Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 213 Super~Two Brothers and Sisters Who Can Toss

Bell was a little disappointed when he heard Yellow Springs’ ‘reasonable’ explanation.

On the one hand, the small western-style house in front of disappointment is not a legendary homestay.

On the other hand, he hopes that evil spirits can attack him.

By the way, Bell hasn't made a move for a long time, and it's really itchy hands and more itchy heart.

It was originally scheduled that next school year I was going to take my Little Sister to participate in the ‘food hunting’ activity, but because of Lao Deng’s interference, it was completely out of play.

Therefore, if a few evil spirits can attack him, Bell is afraid that he will wake up with a smile in his dreams.

Not to mention, Bell is very interested in Japan's special product-evil spirits. He wanted to find a chance to catch a few, and then take them back to the UK to study them slowly.

"Please come in, I'll arrange a room for you."

Under the guidance of Yellow Springs, the Bells entered the house of Kanyama.

As he passed the doorway, Bell felt it slightly with magic power.

‘The strength of the enchantment is average, so it should only be used for early warning. ’

"Sister Yellow Springs, are you the only one at home?"

Bell didn't perceive the breath of other people here.

"My father and I live here. But because of the previous attack and death of the Patriarch of the Tugong family, my father is busy recently and rarely stays at home. I'm sorry, when my father comes back, he will definitely be the first time. Come to greet all the distinguished guests."

Yellow Springs bowed again and apologized.

"It's okay, it's okay. We came here uninvited. Sister Yellow Springs didn't need to apologize at all."

Having been bowed and apologized by Yellow Springs, Bell was a little embarrassed. It seemed as if my family was bullying a little girl.


Dinner is some homely meals prepared by Yellow Springs.

Originally, Elena vowed to help cooking. However, the housework is usually handled by the house elves. God knows when the last time she cooked (perhaps she never did it?), after almost lighting the house, she finally became red. The face exited the kitchen.

After dinner, several people discussed their itinerary for tomorrow.

"What? Isn't there a market in the spell world?"

Bell felt very incredible. When he just mentioned that he wanted to go to Yin & Yang's commercial street tomorrow to learn about the market and go shopping by the way, he was told by Yellow Springs that there is no so-called commercial street in the incantation world?

‘Could it be that I used the wrong word? ’

Bell is a little suspicious, is it because his half-hearted Japanese fails to convey what he wants to express correctly?

However, Yellow Springs' next words successfully dispelled Bell's self-doubt.

"Yes, usually if the major families have any needs, they will be exchanged between each family. If there are no other families, they will be issued tasks to the wandering Yin & Yang teachers to obtain what they need. Materials and other items."

Yellow Springs patiently explained common sense in the world of spells for the Bells.

"If the wandering Master Yin & Yang has any needs, they usually look for them from the mission rewards issued by the major families. If they don't find them, they will try their luck at the monthly assembly."

Bell was speechless. The life of Yin & Yang teachers is too simple, right? What age are you still going to the market?

Um... Bell suddenly realized that it is the 20th century, not the 21st century. It seems normal to go to the market now?

Fortunately, the gathering of Yin & Yang teachers is at the end of each month, and it is now approaching the end of July, so it will not be long before Bell can go to the fair.

In short, it's impossible to play... ahem, the Bells, who can't do market research, can only choose to reverse the order of things.

Tomorrow, William and Elena will go to the countermeasure room to discuss business cooperation with Yin & Yang teachers. And Bell and Shanna... of course it's going to play!

Bell plans to take his Little Sister to see the cherry blossoms tomorrow. After all, I have come to Japan, so I don’t want to see the cherry blossoms.

What? You said that the cherry blossoms are already thanked?

joke! Are you looking down on magic! ?

I dare not say too much, and now Bell is still able to control a dozen or so cherry trees. After all, sakura is not a magical plant and has no resistance to magic.

‘I don’t know if there is a demon to the west here? ’


In the evening the next day.

Yellow Springs pulled Bell and Shanna full of black lines, and walked into the house with heavy steps.

She has seen it today, what is meant by "tossing"!

These brothers and sisters are absolutely amazing! Little Sister Shanna's various Heavenly Horse ideas (commonly known as ‘unreliable’) emerge in endlessly. Of course this is not a problem. For children, it is a good thing to have more imagination.

But coupled with the Big Brother Bell, Yellow Springs wanted to draw a knife and cut people.

As long as it was Shanna’s request, except for some that were too outrageous. For example, when she was in Mount Fuji before, Yellow Springs mentioned that she once saw it in a magazine and said that an expert pointed out that if Mount Fuji erupted, it might be the whole Japan will disappear.

As a result, guess what. The little girl actually said that she wanted to see what it was like to see the eruption of Mount Fuji?

‘Are you the devil! ? ’

For the first time in her life, Yellow Springs realized that the terrible bear child was far beyond her imagination.

I hope that Yellow Springs will not leave a psychological shadow because of this, and cause psychological problems such as ‘fear of marriage’ and ‘fear of childbirth’.

Of course, this kind of unreasonable request for Little Sister of his own, even Bell, it is impossible to satisfy.

On the contrary, Bell severely rebuked Shanna for such dangerous thoughts. In the end, Shanna was about to cry, and she barely turned this page.

Although from Yellow Springs's perspective, Bell, who is full of smiles, can't even reach the harsh side.

And in addition to this kind of things that can't be done, or can't be done, it's really what Shanna says, and Bell does what. Even some Shanna didn't say it, and Bell preempted to do it.

Including but not limited to: letting a small cherry blossom forest on Mount Fuji bloom; flying to the top of Mount Fuji to take pictures; finding a bear in the mountain at noon to burn its paws; playing snowball fights with the snow on the top of the mountain.

Especially the snowball fight. Yellow Springs has lived for more than 10 years, and for the first time knows that snowball fights can still be fought like that! ? Are they sure they are ‘snowball fight’, not ‘snow fight’?

If it weren't for the fact that the relationship between the brothers and sisters was so good, Yellow Springs would have thought that they wanted to kill each other.

The worst part was that the snowball fight between the brothers and sisters caused a huge avalanche, and almost buried her in the snow.

Fortunately, they were far away from the scenic spot at the time, so they did not affect ordinary tourists.

But just in case, the staff at the scenic spot blocked the road up the mountain.

By the way, how can someone spoil a girl to such a degree! ?

Yellow Springs felt that if it were her and Kagura, she wouldn't have spoiled Kagura so much!


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