Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 945 Confrontation

Latest website: A group of criminals wearing raincoats stood busy in this rugged abandoned factory. The forensic officers pressed the shutter repeatedly, seizing the time to take photos of the scene.

The heavy rain made this already bad crime scene even more uncomfortable. It was noisy at the moment, giving people a feeling of chaos.

Of course, order amidst chaos is what characterizes this moment. All the criminals are obviously used to investigating cases in such bad weather, and everything is proceeding step by step at this moment.

"I didn't expect that guy to conceal such a serious matter!"

In the heavy rain, Officer Megure, wearing a white raincoat, looked at the crime scene solemnly: "Do you want to use the petty crime of theft to cover up the major crime of murder!?"

At this point, Officer Megure looked at Naoki Uyei and said, "I heard from Karasawa that you discovered the body. You did a good job this time."

"I always follow the instructions of my seniors."

Naoki Ueijing did not dare to take credit, and waved his hands repeatedly: "Senior judged that Masaki Kugyuki might have committed a major crime nearby, and asked me to look for it nearby."

"This guy, did a small mistake turn into a big mistake in the end..." Officer Memu's face turned pale: "Let's see how he makes excuses now!"

"Now it is better to determine whether Jiu Xingzhengzhang is related to this case."

Karasawa was still calm. Hearing this, he looked at Officer Megure and said, "Although the case happened nearby, further investigation is needed to see if it is related to Masaki Kugyuki."

"I'm a little impatient." Officer Megure calmed down after hearing this. He looked at Takagi aside and asked, "Has the identity of the deceased been found?"

"For now, we haven't found anything on the other party that can prove his identity."

Takagi shook his head and said: "Now I only know that he is a man in his twenties to thirties."

"However, it is certain that the deceased was murdered."

Aso Minoru who was on the side came over and reported the situation: "I checked the body and found that there were signs of beating on the face and body of the deceased. As for the cause of death, it was a skull fracture.

In general, judging from the many injuries on the corpse's face, the other party should have died from a heavy blow to the head during the beating. "

"Could it be Kuyuki Masaki's doing..."

Officer Memu said: "This is an abandoned factory, and nearby residents and people who manage the area rarely come here.

If it weren't for Mr. Kamei, I'm afraid no one would even notice that this man was a skeleton. "

"Where is the time of death?" Tang Ze asked the key question, which involved whether the other party was related to Jiuxing Masaki.

"It's about thirty-six hours after his death." Aso said seriously: "Calculating the time, he should have died around one o'clock yesterday morning."

"No way, what a coincidence?"

Officer Megure's face became more serious when he heard this: "It was before Jiu Xing Zheng Zhang was arrested. It seems that Ji Xing Zheng Zhang is inseparable from this case."

"Let's go back to Okutama Town Police Station first." Karasawa looked at the scene that was about to end and said, "Let's talk to that guy Masaaki Kugyuki."

"Me too." Officer Megure said with an ugly expression.

The group of people took a police car back to Okutama Town Police Station. Officer Megure did not show up first. Karasawa took Naoki Uyei directly to the interrogation room.

"This is a map of the neighborhood. You draw the infiltration route."

After seeing Masaaki Kugyuki, Karasawa did not directly ask him about the murder. Instead, he took out a more detailed hand-drawn map and put it on the table with a red pen.

Before he arrived at the scene of the crime and returned here, he deliberately asked Naoki Ueijing to take a detour around the area, and then hand-drawn a new map based on his boss's map.

Because Karasawa has a strong memory and has superb painting skills, this map is obviously much more detailed than before.

He also carefully sketched out the precautionary paths in abandoned factories, wineries and villa areas, including some forks and paths.

Although Kuyuki Masaaki didn't know why Karasawa did this, the captured criminal had no right to refuse. After he picked up the pen, he honestly drew the infiltration path on the map.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Just as Kugyuki Masaki was outlining the route forward, Karasawa asked while looking at the red line on the map.

"What?" Jiuxing Zhengzhang asked with confusion on his face.

"Have you decided to tell the truth?" Tang Ze pointed at the map to signal the other party not to stop, "It's still too late now."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Criminal." Jiuxing Zhengzhang drew the map without raising his head: "I have told the truth obviously, but you still doubt me. I really can't help it."

"Do you know this person?"

Seeing that Kuhang Masaki had almost finished drawing the map, Karasawa went straight to the point without any delay and pushed a photo of a corpse taken at the crime scene in front of Kuhang Masaki.

Jiuxing Zhengzhang stretched out his head to look, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, who is this?"

"There's something wrong with your reaction."

Karasawa stared at Kuyuki Masaki like an eagle owl locked on its prey: "The man in this photo is already dead no matter how you look at it.

Under normal circumstances, the reaction of most people would be to ask the other person if they are dead.

But you directly asked who the other person was, which means that you knew that the other person was dead, so you subconsciously ignored this question. "

"Eh? Dead?" Jiu Xingzhengzhang was stunned when he heard Tang Ze's words, and then said in shock: "What, dead?"

As if under Karasawa's prompting, Kuyuki Masaki noticed that the person in the photo looked like a dead person, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He smiled apologetically and said, "My presbyopia has become so severe recently that I can't see things at close range clearly."

"This is also a lie, and it doesn't even make sense."

Tang Ze clicked on the map on the table: "Because of the size of the paper, I drew very thin paths on it. If you can accurately draw on the path, it shows that your eyes are not dazzled."

Looking at Masaki Jiugyuki who looked unnatural, Karasawa walked around with his finger along the route he drew on the map: "In addition, this path is also fake.

According to common sense, there should be a more convenient road to enter the villa area on the left, but you deliberately took a long way around and entered it from outside the villa.

Combined with the location of the male corpse I just showed you, I can only conclude that you are deliberately avoiding a certain location and do not want to be associated with it. "

Karasawa pointed to the abandoned factory next to the shortcut, "This is the abandoned factory where the body was found."

At this moment, the door to the interrogation room opened and Officer Megure walked in.

Jiuyuki Masaki had a complicated expression when he saw Officer Megure, while Megure had an angry expression: "Kyuyuki, haven't you told the truth yet?"

"Truth? What truth?" Jiuxing Zhengzhang said in a panic: "Hey, Mumu, you don't think I killed that person, do you?"

"Is there any other reason besides this?"

Megure said angrily: "You are lying about all the questions Karaze asked before, and the lines on the map can also draw roads away from the crime scene!

Although these are all indirect evidence, they all point to your inextricable relationship with the murder in the abandoned factory! "

"I didn't kill anyone!" Masaaki Jiugyuki stood up from his chair when he heard that Megure really regarded him as a prisoner: "Stop joking!"

"sit down!"

Uye Naoki pressed Kugyuki Masaaki's shoulders and asked him to sit down. He looked at the other person and sneered: "Senzo, who has never said a word of truth since they met, says that he did not kill anyone. Do you think anyone will believe it?" ?

I think you killed this man in an abandoned factory, then buried him with rubble in a panic, and then deliberately sneaked into the villa and was caught, hoping to get away with it!

You are so thoughtful. You must have thought about the subsequent escape plan when you committed the murder.

But unfortunately, today's heavy rain caused the stones you hastily covered to wash down. You are really unlucky. "

"I told you I didn't kill anyone!" Jiuxing Zhengzhang said angrily: "I just wanted to go in and steal something!"

"Who would believe what you, a Qian San, say!"

When Officer Megure heard Masaki Kugyuki's words, he grabbed the clothes on his shoulders and said angrily: "I told you to be a good person, but I have returned to my old job less than half a year after I introduced you to a solid job!"

"I really didn't kill anyone, please believe me!" Jiuxing Zhengzhang said urgently.

"Everything is based on evidence." Naoki Uyei sneered: "After all, some criminals are always unrepentant, and the evidence is the evidence that forces them to shut up!"

"You guys go out first, I want to have a good talk with him." Officer Megure looked at Tangze and the two and said.


After all, they were old acquaintances, and Tang Ze and the two could guess what Officer Megure was planning.

I guess I still hope that I can persuade him properly and let Masaaki Jiuxing choose to surrender and try to reduce the crime as much as possible.

"Senior, where should we investigate now?"

After walking out of the interrogation room, Naoki Kamei couldn't wait to say: "Now the suspect has been arrested, we just need to find evidence."

"But is Jiuxing really the prisoner?"

Karasawa's words stunned Uye Naoki. He was a little confused and said: "Senior, what are you talking about? Now that the situation is like this, that guy must be the most suspicious.

And didn't you expose Jiuxing Zhengzhang's many lies and prove that he indeed knew the news that people had died there.

After all, isn't the map you asked him to draw the best proof? "

"I have exposed his lies, and I am sure that he is connected to the case, but does that mean that Jiu Xingzhengzhang is the murderer?"

Tang Ze smiled and said, "I've never said that once."


After hearing Karasawa's words, Uye Naoki was stunned: "It seems...there is indeed no..."


"But if he wasn't a murderer, how could he know that people died in the abandoned factory."

Uye Naoki asked quickly: "And when I was drawing the map, I specifically avoided the abandoned factory."

"It's very simple. He probably really wanted to break into the empty door and steal that day, so he showed up there. It was just because he accidentally met the deceased." Tang Ze replied.

"What's the basis?" Naoki Ueijing said a little unconvinced: "The evidence now all points to him. Senior, you must have a basis for your judgment, right?"


Karasawa looked at the dazed Uye Naoki and smiled: "When we go back, in order to draw a map, I asked you to drive me to explore the nearby crime scene."

"Yes, I think you went to other villas specifically to check the terrain, Karasawa Criminal." Uye Naoki nodded.

"That's not just to check the terrain, but also to check the situation of the surrounding villas."

Karasawa smiled slightly: "And it is precisely the findings there that make me think that Masaki Jiuyuki may not be the murderer."

"I'm getting more and more confused." Uekai Naoki felt his head hurt when he heard Karasawa's confused words: "What is going on?"

"I looked at the villas nearby. It's obvious that the guardrails show that there is an alarm system. It's the only one where Jiuxing Zhengzhang sneaked into."

Tangze explained: "Don't you think it's strange?"

"Strange? What's so strange?" Naoki Ueijing looked confused when he heard this.

"Then if it were you, which villa would you choose to apologize?" Tangze asked with a smile: "Tell me the reason."

"Of course it goes without saying that it is a villa next to the water without an alarm system."

Although he didn't know what Tang Chao's intention was, he still replied: "After all, there is no risk in stealing, and it may not be discovered for a long time."

Speaking of this, Uye Naoki said puzzledly: "But in this case, wouldn't it be more certain that he entered Villa No. 29 for the purpose of being arrested?

Doesn't this make it more certain that he deliberately sneaked in there to cover up the crime of murder? "

"This hypothesis actually has a very basic contradiction after we discovered the murder."

Tangze shook his head and said: "The reason why I made such a judgment at first was because I didn't know about the dead people in the abandoned factory, and because of his concealment, I came to such a judgment.

Although it was confirmed that Masaki Kuhang was indeed hiding something on purpose, after the body was found in the abandoned factory, I no longer thought he was the murderer.

Under normal circumstances, if you kill someone, it is reasonable to escape from the murder scene as soon as possible.

Even if you hide the body of the deceased in an abandoned factory where no one will go, it is still not a wise choice to be caught in a nearby villa area.

Don't forget, all crimes committed are recorded. He can hide it for a while, but there is no guarantee that he can hide the case for a lifetime.

Wasn't he afraid that while he was in jail, someone would discover the body buried in the abandoned factory?

Under normal circumstances, if he committed a crime, he shouldn't run far away and put aside all contact with this place before being caught deliberately. Wouldn't this be safer than now? "

Karasawa's words left Naoki Ueijing stunned on the spot. He suddenly realized that he didn't understand this case at all...

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