around and said, "No, you'll know just by looking at this."

When everyone looked, they found that the words "Love Bei" were printed on the back of Ushio Ushio.

"Love Bei?" San Xiaozhi looked at the three words behind Ushio Tsufu with a blank expression on his face.

"That is to say, we all like to dig clams the most, and there is a group of four who love clams the most!" Yashima Koji explained with a smile.

"Well, but our clothes have just been released, and it's the first time we wear them out today." Takashi Mise said with a smile, pulling on his clothes.

"Well, to put it simply, it's a homophonic stalk."

When Tang Ze heard the other party's explanation, he quickly understood the meaning of the other party's "stalk", and briefly explained the reason why "hui" and "bei" have the same pronunciation.

"Okay, let's eat first." Takashi Mitsase suggested to Tsuguo Ushigome, and the four of them spread a blanket next to them and prepared to have dinner.

"I remember to buy it, Tsuguo-san's favorite green tea~" Yashima Koeda smiled and took out a large bottle of green tea from the bag and handed it to the other party.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." After taking the green tea, Tsuguo Ushigome opened the lid and took a sip.

"Salmon, cod roe, and girl-flavored rice balls." Takashi Miase took out the boxed bento and threw it to Ushigami: "Here, let's go."

"Thank you!" Ushio Ushio looked at his favorite rice ball, put the lid in his hand on the blanket and took the rice ball box thrown by the other party with a smile.

"It's not over yet, potato chips after dinner~" Jiujin Shaozi opened the big bag of potato chips and spread them out on the other side's hand: "Come on, please use~"

Seeing this, Tang Ze couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The treatment of the other party is a little too good. There are four people in the same club, but three people are very courteous to him.

Coupled with the law that Conan and others must have a case here, there must be a lot of articles in this.

Maybe the other party has some tricks or key points, and the other three have to please each other.

But this may be just a superficial phenomenon to please, and you should pay attention to it.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze planned to get close to the other party and use his super olfactory sense to investigate at a close distance. After all, there are too many people here, the smells are entangled and the distance is five or six meters, and the sea breeze is blowing from behind, don't get close If so, Tang Ze couldn't detect it.


Just as Ushio Ushio thanked him again, and when Tang Ze was about to step forward, he saw the scene where the four of them were having a meal, but Yuan Tai cried out in hunger.

"I seem to be hungry..." Yuan Tai said weakly.

"Huh?" The two little ones said in surprise, "Didn't we just have lunch?"

"Then go to the convenience store to buy some snacks and come back." Dr. Li smiled.

"Then I'll buy it for everyone!" Mitsuhiko immediately raised his hand and said positively.

"Ah, don't you want to secretly buy Masked Superman chocolates!" Yuan Tai saw through Mitsuhiko's plan at a glance, and the two immediately quarreled over this matter.

"If that's the case, let's go together with the three of you loving each other." Huiyuan handed the wallet to the three little ones, "But don't buy more things that you don't have!"

Haiyuan skillfully resolved the conflict between the three, and as for the final warning, it felt like a parent telling a child, Miyano Akimi couldn't help but snicker. .

"You three, pay attention to the cars on the road!"

Seeing that the three of them happily took their wallets and ran into the distance, Dr. A Li hurriedly shouted and reminded: "Be careful, there has just been a hit-and-run incident here, you guys really have to be careful!!"

Along with Dr. A Li's shout, Tang Ze noticed that the expressions of the four people in the distance suddenly changed, and the atmosphere became solemn from the previous relaxed.

'I see. ’

Combining the news from Dr. A Li and the suddenly disturbed expressions of the four of them, Tang Ze probably understood the story of the matter.

And judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the four people in front of me are the ones who hit and run.

Although the specific reason is not known, but looking at the attitude of the three of them towards Ushio Ushio, the other party should be a very important person. It is very likely that the other three want to conceal the crime, while Ushio Ushio is hesitant.

I am afraid it is also for this reason, so I want to silence it.

As for the method...

Tang Ze, who was already close to the four of them, had already smelled the slight but absolutely unignorable smell of almonds.

Sure enough, as Tang Ze had expected before, the prisoner's method was poisoning!

But I have to say that in this environment, poisoning is indeed the most likely way for a prisoner to start.

After all, this is a beach, and there are people everywhere. If you want to use physical violence to kill people, you will definitely make a noise.

What's more, two of the suspects are women. Even if they borrow weapons such as knives, the difference in physique is very large, and it is easy to be discovered by the tourists around.

If you choose to kill by poison, and cooperate with the other party's method, if you are careless, you may really be able to hide from the police.

It's just a pity that the prisoner met Tang Ze, who is "everything."

And this murder plan is doomed to fail.

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