Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 893 Go to Takagi's house as a guest

On the stage, Zhuang Sizhenwu felt the scrutiny eyes of the people around him, and his inner pressure instantly doubled.

As the senior brother of Dongcheng Huanyang, he may not be popular as a magician because of his lack of handsome appearance, but it does not mean that he has no stage experience.

In the past, he faced hundreds of audiences without any pressure, but at this moment, facing more than a dozen people in front of him, Zhuang Sizhenwu was very anxious.

But even so, he had no intention of giving up resistance.

"You said that I fixed the coupling shaft of the latch?" Zhuang Sizhenwu said excitedly: "Then tell me, how can I get back on the beam and avoid the audience's sight?"

"The magician is indeed a magician, has he begun to induce it through language?"

Hearing Zhuang Sizhenwu's words, Tang Ze applauded unhurriedly: "But who said you have to go back to the beam of the ceiling?

Can't it come out from under the sink?

When the curtain is down, you just need to jump off the lid immediately, and when the stage is completely dark, just flash out from under the curtain to escape backstage.

Next, as long as everyone finds that the situation is not right and performs first aid, avoid everyone's sight and camera, and quickly recover the shaft, then the trick can be completed. "

"Then let someone search my body!"

Zhuang Sizhenwu stretched out his hands and looked at Takagi to signal the other party to search, while Takagi on the side turned his head to look at Tang Ze and asked for the other party's opinion.

"Then search."

Tang Ze smiled and looked at Takagi and reminded: "Not to mention the places in the trouser pockets, take off the ring on his hand and take a look."


Hearing the words, Takagi subconsciously looked at the middle finger of Zhuang Sizhengo's left hand, on which was wearing a golden ring.

"There is a very abrupt hole on the hinge on the sink. You just use the ring on your hand that can be pulled open, and put it into the hole of the hinge, and let it act as a shaft, right?"

The panic-stricken Zhuang Sizhengo subconsciously wanted to put his left hand into his pocket to cover the ring on his hand, but Takagi grabbed him the next moment.

"It's a double ring!" After the white-gloved Kazumei monkey took off the ring, he easily opened the ring, and quickly twisted the ring into an "S" shape after some experiments.

The shape just fits through that hole in the hub, making the tank a real secret chamber.

"That's just one or two items that I carry with me as a magician!" Zhuang Sizhenwu said angrily, "This is a normal thing, isn't it!

And you have no evidence that I have used this ring to kill Dongcheng! ! "

"You really don't cry without seeing the coffin. In that case, let's take a look at the tapes taken by Mr. Yima."

Tang Ze nodded to Takagi, who quickly ran to the control room and put the video on the screen next to the stage.

In the video, Mr. Tojo was just rescued from the water tank, while Kogoro Mouri was doing artificial respiration.

After that, the scene turned to Zhuang Sizhenwu opening the lid of the sink and trying to help Mr. Dongcheng untie his feet.

In the paused picture, Zhuang Sizhenwu's left hand when he opened the lid of the sink clearly showed the scene of his ring finger wearing a ring.

"Look, I have a ring on my hand!" Zhuang Sizhenwu pointed at the screen and said, "This means that I always carry him!"

"Don't worry, let's look at the picture before this again."

Tang Ze looked at the other party as if he had caught the last straw for survival, and calmly kicked him into the abyss.

Under the desperate gaze of Zhuang Sizhenwu, the screen shifted to a little further ahead, where Zhuang Sizhenwu was shouting to the staff at the venue facing the side, asking the other party to call an ambulance.

In the video, there is no ring on the left hand that Zhuang Sizhenwu stretched out because of his excitement.

"I think you took the opportunity to pull out the ring on the twisted side of the latch after guiding the Maori detective away from the cover,

Help Mr. Dongcheng untie his feet. "

Tang Ze looked at the silent Zhuang Sizhenwu and shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, even if your plan is perfect, there are still omissions."

"Ah, I did it..."

Seeing that everything was irreversible, Zhuang Sizhenwu removed his disguise.

He recalled the Dongcheng in the water tank, who was choking on water because of fright, with unspeakable enthusiasm in his eyes: "Because I finally showed an unprecedented wonderful magic!"

"What did you say!!"

These words instantly angered Ishida Kazuma, but Takagi next to him quickly stopped the action, and the emotional Ishida Kazuma.

"Mr. Zhuang Si, the purpose of the magic show is to bring joy to everyone, but you actually use it as a stage for murder!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Zhuang Sizhengo and scolded: "Not only do you lose the qualification to be a magician, but also you are not qualified to say that you are alone!!"

But listening to Mouri Kogoro's words, Zhuang Sizhengo didn't react at all, he just covered his face and smiled, that expression was daunting.

But everyone knows that Zhuang Sizhenwu is no longer normal, and his psychology has been twisted into a monster.

This is a guy who has not repented in the slightest until the end.

For such a person, only the judgment of the law can punish him.

After escorting Zhuang Sizhenwu out of the magic show venue, and escorting him back to the Metropolitan Police Department, Tang Ze greeted the group to go out to solve dinner.

After all, it was already at this point, and it was not appropriate to go back to eat, so Tang Ze called out to Takagi, Sato, and the four of them, Cheng Shi, who was accompanying the team as a forensic doctor, to have a meal together.

It is said that after Tang Ze went to Kesouyan, most of the time he went home on time, and he hadn't gone out to eat for a long time.

This meal is a rare relaxation.

It's a pity that it's not a holiday, so it's not destined to be completely relaxed.

But even so, it did not affect the crowd drinking.

"Ha... Sure enough, it's cool to have a beer after get off work!"

After clinking glasses after being seated, Sato Miwako sighed in relief after finishing the beer.

"Sato-san, the food hasn't been served yet, so be careful to get drunk." Takagi on the side watched his sweetheart drink so violently, and became worried unconsciously.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's just the first cup."

Sato Miwako waved her hand and said, "I just want to have a good drink because of the case today."

"A prisoner like that has no repentance." Tang Ze put down the wine glass in his hand: "Not all people are forced to commit crimes, some people are unrepentant.

There's no need to be angry with that guy, just let the law judge him. "

Although many prisoners in the world of Ke Xue will kneel down to repent, but some prisoners will also be bad from beginning to end, without the slightest regret.

For such a guy, although they will be angry, it will not affect their own psychology.

Sato Mikako just complained casually, and after drinking a glass of beer, the discomfort was ruled out.

A few people started chatting casually, and soon the topic became more and more deviated, and they were all conversations that had little impact.

"By the way, I just found out that Sung Shi-kun and his girlfriend are about to get married."

Takagi, who learned about Aso's real situation during the chat, smiled and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you to the criminal Tang Ze." Ma Shengshi smiled and said, "If it wasn't for the arrangement of the criminal Tang Ze, I would not have been able to "get the moon first"."

"That is also suitable for the two of you, otherwise there will be no follow-up development."

Tang Ze waved his hand, but he didn't take credit.

"You three, let's eat quickly, don't patronize drinking, come and try this, it's really wrong."

Sato Miwako was eating a dish with soup and said, "I just ordered an Egyptian dish newly developed by the store out of curiosity, but I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly delicious."


Hearing Sato Mikako's words, the men focused their attention on the dishes on the table and filled them one after another.

How to put it, it's a bit like the "hodgepodge" of Tang Ze's hometown, but because it has been improved, it is an "optimized" version that can be sold.

As for the taste, it is also unique.

"It's not bad." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Speaking of this, it's better to come to my house for dinner when you have time. Lingzi and I are also very good at craftsmanship."

"For family gatherings, I think you should come to my house." Asagi tried his best this time, "Speaking of which, Sister Ayako, the two of you haven't been guests at home yet."

"Why don't you come to my house?"

Suddenly, Takagi intervened in the topic of the two: "Since the two of you have different opinions, why don't you come to my house first, even criminal Tang Ze has not been to my house.

This time, I happened to bring Miss Ayako and your girlfriend, Sungshi-kun. "

"Yeah, why don't you go to Takagi's house?" Sato Miwako also smiled and said, "I will also cook for you at that time."

"It's rude, but I still want to ask you something."

After hearing Sato Miwako's words, Tang Ze's face showed a suspicious look, and he teased: "Do you really need my help?"

"It's really rude!" Mikazu Sato rolled her eyes when she heard Tang Ze's words, "I've decided to make this Egyptian dish that I ate today, and show it to you!"

"Miwako's cooking is still okay." Takagi also smiled and echoed: "Don't be so vigilant, Criminal Tang Ze."

"Then I'll wait and see."

Tang Ze nodded when he heard the words, feeling a little at ease.

To be honest, he had never seen Sato Miwako cook, and he didn't know how the other party's cooking skills were.

But if you want to come to a woman who often concentrates on catching criminals on the front line, her cooking skills should not be too high.

That's why he would take a careful test when Sato Miwako volunteered to say that he was going to cook.

Otherwise, it will be dark cooking, then it will be a joke.

However, after receiving Takagi's assurance, Tang Ze was relieved a lot.

After all, as Sato Mikako's boyfriend, he must be the person most likely to eat each other's food besides the other's mother.

Since the other party said that there is no problem, then the credibility of this statement is still there.

And since the other party said that they were imitating the cooking in front of them, no matter how unreliable their cooking skills were, they would still be at the level of "hodgepodge".

The upper limit of deliciousness is definitely not high, but the lower limit is certainly not so unpalatable.

After the three parties made an appointment to go to Takagi's house together after get off work this Saturday night, they settled down for dinner and went home respectively after some small talk.

Because he knew in advance that he was going to drink, Tang Ze left the car directly in the underground parking garage of the Metropolitan Police Department, and took a taxi back when he went back.

On the way, Tang Ze also took the opportunity to open the system panel to check the rewards this time.

[Congratulations to the host for getting 300 Fate Points]

After just one glance, Tang Ze closed it. After all, the reward this time was nothing new, it was just "basic salary", and there was nothing to look forward to.

What I have to say is that his Destiny Points have already accumulated to 800 points, which is almost half the points of ten consecutive draws.

Thinking that after solving a few cases, the long-lost 10 draws will be able to come, Tang Ze is still looking forward to it.

A few days after the magician's case, Tang Ze and others were also busy with the follow-up of the case, but until the other party was handed over to the procuratorate, no major case occurred.

There was a serial robber in the middle, but under the auspices of the police officer Mumu, he quickly found the law of the other party's actions, and set up an ambush in advance to arrest the other party.

Tang Ze was naturally involved, but he didn't get any fate points when he finally caught the robber.

It can be considered to experience the feeling of ordinary cases.

In a flash, it came to Saturday. During the day, Tang Ze and the two went to pick two bottles of red wine as drinks for tonight, and then bought some desserts as souvenirs.

After all, when I go to a friend's house for the first time, I always have to bring something.

After arriving at Takagi's house by car, the door opened after knocking on the door, but it was Shimabukuro Junhui.

"Just waiting for you, come in." Shimabukuro Junhui smiled and greeted the two of them after opening the door.

In the room, Ma Shengji and Takagi were drinking tea and chatting, and after seeing Tang Ze and the two, they also got up and chatted.

"Is Miwako in the kitchen? I'm going to help." Ayako looked around the room and didn't see the other party, so she planned to help, but who knew she was stopped by Takagi.

"No need, Miwako explained in advance, and I will leave the cooking for today to her alone."

Takagi said with a smile: "Besides, there is no way for the guests to cook, everyone just wait patiently."

"Is that so?" Ayako nodded and smiled, "Then I'll be lazy today."

"Open the red wine first and wake up." Tang Ze looked at Takagi: "Is there a bottle opener?"

"There are some, I'll get them." Takagi got up and went to get the corkscrew and wine decanter.

After opening the red wine and placing all the tableware, Sato Miwako came out of the kitchen with the dishes.

Sushi, Japanese fried chicken and tempura, as well as vegetable salad, seaweed salad and fried tofu with katsuobushi.

Several dishes were brought to the table. Although they were all traditional Japanese dishes, the appearance was quite good.

Seeing this, Tang Ze also felt relieved and prepared to enjoy today's dinner.

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