Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 298: Encountering Snape

Dragging Blake into a coma, the three Harry stumbling and walking for a long time before finally stepping out of the forbidden forest.

The three of them looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

The experience tonight is really thrilling and exciting!

Going back can blow for a year!

"Hey, guys, you said, will we be on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow?"

Ron looked expectant.

In fact, what Ron wanted to ask most was, if they caught Black, would there be a bonus?

But when he thought that the other two were not bad money owners, he slightly changed what he had already said.

"I don't know. But that doesn't matter. What's important is that we caught Black and lifted the school's crisis!"

Harry didn't want to make headlines at all.

His reputation is big enough. No one knows the troubles better than him.

In contrast, he still values ​​the safety of Hogwarts more.

Strolling under the moonlight, the three people chatted while walking towards the castle.

The three who relaxed did not notice that Black, who was dragged to the ground by them, had already regained consciousness.

After all, Ron's coma spell is really limited. Even if Black was already very weak, it didn't take much time to get rid of the influence of the coma spell.

However, Black who awoke did not take any action.

Peter is dead. At the same time that the revenge was avenged, Black also lost the opportunity to get rid of the crime.

Moreover, Black does not think he is innocent. His greatest sin is arrogance!

For him, Death is the best destination.

Being captured by Harry and then dying was his due retribution and an atonement for the James and his wife.

It would be even better if the dementors did not execute the sentence in the end. He really didn't want to see those disgusting, evil, and terrifying creatures anymore.

"Wait, Harry and Ron."

At the gate of the castle, Neville suddenly called out and stopped the other two.

Facing the doubtful eyes of his friends, Neville said with a serious face:

"We should put on the invisibility cloak!"

He would never forget that in the first grade, he and Harry had forgotten to put on the invisibility cloak because they were so proud that they were caught by Filch.

"But Neville, the invisibility cloak can't cover 4 people. Blake is too tall."

Harry said embarrassedly.


Neville's eyes widened.

How can you do this? What should they do?

"Why do you want to wear invisibility cloak? We have done a great deed, okay? We are heroes!"

Ron looked at his two friends speechlessly. What is troublesome about this?

Upon hearing this, Harry and Neville suddenly realized.

Yes! They can be upright this time and are not afraid of being discovered! Why don't you let someone find them soon?

They were so used to violating school rules before that they subconsciously wanted to hide it.

The three people who had come to the realization of the Great Enlightenment pushed open the door with their heads high, completely ignorant of the harsh squeaking sound from the shaft of the door.

At Ron's proposal, the three people walked towards Professor McGonagall's office.

As for whether Professor McGonagall is in the office?

That's not a problem at all!

If Professor McGonagall is not there, wouldn't it be enough for them to find other professors? Even if they drag Black and walk around Hogwarts Castle, they will not be tired.

However, I don’t know if the good fortune of the three people is exhausted in the forbidden forest. Not long after they entered the castle, they met Snape around the corner.

"Look, who did I meet? Isn't this our famous Potter?

I just said that if you sneaked to Hogsmeade Village before, you should be deducted 200 points. As a result, McGonagall's eccentric old guy only deducted 50 points.

I knew that a mere 50 points won't make you a long memory. "

Snape turned the corner of his face to meet the treasure, and stared at Harry excitedly.

As for how many others?

Sorry, trash fish is not qualified to enter his sight.

"Professor McGonagall is not partial."

Harry had never seen anyone thicker than Snape.

Of all the professors at Hogwarts, the least qualified to say that others are partial is him Snape!

"Hehe, follow me... wait! What is the one you are dragging?"

Snape finally noticed the thing that seemed to be a bone frame behind the three people.

"Huh! This is Black, Sirius Black who has been wanted by the Ministry of Magic! The three of us caught it!"

Ron was very proud to introduce Snape to their trophies tonight.

He was extremely expecting, what kind of expression Snape would show next?

Ron's expectations came true, and Snape's expression was indeed very wonderful, so wonderful that it exceeded Ron's imagination.

I saw Snape strode up to Black's side, leaned down, and watched Black's face carefully for a while.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha~!"

Snape suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Yes! He is Black! Even if his face turns to ashes, I can recognize him! You did a great job! Next, give him to me!"

Surprise, anger, sadness, hatred, all kinds of feelings intertwined, making Snape's face appear unspeakable...crazy!

He couldn't wait to drew out his own wand.

"Cut the bones!"


A scream of screams came from Black's mouth, causing the three Harry, who were not prepared for any psychological preparation, to stand upright in fright.

They can't imagine what kind of pain it is to make people make such a sound? This is countless times more miserable than Malfoy's scream last time.

"You, what did you do!?"

Harry looked at Snape warily and asked nervously.

"Do what I have always wanted to do! Cut my heart out!"

With that, Snape threw another heartbreaking spell on Black.

He won't let Black die simply! He is going to torture each other fiercely! Finally, hand over the corpse to the Ministry of Magic!

"Stop it! Fainted!"

Ron didn't know what Snape did. But in line with the fundamental principle of'what Snape wants to do is what he wants to destroy', Ron did not hesitate to cast a coma spell at Snape.

Just kidding, even the infamous Black fell under his coma curse. A Snape was just a mere hand, isn't it?

Obviously, the successful capture of Black made Ron a little bloated.

"Go away!"

Snape simply waved his wand and bounced Ron's spell back.

Ron wasn't Harry, and Snape wouldn't be used to him.

"Ron! No!"

Harry and Neville were stunned to see Ron being knocked to the ground and losing his breath.

They didn't expect that the three of them had defeated Black before, and no one was seriously injured, but after returning to Hogwarts Castle, someone fell into Snape's hands.

With grief and anger, Harry and Neville immediately wanted to take out their wands and avenge Ron.

However, Snape, who didn't want to be disturbed anymore, gave Harry a binding charm before the two of them could move.

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