Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 894 Miwako Sato's Dark Cuisine?

"I didn't expect your craft to be quite good."

After tasting a piece of fried chicken for the first time, Tang Ze couldn't help but praise the tender and juicy chicken nuggets, "Takagi will be blessed in the future."


Hearing Tang Ze's words, Takagi scratched his head and laughed, but couldn't say anything else.

"That is!"

Miwako Sato raised her chin without humility at the police officer Takagi who rolled her eyes and giggled, "Now you know my skills, I'll let you underestimate me."

"I underestimated it." Tang Ze raised his hands as if to surrender.

"It's good to know."

Seeing Tang Ze's actions, Miwako Sato smiled and said, "In addition to these, I also prepared secret dishes for you, and you wait for me to serve them."

"Is it the Egyptian cuisine from last time?"

Ma Chengshi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "After eating that dish last time, I feel that it is quite delicious. Although the taste of the soup is not the usual one, it has a special flavor."

"That's right, I checked a lot of information after that."

Miwako Sato showed a confident smile when she said this: "I found the Egyptian cuisine in that restaurant, not only learned this cuisine, but also made reforms on it."

"Then I'm looking forward to it." Ayako showed an interested expression after hearing Miwako Sato's words.

As a person who also likes to cook, Ayako also has a lot of research on cooking, and often makes some improvements to familiar recipes.

Although there are some dishes that are not as good as the principle, some of them will be improved to be more delicious than the original dishes.

So after hearing that Miwako Sato said that she had improved Egyptian cuisine, Ayako was very much looking forward to Miwako Sato's cooking next time.

After all, Egyptian cuisine is a very uncommon cuisine. When people hear the name, they will have a kind of curiosity and expectation.

And the other party has made reforms on top of this, which is even more exciting.

But unlike Ayako, when Tang Ze usually thinks about things, he will first think of things as bad as possible.

So after Miwako Sato said these words, he subconsciously had a bad premonition in his heart.

Then, this premonition became even stronger after seeing the soup brought out by the other party.

Although sitting Tang Ze couldn't see the whole picture of the cooking clearly because of his height, he still caught a glimpse of the color of the soup - pink and purple.

When the bowl of ingredients was placed in front of him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Not only Tang Ze, but even other people around saw the brightly colored bowl of soup and food in front of Tang Ze, and their expressions became weird.

Even Ayako, who was looking forward to it just now, her expression stiffened instantly.

Without it, because this bowl of ingredients also looks really weird!

The purple soup base is slightly white-pink, just like some heroines in anime who obviously don't know how to cook but insist on cooking, exuding a strange color.

And this realistic version of the three-dimensional cuisine with purple and pink is placed in front of Tang Ze at this moment.

Quail eggs, white radish dyed pink, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, Tang Ze even saw a piece of char siu pork inside...

The mixture of eggs and vegetables did not have any desire for Tang Ze to eat, and the strange color made Tang Ze feel dizzy.

However, Miwako Sato still had a normal expression, urging Tang Ze, "Why don't you try it?"

"No no, as your newly developed dish, I think it is necessary to let Takagi-kun, who is your boyfriend, taste it first."

As Tang Ze spoke, he picked up the bowl and prepared to move it in front of Takagi.

But the other party has already seen this strange style of cooking, how dare he be the first person to eat crabs, and repeatedly refused to shirk: "No, no, Tang Ze is a distinguished guest, so naturally he should enjoy it first!"

"Yes, yes, criminal Tang Ze, you don't have to be polite.

Come try it. On the side, Junhui Shimabukuro was the first to defect to Takagi's camp for the sake of "dead friends will not die poor people".

"Try it quickly, and then express your opinion." Ma Chengshi echoed his girlfriend's words and became the second accomplice.

Although Ayako on the side didn't speak, the other party's silent eyes already expressed "helpless" and some "gloating" expressions.

With all his teammates betraying, Tang Ze could only look desperately at the dark food in front of him.

But soon Tang Ze felt relieved, or because everyone was humble and too enthusiastic, Miwako Sato, the only one who was not on the channel, seemed to believe it.

After she said with a smile, "Everyone has a share", she walked towards the kitchen under the "desperate" eyes of everyone.

Soon bowls of strangely colored dishes were served on the table.

"Eat it!" Miwako Sato looked at everyone expectantly, "This is a special dish I developed based on Egyptian cuisine. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is "Sato's special"."

‘Aunt Sato will cry when she sees this look in the family heirloom! ! '

Although he was frantically making "Yin Sang style" roars and complaints in his heart, Tang Ze still lifted the spoon with difficulty in reality.

Not daring to eat the vegetables directly, Tang Ze just scooped up a spoonful of soup carefully.

"How about it?"

The rest of the people looked at Tang Ze who was still savoring, as if they wanted to see something from the other's expression.

"'s such a complicated taste..." Tang Ze frowned and said.

"Oh, is it delicious or not?" Junhui Shimabukuro looked at Tang Ze with dissatisfaction and said, "You have to explain clearly."

"How should I put it, it's hard to tell the difference between delicious and unpalatable." Tang Ze said helplessly.

"In other words, it's very subtle..." Ayako looked at the cooking in front of her and felt that this was a pretty good evaluation.

So everyone's eyes turned to Takagi who was on the side, and saw the other person's expression froze: "What are you doing...why are you all looking at me..."

"Hurry up and taste it!" Shimabukuro Junhui urged: "As a guest, Tang Ze has already eaten, and as Miwako's boyfriend, you naturally want to taste it for the second time!"

"Hey, you guys seem to say that the food I mentioned is terrible."

Miwako Sato was a little dissatisfied when she heard the words: "I have tasted it, although it looks a little weird, but the taste is still very good!"

"I'll eat, I'll eat!" Seeing that Miwako Sato became dissatisfied, Takagi picked up the squid silk in the soup and put it in his mouth.

Next, everyone watched Takagi swallow the food, showing the same expression as Tang Ze.

There is no such unpalatable painful expression, but there is no expression after tasting.

"How?" Aso looked at Takagi who had the same reaction as Tang Ze, and couldn't help but raise his heart.

"How should I put it..." Takagi said with a complicated expression, "It's just such a wonderful taste, but it's definitely not an unpalatable taste."

"What, isn't it the same as not saying anything?" Junhui Shimabukuro looked at her boyfriend dissatisfied, and obviously set the target of "persecution" on him.

Looking at the eyes of everyone around him, Asahi Shi finally understood what it meant to be "unavoidable".

In desperation, Asahi took a piece of cauliflower and put it in his mouth with an expression of resignation.

But what left Junhui Shimabukuro speechless was that after eating, her boyfriend made the same comments as Tang Ze and Takagi.

This made Junhui Shimabukuro and Ayako helpless, but also curious about Miwako Sato's cooking.

What is it that makes people feel this way?

The two of them were less afraid and more curious about this seemingly "weird" dish.

Apparently, after three people tasted it, the two no longer felt that the dish would be unpalatable, but had risen to the level of "wonderful".

The word "wonderful" is very interesting in itself, and it directly attracted the two of them.

In the end, the two picked up the spoons one after another and tasted the "wonderful dish" of Miwako Sato.

The food was put into the mouth, and the two chewed carefully.

But after a while, the two of them suddenly accelerated their chewing speed.

"It's delicious." After finishing eating, Ayako picked up another piece of radish and put it in her mouth.

"The three of you are really bad enough to join forces to lie to us." Junhui Shimabukuro looked at the three of them dissatisfied and said, "Sister Ayako and I were frightened."

After speaking, the other party took a piece of char siu and put it in his mouth under the strange eyes of the three men.

"Do you think it's delicious?" Tang Ze couldn't help but looked at Takagi and Aso Shi when he heard the words, and was incredulous at the two girls' speeches.

"'s just a very complicated taste..." Takagi scratched his head and said.

Aso nodded honestly and agreed, "It's that kind of wonderful smell."

"It's still pretending." Shimabukuro Junhui rolled his eyes: "The taste is obviously good, if the three of you continue to act like this, sister Miwako will be angry."

"We really didn't pretend."

Tang Ze picked up a piece of char siu from the bowl and put it into his mouth, and Takagi and the two also picked up the food and put it into their mouths again.

But after a while, the three of them still gave the same answer.

"Really?" Junhui Shimabukuro looked at the three men suspiciously: "It's a wonderful taste?"

"That's right." Tang Ze nodded and said angrily, "It's already this time, is there still a need to play tricks on you?"

The three women looked at each other when they heard the words, and everyone finally confirmed that this was indeed a "wonderful" dish.

For some reason, the three women all thought the taste was delicious, but the three men thought the taste was complicated.

The same food has different evaluations for different genders, which makes everyone call it amazing.

"Could it be that I accidentally invented a magical dish." Miwako Sato said excitedly, "I made a lot of it today, and I'll let others try it at the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow!"

"I think this miraculous dish can be shown on TV." Tang Ze said with a smile, "Maybe it will be a big hit."

After all, men and women have different tastes in tasting, and it does have the taste of "Internet celebrity snacks" in later generations.

This magical dish finally became the well-deserved protagonist of this dinner.

Not to mention the three girls who thought it was delicious, even Tang Ze and the other three tried it many times because of their magic, but they still couldn't "get" what was delicious.

But this doesn't affect it, after all, Miwako Sato's other dishes taste good.

As the red wine glasses collided, the six people drank and quickly emptied two bottles of red wine, and the rest of the dishes were also swept away.

Of course, there is no need to mention the small talk in the middle, the men are naturally all kinds of ball games or places suitable for outings and dating, and the women's discussions are undoubtedly much more detailed.

Like what kind of lipstick, bag, where the clothes look good, these long-standing topics quickly made the relationship between the three of them better.

They even made an appointment to go shopping together during their rest next week.

They were full of food and drink, and the time passed while chatting. If there were no accidents, it would be almost time to go home.

But alas, the pleasant party was interrupted by the sudden sound of an ambulance siren from outside.

"What happened?"

Tang Ze got up and looked out of the window, and then found that the ambulance was parked under Gao Mu's apartment building.

"It happened near my house?" Takagi said, closing the window and walking towards the door: "I'll go and see the situation."

"We're with you." Tang Ze and Ma Shengshi went to the entrance and began to put on their shoes.

"I am coming too…"

Seeing this, Miwako Sato wanted to follow, but was stopped by Tang Ze: "You stay here with Ayako and the others, and I don't know the situation now, maybe it's a sudden illness.

It's not unreasonable for so many of us to go there. The three of us will go to see the situation first. You can also ensure the safety of the two of them by staying here just in case. "

"Alright, call me if you need something." Hearing this, Sato felt that Tang Ze's words made sense, so he nodded and sat back down.

It's no wonder that the three of them "made a big fuss and made a small fuss". After all, that's what they do, so they are naturally more sensitive than others.

When Tang Ze also heard about the ambulance, he was almost convinced that this was a possibility of the case.

In order to prevent robbers from robbing and killing people, Tang Ze also let Miwako Sato, the most powerful person before him, stay to protect the safety of Ayako and Ayako.

It can be regarded as habitual consideration.

However, most of Tang Ze's battle of wits and courage would be playing with the air. Although it was embarrassing when it was useless, Tang Ze would not change his cautious attitude.

After all, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of what happens. It is always good to be prepared.

It's just that this time Tang Ze's "layout" failed a little quickly, because as soon as the three of them put on their shoes and went out, they saw the doctor walking towards the next door carrying a stretcher.

The door of the neighbor's house next to Takagi was wide open, and a long-haired man wearing glasses stood at the door. After seeing the doctor, he hurriedly greeted the doctor and walked into the house.

"It's Mr. Takaaki Yoneno. He is my neighbor next door. I didn't expect him to call the ambulance..."

When Takagi saw the man standing at the door of the next room, he couldn't help walking over quickly.

Tang Ze and the two followed closely behind, and the three walked into each other's home together.

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