Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 202: Crosstalk Actor Little Fina

Hearing Minister Wang's praise, William and Elena showed polite, unsmiling, smiles.

Neither of them had the slightest doubt about the cuteness of their children.

‘After all, their father (mom) is so handsome (beautiful)! ’

William and Elena looked at each other. Don't know why, suddenly looking at each other inexplicably feel a little upset?

But for the "behaved" in the second half of the sentence, the two dare not agree.


‘Sana, that little girl, not only burned my favorite dress, but also demolished the castle at home. What a cute girl. ’

Elena vomited unconsciously in her heart.

There is nothing to say about burning the dress, 100% of it was done by Shanna alone.

As for the demolition of the house, most of it was actually the credit of Elena.

Because the strength is weaker than that of own mother, at the beginning, Shanna was passively avoiding and defending most of the time.


‘Bell, this bastard, is completely indifferent to the word “behaved”, okay! Not only is I often speechless, but the most important thing is that when he heard last semester, he actually planned to set the Forbidden Forest on fire? See how I clean him up afterwards! Shanna must have been broken by Bell! ’

William complained angrily in his heart.

As for how William learned that Bell planned to set the Forbidden Forest on fire?

Of course it’s because he has a top-secret source that Bell can never imagine!

The source of this news is-Little Fina!

Don't look at Little Fina's weak look, but as a Christmas gift from her Little Sister to own, Bell will bring Fina with her most of the time.

Therefore, Fina even knows Bell's daily life better than Bell's personal house elf, Lim.

Before, after realizing this inadvertently, William had been thinking about how to buy Fina.

This week, when William accompanied his wife to travel and reminisce about the past, he also bought a large amount of food from various tourist attractions, and finally succeeded in buying Fina.

After the little Fina screamed and explained, William was shocked to learn that Bell had planned to set the Forbidden Forest on fire at Hogwarts! ? How dare he! ?

Fortunately, in the end, the horses succeeded in stopping Bell. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would go to Azkaban to lead him.


Lying on the soft sofa with her feet upside down, Fina comfortably rubbed her belly. It was a little supportive just now.

Glancing at the food piled on the ground like a hill, Little Fina couldn't help but think of that night a few days ago.

That night, the father of his own master, perhaps could be simply called the "Master Father"? I found it suddenly, and wanted to ask if my master had done anything unusual in school.

For this unreasonable request of the master father, Fina naturally refused.

Who knows, the master father shamefully brought out a lot of delicious food! ?

joke! What kind of beast is Fina? How can it betray its own master? dream!

Well, the braised naan is so delicious...

After licking the sauce at the corner of her mouth, Fina thought about it carefully, and found that the master's question about her master seemed very reasonable?

Pity the parents of the world.

If it's an outsider, no matter how much delicious the other party puts out, Fina won't even look at it! real!

In order to reassure the master, and to show the powerful and handsome side of her master, Fina deliberately selected the chapter where the master fights the spiders that night.


Little Fina screamed and introduced the wonderful battle that night.

Seeing the master father following the introduction of own, his face constantly changing, and his whole body trembling slightly with excitement, little Fina proudly puffed up her chest.

It seems that its explanation is so wonderful that it makes the master father feel like he is on the scene, so excited that he can't help himself.

‘Perhaps he has the talent to be a comedian? ’

Little Fina thought.

Although it doesn't know what the crosstalk actors do. It was only once heard from its owner that a powerful comedian can tell the dead alive.

It's actually possible to do heaven-defying things like reviving the dead! ?

Fina thinks the cross talk actors must be a group of very powerful guys.

So, what exactly did Fina say that made William think that Bell planned to set the Forbidden Forest on fire?

In fact, Fina’s original words were, ‘the fierce battle in full swing’, ‘under the light of the curse, the forbidden forest is like daylight’, ‘after the horsemen interrupted the battle, the owner left the forbidden forest’ and so on.

As we all know, Fina doesn't speak human words. Therefore, if you want to communicate with Fina, you have to go through the mind-consciousness.

In addition to Bell, who spends time with Fina, even Shanna, who has not seen Fina for a long time, often cannot accurately understand Fina's meaning.

After all, people and animals are quite different in their views and expressions of things.

And Shanna can't understand Fina's expression 100%, let alone William, who has almost no contact with Fina.

In fact, even though Fina had been howling gestures for more than 10 minutes, William just barely ‘understood’ a little bit of it, not even one-tenth.


Little did he know that he had been "sold" by his cute pet, and Bell, who was the buyer's own father, who also "buy" fake news, smiled politely at Minister Wang.

He glanced behind Minister Wang. Several people who appeared to be Minister Wang's subordinates were neatly lined up behind Minister Wang.

These people have serious expressions, their bodies are tight, and they look very nervous. Except for one person.

Bell glanced at the man in surprise. Unexpectedly, Zhao Youde was also here. Does he heal his injury so soon?

Here is a little bit of science. For the cultivator, there are two types of injuries.

One is pure physical damage.

This kind of injury is not a big deal to the wizards, as long as the person is not dead, it can be easily cured.

The second type, damage caused by magic, or spell damage, is more tricky.

In the face of this kind of injury, it is generally necessary to use an anti-curse to remove the residual magic power from the wound before the wound can be treated.

For example, some curses with a curse nature, although they can cause little direct damage, but because the residual magic power is difficult to remove, the wound can not heal, and eventually even cause the death of the subject.

And for top-level lightning spells like Thunder Wanjun, the Thunder Spirit Power remaining on Zhao Youde should be very difficult to get rid of. Even if it takes a year and a half, Bell will not be surprised.

So is the treatment level of cultivators so high?

If you have a chance in a while, be sure to ask this ‘Virtuous Dage’ carefully.

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