"Magic puppet?"

The Grangers were full of question marks.

However, after learning that there was no danger, the two of them were relieved.

However, before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, Hermione's original motionless snake suddenly raised her head.

It scanned left and right, and after staying on the two Grangers for a while, it finally fixed its gaze on Hermione.

An afterimage swept across, and the little snake bit Hermione's wrist with one bite.

"Oh! Damn! Let go of my daughter, you damn fellow!"

Mr. Granger didn't care whether it was dangerous or not. He stepped forward, trying to catch the damn snake and keep it away from his own daughter.

‘It’s decided, if there is a chance to see that guy named Bell in the future, he must be strangled to death! ’

"No! Dad! Don't be like this!"

Hermione hurriedly reached out and stopped own father. She knew that this was Wan Snake's recognition ceremony, so she was not nervous.

Mr. Granger, who was afraid of hurting his daughter, had to hurriedly put his hand back and watched nervously at the daughter and the damn snake in front of him.

He swears that if something happens to his daughter, he will make that Bell pay the price anyway!

"Hermione, are you really okay?"

Mrs. Granger asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, mother. This is the ten thousand snake acknowledging the lord. After it has absorbed some of my blood, only I can control it."

After comforting her parents, Hermione looked at the snake in her hand excitedly.

At this time, Wan Snake had completed the ritual of recognizing the master, and squatted back into Hermione's palm motionless again.

This ten thousand snake is different from the green small snake before. Its whole body is crimson, like a beautiful ruby.

What puzzled Hermione was that, for some reason, this ten thousand snake had only one eye open, and the other eye was kept closed.

Even Hermione, who didn't know much about snakes, knew that snakes wouldn't close their eyes.

However, it couldn't affect Hermione's love for this beautiful ten thousand snake.

After playing with it reluctantly for a while, Hermione controlled Wan Snake to climb onto her wrist, disguised as a bracelet as she used to.

"Mom and Dad, I have something wrong, don't bother me!"

After speaking, Hermione ran towards the second floor.

"Baby, it's going to be breakfast soon."

Mrs. Granger shouted at Hermione's back.

"I'll talk later."

Hermione's figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, leaving only the Granger and his wife who looked at each other on the ground.

After returning to own bedroom, Hermione slammed the door shut. Then, she took out her personal terminal and couldn't wait to send a video request to Bell.

The video was connected soon, and Bell's figure appeared on the screen.

"Bell!? Are you okay?"

Seeing what Bell looked like at this time, Hermione, who was so excited just now, was immediately like being splashed with ice water, cold from head to toe.

At this time, Bell is completely devoid of the clean and tidy appearance of the past. His hair is messy, and there are many stains on his clothes. His pale face further highlighted his dark circles under his eyes. Bell at this time even gave people a dying feeling.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Bell said weakly.

However, Hermione couldn't tell what seemed to be okay.

"Bell, what's wrong with you, how did you become like this?"

Hermione asked nervously.

"It's just that I haven't slept for a few days, a trivial matter. By the way, when was the last time I slept?"

Bell was dazed, as if he would fall to the ground in the next second.

"I haven't slept for a few days!?"

As a really good young man, Hermione goes to bed on time every day. So, Hermione was terrified that Bell hadn't slept for several days!

"Then why don't you go to bed soon?"

"Isn't this waiting for your news? Lim came back and told me just now that the things have been handed over to you. I guess you should also send a message now. How about it, the new Wan Snake, do you still like it?"

Bell tried his best to show a smile. However, at this time, he, who was pale, had a feeling of confession in every way he looked at it.

"I like it very much! Thank you, Bell! I didn't expect you to remember it. But you should go to bed right now!"

Hermione said angrily.

Of course, Hermione liked the snake sent by Bell very much and was very moved. However, she felt very angry about Bell's behavior not cherishing her body.

"Well, I'll go to bed right away."

Bell nodded graciously and agreed.

Even if Hermione didn't say it, he would go to bed right away. He really couldn't hold it anymore.

Fortunately, Bell finally managed to complete the'big plan' before the deadline. Next, he really needs to slow down.

"The last thing."

Bell looked at Hermione on the screen and said.

"The ten thousand snake in your hand is called'Red Scale', and it is a pair with this'Black Scale' in my hand."

Bell raised his right hand, revealing a black snake on his wrist.

"I think you should have noticed that Wan Snake has one eye closed.

That eye was made from the eyes of the previous basilisk. Although it can't kill the opponent directly like the basilisk, it can also petrify the opponent. Just like those people who were petrified last semester.

So, if not necessary, don't let Wan She open that eye.

In fact, you can't order it to open that eye now.

I set it up in advance, and it must be 10 days after acknowledging the Lord before Ten Thousand Snakes will fully obey your orders. I think this period of time should be enough for you to familiarize yourself with the operation of Wanshe.

So that's it, I'm going to sleep.

...I love you, Hermione. "

After speaking, Bell hung up the video.


I don't know how long after being silent...


With a scream, Hermione slammed her head under the quilt.

This is the first time Bell told her...say...say those three words!

It was too sudden, she didn't even have any mental preparation!

"Baby? What's wrong with you? Are you okay!?"

Mr. Granger's nervous voice came from outside the door.

After the little snake bit his daughter, Mr. Granger has been uneasy. Now suddenly he heard his daughter's scream, and he rushed up immediately.

"It's okay! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!"

Hermione didn't dare to open the door at this time. If her parents were to see her face flushed at this time, then she would have no face to see people in the future!

"Baby, are you really okay? Come out and show Dad, OK? Also, your mother has already prepared breakfast. Can you come out to eat?"

Mr. Granger was very worried. He wanted to confirm his daughter's condition with his own eyes.

"Not good! Also, I won't eat breakfast anymore!"

Just kidding, at this moment, how could Hermione still be in the mood for breakfast? She looks like Bell in everything now, so is it possible to let her eat Bell?

At this time, a similar voice came from a bedroom in Menethil Castle.

Bell didn't know what he was doing wrong. In short, he wants to find a crack in the ground now!

It must be a pot that hasn't slept for too long! Never stay up all night again next time!

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