Detectives of Detective World

Chapter nine hundred and first sudden danger

As an actor, this is the best stage.

As the audience, this is also the most "authentic" place to enjoy the performance.

They will also return to a hundred years ago with the actors in this theater full of historical precipitation, and experience everything that people have seen here at that time.

Experience the unique charm of that era.

"I heard that there will be a period drama based on the Phantom of the Opera today, right?"

After the two introduced the theater, Tang Ze turned the topic to the performance.

After knowing Ito Yunosuke's invitation, Tang Ze began to recall the details of the case in his mind.

Ito Yunosuke's identity is a period drama actor, and the cases caused by him are also related to period dramas.

Because the case in my memory was an anniversary special, Tang Ze was quite impressed with this case.

And the case caused by Ito Yunosuke is above the plot, in fact, it is almost similar in plot to the period drama he is about to perform.

Forget it, it can't be said to be the same, but the plot is basically the same.

So Tang Ze asked Ito Yunosuke's performance this time, in fact, to determine whether this was the case in his memory.

As long as the performance of the period drama is the same, the first step is determined, and the rest is to prepare for the case.

"Yes, with this gorgeous stage theater as the background, a mysterious eccentric who hides himself with an ugly mask, a distressed singer and her lover, the three are intricately intertwined and full of love and hatred thriller drama ."

Ito Yunosuke said that this is also full of excitement: "Today is not an opera, but a geek at the Kinpira Theater!"

After all, Tamanosuke is still a teenager and an actor. When he said this, everyone felt the other party's expectations for this period drama.

Obviously, the bonus of "Kinza Maru" is a huge bonus for the actors.

"Hey, who is that person?"

Just as Tang Ze was chatting with Tamanosuke, Sonoko on the side pointed to the handsome man in a suit next to the stage, and whispered about Emi Ito next to him.

"Oh, you said him, he is Mr. Rausu Tatsuhiko who came to support us in this performance."

Ito Emi didn't mean to hide her words at all, but Tang Ze set his eyes on the man not far away after hearing the other party's words.

"You said Rausu..." Yuanzi looked at Ayako after hearing the surname and said, "Sister, why does this surname feel familiar?

"Is that the Kansai Rausu Foundation?"

Mouri Kogoro, who was on the side, touched his chin and recalled: "I remember seeing it in the newspaper, saying that their president passed away, and the young son was just determined to be the heir."

"It's really a talent." Sonoko's face was slightly red, and he once again showed a nympho-like expression.

It's just that the next moment that made her in a hurry happened, I saw Rausu Chenyan walking towards her with a smiling mirror after talking with someone.

But just as Sonoko bowed to greet him and introduced himself, the other party did ignore him and walked past him.

"Come on, Lianhua!" The man came to Lianhua behind the atom and said with a smile, "Don't forget that I, Rausu Tatsuhiko, are cheering for you."

It was only at this time that Yuanzi woke up from the nympho, and Tang Ze, who was on the side of embarrassment, felt uncomfortable for her.

"Thank you, but in this performance, I'm just a small supporting role." Lianhua smiled embarrassedly, and regretted that she couldn't play more roles.

"That's the problem, no matter what I think, I think you should play the lead singer." Rausu Tatsuhiko said with a smile, "I think it's better to change it?"

"Mr. Rausu!"

At this moment, Ito Tamanosuke came over with a serious look: "Who will play which role, this is something that only the chairperson can decide, not you, the sponsor!"

"Isn't it a "weird person" who decides?" Rausu Tatsuhiko smiled slightly.

"That's right." Although Ito Yunosuke was stronger than the opponent, his aura still remained unbeaten.

"It should definitely not be demanded by the public."

"That's not for granted!"

Hearing Tatsuhiko Rausu's words, Ito Yunosuke said firmly, "This is my domain."

"Well, yes."

Rausu Tatsuhiko was not angry, but smiled: "Forget it, I just want to see my childhood sweetheart, dressed up on stage."

Ask to change the heroine, childhood sweethearts, and weirdos.

The current scene seems to be exactly the same as the structure of "The Phantom of the Opera".

Well, it's not only Tang Ze who realizes this, but Conan is also aware of the "big melon" hidden in it.

"You don't always want to suppress it, Yuzhisuke brother."

Ito Yunosuke was taken aback by Rausu Tatsuhiko's words, but the other party did laugh and said, "It's just how you feel about Lianhua, you like her, right?"

"Mr. Rausu..." The other party bluntly teased in front of his sweetheart, making Lianhua blushed and a little embarrassed.

But the other party ignored Lianhua, and instead approached Yuzhi's assistant to block her hand and smiled in his ear: "If you drag on, I'll take her away."

Rausu Tatsuhiko didn't care about Tamanosuke's reaction, and walked away with a big laugh, but Sonoko heard it because he was very close to the two, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Triangular relationship!?"


Xiaolan hurriedly covered Yuanzi's mouth and motioned her not to make any noise, so as to avoid a more embarrassing situation.

"Sir, if you want me and Lianhua-chan to play the roles, I won't mind at all."

At this moment, a woman in orange clothes came over from the stage, and after hearing the woman's words, Ito Yunosuke said anxiously:

"Please stop joking, if you really want to change people, it would be a waste of me to invite you to perform!"

"That is to say, and I have always been a fan of Miss Lu Mei, so I'm very happy to be able to perform together on the same stage!" Lianhua on the side also spoke quickly, for fear that the other party's misunderstanding would cause unhappiness.

"Thank you." The woman smiled lightly and thanked Lianhua.

"Wow, what a beauty!"

When I saw Tatsuhiko Rausu before, it was Sonoko who was a nympho, and now it will be the turn of Kogoro Mori, the LSP incarnation of a lecherous uncle.

But when he looked at the woman in front of him, he immediately became a little puzzled: "It always feels like I've seen her somewhere, so familiar."

"Ms. Lightbu Rumi, she is a famous new generation stage actress!"

The "Encyclopedia" Xiaolan on the side heard her father's question, and opened her mouth to help explain the identity of the other party.

"My brother specially ran to invite her to be the heroine."

Emi Ito sat on the "flower arrangement" and smiled at Conan: "I thought she would definitely refuse, but I didn't expect that she agreed all of a sudden. We were all surprised."

"That's really disrespectful."

Rausu Tatsuhiko smiled and walked up to Rumi Kabubuki and stretched out his hand: "I wish you a successful performance."

But what people did not expect was that Rumi Qingbu did not give any face at all, and when she saw the other party's outstretched hand, she turned around and left, and Rausu Tatsuhiko was taken aback.

"Yahahahie, it looks like he doesn't like me very much."

But after all, he was the head of the Rausu Consortium, so he had some self-discipline. He was embarrassed by the other party.

But when he walked into the shadows, he did almost trip over the planks on the ground.

"Sorry, it's too dark here, I'm not used to it."

Because the wooden board made a loud noise, it attracted the attention of everyone around him, and Rausu Chenyan apologized to everyone and explained it aloud.

"Come on here, help me post the sponsor's floor light."

Hearing Tatsuhiko Rausu's words, Rumi Karobu called out to the surrounding staff.

"Earth light?"

Hearing the noun in the other's mouth, Sonoko became curious about the new word: "What is that?"

"Is it this one?"

Xiaolan pointed to the green sticker on the ground with some uncertainty, but Sonoko was a little disgusted when she saw it: "What a dirty sticker."

"This is luminous tape." Conan on the side pointed to the darker floor with a smile: "Look, there are stickers over there too."

"What a smart little brother."

Rausu Tatsuhiko came over with a smile: "That's right, in order to prevent the stage from getting dark, the actors will make a mistake in where they should stand during the performance, so I posted this thing."

While speaking, the other party squatted down and touched the luminous tape under his feet, but when Tang Ze saw the other party squatting down, he looked at Lumei Qingbu in the distance, and found that Qingbu Lumei's expression was a bit strange.

But Tang Ze also didn't show any signs of making a difference. Instead, Ayako was having a headache watching the nympho's sister holding her forehead: "I don't know who this kid looks like..."

When Tang Ze heard the words, he saw that Sonoko was actually nympho again, and this time it was the long-haired man in a samurai uniform holding a knife and leaning against the wall behind Lumei Qingbu.

According to the introduction of Ito Emi on the side, the other party is Kazuya Otomi, one of the three protagonists of this period drama.

Ayako originally wanted to tell her sister to restrain herself, but only at this time did she realize that Sonoko had moved away from love again.

How long did it take to become Ito Yunosuke - Rausu Tatsuhiko - Kawatake Otomi?

This is simply seeing one love one!

In the eyes of Ayako, Xiaolan and others, Jingjizhen's name is about to become Green Jizhen!

To be honest, if Tang Ze hadn't known that Sonoko's relationship with Jingji really didn't break down so easily, he probably would have reacted the same way.

"Borrowed, don't get in the way!"

At this moment, a man with gloves and a long wooden stick walked past the two impatiently. Seeing this, Xiao Lan quickly pulled Yuanzi to make way for the other party.


When passing by the two, the man shouted to his companions: "Who let them in, isn't it time to enter!?"

"What's your attitude!" Yuanzi was a little unhappy when he heard the words, and Xiaolan on the side hurriedly comforted the other party.

"Ah, sorry, Nabeshima-san, I forgot to introduce you."

Ito Tamanosuke heard the man's call and hurriedly came over: "They are Tang Ze criminal from Tokyo and detective Mouri Kogoro..."

"Criminal... Detective!?"

Hearing Ito Yunosuke's words, everyone's expressions were different.

"Hey, aren't these two famous..." Rausu Chenyan was surprised.

"That's right, it's the famous one..." Kogoro Mouri scratched his head embarrassedly in the auditorium.

"Are these two together..."

Before Rausu Tatsuhiko finished speaking, he saw Lianhua Kataoka wave his hands again and again: "That's not the case."

"When I was in Tokyo before, the two helped a lot, so this time I specially invited them to come and watch the performance." Ito Yunosuke explained with a smile.

"Humph! No one should disturb our work."

The man known as Nabeshima snorted coldly, and walked away with the wood on his back, "This point is much more rigorous now!"

"My father is my father, and I am me." Ito Yunosuke was not angry when he heard the opponent's contradicting words, but replied with a smile.

"Forget it, if you hadn't rewarded me with this meal, I would have been forced to death by debt."

Nabeshima smiled and looked at Tamanosuke Ito and said, "From this point of view, I'm still very grateful to you, Captain."

Then Nabeshima called out a few workers, beckoning them to set up the stage, and then quickly left for the actors to rehearse.

"Okay, let's start!"

Qingbu Lumei clapped her hands, then looked at Lianhua and said, "Lianhua-chan, can you please help me go to the lounge and get me some mouthwash?"

"Then everyone, please go to the audience first." Ito Yunosuke said to everyone with a smile.

Just as everyone was walking towards the auditorium, Rumi Qingbu took a step back from where she was standing, and Conan seemed to have heard some strange noises from eavesdropping and couldn't help but look up.

The next moment, his pupils contracted subconsciously, and he couldn't help shouting: "Danger!!"

But this was the last thing he could do. The rope holding the lantern stand was almost broken, and it was broken almost at the same time with his shouting.

The wooden frame with lanterns hanging like a nine-square grid poured down, and it was about to hit Qingbu Lumei below.

Even she herself, unable to react in time, could only cover her head and yell and wait for the danger to come.

It's just that there is a figure shouting at Conan, no, it has already rushed out like an arrow from the string before that.

Lightbu Lumei only felt a weight in her waist, and then her whole body lost weight for a moment. After the shelf behind her slammed down, she looked at the auditorium seat in front of her, and then she regained her senses.

Tang Ze, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally would not prevent this scene. Although the other party was only slightly injured in this accident, he had to prevent the accident from happening.

In addition, the act of saving her was very meaningful, at least it was very helpful for what he was going to do next.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to turn a blind eye.

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