Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 95 Sister Zhou's Three In A String! Asha's Desperation


A voice filled with discomfort came from Blaziken's mouth.

The damage caused by the ground-type moves is still too great for it.


Seeing the pain on Blaziken's face, Zhou Shu immediately ordered.


Blaziken, who received the instruction, immediately got up and jumped to Sky.

Also after leaving Ground!

Its effects disappeared quickly, and I didn't feel any discomfort anymore.

"It's no use jumping up!"

"Camerupt, now is the time!"

"Use Overheat!"

Asha ordered.


The next moment, a huge flame wave gushed out from Camerupt's mouth and the Volcano on its back, heading towards Blaziken in the air.

Under the huge flames that almost covered half of the field, Blaziken had no way to avoid it.

"Rock Tomb!"

Face the flames that erupt from the Camerupt.

Zhou Shu also immediately changed the order.


The Rock energy was condensed by Blaziken and rushed out.

I saw the Rock-type energy cracking in the air, turning into pieces of stone, and heading towards the Camerupt on the Ground.

Use this trick!

Zhou Shuyi didn't want to attack Camerupt!

She wants to make this piece of Rock a shield to protect Blaziken.

By the way, become a stepping stone to the flame.

At worst, block most of Overheat's damage for Blaziken.

If not, even Blaziken, who is also a fire element.

Camerupt's full-strength Overheat will also take a lot of damage.


Overheat's flames collided with the Rock rain formed by Rock Tomb.

Although pieces of Rock were charred black, they were not burned to ashes.

Blaziken, who hid behind Rock, avoided a lot of damage.

Also after Overheat's flames are somewhat lacking in stamina!

It uses the Rock as a stepping board, and descends from the sky towards Camerupt.


Seeing this scene, Yasha immediately exclaimed.

This shocking change was beyond her expectation.

She didn't expect that Zhou Shuyi could make Rock Tomb not only a shield for Blaziken, but also a stepping stone for Blaziken.

"Just Slash!"

Zhou Shu also ordered.

Blaziken, who was about to fall in front of Camerupt, aimed at 08 Camerupt's head, and directly chopped it off with a hand knife.


The hand knife hits the red heart!

Get hit hard!

Only Camerupt screamed.

The brain was split, making its whole head buzzing.


Zhou Shu also continued to order Blaziken to launch a fierce attack!


Blaziken's hands rested directly on Camerupt's head.

As it slammed hard, the push hit Camerupt's body.

The next moment, Camerupt's huge and heavy body was completely pushed down to the ground.

"Camerupt, stand up!"

Seeing this scene, Yasha immediately wanted to make Camerupt stand up again.

How can the fallen Camerupt launch a counterattack?

What he will endure will be another 'beating' from Blaziken!


Camerupt naturally knew the seriousness of the matter.

Enduring the pain on his body, it was about to struggle to get up from the ground.

"Don't give Camerupt any chance!"

"The final blow!"


Not waiting for Camerupt to get up from the ground.

Zhou Shu also directly gave Camerupt the final blow.

It's also a hand knife!

Blaziken's claws landed on Camerupt's head again.

And, this time, it looked like it hit the nail on the head.

This point can be seen from the more tragic Growl coming from the mouth of Camerupt this time.


After the last call.

Camerupt, who was knocked to the ground, shook his body and turned his eyes in circles!

"Camerupt battle can't!"

"The winner of this round is... Blaziken!"

The referee's verdict came soon after Camerupt's defeat.

"What a mighty Rival!"

"It's the first time I've encountered such a whimsical idea!"

Yasha smiled wryly and praised Zhou Shuyi.

It was the first time she saw the Trainer used by Rock Tomb.


"I also came up with a brainstorm!"

Zhou Shu also smiled.

God knows!

When Blaziken became the target of Camerupt, how panicked she was.

Originally, I wanted Blaziken to use Flamethrower, and Camerupt sprayed against it.

It's a big deal, and I will suffer a little!

Fortunately, she had an idea and thought of this genius idea.

"An epiphany?"

"It seems that your combat response is very sharp!"

Yasha was slightly surprised.

She did not attribute this to Zhou Shuyi's 'luck'.

After all, luck is part of strength.

"I think so!"

Zhou Shu also generously accepted Yasha's compliment.

"Looks like I got it!"

"Otherwise, my hundred-game winning streak will be hopeless!"

Asha stared.

Immediately, she released her third Pokémon.

Now that two Pokémon have been defeated, she feels a bit like an Alexander.

"Come out, Magcargo!"

Asha said.

With a flash of red light!

A huge Magcargo appeared in front of Asha.

"LV31's Magcargo?"

"However, this time, Blaziken has a big advantage!"

Looking at the Magcargo information retrieved from the Pokédex, Zhou Shuyi smiled slightly.

Different from Numel, Camerupt.

Magcargo has a Rock Attribute.

This is nothing compared to Blaziken's Fighting Attribute!

That's why she said Blaziken has the big advantage!

"Not always!"

Asha smiled slightly.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

Zhou Shu also said.

"Blaziken, Alliance!"

Zhou Shu also took the lead in attacking.

Blaziken, who was far away from Magcargo's reluctance, came directly in front of Magcargo, and raised his leg to punch Magcargo hard.

"Magcargo, use Smog!"

Asha said.

With Magcargo's speed, it is impossible to avoid Blaziken's swift attack.

She simply resisted, and then let Magcargo counter Blaziken.

"Bang bang—"

Blaziken's kick Smack Down on Magcargo.

"Oh oh-oh--"

A howl of pain came from Magcargo's mouth.

It suffered heavy injuries before defeating its own Fighting moves.

However, it endured the pain and attacked Blaziken.

Dirty purple mist spewed from its mouth, heading towards Blaziken, which was right in front of it.


After absorbing the dense purple mist sprayed by Magcargo, Flame immediately felt uncomfortable.

The purple brilliance faintly flashed across its body.

Even its face was a bit more purple.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Shu also secretly thought something was wrong.

This is a characteristic of Blaziken falling into a poisoned Contest Condition.

Yasha actually resorted to this trick to 'secret' Blaziken, but she didn't expect it.

"Good luck!"

"Looks like we've got it!"

Looking at Blaziken who fell into the poisoned Contest Condition, Asha smiled slightly.

"Make Primal calendar now!"

Asha said loudly.

"Oh oh yeah"

Magcargo howled.

In its mouth, there is a rock-shaped Energy Ball condensing.

Afterwards, it even spit on Blaziken's body.


Under Magcargo's blow, Blaziken was directly sent flying and hit the ground heavily.

It wasn't too badly damaged!

On the contrary, it was the toxins on his body that caused a lot of damage to it after it was wounded, making it even more damaged.

"Rock Slide!"

Confront Blaziken on the ground.

Asha is also a tough ass!

She immediately pursued the victory and was about to take down Blaziken!


Boulder roars!

Under the power of Magcargo.

Countless boulders fell from the sky and were about to hit Blaziken.

Seeing, Blaziken is about to suffer a new blow!

"Come back first, Blaziken!"

Face this dangerous scene!

Zhou Shu also made a decisive decision!

She used her 'privilege' to receive Blaziken directly into the Poké Ball.

Also after recovering the Poké Ball.

Magcargo's Rock Slide missed and landed on the Ground, failing to do any damage to Blaziken.

"Did you get away with it?"

"What a pity!"

Asha frowned slightly.

I thought that I could solve Blaziken just like that.

Who ever thought, after all, it was a bad move.

I just don't know what Zhou Shushi's next Pokémon will be.

Still, whatever it will be.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for Magcargo to survive.

After all, Magcargo getting a Double Kick from Blaziken is not having a good time right now.

"You are next, Gardevoir!"

Zhou Shu also released her second Pokémon.

No surprises, Gardevoir for sure!


"It's not a fire-type Pokémon!"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi's second Pokémon, Yasha was a little surprised.

And some...disappointed!

This made Zhou Shuyi's mouth twitch!

She is not like Yasha, she is a trainer in a fire gym.

Not to mention someone who specializes in the fire element!

Is it weird to use Pokémon other than Fire?

"Gardevoir, magic shines!"

Zhou Shu also ordered Gardevoir to attack Magcargo.


Dazzling brilliance bloomed from Gardevoir's body, turned into powerful waves, and headed towards the opposite Magcargo.

"Can't stop it?"

"Then fight!"

"Magcargo, Overheat!"

Asha gritted her teeth.

She doesn't have a particularly good way of coping with Gardevoir's magical radiance.

So, just leave Gardevoir with a lot of damage!

"Oh oh-oh--"

Magcargo obviously knew the danger he was facing at the moment.

Under Asha's order, it spewed out a huge flame wave with all its strength, and headed towards Gardevoir.


Magcargo just spit flames from his mouth.

Gardevoir's attack has arrived.

Under the power of magic shining, Magcargo's body

He was directly sent flying out.

Even the flame it exhaled dissipated most of it.


The remaining half of the flame landed on Gardevoir's body as expected, causing considerable damage to Gardevoir.


Hit by Magcargo's Overheat.

A scream came from Gardevoir's mouth.

At this moment, it is a bit embarrassed.

However, even withstanding this powerful blow.

Its super queen demeanor is still well maintained at this moment.

Stand firm on your body!

Its eyes fixed on the Magcargo that was sent flying by itself, whose condition was unknown.

"Magcargo combat can't!"

"The winner of this round is... Gardevoir!"

Also at this time!

The referee declared victory for Gardevoir.

Magcargo, whose life was like a dying candle in the wind, fell in the hands of Gardevoir after all.


"In this way, there is only one left!"

Hearing the referee's verdict, Zhou Shu was also pleasantly surprised.

It seems that everything is as she thought!

Only two Pokémon, Blaziken and Gardevoir, are enough to defeat Asha.

"Come back, Magcargo!"

"You've done a great job!"

Asha retrieves her defeated Magcargo.

"It seems that my strength is still not enough!"

"It's the first time someone has been able to push me to this point!"

Asha didn't immediately release her fourth Pokémon.

She looked deeply at Zhou Shuyi who was opposite her, feeling deeply moved in her heart.

Zero for three!

This record is undoubtedly a disgrace!

However, this battle made her blood boil.

As a result, now she suddenly feels that even if she loses, it doesn't matter if the winning streak is broken.


I want to return to think so.

If she could win, of course she still wanted to win.

Not to mention, if it loses this time.

In the future, if you want to set a record of 100 consecutive victories or even 99 consecutive victories, it may not be that simple 433.

"It's you in the end!"

"Come out, my Trump Card.....Torkoal!"

Asha finally released her last Pokémon.

It is also the strongest Pokémon in her hands!

Torkoal of LV33!


"The grade is quite high!"

"Without the help of Exp. Share, I guess the current Gardevoir would be about the same as Torkoal!"

Zhou Shu also looked dignified.

Facing this last opponent, she actually felt a little pressure.

"Gardevoir, Psybeam!"

After a confrontation!

Zhou Shu also took the lead in launching the attack.

She's going to try the power of the Torkoal!


The powerful Confusion wave was released by Gardevoir, turning into a Confusion halo towards Torkoal.

“Torkoal, Sunny Day!”

In the face of Gardevoir's attack, Asha did not care and resorted to this move.

"Create your own favorable weather conditions?"

Hear Asha's order.

Zhou Shu was also slightly startled.

Before that, she didn't know there was such a move.

After searching Torkoal with Pokédex.

I retrieved this move from Torkoal, and found out that this move still exists.

Sunny Day!

True to its name!

Ability to change the weather and make other weather into Sunny Day.

In this weather, Fire Type's moves will be greatly enhanced.

Some moves that require Assist Sun to recharge, such as Sun Flame, will also be able to be used directly.

Asha let Torkoal use Sunny Day, obviously to greatly increase Torkoal's fire moves.


Torkoal looked up to the sky Howl.

As it howls!

The next moment, a change occurred.

I saw that Cal, whose battlefield has become incomparable, even the temperature has risen by more than ten degrees.

It's as if the sun is falling, and it shines on the bare earth, which is normal.


Also at this time!

Gardevoir's attack Smack Down on Torkoal.

Torkoal's body was knocked back several steps, and he was almost thrown away.

However, judging from Torkoal's condition, it doesn't look like the injury is serious.


"Now let you see the true power of Torkoal!"

"Torkoal, use big characters!"

Asha ordered.

After the weather conditions are done!

She is about to launch a fierce attack on Zhou Shuyi's Gardevoir.


Torkoal howled.

From its mouth, Spit Up a powerful flame, heading towards Gardevoir.

At first glance, it looks very similar to Flamethrower.

But when it was about to fall in front of Gardevoir, the flame changed subtly.

I saw the flames extending in five directions.

A huge 'big' character was formed in the air!

Presumably, this is also the reason why this trick is called 'Big Character Explosion'!

It's just that, although the flame of the big character explosion split, the power of this move was not split because of it.

Its power is still perfectly maintained.

As long as it hits the opponent, it will emit a hotter flame.

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