
With the sound of an explosion came.

Venusaur's Solar Beam hits the Flygon again.

Under this Solar Beam from Venusaur.

Flygon finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Its body fell directly from the air to the ground, and fell straight on the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Flygon is out of combat!"

"All three Pokémon are out of combat due to little Stephanie!"

"The winner of this competition is the challenger Zhou Shuyi!"

The staff announced Zhou Shuyi's victory.

Immediately, he brought Zhou Shuyi back to the original place again.

Then, heal the three Pokémon in Zhou Shuyi's hands and ask Zhou Shuyi if he wants to exchange them.

over and over again!


The next four Rivals were also narrowly defeated by Zhou Shuyi!

She successfully passed the first round of Battle Factory.

Also after beating the sixth Rival.

This time, the staff did not bring Zhou Shushi to the place where he was treated and exchanged Pokémon.

He brought Zhou Shuyi directly to the reception hall of Battle Factory.

"Congratulations, you have won this round of challenge!"

"Please hand me your Battle Frontier pass, and I will update your current battle points for you!"

The staff said.


Although some don't know what the battle points are, Zhou Shushi still handed out his pass.

After taking the pass from Zhou Shuyi's hand!

The staff inserted Zhou Shuyi's passport into the computer and began to operate.

Wait until the operation is complete!

He pulled out the pass and handed it back to Zhou Shuyi again.


"Is this my battle points?"

Pointing to the extra number '4' on her pass, Zhou Shuyi was slightly surprised.

Just now, there is no number on the pass.


"Every time you successfully challenge a round at the battle facilities, you can get corresponding battle points in each battle facility!"

"Battle points can be exchanged for various exquisite Presents at the Exchange Center of Battle Frontier!"

The staff explained.

"I see!"

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

Hearing what the staff said, she was a little curious about the exchange center in the battle center.

"You have completed the first round of challenges, and you have obtained the corresponding battle points!"

"Do you want to continue your second round of challenges!"

The staff asked about Zhou Shuyi.

"Then go ahead!"

Zhou Shu also said.

4 battle points may not be exchanged for anything good.

Why not continue to challenge!

Moreover, her goal is to defeat Darla, the leader of the Battle Factory.

After clearing the first round, why are you here?


"Then, please continue to follow me!"

"This will take you to the second round of challenges!"

The staff member nodded.

Immediately, he brought Zhou Shuyi to the warehouse where Poké Balls and props were stored.

And, starting from scratch, let Saturday pick three new Pokémon.

The six Pokémon this time are: Golem, Charizard, Shiftry, Mightyena and Swampert.

After a selection!

Finally, Zhou Shu also used Pokédex to explore and chose Charizard, Shiftry and Swampert.

One fire element, one grass element and one water element, it's just right!

Also after choosing your own Pokémon!

Under the leadership of the staff, Zhou Shushi started her second round of challenges!

The second round, the third round, the fourth round...  

Zhou Shuyi's rounds of challenges continue!

"Congratulations, you have won the game!"

"Next, it's the sixth round of the seventh group!"

"You will face Dara, the pioneer leader of our Battle Factory!"

"Are you ready for that?"


After another game!

The staff asked about Zhou Shuyi.

That's right!

After nearly three hours!

Zhou Shuyi finally defeated the previous 41 Rivals.

Next, she'll face off against the Trump Card at Battle Factory, the pioneering leader Dara!

"Get ready!"

"If it's Pokémon, I won't exchange it!"

Zhou Shu also cut to the chase.


"Next, we will start a match between you and the leader of the battle, Lord Dara!"

The staff member nodded.

He brought Zhou Shuyi to the battlefield again.

At this moment, Dara, the head of the Battle Factory, has already arrived at the other side of the battlefield, waiting for Zhou Shuyi's arrival.

"I didn't expect that the first one to come here and challenge me would be the new champion of Hoenn Region!"

"Let me see the strength of your new champion!"

Dara smiled slightly.

After the opening of Battle Frontier, his first Rival will be the new champion of Hoenn Region.

This made him feel quite aroused!

"Then let the horse come!"

Zhou Shu also smiled confidently.

If I could describe it in one sentence, it would be: She is a champion, who is she afraid of!

"`] Then get ready to begin!"

When you're all ready!

Dala and Zhou Shuyi are about to release their own Pokémon.

"Come out, Mawile, Golem!"

Daala sent out her own Pokémon first.

"Come out too!"

"Salamence, Bangira!"

Zhou Shuyi then also sent out her own Pokémon.

For Salamence, she selected six Pokémon at the beginning of the seventh round of challenges.

She will be using the quasi-god in advance in Battle Factory, which surprised her.

Even more joy!

As for Benjira?

Like Salamence, it is also a quasi-god.

However, it seems to be the quasi-god of the Chengdu Region.

Bangira's words were exchanged after the last game!

With two quasi-gods in hand, she felt quite a sense of pride.


That is to say, the moves and personalities of these two quasi-gods are not bad.

Otherwise, even if she is a quasi-god, she may not necessarily choose it.

"(Good money) Salamence and Benjira?"

"It seems to be a little disadvantageous to me!"

See the Pokémon sent by Zhou Shuyi.

Darla frowned slightly.

Although he is the leader of the Battle Factory, his Pokémon is also randomly selected from the Pokémon of the Battle Factory, so he does not have much advantage.

Now the Pokémon he chooses has certain disadvantages compared to the Pokémon Zhou Shuyi chose.

Even so!

Darla is not worried at all!

All Attribute disadvantages can be resolved through tactics and moves.

This is a very simple matter for him, who has the title of "head".

"Bengila, Earthquake!"

While Dalla is thinking about tactics!

Zhou Shuyi had already ordered Bangira to take the lead in launching the attack group.


Bangira roared immediately.

Immediately, it suddenly Stomped on the Ground, shaking a powerful Earthquake wave. .

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