Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 226-Yellow Springs

As we all know, most of the magic spells of wizards do not work on ghosts. The petrified curse was also included in this majority.

Evil spirits, although different from ghosts, can directly interfere with reality. However, in essence, evil spirits are still spirit creatures.

Therefore, spells such as petrification spells are not completely ineffective against evil spirits, but their effects will be greatly reduced.

If it is a wizard who doesn't know anything about evil spirits, then when he faces evil spirits for the first time, he will probably suffer because of it.

Similarly, Bell, as a wizard, is no exception.

Before standing on top of the'train', Bell cast a petrification curse, a restraint curse, and a sleeping curse one after another.

Among them, the effect of the petrification curse and the binding curse is minimal, and the sleeping curse has no effect at all.

This situation also strengthened Bell's idea of ​​bringing the ‘train’ back to study.

After thinking about it, Bell tentatively used an enhanced version of the petrification spell he had only recently researched.

The so-called enhanced petrification spell is the result of Bell's recent research on the eyes of the basilisk.

Although Bell can't reproduce the basilisk staring at who is pregnant...cough cough! It was the Transcendent ability to stare at everyone, but he successfully reproduced the special petrification ability of the basilisk.

Therefore, the enhanced version of the petrification spell can not only harm the spirit body, but also will not automatically unravel with the passage of time.

Of course, if the target was a powerful wizard like Dumbledore, it would be another matter.

After all, no curse is invincible. Strike iron still needs to be hard by itself.

After returning to his home, Little Sister gave a calm look, saying that after going back and explaining to her, Bell took out his suitcase.

‘Spicy man, he’s back again! ’

After exulting in his heart, Bell opened the suitcase.

"Lim~! Kelsha~! Lewan~! Bru~! Come out to work~!"

Putting his head into the suitcase, Bell called out the names of his house elves.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Yellow Springs, four little guys about 1 meter tall, who looked like evil spirits, emerged one after another from the box.

"Excuse me, what is your order? Young Master." *4

After bowing and saluting neatly, the four elves asked in unison.

"Take this big guy back and put it away."

Bell kicked the petrified ‘train’ and ordered.

"Yes, Young Master!" *4

The four elves stood in the four directions of the ‘train’. They took out their magic wands and cast a floating spell on the'train' together.

Unexpectedly, this big guy who looks very heavy is actually much lighter than expected. Lim and the others hurriedly reduced the output of magic power to ensure that this ‘different’ big guy would not fly away.

After the four Lim disappeared in the suitcase in the neat slogan, Yellow Springs got to Bell's side.

"Bell, what are those little guys just now?"

Yellow Springs asked curiously.



Oops, he forgot about the fact that Yellow Springs was still next to him. You know, Lim and the others are all smuggled into the country! It's hard to see!

Bell quickly turned his ‘smart’ little head, thinking about how to fool Yellow Springs.

"Ahem, they... They are actually my summoned beasts!"

"summon monster?"

Yellow Springs tilted his head suspiciously.

She has heard this word from some boys in her class, but isn't this something in the game? Could it be true that there are some in Europe?

But think about it carefully, it seems that for ordinary people, Yin & Yang is also an existence in the game?

"Yes! It's a summoned beast!"

Bell nodded, and praised own wit.

"Actually, I didn't want to talk about it, but because I believed in your character, Sister Yellow Springs, I didn't avoid you anymore.

That's right! My true identity is actually a summoner, a summoner, and a teacher! "

I don't know why, Yellow Springs always feels that Bell looks so cheap at this moment, making her want to draw a knife.

After Yellow Springs nodded and promised to keep the secret for Bell and not to expose the identity of his summoner, and the existence of Lim and the others, Bell finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost imprisoned Yellow Springs just now!

When thinking of Japan, beautiful girls, imprisonment, and sealing up, Bell's mind started to madly jump out some discordant content.

Oops, what should I do if I suddenly feel excited?

'no! no! This is not good for Shanna's education! ’

Bell shook his head hurriedly, and flew the unhealthy thoughts in his mind.

It must be the guy who was secretly spying on them, who made hands and feet on the remaining butterfly's wings before, and that's why he had this evil idea!

That's right! It must be so!

‘What a wicked spell! Don't let me meet you again, or you want you to look good! ’

Bell, who had successfully shaken the pot, only felt refreshed. He took his Little Sister and Yellow Springs, and immediately Apparated and returned to the door of Jianshan's house.

"Hey? Has anyone come back so early today?"

Seeing the lights shining from the windows of the bungalows, Bell was a little surprised.

Because of the limited time, William and Elena have to be busy until late every day.

Opening the door and entering the hallway, William and Elena were waiting for a few people with smiles on their faces. It seems that the two felt the magical fluctuations of Bell's Apparition before.

"Sorry, the two adults have been waiting for a long time."

Before William and Elena could open their mouths, Yellow Springs bowed first and said respectfully.

This made the Bells look at Yellow Springs strangely, wondering why the other party suddenly became so respectful?

This is really awkward.

Of course, except for William, who is in the dark.

So why did Yellow Springs suddenly become so respectful?

Because she dare not disrespect it!

As the saying goes, those who don't know are fearless.

She was young and ignorant before, although she did not show it, but in the bottom of my heart, Yellow Springs is not afraid of anyone.

But tonight, after witnessing the strength of the Bell brothers and sisters, Yellow Springs no longer had the arrogance that it had before.

Just kidding, even Bell and Shanna, who are just in their early 10s, are already so strong. As the parents of the Bell brothers and sisters, God knows how terribly strong these two Lord William and Lord Elena are?

For fear of annoyed Bell's parents because of own disrespect, the two of them pushed Yellow Springs in the Japanese conjurative world in a rage, and they no longer dared to be as casual as before.

In other words, the countermeasure room actually sent her to monitor the Bell family alone, and what else did she tell her, if the other party has any suspicious behavior, can she directly take it down without approval?

She took it down, she took her head to take it down! Sending sheep to the tiger's mouth is almost the same!


I can't remember Yellow Springs who has offended anyone, so I can only temporarily suppress this matter.

However, after she sends the Bells away, she will definitely investigate in detail. Together with the things tonight.

There is no end to this!

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