
In a miserable Growl!

Miltank was seriously injured, and the last part of his strength was successfully taken away by Machamp's Rock Slide.

As for the Exeggutor, it lost about one-third of its body and body in this blow.

"Come back, Miltank!"

Little Stephanie takes back the defeated Miltank.

After collecting Miltank's Poké Ball, she released her next Pokémon.

"The next one is you!"

"Defeat the enemy, Flygon!"

Little Stephanie released her next Pokémon.

A Flygon!

Zhou Shuyi:

Seeing the Flygon on stage, Zhou Shushi immediately froze.

how does this work

This Flygon has mastered the moves of the Flying type, and it can also restrain Machamp and Venusaur.

Not to mention, its own Ground type is also immune to Electabuzz's electric type moves.

Could it be that this is only the second round, and she is about to lose!

In front of this large audience, she is very ashamed!

The degree of embarrassment is even less serious than losing in Battle Tent before.

Who made her the new champion of Hoenn Region now!

"It seems that we must work hard!"

Zhou Shu also thought to herself.

08 The face defense battle is about to begin.

"Machamp, Rock Slide!"

Electabuzz, Tianwan Volt!"

Zhou Shu also took the lead in issuing the Attack Order.

Make Machamp use the Rock Slide again while attacking Exeggutor and Flygon at the same time.

She had the Electabuzz attack the Exeggutor as well.

While Thunderbolt doesn't work very well against Exeggutor, it's better than using other non-family moves that are less effective.

Lethal with Rock Slide!

Even if the Exeggutor cannot be defeated, it is expected to further damage the Exeggutor!


After a roar!

Machamp launched the attack.

Countless Rocks fell and hit Exeggutor and Flygon.

At the same time, a powerful electric current was released by the Electabuzz and also fell on the Exeggutor.

Face the double attack of Machamp and Electabuzz.

In a miserable Growl.

I saw Exeggutor's body slowly falling down.

Originally, it was able to reduce this round of siege with Electabuzz.

No way!

This Thunderbolt by Electabuzz hits the nail on the head.

This directly took away its remaining physical strength and defeated it.


Also after Electabuzz successfully took away the Exeggutor!

Only Stephanie's counterattack order was heard.

Then I saw that the Flygon shook the Earth violently, sending out a powerful Earthquake wave.

Under Flygon's Earthquake.

Machamp, who had little strength, was taken away directly.

Electabuzz was severely wounded, leaving only residual blood.

If it weren't for the breathable turban, it wouldn't be killed in seconds.

I am afraid that under this blow, it has already gone with the calendar.

It can be said that Flygon's strike is really powerful.

Almost took away Zhou Shuyi's two Pokémon with one move.

"Come back, Li!"

Zhou Shu also took back the defeated Machamp.

After collecting Machamp's Poké Ball.

She pulls out Venusaur's Poké Ball and releases it.

"Come out, Venusaur!"

Zhou Shu also released Venusaur.


Also after Venusaur appeared.

Little Stephanie made Flygon use Earthquake again.

She wants to end Electabuzz.

And, does quite a bit of damage to Venusaur.

"Venusaur, use your whip to send the Electabuzz flying!"

“Electabuzz, Brick Break!”

Zhou Shu also ordered to attack.

Facing Flygon's Earthquake, she simply had Venusaur throw the Electabuzz into the air, avoiding the Earthquake wave.

And, it also made Electabuzz close to Flygon and launched an attack on Flygon.

As the Electabuzz was thrown, it didn't fall under Flygon's Earthquake.

Even, he managed to get close to Flygon.

Also after approaching the Flygon.

Electabuzz hits Flygon's head with a Brick Break.

This time, the Flygon who hit directly was a little confused.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Shu also immediately launched a new attack!

"Electabuzz, keep using Brick Break!"

"Venusaur, Razor Leaf!"

Zhou Shu also ordered.

Get instructions!

Electabuzz was about to hit Flygon over the head again.

And Venusaur released a powerful throwing knife towards Flygon.


Little Stephanie gave the order to meet.


After he is about to be jointly attacked by Electabuzz and Venusaur.

Flygon snapped back just in time.

And, launched a huge attack.

The next moment, a burst of Sandstorm immediately rolled up around its body.

Caught off guard!

Electabuzz was immediately caught in Sandstorm.

Its attack failed to hit the target.

Finally, the shot missed and landed on the wing of the Flygon.

Although the effect is not as good as the head, but fortunately it caused a lot of damage to the Flygon.

Also after successfully attacking the Flygon.

Under the power of Sandstorm.

Electabuzz has suffered quite a bit.

The last part of its physical strength was directly taken away by Flygon, and it lost its ability to fight.

Also at this time!

Venusaur's Razor Leaf, also hit Flygon.

Although under the sweep of Sandstorm, many Razor Leaf were moved to both sides by Whirlwind.

But under the continuous launch of Venusaur, some Razor Leaf still fell on Flygon.

Just, because of the resistance brought.

Razor Leaf lost a lot of strength, but it didn't hurt Flygon too much.

Even so!

The corner of Zhou Shuyi's mouth twitched into a smile.

Because, she had Venusaur spice up the Razor Leaf.

What is the 090 condiment?

That's the second move Venusaur has mastered....Sleep Powder!

When the Razor Leaf hits.

Sleep powder also landed on Flygon.

And the effect of sleep powder can make the other party fall into a deep sleep Contest Condition.

In the case of limited moves and failure to master Snore and Sleep Talk.

A Flygon in his sleep is no different from a beaten target.


Flygon, wearing sleep powder, began to feel sleepy.

Almost the next moment, it entered the dreamland and fell asleep.

"Sunny Day!"

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhou Shu also gave an order to Venusaur.

This is the third move Venusaur has mastered.


Venusaur instantly changes the weather in Sky, the battleground.

Soon, the weather became sunny and hot.

"Solar Beam!"

Also after changing the weather!

Zhou Shu also launched Venusaur's last move, Solar Beam.

Under Sunny Day, Sunny East does not need to save money at all.

Venusaur absorbs sunlight quickly.

Then, launched an attack on Flygon.


With a roar, Flygon was successfully hit by Venusaur.

Although it was not seriously injured, half of its physical strength was taken away.

"The final blow!"

"Solar Beam!"

Zhou Shu also let Venusaur launch the final blow to Flygon. .

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