
Following Dawn's gaze, Zhou Shu also forgot about the past.

Then, I also saw a moving 'green hat'.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Zhou Shu also became interested.

It is also a 'green hat', it seems that this Pokémon's 'green hat' is different from Lotad's.

That is, this is a Pokémon she didn't meet in Petalburg Woods?

It's worth a look!

And, it's worth it.

Although, the person to be subdued may not be her.

"It's the Ralts!"

Going closer, I used Pokédex to search for this Pokémon with a 'green hat head'.

Zhou Shuyi and Dawn recognized each other's true colors.

It's the Psychic Pokémon Ralts!

"Didn't expect there to be Ralts in Petalburg Woods!"

Zhou Shuyi's eyes lit up.

It can only be said that Ralts's appearance has grown on the point of her get again!

This made her feel in love with love!

This is too cute!

"Shuyi, how about you subdue it!"

See Zhou Shuyi is very interested in Ralts.

Dawn hesitated for a moment, but still planned to give Ralts to Zhou Shuyi.


Hearing what Dawn said, Zhou Shu was a little confused.

When she reacted, she was even more surprised.

Unexpectedly, Dawn would just give Ralts to himself.

This made her so moved!

Obviously the person he most wants to subdue is Dawn.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi shook her head and refused without hesitation.

"It's up to you to subdue it!"

"After that, I'll be at Petalburg Woods for a while!"

"Since Petalburg Woods has Ralts, I'm sure I can get them!"

"On the contrary, you, if you miss this one, maybe you won't meet other Pokémon!"

Zhou Shu also said seriously.

If Dawn hadn't said that, she might have thought a little bit about it.

But now, she won't compete with Dawn.

This child is too kind, too sympathetic.


If there was such a person in reality, she would want to recognize her younger brother on the spot!

""Shu Yi's Modesty"!"

"Not to mention, Kong Rong made the pear taste inside!"

"I can't see that sister Zhou still has such a good side!"

"This is Miss Zhou, I have 8 letters!"

"However, this Dawn is also very nice!"

"That is to say! It's just an NPC, but it makes me feel like I'm in love!"

"Is there a possibility that sister Zhou has 'transferred love'?"

"Transferred from Xiao Qi to Dawn? Pfft—"


No doubt!

Zhou Shuyi's humble behavior aroused the surprise of fans.

On weekdays, if it is beneficial in the game, Zhou Shu is also afraid that it will be too late to fight for it.

Now there is still a day of humility?

Faced with the 'slander' of the barrage, Zhou Shuyi naturally wanted to reply with a few words.

This is simply a rumor!

How could she, Zhou Shuyi, be that kind of person!

However, now she just doesn't bother to talk to these 'ignorant' fans.


Also at this time!

Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, Dawn looked hesitant again.

He wanted to continue talking.

However, before he could continue to say anything, Zhou Shuyi had released the Zigzagoon in his hand for him.

With a flash of red light!

Zigzagoon from the Poké Ball appeared in front of them both.

"Next, I'll leave it to you!"

"Zigzagoon's skills, you have seen it just now!"

"Fight the Ralts and subdue them!"

Zhou Shu also said to Dawn.


Dawn said excitedly.

He is no longer hypocritical.

Now, the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it!

He must treat this chance as his last chance.

Can only succeed, not allowed to fail!

Looking at Dawn full of fighting spirit.

Zhou Shu also smiled and retired.

For the duel between Dawn and Ralts, she is very relieved.

When she used the Pokédex to retrieve Ralts just now, she already knew the information of the Ralts in front of her.

The level of this Ralts is not high, only LV4!

And her Zigzagoon has LV7.

The most important thing is that the move that Ralts has mastered is only one 'Growl'.

In other words!

This Ralts has no attack skills!

No matter how much Zigzagoon's attack power was reduced, it would be enough to defeat the Ralts and allow Dawn to subdue them.

Everything was as Zhou Shuyi thought!

Under Zigzagoon's repeated attacks, Ralts was soon injured and exhausted.

Also at this time!

Dawn didn't let the Zigzagoon attack the Ralts again!

He took out the Poké Ball Norman had given him and threw it at Ralts.

With the Poké Ball successful hit!

The Poké Ball opens instantly, releasing the catch net inside, covering Ralts.

With a flash of red light, Ralts is put into the Poké Ball.

After locking Ralts into the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball fell to the ground and began to shake.

After three shakes!

The Poké Ball stopped shaking, and there was a 'tong' sound.

This means... the conquest was successful.

"I... I succeeded!?"

Looking at the Poké Ball on the Ground not far away, Dawn's face is full of disbelief.

After that, it was an incomparable surprise!

It was the first time he used Pokémon to fight and conquered Pokémon for the first time, and he successfully conquered the first Pokémon that belonged to him.

He has his own 'Earl Dervish Pokémon'!

That's... Ralts!

"Shu Yi, this is your Poké Ball!"

Go forward and pick up Ralts' Poké Ball.

Dawn put Zigzagoon into the Poké Ball and returned it to Zhou Shuyi.

"Then I'll take it!"

Zhou Shu also put away her Poké Ball.

"Next, let's go back to the gym!"

"I want to speak to Mr. Norman!"

Dawn said to Zhou Shu.

He wanted to go back and say thanks.

If there is no Norman, he will not be able to subdue the Ralts without the Poké Ball.

As for Zhou Shuyi?

Along the way, of course, he had already thanked him countless times.


Zhou Shu also nodded.

With Dawn, they returned to the gym.

"Mr. Norman, I have conquered Pokémon!"

Dawn announced the good news with Ralts and Norman in her arms.

on the way.

They drop by the Pokémon Center to heal Ralts.


"This is a very precious Pokémon!"

"Dawn, it seems that your luck is very good!"

Norman was slightly surprised.

The number of Ralts is very rare!

Not to mention, Ralts' final evolution, Gardevoir, is even more powerful.

Unexpectedly, the first Pokémon that Dawn just got was Ralts.

It surprised him!


Dawn nodded.

He didn't know the rarity of Ralts.

However, I really like Ralts.

As for Zhou Shuyi on the side?

After hearing what Dad Norman said, he became even more determined to go back to Petalburg Woods to take in a Ralts.

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