Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 944 The male corpse in the abandoned factory

Clouds are one of the most unpredictable phenomena in the world, so much so that the rain is as unpredictable as a woman's mood.

Just like now, there were dark clouds and heavy rain pouring down at Okutama Police Station, but when we arrived at Naoki Uyei in the villa area, it was just drizzling.

"Let me see...the 29th is right here..."

After getting out of the car and searching for a while, Naoki Kamei finally found the road sign pointing to Villa No. 29.

Because it was a crime scene, the surrounding area was already cordoned off. Naoki Kamei stooped down and entered the villa, and then saw the scene of the other party invading the villa:

"It's exactly what that guy said, he broke the glass and sneaked in."

Taking out his cell phone and sending a text message to Karasawa, Naoki Kamei entered the villa again, intending to take a look at the situation inside.

In the interrogation room on the other side, a depressing atmosphere filled the room.

Tangze's previous words made Jiuxing Zhengzhang feel uneasy.

The two sat opposite each other, one looking at the other, but the other did not dare to look at him.

"Really... From the first moment I saw you, Mr. Criminal, I knew you were in trouble."

Jiu Xingzhengzhang smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that my intuition is still very correct. You are indeed a keen person. The lies I told did not fool you at all."

"So, are you going to tell the truth?" Tang Ze said with a faint smile on his face: "Then tell me the reason."

"It's actually embarrassing to say that I've never done any decent theft. I've always been too busy to eat, so I wanted to do something big this time, so I entered a place like the villa."

Jiu Xingzhengzhang rubbed his hands, and the smooth smile that looked fake at first glance was no longer on his face, but looked a little lonely: "But not only did I not find anything from before, I also failed and was caught.

At that time, I suddenly thought that since everyone had been arrested, it would not be a bad idea to go to jail like this.

The weather has been getting colder and colder recently, and I have almost spent all my money. Instead of living a life without enough to eat, at least I can take care of three meals a day in prison.

At least it's better than being kicked out by the landlord and living on the street.

So if I have to talk about a change in mentality, I'm not going to lie, it's probably because I'm desperate.

But this is so embarrassing. I didn’t say it in the first place, but I didn’t expect that you would misunderstand.

It seems that my image is really bad. It has reached the point where I will be suspected no matter what. This also makes me alert. It seems that I really need to reflect on myself.

I'm really sorry for causing you any trouble. "

"This is another very convincing answer."

Faced with Jiuxing Zhengzhang's words that sounded extremely sincere, Tangze remained unmoved.

The other party's methods were not unscrupulous. After discovering that the previous rhetoric was useless, they immediately turned from nonsense to selling out.

And after the average person experiences the other party's transformation from a frivolous scoundrel to a serious confidant, they will definitely believe the other party's words involuntarily.

After all, the other party has revealed all the unspeakable issues about self-esteem. It is difficult not to believe that this time the other party has begun to tell the truth.

But it is a pity that this person is "Qian San", a big talker who may not tell the truth even three out of a thousand sentences.

The other party's remarks are nothing more than lies that follow the trend.

Compared with the previous nonsense, this time's lies were obviously to a higher level, but Tangze still didn't believe what Jiu Xingzheng said.

Because Tangze saw the other party's lies.

"That's because this is the truth." Jiu Xingzhengzhang thought that Tang Ze was deceiving him, and still refused to admit that what he said was a lie.

"Although you said that, there is still some reluctance." Tang Ze looked at the astonished Jiu Xingzhengzhang and smiled and said: "If you were prosecuted and imprisoned like this, let alone attempted theft.

As a habitual offender, it is very likely that you will be sentenced to three to five years. Then it is not just a winter problem. "

"Is that so..." Jiu Xingzhengzhang showed a surprised expression as if he had just learned about this statement.

"Don't act stupid, you should know."

Seeing that Jiu Xingzhengzhang still denied it, Tang Ze said unceremoniously: "This lie is a bit too low level.

How could a habitual criminal like you not know the consequences of being arrested? After all, it is about the outcome you will face after being caught.

Generally speaking, everyone will understand it, not to mention a habitual offender like you. You must have known through your ears and eyes that the more habitual the offender is, the longer the sentence will be for repeated offenses.

This is common knowledge that all repeat criminals know, so you are lying. "

Tangze's unceremonious words made Jiuxing Zhengzhang's face look a little ugly, but he could only remain silent and make no more noise.

This meant he was going to fight tooth and nail, and Tang Ze had no better way to do it.

After all, the other party has now admitted his guilt. From a certain perspective, his behavior can even be called "unreasonable".

Since there were no more clues, Tang Ze, who already understood the other party's plan, walked out of the interrogation room and temporarily suspended the questioning.

There was a vibrating sound on his phone before, which must have been a text message from Naoki Kamei. After reading it, he thought about it and sent another text message.


"The surrounding layout map?"

After seeing the content of the text message, Naoki Kamei scratched his head: "It would be troublesome if I ran away by myself. I'd better ask nearby residents."

Just before, when he was driving to the villa, he saw a cafe near you. Looking at the darkening sky, he ran directly to the car and drove towards the cafe.

Because the weather had been brewing for a while, the customers had already left, and the only owner of the cafe was clearing away the dishes.

After the door opened, the melodious sound of wind chimes sounded, and the boss smiled and welcomed Naoki Uyei.

"A cup of latte." After Naoki Kamui ordered, he didn't rush to ask. Instead, he waited for the other party to finish serving him coffee and put away all the tableware, and then he showed his criminal certificate to express his intention.

"This is easy." The owner of the coffee shop smiled and said, "I'll get you a piece of paper and roughly draw a map of the area."

"Thank you so much." Uekai Naoki thanked him repeatedly after hearing this.

"It's nothing. You are investigating the incident of meeting the thief in Mr. Ohno's villa."

The boss took paper and pen from the counter and said with a smile: "Mr. Ohno and I are good friends, so please don't hesitate to help us in any way you can."

"Then, boss, did you think there was anything unusual that night, or was there something that concerned you more?"

When Naoki Kamei heard that the other party was willing to cooperate, he no longer had any scruples and started asking directly.

"That's not very clear."

The boss smiled apologetically: "We closed at around 9 o'clock, but apart from this case of breaking into the door, I haven't heard anything else from other customers."

"Is it so early?" Naoki Kamei asked, "Won't it have an impact on business?"

"If it's summer, it will naturally stay open longer. After all, people from the villa area come to live here, and sometimes they come here for a drink or something in the evening."

The boss laughed when he heard this and said: "It's the off-season now, so only truck drivers passing by come back, but they usually come between 8:00 and 9:00, and after that there's basically no one around.

During our off-season, they are the main customers. Because they come more intensively, we can close the restaurant early. "

"Factory?" Naoki Kamei said with some confusion when he heard this: "I did see a factory when I was passing by, but it looked abandoned."

"Ah, you are talking about this factory."

The boss pushed the simple map he drew in front of Naoki Kamei and clicked on the factory above the villa: "This factory is indeed abandoned as you said, but I am talking about the factory below the abandoned factory."

The boss clicked on the lower end of the map: "This is the Aomori Brewery. A new warehouse has been built since last year. Logistics and other vehicles often come in and out from here, and it is also next to the villa area."

"That's it." Naoki Uewai waited until his boss completed the details of the surrounding path, then sent the photo to Karasawa, and then he thought about it and made a phone call.

"I received the photo, thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing, these are all the seniors they should be."

Uye Naoki said: "By the way, I asked the boss here, and it seems that there were no other cases except theft that night."

"Please investigate the area nearby." Karasawa said, "Isn't there an abandoned factory on the map?

If it's a case that hasn't been discovered, I think that's where it should be. "

"Senior, are you saying that Jiuxing Zhengzhang was deliberately arrested for theft in order to avoid a more serious crime?"

Hearing this, Naoki Kamei immediately understood the meaning of Karasawa's words, and this situation was actually not uncommon.

Whether in reality or in movies and TV shows, there are criminals who do this.

Because he has been put in prison, as long as he avoids being related to the case during the investigation, it will become a blind spot in the search.

This is the so-called darkness under the light, and indeed there are criminals who have successfully avoided bigger crimes by using this method, and then were released after just one year or even half a year.

And those more serious cases have become unsolved.

Of course, there are risks in doing this. After all, you must first ensure that the police will not investigate your relationship with the case, and only then can you secretly investigate the case. Otherwise, it will just be a dead end.

It can even be said that those who dare to do this are brave guys with high skills, or else they are confident in their own methods and will not be found out by the police.

At this moment, Jiuxing Zhengzhang was suspected by Tang Ze to be a dangerous man who used small crimes to avoid big crimes.

"Yes, since Jiuxing Zhengzhang was indeed arrested in the villa area that night, it proves that the scope of the other party's activities is also in the surrounding area."

Seeing that Naoki Kamei understood, Karasawa continued: "In the map you sent, the place where a case is most likely to occur from the villa area without being discovered and calling the police is the abandoned factory.

There are garbage and old things piled up there. If there is a case, it will not be discovered for a while because there is no one around. "

"I know, let's go investigate!"

Knowing that he has a heavy responsibility, Naoki Kamei not only does not have any fear, but is full of excitement.

For him, this is considered an improvement.

In the past, when he and Tang Ze went to handle cases together, he was basically an errand boy.

But this time is different. This time it is obviously a two-pronged cooperation, which is also proof that he is on his own!

Although it was raining harder and harder outside, Naoki Kamei did not hesitate at all. After pouring the remaining half cup of coffee into his stomach, Naoki Kamei drove towards the abandoned factory with his car open.

Pulling out the umbrella from the trunk, Naoki Kamei walked towards the abandoned factory against the increasingly heavy rain.

The entire factory was abandoned, and even the roads were blocked by various debris, stones and other items. Ueji Naoki climbed up and down and walked inside, and soon came to a relatively high hillside.

Because there are many objects around and the obstructions block a lot of things, Naoki Uye needs to move his position if he wants to see clearly.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the heavy rain was pouring down in a sloping way. Even Naoki Kamei's umbrella was of no use.


Suddenly, there was the sound of gravel sliding down the side of the hillside, which attracted Naoki Uyei's attention. He moved towards the side of the hillside where the sound came from.

When he saw the scene below the sound source, he was stunned.

On the other side of the small slope, a man with a crew cut was half lying in the depression of the landslide, and his lower body was still covered in the gravel used to build the house.

Judging from the situation, the man should have been buried in a sunken pit on this slope before. Because the rain was too heavy today, the body was covered with stones with a smooth surface, and because of the angle, As a result, the pebbles slipped today.

Seeing this scene, Naoki Kamei didn't even bother holding an umbrella. He took out his cell phone and dialed Karasawa's number.

"I know, I'll send someone over immediately. Pay attention to your safety and protect the scene at the same time."

After Tangze finished his explanation in a hurry, he said to the middle-aged criminal who was accompanying him: "Immediately send someone to deal with the situation. A body was found in the abandoned factory next to the villa area that Jiu Xingzhengzhang stole last night!"


The middle-aged criminal, who was waiting impatiently next to the interrogation room, was agitated when he heard this, and immediately rushed out of the cubicle and ran towards the office: "The police are out! A murder case has been discovered!!"

At this moment, the other person only had admiration in his heart.

I originally thought that these two people from the Metropolitan Police Department were just looking for trouble, but now it seems that the legendary "famous criminals" are indeed well-deserved!

After briefly describing the situation, the entire Okutama Police Station immediately began to assemble a large force and set off towards the crime scene in the rain.

Soon, people in raincoats came to the scene of the crime and filled the abandoned factory.

And the corpse also appeared in front of the criminals.

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