Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 902: The Threat of the Strange People at the Kinpira Theater

"It's okay!"

"Miss Lumei!! How are you!?"


It was only at this moment that everyone recovered from their shock and quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

"I'm fine..." He looked at the stage next to him with lingering fears: "It was Tang Ze who saved me."

"Are you two injured!?" Ito Yunosuke worried, "Should you call an ambulance..."

"There's no need for that, Chairperson." Qingbu Lumei smiled and said, "It's just a little bit startled, in fact, there's no scratches at all."

Everyone was relieved to see that the two of them stood up from the ground without any injuries.

"As expected of my brother-in-law." Yuanzi patted his chest: "We didn't even react, and my brother-in-law saved the man."

"Thanks to Conan for finding it in time." Tang Ze smiled and said modestly: "It happened that I was the closest at the time, and finally caught up with it at the last minute."

"How is this going!"

Just as everyone was talking, there was a huge noise on the stage, which also attracted others to check.

And the previous Nabeshima also came to the stage, picked up the rope to check and said angrily: "Who is it! Who is it who did such an excessive thing!"

Then he started to drive the crowd away regardless of their feelings: "Hey, hurry up and leave!

I need to fix this quickly, or it will be too late! ! "

"Anyway, let's go to the lounge first." Looking at the messy stage scene, Tamanosuke said to Kabu Rumi.

"There are traces of being cut by a knife in the broken rope." Tang Ze, who was on the side, came to Nabeshima and judged by looking at the rope in the other's hand.

"Was it done by "weird people"!?" After hearing Tang Ze's words, Lianhua said with a look of horror.

"Don't be silly, it's just a prank!" Ito Yunosuke scolded: "I still won't agree to his request!"

"Then how to explain the situation now?"

Rausu Tatsuhiko, who heard the movement on the side, also came over, and after hearing Ito Yunosuke's words, he asked back: "If Tang Ze's criminal response was not timely, then we would have to change the heroine!"

"Will not!"

Hearing what Rausu Tatsuhiko said,

On the contrary, Rumi Kabube instantly became firmer from the previous shock: "I think the fighting spirit is even stronger, and I won't let that "weird person" succeed!"

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb you." Maori Kogoro looked suspiciously and asked the crowd, "The "weird person" you mean..."

"It's the weirdo at the Jinpira Theater!" Lianhua said worriedly.

"I said, that's just..." Ito Yunosuke looked at Lianhua a little helplessly, but the words that followed were not spoken in the end.

"I don't remember that this is the title of this speech?" Kogoro Mouri asked.

"Is it because of the "crystal lamp"?"

Tang Ze on the side looked at the puzzled Kogoro Mouri and explained: "This play in "Kanemaruza" was changed based on "The Phantom of the Opera".

The actress who started my role as the heroine had an accident with a crystal lamp falling from the sky. "

"That seems to be the case!"

Xiaolan said with a sharp look, and used a somewhat frightened tone to address everyone present, "Not only that, the relationship between the two of you is also very similar to the relationship between the characters in The Phantom of the Opera!!"

"By the way, older brother Tamanosuke seemed to have mentioned that he would not agree to the "weird" request or something..." Conan looked at Tamanosuke with a search in his eyes.

"Ah, this is the same!" Xiao Lan said quickly after hearing the words: "In "The Phantom of the Opera", the weirdo also asked to change the heroine!"

"What has actually happened?"

Maori Kogoro looked around the crowd and said, "It seems that you are hiding something from us."

"Yeah... In front of the two reasoning experts, there is no way to hide it."

After hearing Mouri Kogoro's words, Luo Uschenyan smiled helplessly: "Brother Yuzhisuke, I think you should tell Tang Ze criminal and detective Mouri Kogoro what happened before."

"I see..."

Ito Yunosuke sighed when he heard the words, and then said: "In the beginning, I just thought it was a prank, and didn't take it to heart.

Because he didn't seem to want to do anything, he just showed up suddenly to startle the tourists or residents around him.

But the thing is, then I got ten letters like this..."

Ito Yunosuke took the letter and handed it to Kogoro Mouri, who turned his face with a look of doubt, "Although the content is the same, what does it mean?"

"A massive echo, get, kill with one move, go away! - Sanuki Kinpira Theater Freak"

"He said, "Great reverberation, gain." If you want to act, this is a matter of course." Sonoko heard the words.

"Yeah, the latter sentence "One move to kill, let's go" is also very similar to the lines in the acting." Xiaolan felt the content while looking at the online content.

"It's a code, it's just to remove the "SA" sound." Conan on the side untied it instantly after hearing the code.

"Thank you for guessing it." Rausu Chenyan looked at Conan and sighed.

"Remove the 'SA' sound?"

Mouri Kogoro first changed all the characters into hiragana, and then removed the "さ", and the content became smooth.

- "Change the heroine to Lotus."

"This is clearly intimidation!" Kogoro Mori held the letter with a serious look on his face.

"But if I react every time I send this thing, the play won't go on at all!" Ito Yunosuke was also very angry.

"That's right, but it's just because I haven't dealt with it all the time that the previous thing happened."

Tamanosuke's expression froze at the words of Kagawa Otomi wearing a samurai uniform, but because an unexpected change did occur, he had no way to refute the other party.

"It doesn't look like it's just intimidating..." Ayako worried: "There won't be anything else after this..."

Speaking of this, Ayako looked at Tang Ze worriedly. Although Tang Ze's act of saving people just now was not injured, it still scared her.

So this time, after hearing the threatening letter, I was naturally a little worried that there would be a bigger accident in the future.

And she knew Tang Ze well. When this happened, the other party would never sit idly by.

"This kind of thing happened, how can the play go on..."

Sonoko looked worried: "If you don't do what the "weird person" said, then Miss Lightbu might be in danger in the future."

"No, I'll still act, Captain!" But Rumi Kabubu didn't have the slightest fear at all, and after that, she went to the room by herself to prepare.

"Well, if you retreat like this, how can you be called an actor?" Kazuo Otomi was very appreciative of her attitude.

"Hey, does it really matter?" Rausu Tatsuhiko looked worried, and he immediately looked at Kogoro Mouri: "Is this really okay?"

"Well... there doesn't seem to be a direct connection between the threatening letter and the falling lantern."

Mouri Kogoro pondered for a while and said, "As for the cut marks on the rope, we will need to go through a detailed investigation to know if it was cut with a knife..."

"So about the performance, it is still up to Mr. Tamanosuke, who is the chairperson, to decide."

Tang Ze's words made Yunosuke fall into a choice, but he did not hesitate too much, and made up his mind, "The role will go according to the original plan!

Today's special premiere, I hope everyone stays in the mood and maintains a good performance! "

Everything is proceeding normally, this is Tamanosuke's decision, and it is completely in line with common sense.

After all, the public performance on the first day is about to start, and it is impossible for them to make substitutions now. This has a huge impact. If you are not careful, the entire performance may collapse.

Since the parties did not have any opinions, Tamanosuke naturally hoped to proceed according to the original team.

Soon, guests one after another arrived at the "Golden Maruza", filling the entire theater.

The performance started soon, and the opera based on The Phantom of the Opera was slowly spread to the crowd.

Everything seems to be going well, and the story gradually reaches the peak of the confrontation between the eccentric and the samurai.

In the auditorium, everyone is also sitting here watching the performance at the moment.

Of course, except for Kogoro Mouri, who went to drink again before the performance, he will be sleeping soundly before this wonderful performance.

Of course, there is also Conan who didn't put his mind on performance.

At this moment, his attention was completely on Rumi Kabubuki alone.

It was not her outstanding performance or her beauty that attracted Conan, but that he noticed that Rumi Light, who played the singer on the stage, did not devote herself to the performance at the moment, but instead glanced at the ceiling frequently.

This should not have happened to a famous actor, but it happened now.

So he also quickly looked up at the discovery of the ceiling.

Then, he saw that a pair of dim figures with scarlet eyes seemed to wander above the ceiling.


A scream rang out in the auditorium, and the next moment there was a panicked exclamation from the auditorium. The audience obviously noticed the "weird person" on the ceiling, and the theater fell into chaos for a while.

"What the hell is it!" Nabeshima scolded and crawled towards the ceiling to see who was making trouble.

However, after the "weird" disappeared, strange things were still to come.

As an actress, Kabu Rumi was covering her throat and couldn't speak at all. As for the strange sound like a frog sounded.

This scene caught the attention of the audience around her, and soon everyone saw the appearance of Lumei Qingbu covering her throat but making strange noises.

After contacting the strange person who suddenly appeared before, panic and anxiety began to spread in the theater.

"This scene is the same, just like The Phantom of the Opera!" Xiao Lan looked at the scene on the stage with a disturbed tone.

"No way..." Yuanzi also had an ugly face when she heard the words. Obviously, facing this strange situation, even the daring one was a little worried.

In the midst of this commotion, Tamanosuke hurriedly brought down the curtain and forcibly stopped the show.

Conan on the side wanted to check the situation, but he was pulled by Tang Ze and whispered: "The man named Nabeshima just went up to check the situation, you will only be scolded in the past, just wait for me to check the situation. ."

"Alright." Conan nodded when he heard the words, and whispered, "Then shall we go backstage now?"

"You're small and it's not easy to attract attention. It's good to look at it in the past."

Knowing that Conan is a guy who can't sit still, Tang Ze thought about it and said, "I will not go to see Miss Qingbe's situation.

Now the surrounding guests have not caused panic, they just thought it was the effect of the theater's program, I am afraid that Tamanosuke's side will continue to perform soon.

I'm sitting here just in case. "

"That's it." Conan nodded, then got up and walked towards the backstage.

The subsequent performances started again soon. Their luck was good. When there was an accident before, it was in line with the plot, so the previous accident was regarded as a special performance before the intermission.

These are also common in period dramas or magic shows, and audiences quickly turn their attention to the performance.

However, the heroine "Song Ji" in the second half was quietly changed.

Fortunately, Lianhua is not famous and is not famous, but as a person who really loves performing, his strength is still there.

Although it was a temporary rescue, she resisted the pressure and carried out the performance perfectly.

It seemed that everything was safe, and the threat of "weird" only caused a little commotion.

But those are just the surface, in fact, there are bigger undercurrents and mysteries in it.

For example, Conan originally went to check the situation, but the reason for getting lost caused Tamanosuke to have discussed with Lianhua about her replacement, and hurried downstairs and left.

Conan originally wanted to go up and ask about Lianhua's mouthwash. After all, Qingbu Lumei couldn't make a sound. No matter how you looked at it, it had something to do with the mouthwash that Lianhua went to get.

But who would have thought that before Conan climbed upstairs, he heard Lianhua talking to the "weird" who was encouraging Lianhua.

After some conversation, when Lianhua left Conan and went to the room to check the situation, he didn't notice any figure in the room.

Of course, Tang Ze was well aware of this "weird person", and he didn't plan to track down this "weird person" that could never exist.

So he first appeased Conan and asked him to wait for his investigation, and he said to Kazunosuke after the performance, and then went up to the ceiling to check the situation when the staff were not paying attention.

Of course, his main purpose is not to check the traces of "weird people" that once appeared on the ceiling, but to quietly wait for a good show to be staged.

With the passage of time, the staff of the stage left one after another, and a figure silently came to the theater.

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