Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 201 Transcendent Incident Response Bureau

Bell saw it. Although this Mr. Dong Shuang has been working hard to show his composure, he is actually very scared now.

For Dong Shuang's reaction, Bell is not incomprehensible. After all, he was just an ordinary person. If one day, he was suddenly taken among a group of superpowers, he would probably be cautious.

"Hello, can you excuse me?"

Bell pushed open the nearest door and walked in.

"Hello, what can I do?"

A young woman was sitting behind a counter not far from the door. After hearing the sound, the woman raised her head and looked at Bell at the door.

"That's right. We want to go to the International Exchange and Cooperation Department, but we don't know how to go."

The woman glanced at Bell and the people behind him.

"You guys are rumored these past few days and will eat...cough cough cough! That family from the UK, right?"


Bell always felt that the other party almost said something very rude just now.

"If there are no other tourists from the UK recently, then you should be referring to us."

Hearing that, the woman first looked carefully at Bell's family for a while, and then she was relieved, stood up, and walked in front of Bell.

"Little Brother, you speak Chinese really well. I'll take you to the International Exchange and Cooperation Department. Oh, by the way, my name is Ma Lan."

Malan said.

After the Bells expressed their gratitude, Malan went to the front to lead the way.

What's interesting is that after Ma Lan joined the team, Dong Shuang ran to the back of the group, looking scared to approach Ma Lan.

So why is he not afraid of the Bells?

"Ma Lan Miss, has there always been so few people here? Is there no one here to do things?"

Bell looked around and raised the doubts he had been in since he came in.

"Just call me Lan Big sis. The little guy, the big guy, the little ghost, and Miss."

Hearing what Bell called her, Ma Lan couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed.

"There are very few ordinary people here, and our work is also very leisurely."

Malan introduced.

"After all, everyone is a cultivator. If you encounter any problem, you usually solve it by yourself. If you encounter something that can't be solved, even if you find us, you will basically not be able to solve it in the end. So unless there is a major case. , Otherwise it’s very quiet here."

"Then what if a cultivator violates the law?"

"The Alliance has very few restrictions on cultivator, but the punishment is very strict, so few people will break the law. As for some minor mistakes, the ‘Transcendent Incident Response Bureau’ is generally responsible."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Bell felt that the other party seemed to be a little unhappy when talking about the Transcendent incident response bureau?

"Transcendent Incident Response Bureau?"

"Yes, didn't you see it when you came? It's next door."

Malan said.

It was then that Bell was suddenly stunned. It seemed that the magic fluctuations he had previously sensed should have been emitted by the guardian formation of the Transcendent Event Countermeasures Bureau.

"Lan Big sis, can you tell me about this Transcendent Incident Response Bureau?"

Bell is curious, why is there such an independent law enforcement agency next door to the headquarters of the cultivator alliance?

"I almost forgot that you are a foreigner and don't know the situation in China."

Ma Lan glanced at the distinctive appearance of the Bells, and then realized.

"It's all because you are a little guy who speaks Chinese so well. If it weren't for your looks, I would have thought you were a native Chinese."

Bell smiled awkwardly. Strictly speaking, it seems to be true?

"The Transcendent Incident Countermeasures Bureau is a cultivator organization established by a government without Spiritual Roots, which is responsible for catching illegal cultivators.

I heard that at the beginning, there were only three or two big cats and kittens in that organization, but in recent years, with the improvement of welfare benefits, more and more cultivators have chosen to join the Transcendent Incident Response Bureau. "

Speaking of this, Ma Lan couldn't help but curled his lips. It can be seen that she is very disdainful of the cultivators who joined the Transcendent Incident Response Bureau.

"But even so, there is still a huge gap between the strength of the Transcendent Incident Countermeasures Bureau and our cultivator alliance. So they can only be responsible for solving some small things, and by the way, they undertake the communication between the cultivator community and the government departments without Spiritual Roots."

With that, Ma Lan stood out proudly.

Bell nodded clearly. It seems that the situation in the cultivator world in China may be more complicated than he thought?

Just as Bell was about to continue to ask some questions about the cultivator alliance, Ma Lan suddenly said: "Here, this is the International Exchange and Cooperation Department."

Bell looked intently, and as expected, at the edge of the door, he saw a sign that read ‘International Exchange and Cooperation Department’.

"Little Brother, Big sis will send you here. If you have a chance in the future, remember to come and play with Big sis."

After speaking, Malan nodded to William and the others, and then went back.

"You are here!"

As soon as Ma Lan left, a Fatty opened the door and walked out.

"My fellow Wang Yuechun is the Minister of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department. We welcome everyone from the Menethil family to China. If you are negligent, you still look at Haihan."

Minister Wang was full of spring breeze, and he was almost out of sight with his smile.

To be honest, Minister Wang still has the feeling that he is dreaming until now.

Ever since he accidentally offended the people above and was assigned to such a miscellaneous department as the International Exchange and Cooperation Department, Minister Wang has been desperate.

He feels that his career in this life is probably over, and there is no way he can do anything.

However, just when he had accepted his fate, a piece of excellent news suddenly fell from the sky and hit his head.

‘A well-known family of wizards in the UK wants to enter the Chinese market. ’

Over the years of experience, Minister Wang immediately realized that this was his opportunity! He must seize this opportunity!

In order to be able to receive this British named Menethil well, Minister Wang made many preparations.

(In other words, he thought that Japanese names were strange enough, but found that British names were even more strange. Can they remember such a long name?)

For example...Um...Oh, yes! He moved his daily working hours from 12 o'clock noon to 8 o'clock in the morning!

there's no way! Don't say it's a British wizard, even ordinary British people, Minister Wang has never seen it!

The only white-skinned person he had ever seen was Lao Maozi from the north. Is it possible for him to bring two bottles of Erguotou to discuss cooperation matters with the British guy?

After asking all the people he knew to no avail, Minister Wang had no choice but to resign himself to his fate. If it's a big deal, just be his salty fish, anyway, his pension will not be less.

"These two little guys should be Linglang and Lingmei? They look really cute, and they look very cute."

After taking a look at Bell and Shanna, Minister Wang smiled and praised.

One of the secret tricks to gain the favor of the other party, praise the other party's children!

Next, the second secret technique to gain the favor of the other party... Minister Wang hasn't figured it out yet. So let's do it first.

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