
Shanna looked at her Big Brother expectantly.

"Of course! When did Big Brother fool you?"

Bell responded firmly.

"Then, can Shanna become as strong as Big Brother? Can he help Big Brother?"

The little girl asked nervously again.


Bell replied again without any hesitation.

"Sanna is Big Brother's Little Sister, and she will definitely become as strong as Big Brother in the future! Maybe, Sanna will surpass Big Brother. At that time, Big Brother will have to rely on Sanna for protection. "

"Yeah! Shanna will protect Big Brother!"

The little girl firmly patted her small breast, with a cute look hugging her.

"Hahaha! Good! As expected of Big Brother's Little Sister!"

Bell smiled very happily. This can probably be said to be the happiest thing he heard tonight.

"Sana waits here for Big Brother for a while, okay? Big Brother goes to clean up those bad things."

Shanna nodded. Although the little girl wanted to clean up the bad things with her own Big Brother, the magic power left in her body was really low, so she didn't raise it.

Turning his head to look at the surrounding lower-level evil spirits, the smile on Bell's face disappeared.

These guys are really annoying. Although the strength is not good, but just like being able to give birth to a baby, he will always come out from all corners.

"By the way, Shanna, I forgot to say it before, your ‘ring of fire’ is great!"

Bell, who suddenly remembered something, turned his head and said with a smile to Shanna.

Before the smile on Shanna's face fully bloomed, Bell continued: "In addition, the last lesson tonight-'Learn to turn a single spell into a group attack'. If you master this technique, before You will be able to easily defeat that ferret."

After that, Bell raised his wand above his head.

In order to allow Shanna to perceive the changes in magic more clearly, Bell deliberately slowed down the casting speed.

"Bone to pieces!"

With the sound of Bell's curse, his magical power waved from the tip of the stick in a ring.

In just an instant, the world quieted down, and those low-level evil spirits who kept ‘ah~ah~’ all turned into powder under the power of Bell's curse.

Then, without any warning, Bell slammed his wand to the rear right.

‘Magic shock! ’

Silently, a piece of the top floor of a building in the distance was missing. Under the impact of Bell's powerful magical power, even the powder was not left.

"Bell!? You..."

The surprised voice of Yellow Springs sounded, but at this time, Bell had disappeared in place.

Standing under the dark night sky, Bell glanced around. He waved gently, and a small piece of butterfly wing that was invisible in the night sky flew into his hand.

The remnant wings were blue, with some black spots dotted in them, crystal clear, very beautiful.

"Cut, did you miss it."

In fact, Bell didn't know if anyone was here. It's just that since arriving on the battlefield tonight, he has always felt like he is being watched.

Therefore, after solving the immediate troubles, he will follow the general direction of the feeling and send a large-scale magical impact.

And now, the remaining butterfly wings in his hand, as well as the dissipating magic power on the remaining wings, all clearly told Bell that his previous feeling was not wrong.

Bell didn't know who the other party was, let alone what the other party's purpose was. He didn't know whether the evil spirit that appeared tonight had anything to do with the other party.

However, the time for their family to stay in Japan is running out. As long as the other party does not trouble their family, Bell does not intend to go further.

As for Yellow Springs, Bell can only remind the other party. After all, it is impossible for him to stay here to protect Yellow Springs without knowing whether there is a danger or not?

After Apparition appeared by Shanna's side, Bell ran into Yellow Springs' questioning gaze head-on.

"Bell! What did you just do? Why did you destroy that building?"

"Someone has been spying on this side just now, I just said hello to him."

Bell waved his hand and said casually.

"Hello? Your way of greeting is too unique!"

Although it was complaining, Yellow Springs obviously believed Bell's words. After all, Bell had no need to deceive her on this matter.

In fact, for the incident tonight, Yellow Springs felt something was wrong from the very beginning.

And if it is said that Yellow Springs can still use the shortage of manpower in the countermeasure room, so it failed to respond to this evil spirit incident in time to convince its own words.

So now, almost an hour has passed, but none of the people in the countermeasures room showed up, and no one even got in touch with her. It couldn't be justified.

Now listen to Bell that someone has been watching them from a distance.

Even Yellow Springs, who is not good at conspiracy and tricks at all, felt that there was a problem in it at this time.

I hope things will not be too troublesome. She doesn't want to fail the next exam...

"By the way! Bell, what are you going to do with that ‘train’? And, how did you make it stay still?"

Yellow Springs finally remembered the poor little ‘train’.

When Bell suddenly appeared in front of Itachi, Yellow Springs was terrified.

On the one hand, Yellow Springs was very angry about Bell's ‘stupid behavior’ that he chose to stand against his face.

You know, not only is the sickle it moving fast, but its attack speed is also very fast!

And Bell doesn't seem to be good at melee combat. Is it possible that he still intends to use the small ‘wooden stick’ in his hand to stab the sickle to death?

On the other hand, how could Bell run so irresponsibly! ?

You know, she hasn't recovered much physical strength and curse power yet! Without Bell's suppression, what if that ‘train’ suddenly stood up and gave her a bite! ?

As a result, unexpectedly, not only was Bell easily pinched to death, but even the ‘train’ kept its head stuck in the ground without moving.

And what surprised Yellow Springs most was that the flame on the back of the train didn't know when it went out!

If it weren’t for knowing that there will be no corpses left after the evil spirits die, Yellow Springs would have thought that Bell killed this ‘train’.

"Oh, you say it!"

It was only then that Bell suddenly remembered that there was still a big guy waiting for him to deal with it.

"It's nothing, just an ordinary petrification curse."

Unexpectedly, he nodded sharply, and Yellow Springs easily believed Bell's nonsense.

That is, Yellow Springs doesn't understand wizards, and even the Yin & Yang technique is not very useful, so she is easily fooled by Bell.

Looking at Shanna on the side, although the little girl didn't say anything, it was not difficult to see from her curious eyes that the little girl didn't think that the so-called ‘ordinary’ petrochemical spell cast by her Big Brother at all.

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