Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 96 Gardevoir's Sacrifice, I Leave It To You Blaziken


Look at the menacing and powerful character explosion in front of you!

Zhou Shu also showed a dignified expression.

The Big Character Explosion is already powerful, plus it has the boost of Sunny Day.

This trick is not a joke!

Gardevoir will be taken away by a direct move, it is not impossible!


Zhou Shu also hurriedly ordered.

She was going to keep Gardevoir out of the way.


Gardevoir obviously also saw the powerful power of big character explosion.

Its figure disappeared in place immediately.

The big character explosion failed to hit, and landed directly on the ground.

For a moment, the Ground was burnt black, and there was a crackling sound.

It was as if the entire battlefield was going to be burned and cracked. Normal.


"The Psychic Pokémon are really tricky!"

See Gardevoir easily dodging Torkoal's big character explosion and disappearing.

Yasha frowned slightly, looking like she was having a headache.

"Find the location of Gardevoir, Torkoal!"

Immediately, Asha will ask Torkoal to find out where Gardevoir is, and continue to attack Gardevoir.

Also at this time!

Gardevoir's figure appears.

Its location is impressively in front of Torkoal.


Zhou Shu also ordered.

Want to stop a fort like Torkoal from attacking.

The best way is to let it sleep well.


A strange light flickered in Gardevoir's eyes, reflected in Torkoal's.

The next moment, I saw that Torkoal became in a trance, and was about to enter the dreamland.

Seeing this scene, Yasha secretly thought something was wrong.

However, a 'cunning' smile soon appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Thinking that hypnotizing Torkoal will find a chance to get rid of Torkoal, that's a big mistake!"

"Torkoal, use open!"

Asha said.


I saw the deafening Snore sound from Torkoal's mouth in his sleep.

The sound of Snore turned into powerful sound waves, heading towards Gardevoir in front of him.

Caught off guard, Gardevoir directly sent Torkoal's shock away.


Seeing that Torkoal was still capable of fighting in his sleep, Zhou Shu was shocked.

She quickly used Pokédex to check Torkoal's moves!

She was just paying attention to Torkoal's level and some fire moves, but she couldn't see all of Torkoal's moves.

This time, he was caught off guard.

"A Special Move that can be used in sleep?"

"And, I also mastered another move that can be used in sleep... Sleep Talk?"

Zhou Shuyi's face was a little ugly.

If she had seen these two abilities just now, she probably wouldn't have bothered to hypnotize Torkoal with Gardevoir.

Might as well let Gardevoir launch a surprise attack on Torkoal, causing more or less damage.

"That's right!"

"Next, it's Sleep Talk!"

Jian Zhou Shu also discovered her own Torkoal's bottom-of-the-box moves.

Yasha wasn't surprised at all.

Immediately, she Torkoal then resorted to the second move.

That is... Sleep Talk!

"Torkoal, use Sleep Talk!"

Asha said.


Torkoal in his sleep again howled Growl.

Then I saw that a series of fireballs that gave people a strange feeling were spewed out by it, heading towards Gardevoir.

"Is it Will-O-Wisp?"

"It's okay!"

Seeing that Torkoal used Will-O-Wisp, Asha nodded slightly.

Although Sleep Talk can make Pokémon in sleep perform other moves of its own, it is random and has a certain degree of uncertainty.

It is very likely that the current Contest Condition cannot take effect, or a move that makes himself vulnerable.

Now Torkoal is randomly using Will-O-Wisp, which isn't exactly asking for trouble.

Moreover, it can also burn Gardevoir directly, causing Gardevoir to fall into Status Condition.

"Misty Terrain!"

Watching Will-O-Wisp head towards Gardevoir.

Zhou Shu also hurriedly ordered to resist.


Gardevoir immediately released a fog of fans, covering itself and the field.

Will-O-Wisp submerges into the fog-covered field, not only failing to find Gardevoir, but extinguishing itself!

The reason!

As long as the Misty Terrain covers the Ground, the Pokémon in the Ground will not fall into the Status Condition.

This is also the reason why Zhou Shu also resorted to this trick!

She perfectly neutralized Torkoal's Will-O-Wisp with Misty Terrain!

"Misty Terrain?"

"This trick is very good!"

Asha sighed.

Immediately, she proceeded to order Torkoal to attack.

“Torkoal, Encore Sleep Talk!”

Asha said.


Torkoal howled.

The next moment, a large piece of flame spewed out from its mouth, heading towards Gardevoir.


"Good luck!"

Asha's eyes lit up.

Although the use of Overheat will greatly reduce the special attack, but in this Sunny Day, it is still possible to take away Gardevoir with one blow.

Let's see... Torkoal's attack hits!

"Double Team!"

Zhou Shu also ordered to escape.

Torkoal's Overheat is menacing, and its spewing speed is faster than that of the Big Character Explosion.

With Teleport, it will obviously be too late!


Gardevoir instantly differentiated into dozens of clones and disappeared in place.

Torkoal's Overheat fell directly on several of Gardevoir's clones, but failed to hit Gardevoir.



"It's really troublesome!"

Asha was speechless.

At this moment, Torkoal, whose attack failed to hit, had already dropped his special attack.

"Magic shines!"

Zhou Shu also seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Torkoal is too aggressive.

In these few waves, she has only been avoiding and being beaten.

Now, it's time to launch your own counterattack.


A powerful and brilliant light was emitted by Gardevoir and shone on Torkoal.

Under the glare of Gardevoir, Torkoal took considerable damage.

Also after being hit!

under painful stimulation.

Torkoal wakes from sleep Contest Condition and restores Smelling Salts.


Torkoal's Smelling Salts did not prevent Zhou Shuyi from continuing to attack.


Gardevoir continued to emit a blinding glare towards Torkoal.

"Lava Plume—"

Asha also launched her own counterattack.


Plenty of hot smoke was spewed by Torkoal towards Gardevoir.

The area covered by the smoke is so large that Gardevoir cannot be avoided.

It was hit directly by Torkoal's Lava Plume, taking some damage.

Fortunately, Torkoal's special attack dropped at the moment, even with Sunny Day's help.

Torkoal's Lava Plume still couldn't do much damage to Gardevoir.

With additional effects of Lava Plume.

Also because of the existence of Misty Terrain, Gardevoir failed to fall into Burn Contest Condition.

Even so, Gardevoir has faintly reached a limit at this moment.

From Magcargo's Overheat, to Torkoal's Snore and Lava Plume.

Its physical strength is running low.

If you take another blow, you will inevitably have the risk of falling down.

"This is the final blow!"

"Come on, Torkoal, Body Slam!"

Asha also saw Gardevoir's Contest Condition.

She immediately sent Torkoal to deliver the final blow to Gardevoir.


Torkoal slammed his limbs onto the Ground and let himself jump some height.

Then, it pressed fiercely towards Gardevoir's body.

"Double Team!"

Zhou Shu also ordered Gardevoir to hide.

For a while, dozens of clones reappeared, making Torkoal wonder where Gardevoir's real body was.

And its attack also missed, failing to hit Gardevoir.


"let's go!"

"The Last Flamethrower!"

Asha immediately pointed to a clone behind Torkoal.

This time, she directly detected Gardevoir's body.

"not good!"

Being detected Gardevoir's location, Zhou Shu also felt bad immediately.

It's just that it's too late for Gardevoir to dodge or counterattack at this moment.

"It can only be this way!"

"Gardevoir, Healing Wish!"

Zhou Shu also gritted her teeth.

She chose to 'give up' Gardevoir.


Gardevoir instantly understood Zhou Shuyi's intention.

It gave up resistance and made a prayer posture.

next moment!

I saw that Gardevoir's meager physical strength declined rapidly.

Immediately, it directly entered the dying Contest Condition.

Also after Gardevoir fell into a dying Contest Condition!

In a trance, a mysterious force flooded the battlefield.

"Come back, crack!"

Before Torkoal's Flamethrower hits Gardevoir.

Zhou Shu also took back Gardevoir directly with the Poké Ball.

Gardevoir has entered Dying Contest Condition.

It would be quite dangerous to bear such a blow again.

With Gardevoir recovered, Torkoal's attack Smack Down the field.

The battle field, which was already scorched black because of the flames, seemed to be a little darker at this moment!

"Gardevoir is out of combat, the winner of this round is Torkoal!"

After the attack on Torkoal came to an end!

The referee declared victory for Torkoal.

"I'll leave it to you to finish it!"

"I can't be sorry for Gardevoir's sacrifice!"

"Come out, Blaziken!"

Zhou Shu also released her next Pokémon.

That is, in the battle with Magcargo just now, Blaziken was seriously injured and also fell into a poisoned Contest Condition.


Blaziken appeared on the battlefield.

Also after it came out, the poison in its body was about to explode.

However, wait for the toxin to attack.

I saw that the power that was exerted by Gardevoir on the battlefield just now began to appear.

Under this power, Blaziken's poisoned Contest Condition not only got better, but even his physical strength recovered a lot.

"Is it really Blaziken?"

"It looks like this is going to be difficult to deal with!"

Asha had a terrible headache.

She'd already guessed this when Gardevoir put his life on the line with Healing Wish.

When I actually saw it now, it gave me even more headaches.

With great difficulty, he severely injured Blaziken and poisoned him, making his fighting strength weak.

Now that Blaziken has recovered like this, she is very difficult to deal with!

Her Torkoal Contest Condition is no better than Blaziken

"Then I'm on!"

"Blaziken, Quick Attack!"

Zhou Shu can also ignore Yasha's headache at the moment.

After Blaziken comes on stage and completes his healing.

She placed her Attack Order directly.


Blaziken's figure immediately turned into a spark, heading towards Torkoal.

Knowing Gardevoir's 'sacrifice' for him, it is now full of fighting spirit and only wants to defeat Torkoal immediately in front of it.

"Flame Wheel, attack!"

Asha also ordered.


Torkoal's entire body was engulfed in flames.

It looked like a normal wheel formed by flames.

"`" Flame Charge!"

Face the menacing Torkoal who turns into a 'wheel of fire'.

Zhou Shuyi didn't choose to just head-on, but changed the order.

Now that Sunny Day has not dissipated, it is obviously unrealistic to touch Torkoal's words or remarks with Quick Attack.

Then simply launch a counterattack with moves that are also fire-type!


Get instructions!

Blaziken's body was immediately engulfed in flames.

Afterwards, it collided directly with Torkoal in front of him.


As the collision broke out, Torkoal's body was knocked back a distance.

It was Blaziken instead, who only took a step back.

The gap is obvious.

However, this is because Blaziken's level is higher than Torkoal's, and it also has an advantage in physical attack.

As for Torkoal, although he didn't win against Blaziken, he didn't suffer much under his stronger defense.

"Double Kick!"

Zhou Shu also did not hesitate at all.

Go ahead and let the Blaziken launch another wave!


Blaziken rushed forward directly, facing Torkoal bang bang with two feet!

“Torkoal, Body Slam!”

Asha felt a little helpless.

With Blaziken's speed, Torkoal has no chance to counterattack with a special attack move.

However, even if you can counterattack with special attack moves.

Torkoal's special attack drop, plus Blaziken's own Fire Type, also make Torkoal's attack not very effective.

She can only let Torkoal use melee moves, and Blaziken to continue head-to-head.

"Bang bang—"

The sound of Tackle came again.

This time, Torkoal succeeded in taking advantage of his weight and attack style.

However, it is also limited to Blaziken's first kick.

After Blaziken put forward the second kick, its body became unstable and was kicked by Blaziken and fell to the ground.

Torkoal, who fell on his back, soon had fatal problems.

It... can't be turned over!

This made Torkoal very anxious.

However, it's not that the more anxious you are, the more you can turn over.

On the contrary, it is more and more difficult to turn over at this moment because it is extremely urgent.


Seeing this scene, Yasha was also a little helpless.

"Focus Energy—_—"

When Torkoal and Yasha were at a loss (okay, ok), Zhou Shuyi was already preparing for the 'big move'.


Blaziken began to focus on his spirit Contest Condition.

Its spirit, Contest Condition, is at its peak at this moment.

"The final blow!"

"Blaziken, use Brave Bird!"

Zhou Shu also shouted loudly.

She performed one of the most powerful moves Blaziken has mastered.

This is also the first time she has made Blaziken perform this move.

After all, a move that is so powerful and can be counter-injured is not worth using when dealing with 'little ones'.

Right now, he could actually use this powerful move to truly decide the outcome with Torkoal.

And, win this gymnasium battle!


Blaziken growled.

It's ready to go, Splash high.

Immediately, facing Torkoal who was unable to turn over on the ground, it folded its hands on both sides of its body, and launched a full charge towards Torkoal.

"not good!"

"Torkoal, shrink the shell!"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi and Blaziken launch their big moves.

Asha stared.

Now that Torkoal is unable to counterattack and dodge, she can only let Torkoal strengthen his defense.


Torkoal dare not neglect.

It immediately retracted its head, limbs, and tail into the shell.

With the completion of shrinking the shell, its defense power was immediately raised by a level.


Blaziken doesn't care if Torkoal improves defense or not.

After landing in Torkoal Sky, it rammed into Torkoal viciously.


Like an explosion, Normal's sound waves spread to the west.

The huge Tackle sound resounded throughout the gymnasium.

Under this huge impact!

The sand on the battlefield was lifted up, forming a dust curtain, which made it impossible for people to see the scene.


not for a while.

Only Torkoal's miserable Growl could be heard from it.

Although I don't know what happened, but judging from Torkoal's miserable Growl at the moment, Torkoal was definitely seriously injured.


This made Asha suddenly worried. .

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