"Dawn, I understand how you feel!"

"However, if you don't have your own Pokémon, it's very difficult to tame Pokémon in the wild!"

"Even, there may be danger!"

Norman politely declines Dawn's wayward request.

It wasn't the first time he rejected Dawn like this.

If Dawn's body wasn't so weak, he might still consider it.

But Dawn is a bit seriously ill, if you teach Dawn, it will undoubtedly harm him.

As for why not directly help Dawn tame one?

This is because of the request of Dawn's parents.

Dawn's parents feel that it is not suitable for Dawn to have Pokémon by his side.

Also get rid of him and don't Help Dawn subdue Pokémon.

All kinds of things!

Norman, who was entrusted by others, could not agree to Dawn's request.

"Isn't it still not working?"

Dawn, who was rejected by Norman, looked sad.

for a while!

The atmosphere at the scene began to become a little heavy.

Look at the silence of Norman and Dawn!

Zhou Shuyi, who felt a little uncomfortable, suddenly had an idea in his mind.

At this time, shouldn't it be her turn to act before there will be a follow-up?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu also looked at Dawn.

"If you don't mind, can I help you?"

"I can lend you my Pokémon!"

"So you have a Pokémon you can use temporarily!"

Zhou Shu also said.

After speaking, she also took out her Poké Ball.

Inside the Poké Ball, it's not Mudkip.

It's the other Pokémon she tamed... Zigzagoon.

Once online.

She went straight to the various forests.

Then, keep subduing.

Along the way, she tames Poochyena, Zigzagoon, and a Wingull.

After subduing these three Pokémon, all five Poké Balls given to her by Professor Birch were used up.

Because she didn't succeed once in subduing Poochyena and Zigzagoon.

In the end, two Poké Balls were wasted.

This made her feel sorry!

Fortunately, after shopping in Oldale Town that I have been thinking about.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that Poké Balls were sold in Oldale Town.

Then, I spent all my money on Poké Balls.

She bought 15 Poké Balls at 200 yuan each, and used up her 3,000 yuan.

Because I bought more than 10, I was also given a white Premier Ball by the "kind" boss.

So, now she has no shortage of Poké Balls.

"Is it really possible?"

I heard Zhou Shuyi say that.

Dawn looked excitedly at the Poké Ball in Zhou Shuyi's hand.


Zhou Shu also nodded.

After speaking, she turned her eyes to her father Norman.

"Dad, is this okay?"

Zhou Shu also asked.

She was afraid that Norman would have an opinion when he saw her doing this!

"If you want to do it, do it!"

Norman thought for a while, but in the end he didn't object.

He did promise Dawn's parents that he couldn't help Dawn.

However, Zhou Shu did not agree not to help Dawn.

If Zhou Shuyi were to come to Help Dawn, it would probably be about the same.

Anyway, there are no particularly powerful Pokémon nearby.

In addition, this is also a test for Zhou Shuyi.

Let's see if Zhou Shuyi, who is a Rookie Trainer, can make the right choice to really help Dawn.

"I understand!"

"Thank you dad!"

Zhou Shu also nodded.

She saw what Norman meant to her.

It feels like I've given it to her.


Norman nodded slightly.

"Take this Poké Ball with you!"

"Dawn, you don't have a Poké Ball yet!"

Norman took out a Poké Ball casually and handed it to Dawn.


What he gave to Dawn was an empty Poké Ball, the kind that Dawn would subdue.

"Thank you, Mr. Norman!"

Looking at the Poké Ball in Norman's hand, Dawn was a little moved to tears.

Immediately, he happily took the Poké Ball from Norman's hand.

He even took the Poké Ball that Zhou Shuyi handed him just now.


"When you go to the wild, remember to be careful!"

"If you can't tame Pokémon, let's talk about it when your body recovers!"

"At that time, if you return to Petalburg City, I will help you personally!"

Norman smiled.


Dawn nodded seriously.

After finishing speaking, he turned and looked at Zhou Shuyi beside him.

"Then let's go!"

Dawn said with a hint of urgency.

Among them, there are naturally reasons why he can't wait.

Also, he doesn't have much time.

Excluding the time required to go back and forth, it is estimated that it will be just over an hour.

"it is good!"

"Come with me!"

Zhou Shu also nodded.

Taking Dawn with her, she traveled to Petalburg Woods outside of Petalburg City.

"In the wild, you have to pay attention to the surrounding environment first!"

"No one knows when a Pokémon will suddenly appear and attack you!"

"To subdue Pokémon, the first thing to ensure is your own safety!"

Walk inside Petalburg Woods.

Zhou Shu also turned into 'Teacher Zhou' and explained to Dawn.

At this point, she is now an 'expert'.

"Sister Zhou actually has a day of teaching, it's amazing!"

"Not to mention, you really teach well!"

"Why don't you consider opening a Rookie Trainer training class?"

"Then don't mislead your son!"


Seeing Zhou Shuyi's 'pretentious' appearance, fans all thought it was very funny.

On weekdays, they saw more, and that was the scene where Zhou Shuyi was taught to be a human being.

It was the first time to teach others like this.

"I understand!"

"I will be careful!"

Listening to Zhou Shuyi's teaching, Dawn nodded seriously.

Facing Zhou Shuyi's "experience talk", he listened very carefully.

"now it's right!"

Zhou Shu also nodded in satisfaction.

After thinking of something!

She asked about Dawn.

"You shouldn't have any demands on Pokémon, right?"

"Any Pokémon will do?"

Zhou Shu also asked.


"As long as I can tame a Pokémon to accompany me, I will be very satisfied!"

Dawn nodded.

For Pokémon, he has no special requirements.

"That's easy!"

"There are quite a lot of Pokémon in Petalburg Woods!"

"It's okay if it's a variety!"

"Like Poochyena, Lotad, Seedot, Zigzagoon, all of them!"

Zhou Shu also said.

Since Dawn doesn't require the type of Pokémon, that's easy.

When you encounter one at random, you can subdue it.

When Zhou Shuyi thought so!

Dawn suddenly pointed in a certain direction.

"Shu Yi, look over there!"

Dawn said.

He found something different under a tree.

There, there seems to be a moving 'green hat'!

If nothing unexpected, it should be a Pokémon, right?

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