Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 212 Is this the legendary homestay?

Hearing what his father said, Bell was a little speechless.

‘Have you ever been in a car, you miss it? ’

"Dad, don't you think this is super handsome? It feels like a stand-in."

Bell stared brightly at the chaotic red lotus behind Yellow Springs. He can't wait to get a shikigami to raise him now.

"Super handsome! Dad, I want to sit on this!"

Shanna also raised her hands high, her eyes glaring at Ran Guren.

Had it not been for Yellow Springs to get in between her and Luan Honglian, the little girl would have to run over and touch Lulian's hair to see if the big guy who suddenly appeared was real.

‘How cool is this! ? It's ugly, OK! ? Also, what is a stand-in messenger? ’

William, who was MMP in his heart, faced the look of his youngest daughter's expectation, he could only work hard to maintain the stiff smile on his face, and nodded.

‘It’s all the bastard Bell who has taken my lovely and well-behaved little daughter away! ’

At this moment, William recalled when Shanna was a baby. At that time, Shanna was small, and she especially liked being hugged by her father. Every time he picks up little Shanna, Shanna will...

"Go, why are you in a daze?"

Elena pushed her husband from behind. Both Bell and Shanna have run down to the feet of the behemoth. They have to hurry up and protect their son and young daughter.


William, whose thoughts have been interrupted, can only be ‘unfinished, to be continued’ for the time being.

"Please don't worry, you two, chaos Honglian will definitely not hurt a few of you."

Seeing William and Elena tensed and staring at Luan Honglian with unblinking eyes, Yellow Springs was really afraid that they would be nervous and attack Luan Honglian.

In that case, she was not confident that she would be able to stop the counterattack of Luan Honglian's instinctive drive in time.

Her task is to welcome foreign guests. If the foreign guest was severely injured on the first day and sent to the hospital, then she would have no face to go out to see people in the future.

As for the chaotic red lotus will be hurt?

Yellow Springs never considered it.

Chaotic Red Lotus is not an ordinary spirit beast. Even in the entire Japanese incantation world, Ran Guren can rank in the top ten.

And strictly speaking, the "Lion King" in her hand is the "main body" of Luan Honglian. As long as the "Lion King" is not destroyed, there will be no trouble in chaos Honglian.

"Please grasp the messy red lotus mane, we are going to set off."

After the Bell's family was firmly seated, Yellow Springs ordered Luan Honglian to leap into the air.

After the initial novelty passed, Bell was finally able to objectively evaluate the chaotic red lotus.

To sum it up briefly in one sentence: ‘Not as good as my own speed car’.

I want to emphasize once again that Bell did not advertise his own speed car! He didn't!

First of all, Chaos Red Lotus can't fly, it moves forward by leaps and bounds. This greatly affects the experience of ‘ride a car’. It's too bumpy.

Secondly, the speed is a bit slow. There is still a big gap compared with the speed car.

Third, the space on the back is narrow. Don't talk about playing Quidditch, even trying to get up and walk two laps is difficult.

Fourth... Hmm... Bell hasn't thought about it yet, so let's update it when you think about it.

"By the way, Sister Yellow Springs, if we are like this, aren't we afraid of being seen by others?"

Bell asked suspiciously.

He felt that when he set off before, Yellow Springs opened a barrier. It is estimated that that should be an enchantment that plays a role of invisibility.

However, that enchantment only encased a few people, and didn't enclose the messy red lotus under the buttocks as well?

Yellow Springs obviously understood Bell's meaning. She smiled and explained: "Chaotic Red Lotus is a spirit beast. Ordinary people without "Ling Vision" can't see Chaotic Red Lotus, so there is no need to worry."

Bell was suddenly stunned. It turned out to be in a similar situation to the dementors. Muggles without magical powers in their bodies couldn't see them.


Although Bell disliked Luan Gulian's slow speed, relatively speaking, it was quite fast.

No, it didn't take long for a few people to reach their destination.

"Sister Yellow Springs, this is the hotel?"

Looking at the small western-style building in front of him, Bell thought, would the scale of this hotel be too small?

But the back yard looks quite big. Could it be said that this is the legendary homestay! ?

Bell has heard of B&B. It's just that as a poor single dog, he has never lived.

"No, this is my home."

Yellow Springs explained calmly.

"In fact, this is the case. Recently, the activities of evil spirits have become more and more frequent. Not long ago, even the contemporary Patriarch of the Tugong family was attacked by evil spirits and severely injured.

Therefore, for the sake of the personal safety of the distinguished guests, the countermeasure room has specially selected your resting place at my home. The humble house is simple and simple, and if there is a lack of hospitality, he still looks at Haihan. "

Yellow Springs bowed deeply to the Bells, apologetic in his voice.

Yellow Springs really felt very sorry for the Bells. Of course, it's not because her family is really rudimentary or something. As one of the best Yin & Yang divisions in Tokyo. Although the Jianshan family cannot be said to be rich, they have never been troubled by money problems.

What really makes Yellow Springs apologize is that what she just said, ‘for the sake of the other’s personal safety’, is actually deceiving them.

It is true that the activities of evil spirits have become more frequent recently, and it is also true that the Patriarch of the Tugong family was attacked and died by evil spirits not long ago.

However, the contemporary Patriarch of the Tugong Clan, who has the strongest spirit beast, ‘Bair Rui’, would be seriously injured and killed by an attack by an evil spirit. This made the entire incantation world as if a major earthquake had occurred, and everyone was in danger.

Therefore, at this sensitive point in time, the Bells who came to Japan to conduct market research will inevitably be jealous of Yin & Yang teachers.

Although the possibility is small, just in case, the countermeasure room sent Yellow Springs to monitor Bell and others.

At the same time, Tugong Kagura, the next patriarch of the Tugong clan who had just moved to Jianshan's house a few days ago, also temporarily moved to other places.

Yes, Yellow Springs’ mission is to receive Bell’s family on the surface, but secretly, it’s actually to monitor Bell’s family.

Don't look at Yellow Springs, who is only in the third year of junior high school, but she has been called a "prodigy" since she was a child, and her actual combat power is also one of the best in the entire countermeasure room.

In addition, Yellow Springs also inherited the sword of the Jianshan family-the "Lion King". Therefore, even among the younger generation in the entire world of spells, there are few people who can compare with her.

But although the combat effectiveness is up to the standard, but Yellow Springs is still young after all. She is kind by nature and has always been on campus. She couldn't understand the intrigues of the adults for a while.

So, even if he did nothing wrong, Yellow Springs just felt a little shameless to face the Bell family.

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